Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 333 Mask of the Breathless One

"Hmm! This Jason is actually a black man?" Levi raised his eyebrows slightly, but soon discovered that Jason's skin was not only dark, but also the flesh and bones in his body were as black as iron.

"Crack!" As Jason's mask fell off, Jason, who was still struggling and squirming, remained motionless like a doll that had been unplugged!

The exposed eyes showed no emotion at all, and the dark eyes looked like stagnant water at first glance, but Levi felt deep in Jason's eyes, sensing the resentment that nearly destroyed the world!

This resentment may be Jason's anger at his own rough fate, or it may be a legacy of the inhuman torture he endured!

"Buzz!" And as the two masks of the Faceless Man and the Bloodless Man continued to instill some strange energy in the masks, the hockey mask on Jason's face seemed to be unblocked, and a flash of light flashed on the surface. Two kinds of light, black and red, immediately merged into the leather book as if they had met a relative!

"Species: Strange Object

Name: Mask of the Breathless One

Skills: 1. Tenacity (the mask is difficult to damage); 2. Breathless (the breathless person has no life. Since there is no life, there will be no death. The wearer will obtain an immortal body that cannot be destroyed by mortal power); 3. Special evolution (after the wearer kills or is fatally injured, the radiation energy in the body will be greatly increased; at the same time, it will have a targeted evolution in response to previous attacks, which can greatly weaken or even immunize previous attacks).

Cost: 1. The more times you wear the mask, the greater your dependence and addiction to the mask; 2. After using the mask for too long, the physical activity will gradually decrease and eventually dissipate; 3. After wearing the mask, you will be affected by yourself and your surroundings People bring disasters; if they do not bring disasters to others, the results of special evolution will continue to dissipate!

Explanation: Only bodies whose souls have dissipated and experienced the true meaning of death can wear and use the ability of the Breathless One's Mask!

Status: Collected (can save permanently by consuming 3 points of special energy) (save or not)"

"The Mask of the Breathless One?" Looking at the name of the strange object displayed on the leather book, more doubts emerged in Li Wei's heart.

Levi already has the Mask of the Faceless Man, the Mask of the Bloodless Man, and now he has another Mask of the Breathless Man. The names of the three masks are strange and contain a certain pattern!

Moreover, there was a special reaction between the three masks before. What is the relationship between these three masks? Or, are there other masks?

Levi had an intuition in his heart that these three masks, like the five masks, might originally be a whole. When under certain conditions, they will undergo even more peculiar changes!

The ability of the Breathless Man mask shown in the book is almost the same as what Levi had summarized before. After wearing the mask, you will indeed gain immortality!

Moreover, it is clearly marked on the leather book that this kind of immortal body has a limit, that is, it can only withstand the power of mortals, which shows that gods or demigods can still kill the mask wearer by borrowing divine power!

But even so, the ability of Wuxi is very powerful. After all, strictly speaking, demigods are mortals, which means that if Levi wears a mask, he can no longer be killed by the power of demigods alone!

Demigods are still rare in the universe, especially among these demigods, 99% of which are wandering demigods. It is impossible to come into contact with divine power, and their ability to save lives is greatly increased!

"Despite this, if the wearer is thrown into an extremely hostile environment in the universe, even if he can survive with his breathless ability, the end may be worse than death!" Levi initiated a wake-up call for himself.

The harsh environments in the universe may not be much weaker than the methods of gods. Even if you have the ability to evolve without injury, you may not be completely immune to the terrible effects of those environments!

For example, if someone throws the wearer of the breathless mask into the core of a star with a temperature as high as nearly 20 million degrees, or a white dwarf with a pressure hundreds of millions of times greater than that of the Earth, then the wearer will probably only be able to cycle between death and resurrection forever. !

Moreover, the mask only gives the wearer an immortal body, but it does not give the wearer an immortal soul! That is to say, if there is a killing move targeting the soul, it can still kill the mask wearer!

For example, the demon demigod Baal's soul was forcibly ripped out by the Moon God, leaving only the mindless walking corpse of Jason!

"Sure enough, the more powerful the ability, the greater the price it needs to bear!" Li Wei looked at the three usage costs, "If you don't create disasters, the acquired abilities will actually decay and degrade!"

No wonder Jason, who is like a walking zombie, insists on hunting humans after escaping from trouble. It turns out that this is the price!

"Explanation? Only dead people can wear it?" This was the first time that Levi saw the explanation in the information included in the leather book. Especially when he discovered the prerequisites for the use of this strange object, he suddenly felt excited. It was like being poured a basin of cold water on.

Although the leather book can help him collect rare objects and exempt him from the cost of using the rare objects, it seems that there is nothing he can do about the rare objects that have prerequisites for use!

Li Wei guessed that this was probably related to the nature of strange objects. The reason why strange objects have various powerful abilities may involve the power of some kind of rules!

Compared with the cost of use, the preconditions may be more closely related to the rules in the Strange Object. If the leather book changes the preconditions, it may cause the rules in the Strange Object to collapse, thereby losing the unique ability it originally contained!

"Only those who have died can wear it? Then isn't this rare item suitable for people who travel through time and seize their bodies in novels?" Levi carefully studied the prerequisites of the Breathless Man's mask, "Huh? The soul dissipates?"

But Levi felt something in his heart at this time. Although his soul had not dissipated, he had a way to make it leave his body!

"Voldemort's Horcrux!" Levi summoned a black leather notebook. Voldemort's Horcrux has an ability called soul storage, which can extract Levi's soul from the body and store it in the Horcrux!

When the soul leaves the body, does this count as forcibly creating a user who meets the prerequisites?

"Try it!" Levi directly activated the soul-containing ability of the Horcrux. A soft and cold energy slowly penetrated Levi's body, completely wrapped the soul, and was slowly sucked into the Horcrux!

Although the soul has been included in the Horcrux, Levi can still control his body through a method similar to remote control. There is just some lag in perception and movement, but it does not affect Levi's next actions.

"Buzz!" Under Levi's control, his body picked up the Breathless Man mask and slowly brought it to his face. As the mask locked on its own, a strange thing happened inside the mask. Energy began to continuously integrate into Levi's body!

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