Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 145 Lizard Man?

"Buzz!" This energy field just enveloped Mrs. Marsdale. Although it only fixed Edgar for less than a second, it interrupted Edgar's momentum. At the same time, the man who was nearly three meters tall Mi’s weird clown also crawled out of the box in a fast-forwarding motion!

And Levi, who felt the energy field sweeping through him, felt a movement in his heart, and immediately controlled himself to fly out, crashing heavily on the sofa, and then closed his eyes tightly as if he had passed out!

"Huh? The clown in the music box keeps getting stronger after killing people?" Levi, who was lying on the ground, thought in his mind that although he could kill Edgar and his son easily, the clown music box was really weird. Since there was Edgar, With Degas in the front, Li Wei would naturally choose a more secure approach. After all, you can never underestimate any wonder!

Moreover, Levi was also very curious about the natural mental resistance of Edgar and his son, so he wanted to observe the details of each other.

"With this music box, I will have an endless lifespan. Is there any need for me to have children?" Mrs. Masdar whispered, as if she was talking to Edgar. But it’s more like saying it to yourself!

The effect of this music box is really unbelievable. Once it is known to other nobles and even Dragon Castle, I will definitely not be able to keep the clown music box, and it will inevitably lead to murder, because only the owner of the rare object is dead, and the rare object can be controlled by others. use!

Therefore, everyone who knows about the clown's music box must die, even her biological son!

But Marsdale herself didn't realize that as the desires and evil thoughts emerged in her heart, she could no longer suppress them and grew crazy, and her eyes were quickly covered with a layer of black energy.

"Kill them!" Mrs. Marsdale suddenly raised her head, her eyes as dark as ink, and immediately gave the order to the clown standing in front of her.

"It's stuck!" The clown tilted his head, and there was a crunching sound of bones twisting in his body. The next moment, his body appeared in front of Edgar, and his arms were like iron whips and he smashed at him!

The clown's arms were more than two meters long and extremely powerful. There was a sharp explosion in the air between the swings. Facing this extremely fast attack, Edgar was unable to effectively dodge and could only cross his arms to catch it. This blow from the clown!

"Bang!" There was just a muffled sound, and the sleeves on Edgar's arms instantly shattered into pieces. At the same time, huge force pushed Edgar backwards, and two pieces of the hard solid wood floor on the ground were also cracked. A deep mark!

"Huh?" Edgar's left arm that was blocking the outside suddenly began to become red and swollen. The bones were also dislocated, and fine cracks appeared. He could no longer use force in a short period of time. Just one blow temporarily disabled one of Edgar's arms. arm!

But Edgar couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief on his face. He originally thought that the opponent must be very powerful as part of a strange object, but now he found that the clown's strength was not so strong that he could not resist!

"It's stuck!" Edgar shook his dislocated arm, reconnected it, and then bowed forward slightly. He saw that the skin on his body became red, the muscles swelled, the fingers turned into sharp claws, and there were bubbles under the skin of the spine. A dozen three to four centimeters long, sharp and protruding red dorsal spines appeared!

This dorsal spine is only three or four centimeters long, shaped like a spearhead, with a very sharp tip, and a layer of red light slowly streaking across it, making it as delicate as a handicraft.

In Levi's sight, other magical changes took place on the other side. A layer of dark red scales actually appeared on Edgar's temples, neck and elbows!

Moreover, his pupils also shrank and deformed, and his eyes seemed to have turned into the eyes of a cold-blooded animal!

"Huh? Is this the special bloodline of Dragon Castle?" Levi's heart moved. The other party looked like a lizard man at this time!

And Levi couldn't help but think of the very popular rumors about the lizard people on the Internet, saying that the lizard people were an alien race, lurking among humans, and had even replaced many important high-level figures in humans, and would be killed without a single blow. To enslave mankind!

At present, it seems that the rumors about lizard people on the Internet are groundless!

"Or is this the bloodline that Marsdale called just now?" Levi had many speculations in his mind, "Could it be that the nobles of England really have different bloodlines from us ordinary people? Is it because of Dragon Castle?"

On the other side, Edgar, in his lizard form, had greatly increased his physical strength and physique at this time, and he was able to fight the clown evenly without falling behind at all!

"Tsk!" Edgar saw the right moment and slashed his sharp claws across the clown's chest, immediately tearing his clothes and chest flesh and blood. However, the clown felt no pain and also waved his sharp claws on Edgar's shoulder. Three deep blood marks were left everywhere.

"Tick!" Edgar took a step back, and bright red blood slowly dripped from the wound. Strangely, the blood was slowly absorbed by the energy field covering the ground, and then transported to the clown's body, repairing his body. Injury!

Edgar's expression was solemn. This clown was very difficult to deal with. He was not afraid of getting hurt and could not feel tired.

But Edgar can't. He has now turned on the bloodline form, which has a larger shape for his body. He can't support it for too long, and he will probably be consumed to death by then!

"Barack, you ordered this clown to kill you, right?" Edgar calmed down the trembling blood in his body, but his mother leaned on the bed, her eyes lightly closed, and paid no attention to him.

Edgar glanced at the other party, although he knew very well that as long as Marsdale died, this rare object would become ownerless, and the crisis would be resolved naturally!

But Marsdale was firmly blocked by the Joker, and Edgar was blocked by the Joker several times. The situation was not good for him!

Knowing that he could not drag it on any longer, a trace of cruelty flashed in Edgar's eyes. Then he flipped his right hand back, making an angle that almost broke his arm. Then he pressed down on a spike on his back and exerted force suddenly. Press a protruding dorsal spine into the spine!

"Uh-huh!" Edgar's veins were exposed, and he let out a low growl in his throat. His whole body almost collapsed due to the severe pain that conveyed to his soul!

"Huh?" Until this moment, Marsdale, who had kept his eyes closed, opened his eyes and turned to look at Edgar, "Not bad! Cruel enough! He deserves to be my son!"

"Crack!" As a dorsal spine was pressed by Edgar, Edgar's body changed again. His body shape and muscles increased sharply, his claws became larger and more pointed, his body bent forward, and his cheeks stretched. He grew longer and thinner, and several protrusions appeared on the forehead bone above his eyebrows. The whole person seemed to have turned into a humanoid dinosaur!

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