Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 64 Warehouse Guardian

"Those who are qualified to become the master of the warehouse are at least Level 4 life forms! And after combining with the warehouse, theoretically they can exert a power close to that of a Level 5 life form!" Walter expressed great respect for the warehouse guardians in his words. .

"True card? Is the warehouse guardian the strongest person in our church?" Levi asked doubtfully, "Shouldn't the strongest one be the Patriarch?"

"There has been no Level 5 life form in the world for thousands of years." Walter glanced at Levi after hearing this, and without any hesitation, he directly told Levi the answer.

“Don’t we, All Souls Church, have one too?”

"Level 5 life forms are called demigods because without the blessing of a true god, humans alone will never be able to advance successfully!" Walter shook his head and said solemnly.

"What about the gods?" Levi showed a trace of hesitation on his face, and then asked in a low voice.

"I want to know too." Unexpectedly, Walter shrugged, then turned to Levi and said, "Levi, this world is more complicated than you think. Only when you and I are promoted to bishops will we be qualified to go Access to the secrets of the gods.”

"Mr. Walter, could you please explain to me the differences between the various life levels?" Seeing this, Levi did not ask any more questions. Even if the other party knew the information about the gods, it was unlikely that he would tell him this. Newcomers who are not fully initiated.

"Forget it, after you join the club, you will know this news sooner or later." Walter nodded in response after a slight silence.

"First-level life forms are the most ordinary human beings. Under the restriction or protection of the physical body, ordinary human beings polish their bodies to the limit through various methods, allowing the body to stably exert a force of 300 to 400 kilograms, but not those who only A weightlifter with no strength at all, but with far superior agility, endurance, recovery and reaction speed, he can crush ordinary humans in all aspects!"

"You should also know the specific situation here." Walter turned around and chuckled, showing a mouth full of gold teeth, "The most important thing is that the life span of a first-level peak life form has reached 150 years! Even if we exclude Some unlucky people who suffer from cancer can live to an average of more than 130 years!”

"Can a peak level 1 life form also get cancer?" Levi's brows twitched slightly as he heard this. He has stayed at the peak level for several years and knows very well how powerful a body at that level is and how powerful it is in terms of recovery!

Not to mention common influenza and pneumonia viruses, even HIV, they can be completely resisted by their strong immunity!

"Of course it's possible!" Walter turned his head with some confusion, "Although the level 1 peak life form is powerful, it is similar to cancer and is a disease that acts on the genetic level. The level 1 peak life form has not yet evolved to be able to The degree of genetic improvement.”

Feeling Walter's expression as if he was looking at a scumbag, the corner of Levi's mouth twitched slightly. He only graduated from high school. Although he learned a lot of knowledge on his own in the army, most of it was related to weapons, equipment, human structure, etc., genes. He really knows nothing about other subjects.

"What I mean is that although cancer is an incurable disease for ordinary people, our church has such a powerful supernatural power, can't it also be cured?"

"Of course!" Walter nodded and said, "The easiest way is to apply for a level 2 baptism based on merit. Even if it is not upgraded to a level 2 life form, the divine power in the baptism can be easily removed while strengthening the body. All illnesses and negative effects in the body!”

Bill had told Levi about the relevant information before. Level 1 baptism corresponds to ordinary people and can improve various physical qualities. For ordinary people without special training, it is comparable to being reborn!

What Bill is thinking about most is to be able to undergo a level 1 baptism and return to the peak of physical fitness.

The level 2 baptism is needed to help the peak life form of level 1 break through and evolve to level 2. However, it does not mean that a level 2 baptism can be 100% successful. There is also a probability issue in this.

But even without success, every baptism can confer great benefit.

On the contrary, it was another piece of information revealed in Walter's words that caught Levi's attention, "There is divine power in baptism? The power of gods?"

"Yes!" Walter nodded, "Otherwise, besides divine power, what kind of power can directly increase the life level?"

"Mr. Walter, can one's life level be improved only through baptism? Isn't there a way to improve one's life level on one's own?"

"Yes!" A sneer appeared at the corner of Walter's mouth, "That is to be exposed to distorted radiation and transform yourself into a distorted body! Apart from these two methods, there is no other way!"

Hearing Walter's quite certain statement, Levi's heart suddenly shook. Fortunately, he felt curious and asked one more question. Otherwise, if his current life level was exposed, he would most likely be regarded by the church as an aberration that wanted to lurk in, and he would be casually dealt with. Get rid of it!

"But I have heard before that the military has been conducting some kind of human experiments. Through stimulation by surgeries, drugs, etc., they can create killing machines with quite powerful combat capabilities! Wouldn't it be possible to artificially enhance life expectancy as technology improves? Level?"

"After all, in the Middle Ages, the average life span was only thirty or forty years old, but now through technological means, the average life span of human beings has reached more than eighty years! With the development of science and technology, human beings may not be able to achieve eternal life in the future!" Li Wei looked unhappy. He moved his expression and put forward another hypothesis pretending to be curious.

"Through the intervention of human power, even if a creation comparable to a higher life form is created, it will definitely be imperfect without the intervention of divine power!" Unexpectedly, Walter waved his hand casually.

"As for eternal life, that is even more nonsense! The body may be constantly renewed through matter, but what about the soul?"

After mentioning the soul, Walter seemed to have thought of something, so he stopped talking about the soul, turned his head and said solemnly, "Levi, you must always remember that our bodies and souls were created by gods. Only divine power can give us evolution without any side effects!"

Seeing the secretive look on Walter's face, Levi secretly thought that indeed, it confirmed his suspicion about the incompleteness of the human soul.

At the same time, he was a little more confused about the leather book that existed deep in his soul. Walter was so sure of the role of divine power, but under the influence of the leather book, Levi not only evolved to a level 2 life form, but also believed that More perfect and more powerful than the same level!

Does that mean that the leather book has more power than the gods?

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