Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 66 Hidden Things

"Mr. Levi, right?" Behind the open small iron door, a middle-aged man in his forties with a serious expression stood behind the door. He lowered his head and looked at the tablet in his hand. After confirming Levi's identity information, Then he reached out and shook Levi lightly, "My name is Blitzcrank."

Levi glanced behind Blitzcrank with some curiosity. There was only a hint of dark yellow behind him, but he couldn't see the scene in the warehouse clearly. It was like a mosaic!

But this warehouse is a strange object after all. Levi didn't find it strange to have such an ability. Instead, it was Blitzcrank that caught his attention. Blitzcrank had an ordinary figure and ordinary appearance. It has almost zero presence in the sea.

But what surprised Li Wei was that in his mental perception, there was no other person in front of him at all. If he could not see the other person with the naked eye and the real touch of the handshake just now, Li Wei would have thought that there was a projection in front of him. !

"As expected of the staff in the warehouse!" Levi could only sigh in his heart.

Although Blitz did not describe his rank in the church, whether he was a pastor or a priest, this warehouse is the core of the entire All Souls Church, and the people who can stay in it must not be weak!

"This is it!" And when Levi stepped through the iron gate warehouse, the mosaic that seemed to be painted in front of his eyes instantly dissipated, and Levi finally saw the extremely shocking scene in the warehouse!

The warehouse looked extremely huge from the outside, but after entering the interior, Levi discovered that the warehouse built on the mountain seemed to have been hollowed out and expanded by the mountain range on its back. The space inside could not be seen at a glance. !

"How big is this warehouse?" Levi asked in shock.

"Based on the current space used, it covers an area of ​​17 square kilometers, and the average height of the warehouse is 333 meters." After hearing this, Blitz blurted back.

"17 square kilometers?" Li Wei was a little stunned after hearing this. This size is almost as big as some small cities!

Putting aside the other functions of the warehouse, the steel used in the warehouse itself is an astronomical figure!

The entrance to the warehouse is dozens of meters higher than the interior, so Levi can see the inside of the warehouse from a bird's-eye view, but also feels the vastness of the internal space even more.

After Li Wei saw the interior scene of the warehouse clearly, he found that the entire warehouse looked like a huge logistics transfer station.

There are three-story iron frames placed in the warehouse. These iron frames are very huge, ten meters high, thirty meters long, and even three meters wide. They are simply a three-story prefabricated frame!

Viewed from a high place, the rows of iron shelves are neatly arranged, very regular, like a library.

It's just that what's placed on the iron shelves are not books, but dark gray boxes of different sizes. From time to time, forklifts are driving and sorting between the iron shelves.

Moreover, on the walls on both sides of the warehouse, there are 6 very large bronze human sculptures on the left and right. The 12 sculptures are male and female. Some are holding various cold weapons, and some are holding huge books in their hands. They are lifelike, with eyes or Perseverance, compassion, or gentleness, looking down at the interior of the warehouse.

On the base of each bronze statue, the names, dates of birth and death of these people, as well as the battles they have experienced or the achievements they have achieved are also engraved.

"These bronze sculptures should be the previous warehouse guardians!" Levi scanned the 12 sculptures and learned a lot about the development history of All Souls Church from the descriptions of the sculpture bases.

Levi's previous guess was not wrong. In the past five thousand years, mankind has encountered dozens of life and death crises, and even produced some powerful aberrations and strange objects that could destroy the world.

And these 12 warehouse guardians sacrificed their lives to fight these extremely powerful aberrations or to contain destructive strange objects!

"Mr. Levi, please go this way." Blitz seemed to know how much impact the scene in front of him would have on people who have never been here before, so he stood there and waited for Levi to look at it for two minutes before giving the next step of guidance. .

The entrance to the warehouse is a high stone platform with two staircases, one large and one small. At the entrance of the large staircase, a machine similar to a security gate is installed.

Blitzcrank asked Levi to go through the machine, while he walked on the side path.

Looking at this machine, which is nearly 10 meters high and wide, it is made of silver-white metal plates. It is simple and smooth, but there is an eye inscription the size of a basketball in the upper middle position.

Levi guessed that this machine should be the detector that Walter mentioned just now. It was used to verify the human identity of the entrant. If the body contains distorted radiation, it can be identified by the instrument.

Levi passed directly under the security door, and the eyes on the door frame immediately turned green, indicating that there was no problem.

Levi did not panic at all. Although he had two strange objects containing distorted radiation, they had been included in the leather book at this time. How could the mysterious leather book be detected by this instrument!

Walking down the stairs into the warehouse, Levi found that there were no human drivers in the forklifts that were constantly passing through. They seemed to be robots equipped with crawlers.

These forklifts keep wandering between the iron racks. When they stop next to an iron-gray metal box, a slender, flexible metal pipe will be poked out, and a gray spray will be sprayed towards the metal box. It's like spray painting!

"Mr. Blitz, what's in these boxes? What are these forklifts doing?" Levi turned his head and asked curiously.

"Mr. Levi, these boxes are full of sealed hidden objects." Blitz replied after hearing this, "And what these robots spray is a kind of protective layer. Many hidden objects have strong Distortion energy radioactivity requires regular spraying of shielding layers to isolate these radiation leaks.”

"Hidden objects?" Levi asked with shock on his face, "Are these all strange objects?"

No wonder Li Wei was surprised. There were more or less a dozen metal boxes placed on each iron rack, and there might be thousands of iron racks in the entire warehouse. Those were tens of thousands of strange objects!

"If I become the guardian of the warehouse and absorb the special energy of these strange objects, maybe I will become a god instantly!" An uncontrollable thought came to Levi's mind. He must work hard to crawl at night, and then Become a warehouse guardian!

Levi suppressed the shock and greed in his heart. The 13th warehouse guardian was still alive and well, unless he was strong enough to come and rob it one day!

"Hidden objects refer to items collected in the warehouse, not specifically rare objects." Blitzcrank, who was standing by, shook his head.

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