Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 372 Clues to the Divine Eye Fragments

"The right eye fragment of Horus?" Levi looked at the information displayed on the leather book and was shocked. He had expected that the objects in the room were related to gods, but he did not expect that their origins would be so big!

Through the information introduced in the leather book, Li Wei also learned that Aten, the owner of the sun disk, was actually the main god of a pantheon!

It’s just that the Aten pantheon is not harmonious, even quite dark!

Horus, as the ancient god of the Aten pantheon, was so powerful that the main god Aten felt threatened. He was actually killed by the god Aten. Even his eyes were gouged out by the god Aten and integrated into him. Into his artifact!

"It seems that even among the gods, there will be faint kings!" Li Wei couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and even felt that this kind of dark forest where the weak and the strong prey on each other is the normal state among cosmic civilizations and gods!

"The right eye of Horus represents a star, and the left eye has the power of a dark star? I know stars, but what is this dark star?" Levi marveled in his heart.

The status of stars in the universe is equivalent to the "Creator" of the universe. Without the emergence of stars, the universe may have been very desolate until today, with nothing except a small amount of gas and dust. Its importance and energy are naturally No need to say more!

"Does it mean a star that does not emit light? Aren't planets, satellites, and even comets and meteors other than stars all dark stars?" But this was the first time Levi heard the term dark star and asked directly He knew the White Queen and Arvette, but the other two didn't know either.

"Although this eyeball is in a broken state, its ability is very powerful! The ability of stellar power is equivalent to having the physique and ability of Superman in the comics! And it is even more powerful!"

After all, Superman in the comics can only absorb the energy of the yellow sun, but the ability of stellar power can absorb all types of stellar power!

"Huh!" Levi closed his eyes and felt it tightly. Sure enough, he could clearly perceive countless strange radiant energies from stars, which were continuously absorbed by his body, like a dry sponge absorbing moisture from the humid air!

It's just that Li Wei discovered that although this energy extraction was stable, the rate of energy growth seemed very slow compared to the majestic sea of ​​radiation in Li Wei's body!

"Is it because the surrounding stars are too far away from me?" Levi glanced around, and there was nothing in the starry sky where he was now. The stars may be hundreds or even thousands of light years away from him!

"Perhaps we can learn from Superman and lie down in the sun and take a nap!" Levi secretly thought, but he knew that there is a limit to the improvement of mortal power!

Even if one day he has the power to explode stars with one punch, but if he cannot obtain a divine base, then he will always be just a mortal!

"Boom!" Li Wei thought, and saw a bright golden light emerging in front of him. Except for its size, this fireball was almost the same as a star!

With the help of stellar power, Levi can use more perfect and violent fusion energy!

"The second skill, faith transformation, is truly terrifying!" Absorbing faith and converting it into divine power is the exclusive ability of gods!

According to the information in the leather book, the divine power here is at least level 6 energy, which is the power possessed by true gods, not the pseudo-divine power full of impurities created by demigods!

Moreover, in order to condense a drop of pseudo-divine power of faith, the Wendigo not only consumed thousands of years of accumulated faith, but also consumed a huge amount of power itself!

It seems that the gain outweighs the loss, but even that drop of pseudo-divine power of faith not only has power that far exceeds the power of a demigod, but it can also be used to peek into the realm of gods!

The skill of faith conversion can not only convert faith into pure and powerful divine power, but the conversion efficiency is extremely high, even surpassing that of most new gods!

But faith is the authority of the gods after all. Even if mortals use the treasure of Horus's right eye to gather divine power, they will have to bear a huge price!

If the body and soul are damaged, they may be able to be repaired, but if the source is traumatized, it will be extremely difficult to repair!

Damage to the origin of the body and soul will not only lead to weakening of strength and shortened lifespan, but may even lead to the complete severance of the path of life evolution!

"You can actually use ordinary energy to avoid the cost. It seems that this ordinary energy comes from human beings, and it may also hide some secrets!"

Ordinary energy is the energy Levi obtained after killing ordinary mortals. According to common sense, this ordinary energy should be very low-level.

But Levi discovered that whether it was using Arachne's loom or part of the price of exempting the artifact, ordinary energy was needed!

It's just that Li Wei doesn't have the ability to explore the mystery now!

"Also, next I have to take the initiative to develop my own believers!" Levi touched his chin. Although level 4 life forms are not qualified to develop faith, Levi can attach faith to Horus. Inside the eyeball fragments.

"According to the information in the leather book, the sun disk should be fused with the two divine pupils of Horus. The left eye with the power of the Dark Star is somewhere, and even the right eye is broken! "

"Huh? Wait!" Levi's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly remembered where the other fragments of the right eye were, "The Pyramids of Egypt! Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, the father of Tutankhamun!"

The solar disc was an artifact that Li Wei obtained from the corpse of Tutankhamun. The more he understood the power of Aten and this artifact, the less Li Wei could imagine how Amenhotep IV could Incorporate this artifact into Tutankhamun's body!

But after seeing the faith-transforming skill, Levi suddenly had a reasonable guess.

Is it possible that Amenhotep IV obtained another fragment of Horus's right eye, and that fragment also had the ability to transform faith, or even have other more incredible abilities?

For example, Amenhotep IV gathered the faith of the whole country, transformed it into a large amount of divine power, and then used the omnipotent divine power to allow Tutankhamen to fuse the sun disk?

This can explain why Amenhotep IV suddenly used his own power to abandon the Egyptian god Amun, which has been passed down for thousands of years, and instead believed in the god Aten!

Because of the burden that transformation of faith places on the body and soul, Amenhotep IV died not long after completing the transformation of divine power!

Even with the help of divine power, the fusion of the sun disk and Tutankhamun was not successful. Without the support of subsequent divine power, Tutankhamun naturally could not carry the artifact in his body, and his reign was short-lived. He died within a few years!

It seems that at least everything makes sense!

"In other words, as long as we can find the pyramid of Amenhotep IV, there is a high probability that we will be able to find other fragments of the Divine Eye!"

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