Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 490 Battle of Titans

"Boom!" Cronus' arm as huge as a galaxy was directly blasted to pieces by Levi. Without the power of the Titan, the opponent lost the ability to control and mobilize the laws of the universe.

Of course, to be precise, Cronus can still mobilize the law at this time, but it can only use the law of power, because its Titan body is condensed by the law of power, so every attack contains The law of great power!

These laws of power are enough to easily wipe out ancient god-level existences, so the three main gods of Zeus were probably beaten to death by Cronus!

It's just that this kind of power law cannot have enough killing effect when faced with the power of the Titan that is also condensed by the law. Instead, when Levi breaks Cronus' Titan body again and again, he peels off, snatches and devours the Titan. The law of power contained in his body continues to strengthen himself, and also allows the originally fragile divine body to evolve in the direction of the Titan's body!

"Boom!" I don't know how much time passed, but Levi punched out, and the vast power of law swept across billions of light-years, directly smashing countless galaxies into energy tides, but he suddenly woke up and found that he didn't know it after fighting with him. How long had it been before Cronus disappeared?

Levi, whose body had been completely transformed into the body of a Titan, was slightly startled. He looked around and saw that the universe was completely black, with only a few remaining galaxies occasionally in extremely distant places!

After the battle between Levi and Cronus, almost half of the universe was pushed back into a barren energy state!

"Phew! Are you dead?" I saw that Li Wei's body had completely returned to normal at this time. There were no inhuman features or flashes of divine light, but there were countless laws surging inside and outside the body that even gods could not see. move!

His body and soul have long been separated from the basic material composition, and are completely condensed by pure laws. All this is because Levi devoured Cronus' power through constant deprivation!

At this time, Levi felt a sense of fantasy in his heart. He had just killed a level 8 Titan, and successfully replaced Cronus, becoming one of the twelve Titans in the universe. It all happened so smoothly!

But the extremely powerful and growing power in his body told Levi that everything that just happened was real!

Levi closed his eyes. At this moment, he only felt as if his body had extended infinitely into the universe. While he became a part of the universe, he also felt an abrupt and contradictory feeling of being incompatible with the universe!

"This is it!" Li Wei soon discovered where this sense of contradiction came from. He saw that the Kingdom of God, which was originally attached to the space barrier, had completely integrated into Li Wei's body, and was using Li Wei's help. Wei's power increased rapidly!

While the Kingdom of God was integrated into Levi's body, it rapidly expanded the space barrier at an explosive speed, and under the entanglement and evolution of countless laws of power, stars, galaxies, and galaxies were condensed with pure energy. This is actually Just like Cronus, he began to create a universe unique to Levi in ​​his body!

With Li Wei's thoughts, these galaxies will be born or destroyed exactly according to Li Wei's ideas!

The most peculiar and powerful thing is that in this ever-expanding prototype of the universe, Livy can actually define the laws arbitrarily. For example, Livy can make the sun cold and celestial bodies square!

In this small universe, Levi has truly achieved complete omniscience and omnipotence, and can do whatever he wants!

"Huh?" And soon, Levi's brows furrowed tightly, because he discovered that when the small universe in his body expanded to a certain extent, the laws that originally maintained the existence of the universe suddenly seemed to be distorted, and the development of everything in the universe began to change. It was chaotic and disorderly, and it was beginning to escape Levi's control!

And when this change occurred in the small universe, Levi also found that the power in his body that originally controlled the heart began to become a little chaotic!

"What's going on? Is it a curse left by Cronus?" Levi found that as the Titan power of Cronus merged more and faster in his body, the power in his body became more and more violent. It seems that after Levi completely fuses the power of Cronus, he will repeat the same mistakes as his opponent, forcing Levi to only slow down the fusion speed of Titan's power!

"Buzz!" But at this moment, eleven stars of different colors suddenly shone in the universe, surrounding Li Wei, and among the stars, eleven huge beings with different looks were slowly revealed. They are the eleven Titans who have been watching the battle for a long time!

"Kronus is actually dead?"

"Who is this? How did he do it? The law tells me that this new Titan is named Levi!"

"I don't know! But he now contains all the power of Cronus!" When these eleven Titans appeared, the laws became a tool for communication between them, and intentionally or unintentionally surrounded Levi in ​​the middle!

"Huh?" Levi frowned. During the battle just now, he had already sensed the looming prying eyes, and now from these eleven Titans, he even sensed unabashed greed. They They all covet the complete power of Cronus in Levi's body!

"The great will once said that we twelve brothers must never kill each other, but the new titan named Levi in ​​front of us is not our brother!" A titan whose whole body seemed to be made of yellow crystal stood straight. Staring at Levi, the huge one-eyed eye on his face projected a light that continuously scanned Levi's body.

"The power of Cronus is constantly being integrated into Levi's body. If we want that power, we have to do it as soon as possible! Otherwise, when he fully integrates the power of Cronus, we will no longer be his opponent! "

"Kill him first, and then we can each do our own thing! How about that!"


"Go!" The eleven titans had completed their communication and goals in an instant. Without any chance for Li Wei to speak, they joined forces and blasted directly towards Li Wei, who was surrounded in the middle!

"Boom!" Although he was surrounded by eleven Titans at this time, Levi did not feel the slightest panic in his heart, because these Titans coveted the power in his body, and he was also greedy for the power of the other Titans at this time!

But in this case, because of this sudden battle, he had to speed up the integration of Titan power in his body. For the time being, it seemed that he was just drinking poison to quench his thirst!

"The method Cronus used to divide and weaken his own power was a dead end! Then let me swallow you all and see if I can make up for the development of the small universe in my body!" Levi looked at the Titans coming to kill him, with a look in his eyes. Killing intent! (End of chapter)

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