Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 334 Son of Death and Freddy Krueger

"It works!" Levi was delighted. This clever method he used could be regarded as forcibly creating the prerequisites for the use of the Breathless Mask!

"This is it!" Although his soul has been stored in Voldemort's Horcrux, Levi can still feel the changes taking place in his body.

At first, Levi thought that the mask of the Breathless One gave his body some kind of strange energy, but as the changes in his body continued, Levi discovered that what caused the changes in his body was a power similar to a curse, but much more advanced than a curse. !

And Levi felt vaguely familiar with that kind of power!

"It's a magical talisman!" After thinking for a moment, Levi suddenly remembered where the familiarity of the power in the mask came from!

The power in the mask is somewhat similar to the ice talisman that Levi has been studying. It is very likely that the mask contains the power of another talisman!

As a rune that only level 7 ancient gods are qualified to use, divine runes themselves are expressions and manifestations of the laws of the universe! Understanding the talisman represents the power to understand and manipulate the laws!

In other words, the reason why the wearer of the Breathless Mask can obtain immortality is entirely because of the power of the relevant laws contained in the mask!

Moreover, after Li Wei thought carefully, he also discovered that the power of law in the mask is somewhat similar to the power of the "ice" talisman he obtained!

The ice talisman can solidify the state of the target object for a certain period of time. Even if the target object turns into powder, the power of the ice talisman can cause the target to undergo a phenomenon similar to "time reversal" and return to the solidified state. time status!

If the power of the Ice Talisman is applied to a young person, that person will also become immortal!

However, the power of the talisman in the mask is also significantly different from that of the ice talisman. The talisman in the mask will not solidify the wearer's state, but can instead enable the wearer to evolve in a specific direction.

And because the talismans represent different laws, it is absolutely impossible for them to overlap or intersect with each other. Therefore, Li Wei guessed that there may be more than one talisman working together in the mask!

It's a pity that Li Wei's current soul and life level are not qualified to analyze the secrets inside the strange objects. Otherwise, if he can study the secrets of the talismans in the mask, Levi's understanding of the ice talismans may be improved from 0 to 0. One in ten thousand, or even one in one thousand, a qualitative change will occur!

A few seconds later, as the strange power completely infiltrated Levi's body, the light outside the mask slowly disappeared, and Levi carefully resettled his soul back into his body.

"Bang! Bang!" Levi moved on the spot twice, and at the same time felt his body very carefully. Perhaps it was because the price of using the mask had been exempted, or maybe his soul was not strong enough to sense the power of the talisman in the mask. Therefore, Levi did not notice anything abnormal in his body at this time!

But Li Wei knew that he was now equivalent to opening an "infinite lives" plug-in. At this time, Li Wei even vaguely wanted to find someone who could kill him once so that he could experience what it was like to have an immortal body!

In particular, the Bloodless Mask and the Breathless Mask are a perfect match. The former gives Levi an almost unlimited lifespan, while the latter greatly increases Levi's ability to preserve life. Now Levi has finally put together a low-end version of "Immortality" "!

"Phew! Hold on, don't let it go!" Realizing that his mentality was a little swollen, Levi took a deep breath, "If someone is like me and can borrow the power of level 6 or even level 7, they can still seriously injure or even kill me completely! "

"And the Breathless One's mask can only protect the physical body. My soul is still my biggest shortcoming!" What determines success or failure is always the shortcoming!

"Species: Children of Death (Human Mutation)

Name: Jason Voorhees

Life level: Level 3

Physical fitness: 50

Physique: Immortal body (cannot be killed by mortal power)

Talent: Special Evolution, Death Disaster

Skills: Killing Level 5, Fighting Level 3

Status: Full Control”

And as the Breathless Man mask was included in the leather book, Jason, who had almost become one with the mask, was controlled by the leather book without any resistance!

"Huh? Son of Death?" Levi was a little surprised when he saw the description of Jason in the leather book. Jason had almost become the incarnation of the Breathless Man's mask.

"It seems that the power of law represented in this mask is really related to death! Jason is the son of death, not only because he is nearly immune to death, but his only purpose is to create and spread death!"

"The ability of the Mask of the Faceless Man is immunity to fear, the ability of the Mask of the Bloodless Man is related to killing, and the Mask of the Breathless Man represents death!" Li Wei analyzed in his mind, "The three abilities of fear, killing, and death are presented There is an obvious progressive relationship between cause and effect, and now we are even more certain that there is some kind of connection between these three masks!”

Moreover, Li Wei discovered that although the three abilities of fear, killing, and death are enough to form a closed loop, if these three masks, like the five masks, can be fused to form a more powerful strange object, then these three masks will be extremely powerful. There may be a fourth mask that serves as a common bridge between the three masks!

"It's very easy to verify this hypothesis! Just look at the next name!" Levi's heart moved, and he spent a little ordinary energy to communicate with Arachne's loom.

Levi discovered that Michael Myers, who possesses the Mask of the Bloodless One, and Jason Voorhees, who possesses the Mask of the Breathless One, were both chosen by the loom!

Although he didn't know what the connection was between the loom and these masks, Levi definitely didn't believe that such a coincidence would happen!

And if there really is a fourth mask, then the next name woven by the loom should be the owner of that mask!

"Click! Click!" The crisp sound of the loom sounded in Li Wei's mind. Countless threads that seemed to represent destiny were pulled out from the void, and the threads formed nodes one after another in the criss-crossing, and these nodes were very A new name was quickly woven - Freddy Krueger!

"Freddy Krueger?" Levi sensed carefully and found that although he could sense the location given to him by the loom this time, the sense was not only very weak, but the location was also extremely far away!

"Huh?" Levi used his soul telepathy with all his strength. After a moment, he was surprised to find that the distance between Freddy Krueger and him was far more than the diameter of the earth!

In other words, Freddy Krueger lives on another planet who knows how many light years away from Levi!

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