Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 28 Bloodthirsty Dragon Bat

"Crash!" As the monster's head was torn off by Levi, the leather book in his mind suddenly reacted.

I saw the leather book turning continuously, and then information about the giant bat-like monster appeared on the stopped page.

"Species: Bloodthirsty Dragon Bat

Age: 64 years old

Life level: 1+ (not complete)

Talent: Mimicry of Mental Sound Waves

Skills: Drain blood, fly

Status: dead

Note: It was originally an ordinary mouse. It was deformed due to eating blood containing dragon's blood. With a very small probability, it was fused with a trace of dragon's blood, causing the life form to undergo transformation. "

"Huh? Bloodthirsty dragon bat? Dragon blood?" Levi looked through the information about the monster, but found that things became more and more mysterious, and even dragon blood came out!

But when I think about the magical leather book that actually exists in my mind, it doesn't seem too hard to accept that creatures like dragons existed in the world.

It's just that this dragon is not only very powerful, but also seems to be a little evil. According to the description in the leather book, just a trace of dragon blood can create a strange creature like the bloodthirsty dragon bat. Li Wei couldn't help but think of the wings growing on his back and spitting out his mouth. The flaming dragon!

And because of Levi's arrival, the evolution process of this bloodthirsty dragon bat was interrupted, or it was born in advance, so the life level was only slightly short of level 2!

Otherwise, if the bloodthirsty dragon bat is born normally, its life level will inevitably reach level 2, or even higher!

But even so, this bloodthirsty dragon bat can already launch a sonic attack comparable to a sonic cannon, not to mention the weird and difficult-to-defend mental impact. Ordinary level 2 life forms are no match for it!

It's just that Levi has a magical Faceless Man mask, and the ability to block mental attacks is just enough to restrain the Bloodthirsty Dragon Bat. It's equivalent to a full-blooded warrior boxing with a manaless mage. The Bloodthirsty Dragon Bat can only be killed in extreme frustration. !

"Gulu, gulu!" Just as Levi was flipping through the information in the leather book, he suddenly made a strange noise in his throat.

I saw Levi's throat constantly swelling and contracting, and at the same time there was an itchy, numb and painful feeling in his throat, as if he had a very severe tonsil enlargement.

Then the strange feeling in the throat began to go to the temples and the center of the eyebrows. It was like the referred pain caused by strep throat. There was a dull throbbing pain in the center of the eyebrows and continued to bulge. Even the eyes seemed to be subject to some kind of oppression. The world began to become colorful, like an overdose of drugs, extremely uncomfortable!

After a while, the swelling and pain in his eyebrows slowly dissipated. Levi felt his brain was cool and refreshing, and he was full of energy. The world in front of him became very clear and bright. As his mind was thinking, all the relevant information was quickly found and connected. Obviously, the mental power has been greatly increased!

Levi pinched his brows and frowned, as if there was a large mouthful of thick phlegm stuck in his throat. Levi couldn't help but clear his throat to see if he could spit out the phlegm.

"Buzz!" But something unexpected happened to Levi. As Levi made a movement to clear his throat, something in his throat suddenly vibrated with a very high frequency.

A warm connection flowed between the eyebrows, and then a sound wave emerged, shaking the surrounding air with layers of ripples visible to the naked eye. The flesh on the body of the bloodthirsty dragon bat was suddenly blasted with wounds by the sound waves, as if it had been beaten. It’s like countless invisible sharp blades have been scraped by!

It was Li Wei who obtained the opponent's natural abilities through the leather book after killing the bloodthirsty dragon bat!

After releasing this shock wave, Levi suddenly felt much more relaxed, and the strange feeling in his throat and between his eyebrows immediately dissipated.

In order for Li Wei to perfectly transplant the opponent's natural ability, the magical leather book actually caused Li Wei's throat to generate, or evolve, an organ that could perfectly carry the natural ability!

This organ does not exist independently, but is perfectly integrated with the throat, and this new throat organ seems to have an invisible channel connected to Levi's brain, which allows Levi's mental power to be integrated into the sound waves, causing Double impact!

"Why is this talent called mimicry of mental sound waves?" Levi didn't know the specific meaning of the word mimicry for a while, but he mastered this ability instinctively like breathing.

"Name: Levi

Age: 30 years old

Life level: Level 2

Physical fitness: 4.5 (3)

Constitution: 4

Talents: Elementary self-healing, mimicry of mental sound waves, fearlessness (stimulation), shielding (stimulation)

Strange Object: Mask of the Faceless One (Inspire)

Servant: Ogre

Skills: Fighting Level 4, Shooting Level 3, Infiltration Level 3, Maneuvering Level 3, Spy Level 3

Normal energy: 16 points

Special Power: 2”

And in the process of the formation of this organ, Levi's body and spirit have grown significantly!

Physical energy and constitution actually increased by 1 point. With the 50% increase in the mask of the Faceless Man, physical energy even exceeded physical constitution, reaching 4.5!

Moreover, after killing the bloodthirsty dragon bat, Pi Shu also gained two points of special energy, and Li Wei directly increased his physical strength and constitution by one point each.

Abundant and powerful energy circulates in Levi's body. Even without wearing the mask of the Silent Man, Levi's physical fitness has reached 4 points!

If there is another increase in mask, then he will have up to 6 points of physical strength. Under a full explosion, Levi's body can even exert more than three tons of power. He is a true humanoid terminator!

Moreover, Levi now has a mimetic mental sound wave that can be used for long-range and group attacks, which can be regarded as supplementing his attack methods. This is the biggest gain!

"Crack! Click!" Levi twisted his neck and shoulders, and there was an explosion. His muscles vibrated like a bowstring, and the dust outside his body was blown away!

"Huh!" Levi exhaled a long and comfortable breath, and was about to throw away the monster's head still in his hand, but when he saw the opponent's extremely hard skull, Levi's heart moved, and he directly wrapped his spine around the head, and then stuffed it completely Arrived in the carry-on storage bag.

"Boom!" Levi walked to the collapsed scaffolding and casually moved aside the pile of steel pipes in front of him, revealing the motionless ogre buried in it.

At this time, the ogre looked very miserable. His orifices were bleeding, his eyes were swollen, his body was covered with dense cracks, and his bones and internal organs were seriously injured. A large pool of blood flowed out of the ogre's body, covering the stone wall on his back and the ground. All completely soaked.

But even though the injury was so serious, the ogre was not dead. Levi could clearly feel the rejuvenating heartbeat in his body!

The ogre completely withstood several violent attacks from the bloodthirsty dragon bat. However, the ogre relied on its already powerful physique and the innate ability of primary self-healing to barely escape. Although it seems that now It's miserable, but as long as he is given some time to cultivate, he will recover quickly.

After solving the monster in the textile factory, Levi had no intention of exploring other secrets, so he picked up the ogre and planned to leave directly.

"Huh?" Just as the ogre was lifted off the ground, Levi accidentally discovered the pool of blood left by the ogre on the stone wall. At this time, tiny blood bubbles appeared, which looked like This stone wall is absorbing the blood shed by the ogre!

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