Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 491 Devouring and Ascension?

"Hi!" Levi tore off the Titan's head, which was like a condensed yellow crystal. Then the palm holding the head immediately began to liquefy, covering and wrapping the head, and at the same time, it dissolved and devoured it very quickly!

As a level 8 cosmic body, Titans are obviously the top existences in this universe, but the fighting between them is the most rudimentary and brutal, and they are just raw and bloody devouring each other!

At this time, after an unknown amount of time of fighting, only 6 of the original 11 Titans were left. However, the remaining 5 Titans not only seemed not to have suffered any injuries, but their internal strength was much stronger than before the battle!

The reason for this abnormal phenomenon is that the battle just now was a complete chaos. Whenever a Titan was seriously injured or killed by Levi, the other Titans not only would not rescue them, but would fight with the sharks that smelled the smell of blood. Normally, he would rush forward and scramble to bite off a piece of the Titan and devour it to strengthen himself!

Therefore, it is obviously a hunting battle against Levi, but so far all the surviving Titans have made great progress and become stronger with each battle!

As for Levi, who has devoured the most Titan power, his state at this time is a bit strange!

As most of the fallen Titan's power was devoured and fused by him, while the power in Levi's body grew crazily, the level of chaos also increased. Many laws from different Titans were entangled and devoured by each other, and it became increasingly difficult for Levi to control the power within his body. !

Especially the small universe in Levi's body. At this time, its size has grown to a level that cannot be described by human measurement tools, and it is still expanding at an extremely rapid rate.

However, the laws derived from the inside of the small universe began to undergo strange mutations. The laws that were originally just concepts seemed to have life at this time, transforming into various strange states of life. While eroding the small universe, they were also eroding Levi. His body and soul seem to want to transform Levi into that weird existence!

From the appearance, you can see that various strange protrusions appear on the surface of Levi's body. These protrusions are completely formed by the winding of circles of mutated laws!

And these protrusions actually gave birth to relatively mini universes, filled with various aberrant species, and in the blink of an eye these species seemed to have gone through a long time, experiencing the evolution and development of life at an unimaginable speed. Changes, and finally annihilation as Li Wei suppressed these protrusions!

"How can he be so strong?"

"But he can't hold it anymore! Without the great original gift, he will soon 'hold' himself to death!"

"Yes! Although the power in his body is extremely huge now, the power he can exert has begun to wane!"

"We must kill him before he is completely deformed, otherwise even if he dies in the end, we will no longer be able to swallow the power in his body!"

The remaining five Titans looked at Levi calmly. They seemed to know the reason for Levi's current situation very well. After communicating with each other, they quickly started to kill Levi again!

"Boom!" And Levi's current state is indeed what the Titans said. He clearly has unlimited power in his body, but not only can these powers not be controlled by Levi, but he is always thinking about rebellion. Therefore, Levi The power that can be used is indeed getting less and less!

"Buzz!" But at this moment, as all the energy stored in the leather book was exhausted, the leather book also sensed Li Wei's situation, and a very high-level and very pure strangeness actually flowed from the leather book. energy!

This energy even exceeded Levi's perception, as if it didn't exist at all. But when this energy came into contact with Levi, Levi felt as if his body and soul were suddenly wrapped in warm water, and an extremely comfortable feeling flowed from his body. The deepest part of the soul spreads!

The originally chaotic and rioting power in the body also became peaceful during this process, and the laws that were constantly entangled and mutated were immediately evaporated into black, constantly twisting negative existences. The threads that originally seemed to be tied with countless knots The rules of the group were also straightened out!

After the laws of distortion in the small universe within the body were eliminated, the universe inside the body also began to grow and evolve in a more advanced, natural and powerful direction!

"Huh!" Levi couldn't help but take a deep breath. He saw a twisted and chaotic black object with power far exceeding that of Zeus and other existences, and was exhaled from his body by Levi!

When this black object came out, the laws of chaos contained in it immediately began to erode the surrounding universe, but the next moment it was gently squeezed to death by Levi!

Levi was once again shocked by how powerful and terrifying the leather book was. Even the power of a level 8 Titan could easily suppress and purify it. He couldn't help but wonder whether this leather book also came from the original existence?

"Come on!" But now that he no longer had any worries, Levi looked at the attacking Titans with a ferocious smile, "Let me see what the secrets of the twelve Titans that have existed since the birth of the universe are. ! If I swallow you all, will I be able to touch the legendary origin!"

"Boom!" Levi, whose strength increased dramatically, took the initiative and pressed towards the five Titans alone. The huge energy released between the collisions directly swept the entire universe, causing all material existence in the entire universe to be annihilated into the purest form. Energy, the originally vast and bright starry sky in the universe has almost turned into a dark dead zone without any matter!

The only light that exists in the universe is the energy swirling light that bursts out when Levi fights the Titans, announcing that this universe is not completely dead yet!

"No! How can you withstand the curse of law distortion! This is impossible!" As the last Titan was torn apart by Levi and devoured and fused, the universe that had been swept by the war suddenly fell into endless silence!

Only Levi, whose body was shining with countless energy colors, stood empty in the vast dark universe. He was the center of this universe at this time!

"Buzz!" The power of the twelve Titans was completely swallowed by Levi. At this time, Levi's body had completely contained all the power of the laws of the universe. With the help of the leather book, not only was it completely integrated with Levi, but also Based on the existence of these laws, it continues to evolve, generating more and more powerful new laws!

At this time, Levi only felt the universe's rejection of him. It seemed that he had completely exceeded the limit of what the universe could carry. In other words, Levi alone had surpassed the entire universe!

"Is this the ascension to immortality in the legend of the past life?" Levi had a feeling that if he resisted the rejection of the universe, the only result would be that the universe would be completely crushed by him!

Therefore, Li Wei stretched out his hand and saw that the galaxies, gods, and various lives in the universe that had been completely annihilated due to the previous battle reappeared, as if everything had flowed back to the way it was before the battle. The only change was that there was no more space in this universe. There is no more level 8!

"Buzz!" After doing all this, Levi obeyed the repulsive force of the universe, took a step forward, and completely disappeared into this universe, and there was no longer a trace of Levi's existence in the universe. ! (End of chapter)

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