Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 373 The Chief Covered with Strange Objects

"There just doesn't seem to be any information about the pyramid of Amenhotep IV."

So far, the pyramid of Amenhotep IV has not been found on the earth. Some scholars believe that the other party's pyramid had long been razed to the ground by the counterattack of the Amun cult!

Some people also say that Amenhotep IV had already foreseen what would happen to him after his death. In order not to be disturbed by the outside world, his tomb was built very secretly. It was not a conventional above-ground pyramid, and the tomb was not even built in the same place. Egypt!

"After returning to Earth, we have to go to Barbary Technology Company again! The other party can find Tutankhamun's hidden tomb, and there may also be some news about Amenhotep IV!"

At this moment, as the fragments of the divine pupil completely merged with the sun disk, Levi's eyes flashed and he returned to the room from the infinite universe!

"Buzz!" Not long after Levi left, a sacred and vast force suddenly swept across the star field. This force was extremely terrifying and easily covered and suppressed the entire star field!

Even the stars burning very far away, as well as the planets orbiting the stars, were directly stagnated under the slight influence of this force, and the entire star field instantly fell into deathly silence!

Among these dozens of planets, life has been born on one huge planet. On the planet, the legendary races such as humans, orcs, and elves coexist, and have developed quite brilliant civilizations of various races.

It's just that the countless lives on this planet instantly solidified under the influence of this huge force, as if they had turned into ants wrapped in amber, and even their souls were frozen!

And in various temples on this planet, several demigods who are the spokespersons of the gods, although their bodies are also frozen, their eyes show fear!

They can naturally guess that this terrifying power comes from the great unknown god, and their souls desperately contact and pray to the gods they believe in!

It's just that the gods who believed in them were silent at this time, as if they had not received their prayers!

After not finding what he wanted, this force seemed to become a little frustrated, and his movements when rummaging became rough!

"Boom! Boom!" As this force continued to sweep through the star field, when it accidentally passed some planets, the extremely powerful force immediately crushed these planets!

The living planet was not spared either. The planet, along with the billions of lives on it, and the brilliant civilization they created, all turned into clouds of fireworks in the dark universe!

Until almost the entire star field was turned upside down, and nearly 90% of the planets were crushed into powder, the power that gained nothing finally slowly retreated unwillingly, leaving only a dead star field completely plunged into darkness.

Levi, who had returned to the room, had no idea of ​​the horrific events that had occurred in that star field, nor did he know that he had just walked on the verge of death!

After he pushed open the wooden door, he found that the three Thoros who had just disappeared had now appeared on the first floor of the treasure house.

The four people looked at each other, but there was no communication between them. Every move they made must have fallen into the eyes of the alliance's leader. It would be terrible if their identities were exposed!

"Buzz!" At this moment, a circle of lines bursting with pale golden sparks suddenly appeared in the air in front of a few people, and then these lines solidified into a wooden door that was exactly the same as the treasure house room. There is also a house number "10" hanging on the door.

"Click!" The next moment, the wooden door that suddenly appeared was pushed open, revealing an ordinary room behind the door, like a roadside hotel. Then a man wearing a black suit and coat walked out from behind the door.

"Bah!" And just after the man walked out of the room, the wooden door turned into a white towel and fell to the ground.

The man bent down to pick up the towel, folded it into a palm-sized square and stuffed it into the lining pocket of his coat. He adjusted the cuffs on his wrists and then shrugged to Levi and the others, "Hello, little guys. Guys! I am the current president of the X Alliance, Joe Miller, you can call me Joe!”

Levi looked at the mysterious chief carefully. He was about forty years old, tall and tall, with retro-looking eyes on his face. His left eye was dull, as if he had a prosthetic eye installed!

The other person was neatly dressed, with a ubiquitous cheap ballpoint pen in his breast pocket, and a black umbrella hanging on his left arm. The overall appearance looked a bit weird.

What surprised Levi the most was that although it was the first time he saw the general manager, deep down in his heart he felt as if he had known him for a long time, and he even couldn't help but trust Qiao in his heart!

"What's going on?" Levi thought he was suffering from some kind of mental interference, and quickly locked his soul. After carefully checking his soul, he didn't find anything strange at all!

The three Soros also noticed that something was wrong, but at this time they could only suppress their surprises and let these strange feelings arise in their hearts.

"Uh! Sorry!" Joe seemed to have noticed something, with an apologetic look on his face. He took out the towel and transformed it into the wooden door again. He took off the umbrella hanging on his arm and threw it into the room behind the wooden door. The strange feeling lingering in the hearts of Levi and the others immediately dissipated.

It seems that that umbrella is a strange object with some kind of soul power!

Li Wei's face was expressionless, but his heart was shocked, because with the special perception given by the leather book, Li Wei was surprised to find that Qiao's body was filled with the aura of strange objects!

The other party's clothes, glasses, watches, ballpoint pens, cufflinks, everything on his body, inside and out, are all strange items, and each of them possesses quite powerful energy!

Li Wei even faintly sensed a more powerful aura of strange objects from Qiao's body. It seemed that there was a powerful and strange strange object hidden in Qiao's body!

"As expected of the leader of the alliance, this body of strange objects is inhumane! But how did he do it?" Levi was amazed and confused. The number of strange objects on Qiao's body was actually more than that of Levi, but Levi's fusion of strange objects The object relied on the power of the leather book, but how did Qiao do it?

"Is it a method that can forcibly fuse strange objects?" Levi thought of the information John had provided before.

There is a method in the X-League that can help people forcibly fuse strange objects. John works so hard to earn merit in order to one day be able to fuse strange objects and become a perfect evolver!

"First of all, I would like to welcome you to join the !”

"According to the regulations of the alliance, geniuses with a talent value over 95 will have a chance to make a pilgrimage!"

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