Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 45 Zeke and William

"Last night, a fire broke out in a hotel in the suburbs of North Carolina, killing 4 people, including hotel staff! According to the investigation, the accident was caused by the age of the hotel and aging wiring! Mayor Bol Mr. Wang expressed his sorrow and condolences and said that the city’s lines and pipeline facilities will be comprehensively inspected and rectified in the near future to prevent such accidents from happening again.”

On a wide road, Levi was driving against the rising sun while chewing a hamburger in his hand, and the local news was broadcast on the radio.

Levi had no doubt in his mind whether the Church of All Souls had the ability to treat those victims who had been turned into fools by violent spirits; but whether the Church was willing to take action, and whether it would expend its energy to save ordinary people, the broadcast had already given the question. Answer.

Of course, Li Wei had no fluctuations in his heart and didn't care about the rights and wrongs.

"Well, have you arrived in Stuart yet?" Levi held the steering wheel with one hand and could already see the outline of a city in the distance. "We'll almost reach our destination after passing through Stuart!"

"Buzz!" At this moment, Levi's ears suddenly heard a roar of the motor, and at the same time, a thick black smoke full of diesel smell directly filled the entire interior of the car.

"Hannibal! I'm warning you one last time. If you turn on the chainsaw again, I'll break your arm!" Levi suddenly stepped on the brakes and pressed down the car window, and suddenly a large stream of thick smoke erupted from the car. The smoke looked like the car was on fire.

"Aba, Aba!" Seeing Levi's anger, Hannibal lowered his head in fear. He quickly turned off the electric saw in his hand and placed it carefully on his lap, like a child who knew he had done something wrong.

"Huh!" Seeing this, Levi could only shake his head helplessly, then took out a can of beer, pushed the door and got out of the car, walked to the side of the road, and waited for the diesel fumes in the car to dissipate.

"Hey! Man! Is the car broken down? Do you need help?" At this moment, a black two-person Mustang police car slowly stopped. A black man wearing sunglasses put down the car glass and faced the people on the roadside. Levi shouted.

"Huh?" Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Levi turned around with a surprised look on his face, "Zeke?!"

"What?" The black policeman was shocked when he heard the strong man opposite calling his name. After taking off his sunglasses and looking carefully for a few seconds, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Oh! My God! Li! It's actually It's you!"

"Bang!" Zeke pushed open the car door and quickly stepped forward to give Levi a big hug, "I can actually meet you here!"

Zeke was also Levi's former teammate on the special teams team, and the relationship between them was very good back then.

But ten years ago, Zeke was injured and could no longer perform high-intensity combat missions, so he had no choice but to retire.

And unlike commoners like Levi, Zeke is a veritable second-generation official!

Zeke's father, Marcus, was once the chief of police in Stuart City. He held a high position. Even though he has retired now, he still has great influence in the police industry.

Therefore, after Zeke retired, his father directly arranged to join the Stuart Police Department and became an operator!

Later, he married a wife and had children, and lived an enviable and stable life.

"Hey! Brother, I'm very sorry for what happened to you! But believe me, it's definitely not your fault!" Zeke patted Levi on the back, "The officials are just like the people in the police station. As disgusting as a black police officer!”

Zeke is a man with a very strong sense of justice. When he first entered the police station, he seemed to be ostracized by almost the entire police system because he reported his partner, and was called a traitor, an informer, etc.

"Zeke, what exactly happened back then?" Levi only heard a rough idea back then.

"The police force is so united!" A sneer appeared on Zeke's face. "Back then, a criminal policeman used a lynching method and threw a gangster directly from the roof of the building, but a witness saw it!"

"My old partner, in order to clean up that gangster policeman's butt, actually planned to kill the witness!" Zeke shook his head helplessly, "It's outrageous, isn't it?"

"Stick to what you insist on!" Levi heard this and pressed Zeke's shoulder. Although Zeke seemed to be a chatterbox full of laughter and unreliability, among the people Levi knew, he was one of the few who persisted. A good man with legal justice.

"Stop talking about this! How are Paul and Lisa doing recently?" Levi turned and asked. Paul was also a retired comrade in the special operations team, but he retired a year earlier than Zeke and was assigned to Zeke's father. To do things, Lisa is Zeke's wife.

"Paul is now in charge of field inspections. When he's tired, he'll find a place to drink. When he's sleepy, he'll find a street girl to sleep with!" Zeke replied, "Lisa, we might get divorced in a while!"

"Zeke, it's not easy for two people to get together. Find a marriage counselor to sit down and talk about it!" Men always try to persuade each other to make peace but not to break up.

"Counselor? Haha, Lisa has already played poker with a counselor!" Zeke shrugged indifferently, "I don't blame her either! After all, the police profession has the highest divorce rate and the highest domestic violence rate. and the highest suicide rate!”

"And I work overtime almost all weekends. I would rather spend five hundred Tuesdays with her than attend three Saturday parties with her!"

"Hey! Boss, the headquarters called, something happened!" While Levi and Zeke were talking, a handsome young policeman walked out of Zeke's police car and shouted to Zeke.

"That's William, a rookie who was just assigned to me!" Zeke introduced, and then shouted loudly, "What happened?"

"A person was killed on the Line 3 subway!"

"What's all the fuss about! Rookie, you have to learn to be calm!" Zeke scolded with a sudden expression on his face. "There are so many homeless people living in the subway tunnels. Isn't it normal for one or two to be killed? This kind of thing will directly cause the death of one or two homeless people." The fire brigade can just wash the floor, why should they be handed over to us? "

"Boss, a vortex mark was left on the scene!" William approached and whispered with a serious face.

"Huh?" Zeke's expression changed slightly when he heard this, "Vortex mark? Jigsaw?! No! Isn't Jigsaw dead long ago? Is he a copycat?"

William shook his head, "Director Anji attaches great importance to it, so let us go to the site for inspection quickly!"

"Zeke, can I go and see it together?" At this moment, Levi suddenly said.

"Boss! This is against the rules!" William, who had just graduated from the police academy, was as stubborn as Zeke back then, fearing that Zeke would agree due to friendship.

"Don't worry! I'm also a policeman!" Levi chuckled and took out his police officer ID from his pocket. "Although I don't have law enforcement rights across regions, it shouldn't be a big problem if I go to the scene and take a look!"

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