Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 68 Baptism Mutation

"Can you get 1,000 points of merit by turning in a rare item?" At the top of the list, a very conspicuous reminder in black and bold fonts said, "A level 1 believer is promoted to a level 2 priest. In addition to the life level requirements To reach the standard, do you still need to spend 100 merit points? "

100 merit points, that is, killing a level 2 aberration.

"Huh? Can 1 point of merit points be directly exchanged for 10,000 US dollars?" Levi looked at the list and found that merit points could be converted into money, but money could not buy merit points.

"Mr. Levi, next door is the baptistery!" Blitz pointed to the small room on the side. "Before you go in, you'd better put all your clothes and belongings except your ID card outside, because these clothes cannot withstand the baptism." The infusion of energy will be directly torn into pieces."

"And after entering, you must carry your ID card with you!" Blitz reminded emphatically.

Levi nodded after hearing this, then took off his clothes and handed them to Blitzcrank, leaving only an identity card in his hand. He looked naked through the glass window and found that the room was just an office with an ordinary layout. I don't know if it had something to do with the baptism. what relationship.

"Please use your ID card to swipe the door to get in!" Blitz pointed to the electronic lock on the door.

Levi put his white ID card on the electronic lock and swiped it.

"Beep!" With a soft sound, the door slowly opened automatically. Levi stepped out, and the expression in front of his eyes suddenly changed. The office he had seen before suddenly turned into an extremely dark place with no edges visible. space!

Even with Levi's eyesight, he couldn't see in this darkness, and in such an important place as the baptism, Levi didn't dare to summon the mask of the Faceless Man at will.

"Is it the same deception as before? Or is it some kind of space teleportation technology?" Levi tentatively took a step back, but the portal he came in from had disappeared.

"Buzz!" At this moment, little stars suddenly appeared in the space above Levi's head, as if he were in a universe with bright stars.

Li Wei glanced at it and saw that although there were only a few hundred star points, they were evenly distributed and emitted colorful and gorgeous light.

What is more strange is that some star points seem to be breathing, emitting a constantly flickering light, while some star points seem to be solidified, and the light does not flicker.

After a few seconds, these stars became brighter and brighter, and soon illuminated the dark space like a dream world, revealing a simple stone altar not far away.

After Levi waited for a few minutes and found that there were no other changes around him, he walked towards the altar.

The altar is about three meters high and is made of some kind of blue-red stone. It has a simple and simple appearance and does not have gorgeous carvings. Instead, it is covered with traces of various cuts and axes, as if it had been ravaged by war.

Especially the stones that reflected light red looked like they were soaked in blood and dyed red!

Levi climbed up the steps. When he stood firm, a layer of pale white light suddenly evaporated from the altar under his feet, like a ball of flame, and the energy contained in it continued to surge towards Levi's body.

"Hmm?" As the energy from the altar poured into Levi's body, Levi's brows moved slightly. This energy was slightly similar to the special energy that was promoted to him in the book, but it was not as special as the energy. purely.

To be precise, the purity of the energy released from the altar is far inferior to that of special energy. It is like "fake wine mixed with water"!

"So this is baptism!" Levi looked at the white light that kept drilling into his body, "In other words, the trace of substance that is the same as the special energy is the real key to improving the life level!"

"But this is only Level 2 baptism. Perhaps with higher levels of baptism, the special energy will gradually increase!" Levi himself has reached the peak of Level 2, and this level of baptism is of no use to him. To what effect.

It's like a person who is used to drinking 56-degree Red Star Erguotou, and suddenly he is asked to drink a RIO cocktail, it is almost as indifferent as if it were a drink!

"Huh?" But Levi discovered that the baptismal energy that could not enhance his body began to be directly absorbed by the leather book, and condensed into special energy at a very slow speed.

"Buzz!" And at this moment, among the twinkling stars in the space above Levi's head, the frequency of fourteen star points began to flicker faster and faster, and at the same time, their own brightness continued to increase, as if they were fighting, reflecting the other stars. The stars are much dimmer.

After a moment, it was as if the winner was determined among these fourteen stars. The other thirteen disappeared and returned to their original state, leaving only one star shining with fiery red light.

Moreover, the brightness of this fiery red star point continued to increase. After a few seconds, the light emitted by this star point was even dazzling, as if a sun suddenly appeared in the night sky!

"Buzz!" Then, a fiery red energy beam suddenly shot out from this huge light group, shrouding Levi standing on the altar, and the energy in the beam was instantly integrated into Levi's body!

"Scoff!" After the energy entered the body, it rampaged violently inside Levi's body. At the same time, it also contained blazing energy like flames, constantly destroying Levi's muscles and bones!

"Yeah!" These changes caught Levi off guard and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, but at this time Levi was enveloped in a red beam of light and couldn't even move a finger. He could only passively endure the brutal destruction of these energies!

His skin, which was originally as black as pig iron, was burned red, and his entire body began to grow rapidly, and he soon turned into a muscular giant with a height of more than three meters!

But when this fiery red energy destroyed Levi's body with holes in it, the special energy in the leather book began to actively leak out, and began to continuously repair the wounds in Levi's body, maintaining the body from being destroyed and collapsing. .

During this process, the extremely violent fiery red energy quickly integrated into Levi's body. Levi's body also began to slowly adapt to these energies, and destruction and recovery soon reached a balance.

During this process, Levi's body improved again at an extremely fast speed. His muscles and bones became tougher and stronger. At the same time, a subtle and peculiar evolution began to occur at the genetic level!

"Boom!" When the evolution in the body was gradually completed, Levi's body seemed to spontaneously ignite, a layer of red flames erupted, but the blazing high temperature did not cause any harm to Levi!

At this time, Levi, who was like a giant flame, felt that his body was filled with incomparable power. With a thought, the flames on his body were taken back into the body and disappeared. With another control, he saw blazing flames coming out of his right arm, filled with With very explosive flame power!

And as Levi completely integrated the red energy, the red light pillar shrouding Levi's body also slowly disappeared, and the star point that selected Levi no longer flickered, hanging quietly in the space above his head.

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