"Hi!" Levi put on the mask, and then put his whole finger into the silver cup, which immediately caused a burst of severe pain that could make ordinary people faint or even go into shock, but it was directly blocked by the Faceless Man's mask.

The liquid metal in this silver cup was only a few dozen milliliters. After it was completely absorbed by Levi's fusion, it only dyed half of Levi's fingers silver, but the improvement of his self-healing talent also showed progress.

And it didn't surprise Li Wei that the liquid metal not only had an effect on the self-healing talent, but even the steel skin was improved!

"Name: Levi

Age: 30 years old

Life level: Level 2

Physical fitness: 12 (8)

Constitution: 10

Talents: Primary Self-healing (1%↑), Mimicry of Mental Sound Waves (76%↑), Steel Skin (1%↑), Fearlessness (Inspire), Shielding (Inspire)

Rare Items: Mask of the Faceless One (Inspire), Arachne's Loom

Servant: Ogre

Skills: Fighting Level 4, Shooting Level 3, Infiltration Level 3, Maneuvering Level 3, Spy Level 3

Normal energy: 15 points

Special energy: 0.4"

This shows that this magical liquid metal is very likely to have the ability to positively strengthen and improve physical talents!

Although the improvement is not large, only one percent, if Levi can find this kind of liquid metal, and if the amount of liquid metal is enough, then his two physical talents can be improved rapidly, even It's a leap!

"Where did Vincent get this kind of liquid metal?" Levi was speechless. If he had known that Vincent had such a treasure, he would have killed the two brothers more slowly!

Levi walked out of the basement and went directly to Vincent's bedroom, rummaging through the cabinets to find information related to the liquid metal.

But Vincent didn't have a good habit of writing a diary. Except for some erotic magazines, there wasn't even a book with words in Vincent's room.

But soon, Levi found a locked suitcase that looked quite old under Vincent's bed.

Li Wei gently crushed the copper lock and opened the suitcase, and found that there were very few things inside. Taking up most of the space was a dry, wrinkled pig's head that exuded a fishy smell!

Levi picked up the pig head mask and looked around. This should be the pig head mask Vincent wore after his face was eaten by a pig.

This mask is made from a whole pig head. After removing the bones, brain and other things inside the pig head, it becomes a leather mask that can be put on the head.

Levi turned the pig head mask over and looked closely. In some folds on the inside of the pig skin, he found a trace of silver metal residue that had dried for a long time.

Levi guessed that Vincent applied that strange liquid metal to the wound and then put on a pig-head mask. Under the combined effect of various factors, this caused some kind of distortion.

"Why would Vincent apply liquid metal to the wound? How did he know the repair power contained in that metal?" More questions arose in Levi's mind, "Did he do it unintentionally? Or was it someone else? To leave this metal in Vincent’s hands?”

Li Wei is actually more inclined to the latter guess, because when a living body touches that kind of liquid metal, it will produce a severe and incomparable pain. If it is exposed to too much, it may even be painful to death. Normal people touch it. After touching it once, it is impossible to touch it a second time!

Unless Vincent has a masochistic tendency to enjoy pain!

"If someone deliberately gave this metal to Vincent, what was the other person's intention? To cultivate aberrations?" The more he speculated, the more doubts he had in Levi's mind.

Levi threw aside the pig head mask in his hand and dug out an old wallet from the bottom of the box.

Levi opened his wallet and immediately found a social security card that had been scrapped long ago.

Looking at the black and white photo on the social security card, the young man in the photo looks very similar to Vincent. He should be Vincent's human identity.

"Huh?" Levi turned over the card and discovered that Vincent's original name was Midaan, and he was not American, but from Norfolk County, England!

"It's interesting!" Levi put the card away and found that there was an old, yellowed photo in his wallet. The photo was a photo of a man and a woman.

The man is Vincent, and the woman is a pretty girl. Both of them have happy smiles on their faces, and they seem to be a sweet couple.

What caught Levi's attention was the background of the photo of the two of them, which was an ancient castle manor that looked full of age.

With this photo, combined with Vincent's social security card, Levi is very confident to find traces of his past, and then trace the clues of the mysterious liquid metal.

After tidying up everything, Levi came to the yard, and the ogre was still wiping the chainsaw in his hands with great care.

Thanks to Li Wei's intention to move the fighting venue, the nearly 100 people who were planted in the ground, except for a few unlucky ones who were crushed to death, were mostly safe and sound, still waiting to be fed with their mouths wide open.

At this time, Jesse finally woke up from the effects of the drug. He was frightened when he discovered the scene around him. Especially when he saw the ogre holding a chainsaw and having fun, obviously looking like a murderous maniac, he was scared to death. !

Jesse bit his lips to prevent himself from making a sound. At the same time, he continued to tilt his head and pretend to be dead to avoid attracting the attention of the "murderer". He only opened his eyes slightly and looked around, looking for opportunities to call for help.

"Help! Help!" Soon, Jesse saw Levi coming from the front, and immediately seemed to have grasped the last straw, screaming to Levi for help.

But the next moment, Jesse felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him. His whole body was chilled from head to toe. The two of them looked like they were in the same group!

"That's right! You just need to locate my current location!" Levi ignored Jesse who was calling for help and walked straight to the ogre, talking on his cell phone, "I have already disposed of the two aberrations. Still there! And there are nearly a hundred humans who seem to have lost their minds.”

"Don't worry, we have professional personnel and processes to handle these matters!" Bill's voice came from the phone, "I have already reported the merit points to the church for you. You have already obtained them before you even reported to the church to register. This huge amount of merit is probably enough for a second-level baptism!”

"When I see you next time, I may have to call you Pastor Levi!" Bill's words were full of envy, and at the same time he was very excited.

Because if Levi breaks through to the second-level life and becomes a priest, then he can enjoy the first-level baptism that he has longed for because of his role as a recommender!

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