Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 332 Reaction between masks

"Freak?" Levi looked at Jason who was crawling under his feet. Thinking of the abilities displayed by him, "freak" was an appropriate description.

"By the way, Jason has been alive for tens of millions of years!" Levi suddenly thought that the cells in the other person's body had almost no activity and looked similar to a corpse. But isn't this another form of immortality?

"Jason Voorhees comes from a farming family. It is said that he is born with bad luck and will bring misfortune to everyone around him!" Leonora recalled the inherited memory, "Jason's mother was pregnant when she gave birth to him. She died in childbirth and was buried with Jason in her belly.”

"But three days after the burial, a supernatural being who studied corpses exhumed the body of Jason's mother. After dissecting the mother's stomach, he discovered that Jason was still alive!"

"The extraordinary person was very surprised, so he kept Jason by his side, trying to find out why the other person could survive the dead body! But when Jason was more than a year old, the body thief died while fighting with other extraordinary people. in the struggle!”

"Later, Jason was adopted by many families, but the people who adopted him would lose their families and their families due to various natural and man-made disasters. When the times became too frequent, Jason was called the 'Son of Doom'!"

"But back then, the dragon clan tried to use the power of the demon clan to resist the invasion of the gods' heroic spirits! The demon demigod who responded put forward a condition, that is, a qualified 'disaster body' must be found. As a container for the soul of the demonic demigod!”

"So Jason was very unfortunate to be chosen! And it is said that in order to make a qualified container required by the devil, Jason endured a lot of inhuman torture. Even the ancestors who left memories described it as 'horrible', then I really can't imagine what happened to Jason back then!" Queen Leonora's eyes showed a hint of shock.

"Qualified?" Levi frowned slightly, "How to judge whether it is qualified?"

"The demon demigod sent over a strange mask. When Jason can fuse it, it will be considered qualified!" Leonora replied.

"Mask wonder?" Levi turned his head to look at the hockey mask on Jason's face, and his heart suddenly moved.

"After Jason fused that mask, the demon demigod couldn't wait to come and occupy Jason's body, showing very terrifying abilities!"

"After the demon took over Jason's body, he was able to accumulate strength through killing and improve his own strength without relying on radiation at all!"

"The most terrifying thing is that the body of disaster is truly immortal. Every time it dies and is reborn, its power will increase exponentially! Moreover, there is only one method that can kill it. Once, after the opponent is resurrected, he will be immune to the damage he suffered before!"

"Doesn't that body of disaster have any weaknesses?"

"Yes!" Leonora nodded without hesitation, "The Disaster Body's strongest ability will become its biggest weakness later!"

"The demon demigod Baal quickly improved the strength and resurrection ability of the body of disaster through various killings in the early stage. After it developed to a certain level, the body had survival and adaptability comparable to that of a demigod. But by the time At that time, the body of disaster will be in an awkward position, because there is no way to kill him!"

"Moreover, it is entirely possible to prevent the evolution of the body of disaster by injuring but not killing, or even suppressing it! After all, although the body of disaster has the ability to die, it is not outstanding in combat!"

"And there is another rumor in the memory of the ancestors. If the body of disaster does not kill for a long time, then there will be a regression in strength and evolution! If the body of disaster is banned for long enough, the body of disaster will Reduced to the most primitive level!”

"So that's it!" Levi somewhat agreed with this rumor, because when Jason came out of the space mezzanine, he was at the level of a level 2 aberration, which shows that the other party did appear due to the long-term ban. Degenerated!

"So the most likely reason why Jason has the ability to become immortal is this mask!" Levi knelt down and looked at the mask on Jason's face carefully.

This mask covered Jason's entire face. There were dozens of holes the size of a little finger on the mask. Levi grabbed the mask and exerted a little force, only to find that the mask seemed to have grown on Jason's face and could not be used at all. Pull it off!

"Scoff!" Levi took out a scalpel and peeled off the skin of Jason's head and face, including the mask. However, the mask instantly turned into ashes after leaving Jason, and then appeared on Jason's face again. !

Moreover, just now this mask and Jason were blasted to pieces by the mighty thunder of heaven, but later they recovered together with Jason. Therefore, Levi guessed that this mask may have been completely integrated with Jason, and the mask has also been Become a part of Jason's body!

Even if the situation is worse, then the mask is most likely to have been fused by the demon demigod Baal, and the opponent's current soul still exists, then Levi may not be able to fuse this strange object!

Then Levi, who was unwilling to give up, started various attempts, from thunder strikes to flame burning, but none of them had any effect on the mask.

"Buzz!" But just after Levi subconsciously took out the Faceless Man mask from the leather book, the hockey mask on Jason's face actually reacted!

I saw black lines suddenly appearing on the left side of the mask. These lines extended and moved at a very slow speed, seeming to outline something!

"Yes! Mask!" Levi was stunned when he saw this, and then his heart jumped suddenly. When he included the Bloodless Mask, he also used the power of the Faceless Mask!

Levi took out the white Mask of the Bloodless Man again, and then the three masks seemed to have a strange connection. The Mask of the Faceless Man and the Mask of the Bloodless Man gently floated above Jason's face, and then shot out one black and one black mask. Two red rays of light are integrated into the hockey mask!

"Buzz!" With the infusion of these two powers, several red lines appeared again on the right side of Jason's mask, one black and one red, each extending separately!

A few minutes later, only a few lines were seen on the mask, and two roses, one black and one red, were outlined on the mask, which looked coquettish and weird!

"Crack!" When the outline of the flower took shape, the mask that was originally tightly attached to Jason's face fell directly from his face, revealing a plain black face!

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