Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 29 Tomb and Blood

"Huh?" Some loose, dry and porous rocks will indeed absorb liquid, but this cave is granite!

Granite has a dense structure, high compressive strength, and low water absorption. It is absolutely impossible for granite to penetrate liquid at such an exaggerated speed!

"Dang!" Li Wei tapped the stone wall with his fingers, but his voice was dull and did not sound like an empty wall.

But with just such a little effort, the large pool of blood left by the ogre on the stone wall disappeared completely, with not a drop left, as if the stone wall was a living creature that was greedy for blood!

Li Wei's brain was working very fast. Thanks to his concentration and mental strength, Li Wei quickly constructed a three-dimensional map in his mind. Then Li Wei was surprised to find that the place behind the stone wall happened to be on the ground. Right below the stone tomb!

Levi put the ogre aside, whose condition was obviously much more stable, then pulled out a steel pipe from the collapsed scaffolding, and then stabbed it towards the stone wall!

"Phew!" With Levi's 6 points of physical strength, the steel pipe in his hand suddenly let out a sharp whistle and plunged into the stone wall!

The granite, which is harder than ordinary steel, was pierced instantly like tofu, and the three-meter-long steel pipe was almost completely submerged!

"Huh?" Feeling the change in force during the insertion of the steel pipe, Levi's heart moved. The last thirty or forty centimeters sank in easily, indicating that the stone wall was only more than two meters thick, and there was indeed another space behind the stone wall!

"Tsk!" Levi pulled out the steel pipe filled with rocks, and saw that the rust on the steel pipe had completely disappeared, and due to high-speed friction, the steel pipe turned slightly red and smoke emitted.

"Bang!" Levi threw away the steel pipe in his hand and bent down to look at the small hole. It was pitch black inside and he couldn't see anything clearly, but there was a stream of moist water vapor coming out, mixed with a strange and pungent smell. taste.

And the strangest thing is that from the space behind the stone wall, there is a regular "click-click" sound.

Levi took out two military fluorescent sticks that were more than 20 centimeters long and as thick as his thumb from the pocket on his waist. After gently crushing the glass tubes in the fluorescent sticks, the fluorescent sticks suddenly emitted extremely bright light, and then followed the Throw it into the small hole in the stone wall!

From the introduction of the bloodthirsty dragon bat's dragon blood, Levi could roughly guess that what the people in the original textile factory were looking for were most likely related to the legendary dragon!

Although the book describes a trace of dragon blood, Levi must be more cautious when it comes to existence related to this mythical creature.

Through the high-brightness fluorescent rod lighting, Levi could immediately see clearly what was behind the stone wall.

It turned out that behind this stone wall was a small tomb that seemed to be only a few dozen square meters. It was quite empty. In the middle of the tomb was a stone platform about half a meter high, and a dead skeleton could be vaguely seen lying on the stone platform. .

But from Levi's perspective, the thing that made the "clicking" sound could not be seen, perhaps because it was blocked by the stone platform.

Li Wei sensed carefully that he didn't notice any danger in the tomb, so he kept picking up the steel pipe on the side and thrusting it into the stone wall, and soon the two or three square meters of stone wall in front of him was riddled with holes.

"Boom!" Upon seeing this, Li Wei punched the stone wall in front of him. The severely damaged stone wall immediately collapsed, revealing a passage that was large enough for him to enter and exit alone.

After the dust cleared, Levi took out two fluorescent rods and threw them in again. Although these fluorescent rods can provide a high-brightness light source, they only last for a short time, usually only five minutes.

Walking into the stone tomb, Li Wei looked around and found that the stone chamber seemed not to be excavated by manpower, but to exist naturally. There were no aisles leading to the outside world in the front, rear, left and right, but in the south corner of the stone chamber, there was a one meter long one. A wide underground river is flowing quietly.

And this underground river is the only way in and out of the stone chamber!

There is a dead skeleton placed on the stone platform about half a meter high, and there is a shallow pool of blood around the stone platform. The blood in it has turned into a black viscous liquid, exuding a pungent smell of blood, like oil. !

But the strange thing is that the blood that has existed for an unknown period of time has not coagulated and dried up. It is most likely the blood containing dragon blood, and it is also the magical blood that gave birth to monsters such as the bloodthirsty dragon bat!

And as he got closer to the pool of blood, Levi noticed that the blood in his body became active and tumbling, as if it was about to leave the body and be sucked into the pool of blood!

This suction force for blood is quite strong. Maybe when ordinary people get close, the blood in their bodies will be forcibly sucked out. The blood that the ogre left on the stone wall just now was sucked away for this reason!

But with Levi's current physique, this suction force will not cause any interference to him.

Moreover, this blood obviously flows from the withered bones on the stone platform, which means that this corpse was once a powerful humanoid existence with dragon blood in its body!

"But why does the human body contain dragon blood? Is it a descendant of a dragon? Or is the dragon blood transplanted into the human body through some special method?"

Levi looked at the skeleton that had existed for at least a hundred years on the stone platform, and countless thoughts came to his mind. Would the technical ability of blood transplantation have existed more than a hundred years ago, or could it be an extraordinary method?

"Whoa!" At this moment, a gust of wind came in through the hole opened by Levi. The bones on the stone platform may have been rapidly oxidized, and they collapsed into a puddle of powder!

"Huh? This is?" As Levi walked into the stone tomb, he finally saw that the thing that was blocked by the stone platform and kept making "clicking" sounds turned out to be a mini loom!

Some information in Levi's mind was immediately pieced together. The Church of the Weaver fled from England to the United States with the magical treasures in the church, and was a church messenger with magical abilities!

It turns out that the legends told by Richard are actually true!

The withered bones on this stone platform should be the church messenger whose body was collected by Richard's grandfather!

The stone tomb in the textile factory was a fake tomb that was hidden from others. The corpse of the messenger and the church treasures were hidden by Richard's grandfather in a granite cave dozens of meters underground!

If you don't know the intricate water routes of the underground river, it would be almost impossible to get here. Therefore, the people in the textile factory could only choose the inefficient method of digging holes to find the real cemetery!

"So in addition to Richard's grandfather, there are other people who also know what happened back then." Levi looked at the mini loom in front of him, thinking of the huge project underground of the textile factory, and guessed that he started looking for the cemetery. The strength of the force is definitely not weak.

But for some unknown reason, the other party gave up the search. If the other party continued to dig and search on this stone wall, it would not take long before they would find the tomb behind the stone wall!

This loom is only the size of a child's desk, and its parts are made of a kind of brown wood. It looks small and delicate.

But the shape of this loom is also very strange, with eight wooden legs, two erected shuttles and looms on the left and right, and it seems to have turned into a monster with the head of a human and the body of a spider in the shadows!

The most surprising thing is that this old-fashioned loom is not connected to external power, but the shuttle and loom are constantly moving on their own, feeding white silk threads into the loom to weave a piece of white fabric, while the shuttle loom is The white color has not decreased, and the cloth produced has not increased at all!

"Buzz!" Just as Levi was approaching the loom to observe, the faceless man's mask suddenly flashed with golden streaks, and the flashing frequency became faster and faster, and his head almost turned into a golden light bulb!

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