"Tsk!" A very thin layer of black flames adhered to the bone ax blade, making the ax blade ground from bones extremely tough and sharp, and it even effortlessly cut open Li Wei's back and left shoulder. The skin and flesh of the place!

Levi stretched out his palm to grab the bone axe, but after a successful blow, the bone ax flew back to the aberration's hand like lightning!

Levi suddenly tightened his back muscles to prevent blood from flowing out, but the wound was stained with a layer of light black flames that kept beating, and the fair skin began to turn gray and black!

"Crack!" The aberration grabbed the bone ax that flew back automatically. The big hole in the chest and the broken right leg were quickly healed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that the strange object you fused only gave you the strength to die!" The aberration waved the bone ax in his hand gently. After being contaminated with Levi's blood, the layer on the bone ax was as light as smoke. The black flame seemed to be doused with a layer of gasoline, burning even more fiercely.

In the brief confrontation just now, the aberrations also roughly discovered that the human in front of them has no other outstanding abilities except that they are powerful and the mask on their head can resist fear!

Although the exaggerated pistol in the opponent's hand is powerful, it cannot produce effective damage to the aberrations!

Moreover, this human has been injured by its bone axe, and the fear poison contained in the bone ax has begun to penetrate into his body, which will cause huge stimulation and burden to this human's heart. The other person will not be able to hold on for long!

"I possess the immortality that you humans long for!" The aberration kept waving the bone ax and circling around Levi, seemingly delaying the onset of the poison.

"To tell you the truth, I can replace my missing body parts by eating people. I can't even remember the people I've eaten over the years. What are you going to fight with me for?"

"Boom!" As soon as the aberration finished speaking, it flapped its wings suddenly, and the figure caught in the thick fog soared up again, holding the bone ax high, and slashed towards Li Wei's neck.

Although it seems to be a repeat of the same trick, the body hidden by the thick fog, coupled with the ability of the bone ax to spin at will, is indeed a very effective killing skill!

"Boom!" Hearing the noise coming from the mist, Li Wei, who was standing motionless, thought with a thought, and then a powerful spiritual power blasted out in all directions like a flood, sweeping through the wall that enveloped the second floor. In the fog of fear!

Although the mimetic shock wave has evolved into a mental force field, Levi still retains the ability to release mental power as a shock wave, just waiting for the aberrations to come to his door!

Because Levi had discovered before that when the aberrant body flaps its wings to accelerate the attack, it travels in a straight line. As long as it finds the opponent's trace, it can't escape!

The moment the mental power hit, the fog of fear seemed to be diluted countless times. Levi immediately saw the aberration two meters away, almost integrated with the fog, "I found you!"

The reason why Levi only defended instead of fighting back just now was because he wanted to fully feel the power of the level 3 aberrations, so as to evaluate the actual gap between himself and the level 3 aberrations!

Now, Levi has roughly figured out the power of level 3 aberrations and the effects of using skills. Next, it’s time to fight back and finish off the opponent!

"Boom!" Levi's body suddenly rose to more than three meters high, and the power bound in his body was completely released. His muscles were all tangled, and he burst out with huge power. He crossed the distance between him and the aberrant body in one step, and grabbed the aberrant body. The other person’s neck!

"Boom!" The power of Levi's step directly carried the aberration over a distance of more than 20 meters, smashed a concrete wall of the police station, and fell into the training ground behind the police station!

"Boom!" The two figures drew a long way across the training ground. The hard cement was like a beach, leaving a trace that was more than ten meters long and more than half a meter deep.

"Tsk!" Levi sat astride the aberration, pinched the aberration's neck with one hand, grabbed the other's head with the other, and pulled it off!

But when the head was pulled off, it turned into dust like yellow sand, and then a new head grew out!

"Haha! It's useless! I don't have the weaknesses of humans!" The aberrant laughed wildly, stretched out his hand, and the bone ax that had just fallen far away flew over and struck at Levi's head!

"Crack!" Levi grabbed back with his right hand and directly grasped the skull on the top of the bone axe. The two sides fell into a wrestling state!

Li Wei was slightly surprised. The force of the bone ax flying on its own was not weak. It could continuously emit nearly 15 tons of force!

And it was extremely tough. Levi exploded with all his strength, and even the power of his five fingers could not destroy it. However, it temporarily bound the bone ax in his hand, causing the aberration to lose the only weapon that could hurt Levi.

"Scoff!" Just when the bone ax was caught by Li Wei, a group of black sparks suddenly appeared from the skull on the top of the ax blade. The black flames at the wound on Li Wei's back suddenly rose and accelerated towards him. The erosion of the body!

"Boom!" Feeling some pressure from his heart, a crimson flame suddenly appeared on Levi's body, and his whole body turned into a burning man, immediately suppressing the black flame on his back. Since the Dwarf King’s Son of Fire talent!

When using this talent, Levi can not only control the flames in nature and be immune to their damage, but he can also directly release high-temperature flames of more than a thousand degrees!

Levi just wanted to use the talent of the Son of Fire to control the black flames on his back, but he failed.

Levi guessed that the energy generated on the bone ax actually just looked like a flame, but it was not actually a flame! In other words, his talent as the Son of Fire is only at the elementary level at the moment. When he improves it in the future, he will be able to control these strange energy flames?

"Boom!" After flames burst out from Levi's whole body, he immediately ignited the aberration that was pressed under him, but the other party was like a piece of damp wood. Although deep red sparks continued to appear on his body, and even carbonized. It turns into powder, but is constantly restored in the next second!

"Hey! It's useless!" The aberration made a hoarse voice, but his eyes glanced at the bone ax uncontrollably.

In the state of activating the faceless man's mask, these tiny details were infinitely magnified. Levi's heart moved, and he continued to increase and compress the flame energy in his right hand, and increase the flame temperature.

A few seconds later, the temperature of the flame on Levi's right hand reached nearly 3,000 degrees, and the handle of the bone ax he grasped turned red, and the power generated by the struggle on the bone ax began to weaken.

"Ah!" And just when the bone ax was burned red by the high temperature, the aberration suppressed by Levi seemed to feel the same, and suddenly let out a miserable howl!

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