Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 65 Level and Lifespan

"It's easier to talk as you get older!" Walter also felt that he had said too much, so he returned to the original topic.

"After the life level reaches level 2, the biggest change is still in the body. After reaching the peak of level 2, some geniuses with naturally strong bodies can even reach five tons in physical strength!"

Indeed, if a human being can possess a force of 5 tons, it would be an unimaginable scenario for ordinary people. The force far exceeds that of a small excavator, and one person can even pull two ordinary cars at full power!

It’s simply much more powerful than the Terminator in the movie!

And the body that can exert such power must be far superior to ordinary people. The density of muscles and bones can almost withstand ordinary pistol bullets.

Levi's face showed a look of surprise and yearning, but his heart was calm.

According to Walter's statement, even within the Church of All Souls, there are only a handful of Level 2 peak people who can reach 5 tons of power, and it seems that they also need to possess some kind of physical talent. Ordinary Level 2 peak life forms often only have 5 tons of strength. Has a force of 3 to 4 tons.

But Levi has more than 10 tons of physical strength. If the increase of the faceless mask is included, the strength of more than 15 tons is enough to easily crush the genius in Walter's mouth!

"The most important thing is that the life span of Level 2 life forms can reach an exaggerated three hundred years!" Walter's tone was full of encouragement and temptation for Levi, "And Level 2 life forms have initially begun to optimize their genes, and can almost Immune to 99% of human diseases!”

With a lifespan of three centuries, it can be called a real antique. After all, many human dynasties in ancient times did not have such a long time!

But Walter did not tell Levi some information, that is, although level 2 life forms have a lifespan of nearly three hundred years, many pastors with level 2 life forms in the church do not have as long a life as many preachers and even ordinary church members. Everyone!

That's because the priests of Level 2 lifeforms, as the backbone of the Church of All Souls, are almost always in the outside world performing various tasks of fighting aberrations and containing rare objects.

These tasks can provide huge merits, allowing pastors to exchange them for resources within the church to strengthen and improve themselves.

However, the greater the benefits, the greater the risks. Many aberrations possess strange and inexplicable abilities, making the battle a difficult and dangerous process.

Moreover, priests want to hunt aberrations, and aberrations are eager to devour powerful life forms to evolve!

Of course, the church does not force priests to perform these tasks, but priests, either to express their piety or hope to evolve to a higher level of life, will take the initiative to perform tasks, and the involution is quite powerful!

"What about the Level 3 life forms?" Levi couldn't help but wonder when Walter stopped talking.

"I can't tell you anymore!" Who knew Walter shook his head at Levi, "You must know that in this world, information is also a very precious thing. If you want to know information about Level 3 life forms, You have to go to the warehouse to redeem it with merit."

"I can only tell you that level 3 life forms are completely different from level 2 life forms. They are no longer just physical improvements." Walter said softly, "Also, level 3 life forms have begun to evolve in life form."

Although Li Wei was curious when he heard this, he didn't ask any questions. He had a magical leather book. As long as he hunted a few more aberrations, he would be able to collect the special energy needed to break through to level 3 life forms. Then he would naturally be able to understand level 3. The mystery of living things.

"Mr. Walter, you just said that level 1 and level 2 life forms are all about physical improvement and strengthening. So is there any way to distinguish the difference between these two levels of life?" Levi shrugged and said, "I can I don’t want to provoke a level 2 priest one day and be slapped to death by him!”

"Haha! Don't worry, suicide and murder are absolutely prohibited within the church. Everything that happens in the church is under the watchful eye of God!" Walter laughed when he heard this, "And unless some very unique items are used, or smoke is used, Blood and X-ray examination are required, otherwise it will be difficult to identify the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 life forms.”

"The more common method is to sense the Qi and blood in the other person's body. For example, I can feel the surging Qi and blood in your body. In addition, you have not been baptized, so I can judge that you have reached reached the peak of Level 1.”

"After all, the level 2 life form is still the improvement and evolution of the physical body, so instead of thinking about how not to offend the level 2 life form, it is better to work hard to earn merits and improve yourself!"

When Levi heard Walter's words, he felt relieved. What he was most worried about now was that someone would discover his life level. Fortunately, he was a new member of the club, so no one would go to great lengths to move out those strange objects for him.

"Mr. Walter, is there anything I should pay attention to when I enter the warehouse later?" Levi looked up at the huge warehouse door that was a hundred meters high in front of him, turned to Walter and asked.

"Actually, it's nothing. The warehouse staff will be responsible for guiding you after you enter. You just need to follow their requirements! After entering, you will undergo a strange object test to verify the human identity, which is just a formality."

"That's right!" Walter said as if he suddenly remembered something, "The church just came out with a welfare policy last month. As a newcomer to a non-hereditary family, if you have reached the peak of level 1 on your own, you can apply for level 2 for free. baptism!"

"Is it free to apply?" Levi asked in surprise. According to Bill, All Souls Church used to be very strict on the use of internal resources. Even a level 1 baptism required sufficient merit to redeem it.

"That's right! You've finally caught up!" Walter smiled, "It's also to select better newcomers. After all, genius is always worth more investment, isn't it?"

"So you should cherish this baptism opportunity. If you are lucky, you can directly step into the second-level life form, go out and take on a few tasks, and then you can come back and apply for the position of priest, thereby enjoying more authority in the church!"

"Click!" As the two walked to the warehouse, they heard a mechanical rotation, and then a small door nearly three meters high opened slowly on the warehouse door in front of them.

"Relax and go in!" Walter patted Levi's shoulder and felt the touch from his palm, which could be described as a pair of steel bones. Walter was slightly surprised in his heart and became more and more sure that Levi had considerable physical talent. His face A brighter smile appeared on his face.

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