"Hello! Lord Guardian!" Levi was slightly shocked. He did not expect that as the guardian of the warehouse and one of the most powerful humans in the world, he would actually come up to him and greet him so easily. !

Thinking back to the unrivaled mental power exploration that I encountered when I came to the warehouse before, it was most likely the work of this guardian!

That's why Li Wei knew more clearly how powerful this seemingly ordinary woman was!

"Haha! Don't be formal!" Medina saw Levi's shock, chuckled and waved her hands, "Okay, I'll call you Levi, and you can just call me Ms. Medina!"

"But, Li, are you sure you want to stay naked in front of a lady?" Medina glanced at Li Wei up and down, her eyebrows raised.

Medina looked like a white woman about forty years old, with a thin and slender figure. Although there were some faint wrinkles on her face, she had the charm of a mature woman.

But Li Wei knew very well that although the other party looked like a ripe peach, she might actually be an old woman older than Li Wei's grandmother!

"I'm so sorry!" Levi quickly took the storage box from Blitzcrank and quickly put on his clothes. After inadvertently revealing the blue identity card, Medina had an inexplicable look in her eyes.

"Ms. Medina, may I ask why my ID card changed color?" After noticing Medina's gaze, Levi opened the card in his hand and asked in confusion.

"The identity card of each person in the church is actually not as simple as a bank card!" Medina replied upon hearing this, "These identity cards are actually derivatives of a rare item!"

"After being baptized together, the card has a slight connection with everyone's soul. In this way, the card is truly bound to everyone!"

"And as a derivative of strange objects, identity cards also have magical functions. The first and most important thing is that they can sense the soul condition of the bound person. The church can use this method to determine the survival status of the bound person! "

Levi nodded when he heard this. This is easy to understand. Once the card disconnects the soul connection between the card and the bound person, it most likely means that the bound person is dead!

"If the induction is disconnected and it is determined that the bound person is dead, then the church will use that strange object to accurately locate the location of the bound person before his death, and rush there to investigate and take revenge!"

"And if people in the church are killing each other, then they can use strange objects to directly target the believers who do it! Therefore, killing each other is strictly prohibited within the church!"

Levi was stunned when he heard this. No wonder Walter was very sure before that people within the church would not kill each other!

This means that as long as you kill one of your own, you will be marked with a "red name"!

"And the second unique ability is to sense the life level of the bound person!" Medina smiled lightly and showed her palm to Levi, only to see a red card appear directly from the palm, "So the church can identify the other party's identity internally. and level, the most direct and accurate way is to show your identity card! "

"White, blue, purple, red, and gold, these five colors of cards represent the five life levels from low to high!" Medina's red card indicates that she is a level 4 high-level life form.

But as the guardian of the warehouse, the other party can use the power of this powerful magical object in the warehouse to exert a power comparable to a level 5 demigod!

"And the reason why your identity card is half blue and half white is because, Levi, although you have evolved to a level 2 life form, you have not yet submitted your meritorious service to be promoted to a priest in the church! After you are promoted to a priest, this will Cards connected to the church’s internal information database will all turn blue!”

"So, is this the power of a Level 2 life form? Did I get lucky and successfully evolve?" Levi had a look of surprise on his face, but his heart sank slightly.

He had just undergone level 2 baptism, so he could barely find a reason for himself, but how should he explain that he later achieved life level evolution through leather books?

For example, Levi only needs to hunt aberrations and obtain 10 points of special energy, and then he can use the leather book to upgrade to a level 3 life form. How should he keep this secret then?

Unless he stops showing his identity card and stops coming to be baptized, this method only treats the symptoms but not the root cause!

"Is it luck?" Medina chuckled and shook her head at this time, "No, no, no, Levi, you can survive one baptism and successfully evolve to a level 2 life form. This is not luck! It's that person The great being chose you to inherit his legacy!”

"Ms. Medina, do you know?" Levi felt relieved. No wonder the other party, as the guardian of the warehouse, would come to see him specially!

"I know everything that happens in the warehouse!" Medina nodded, then got on an unmanned forklift and waved to Levi, "Let's go, I'll take you to visit this warehouse!"

"First of all, congratulations. Your ability to successfully accept the inheritance is equivalent to having a master key to a higher life level. At least when you evolve to level 3 or 4 life forms, you will not encounter difficulties or bottlenecks!"

"At the same time, you also have powerful strength and magical abilities that far exceed those of ordinary peers!" The forklift shuttled the two people through the warehouse at a very fast speed. "And this provides you with the opportunity to grow to that level. Required force protection!”

Medina gently waved her hand in front of her, and the star-point diagram of the baptismal space suddenly appeared in front of them again.

"These divine stars are the inheritance left by the church's former fifth-level demigods, and they are also the source of power for our All Souls Church's baptism! And during the baptism process, the divine stars will also select inheritors who meet their own conditions!" Before Li Wei could ask, Medina took the initiative to explain these secrets to him.

"However, most of the inheritance of the power of the God Star is very violent, and the requirements for successors are extremely high. Sometimes, even if there are qualified candidates, the body cannot withstand the energy infusion during the inheritance process, resulting in explosion and death! Therefore, recently In the past twenty years, only a few people in the church have successfully obtained inheritance!”

"How many people have succeeded in twenty years?" Li Wei was a little surprised when he heard this, but he was not surprised by the scarcity of the number of people, but was shocked that the number of people was beyond his imagination!

Levi knew very well how violent the energy was poured into during the inheritance process and how difficult and dangerous the process was.

And if it weren't for his own physical fitness that was twice that of the same level, if it weren't for the self-healing talent to take effect, and if it wasn't for the timely repair of several special energies stored in the book, Levi wouldn't have completed the inheritance so easily!

But there are actually many people who can withstand such a violent inheritance, which Li Wei did not expect.

"Of course, depending on the strength of the demigods, the difficulty of these inheritances is also very different!" Just as Levi was surprised, Medina also explained his doubts, "And you, Levi, have obtained the right It is the inheritance of the dwarf king who ranks among the top ten heroes!"

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