Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 69 Inheritance

Levi was a little confused at this time. He could guess that what happened to him was definitely not normal.

Because if these situations would arise, Walter and Blitz would definitely remind him before coming in.

After all, Walter had said before that level 1 and level 2 baptism was only for physical improvement, but after Levi underwent the baptism, his body, which was already far beyond the same level, was once again greatly strengthened, and actually He also evolved magical fire abilities!

"Name: Levi

Age: 30 years old

Life level: level 2 limit

Physical fitness: 20

Constitution: 20

Soul: 1 (has evolved on its own and been completed to a complete state)

Talents: Son of Fire (Elementary), Mimic Wave, Elementary Self-Healing (60%↑), Iron Skin (60%↑), Fearlessness (Inspire), Shield (Inspire)

Rare Items: Mask of the Faceless One (uninspired), Arachne's Loom

Servant: Ogre

Skills: Blacksmithing Level 5, Fighting Level 5, Shooting Level 3, Infiltration Level 3, Maneuvering Level 3, Spy Level 3

Normal energy: 15 points

Special energy: 0

Demigod Power: 0"

Looking at the updated information in the book, Levi couldn't help but feel slightly shocked. Although he knew that the improvement just now was huge, he didn't expect that his physique and physical strength, which were already at the limit of level 2, would be directly improved. A doubled improvement!

Not long ago, he raised his life level to the limit of level 2 through the special energy in the leather book, and his physical fitness and constitution were unable to improve. However, after receiving the energy infusion from the star point, he directly broke this limit!

Moreover, Levi's physical strength and physique were already more than twice as strong as those of the best at the same level. At this time, they doubled again in all aspects, and the extent of surpassing him was more than four times!

If Levi activates the 50% increasing effect of the Mask of the Faceless Man, that would be up to 30 points of physical strength, and more than 30 tons of force at full strength, which is enough to overturn a light tank, and he will once again step on the path of Superman. A big step!

At the same time, Levi's self-healing talent and steel skin have also increased significantly, both reaching 60% progress. Combined with the previous mental power to complete the soul after 100%, Levi is also looking forward to the emergence of these two talents. What a transformation.

In addition to these two talent improvements, Levi actually has an additional talent as a Son of Fire!

Levi can release hot and explosive flames from his body at will. Although the temperature of this flame cannot be determined yet, once Levi possesses the talent of Son of Flame, he will be immune to most fire damage in the world, and even Being able to draw power from the flames, his life-saving ability has also been enhanced.

"There are also suddenly more forging skills!" In Levi's mind, a lot of knowledge about forging and combat suddenly appeared, just like his own personal experience of hard training, without any contradiction, so he continued to directly obtain A level 5 forging skill, and even the original level 4 fighting skill has been upgraded by one level.

"So the reason for all these changes is the energy in the red star cluster just now?" Levi cast his eyes on the extra line of information at the bottom of the book, "Or, in other words, it is half of the energy contained in the infusion just now. God's power?"

Levi speculated that the extremely violent energy that was running rampant in his body was the so-called demigod power. Even if Pi Shu had not consumed some of the special energy stored in his body to repair his body in time, he would most likely not have been able to succeed. Supported the transformation of demigod power!

"Could it be that these star points are actually some kind of inheritance in the church?" Levi made a bold guess in his mind, "And in the church, level 5 life forms are called demigods, so these star points come from those level 5 life forms. body?"

Levi raised his head and looked at the dense starlight in the space above. After counting carefully, he found that there were no more than 540 star points above his head, of which only 164 star points were still flickering.

Levi reflected the memory in his mind and found that the red star that gave him the inheritance also stopped blinking.

If Levi's guess is correct, it means that 540 level 5 life forms called demigods have been born in the church!

Among them, there are already 376 demigods whose inheritance has been obtained by the believers who participated in the baptism. Combined with his own huge improvement and evolution, Li Wei has a little more understanding of the secrets hidden in the darkness of the All Souls Church!

It’s just unclear whether the star points will resume flashing if the recipient of this inheritance dies, or can the inheritance of each star point be inherited only once?

Also, countless people have been baptized in the church over the years, but only 376 people have received this kind of star point inheritance, which shows how difficult it is to obtain inheritance!

"But why did I attract such a legacy?" Levi had more and more doubts in his mind. "Is it because my physical fitness is far superior to the same level? Or is it because of the attraction of the leather book?"

"My physical strength has been greatly improved, and I have also gained the innate skills of fire and forging!" Levi lowered his head and looked at his giant-like body at this time. His steel skin, which was originally as black as iron, has evolved through flames. At this time, it was restored to its original whiteness and tenderness, but the skin's defense power was doubled.

"So, maybe I got the inheritance from a certain flame giant?" But in Levi's mind, except for the inheritance memory of forging and the flame control ability that seems to be baked into the instinct of the body, there is no other information about the source of the inheritance. information.

"Crack!" As Li Wei thought, he saw that his body began to shrink rapidly, and soon returned to its original shape, but his whole body was tight, as if he had put on a coat that was two sizes too small, and his whole body felt... Feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Buzz!" After Levi's body returned to its original state, the identity card that he had brought to the altar slowly floated to him. However, the originally white card now turned into a blue, One side is white.

Because Blitzkrieg had just reminded Levi to carry his identity card with him when he was baptized, this card had also been baptized by the altar just now. At this time, Levi could actually feel a strange feeling from the card. association.

"Are you trying to refine the card into a part of yourself?" Levi speculated in his mind.

"Phew!" When Levi caught the card that flew to him, the surrounding environment like a starry sky and the altar standing at his feet disappeared in an instant, and the surrounding area suddenly returned to the scene of an office. It was obviously this time The baptism is now over.

"Crack!" Levi opened the door and walked out, only to see that besides Blitzcrank, there was a thin white woman in a brown suit staring at him with a smile on her face!

"Hello Levi, I am Medina, the current warehouse guardian!"

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