Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 87 Powered Bullets

"Huh?" Levi's heart moved when he saw this, and he thought of the information about level 3 life forms he had obtained from Medina before!

Level 3 life forms, in order to reduce the pressure of controlling radiation energy, will choose to smelt strange objects. While sharing the pressure, they can also use the strange objects to leverage more powerful radiation energy!

But everything has two sides. After the level 3 life form fuses the strange object, the two become one, and the strange object will become a weakness of the life form. If the strange object is damaged, the life form itself will also be damaged. Suffered harm!

There have even been cases where rare objects were destroyed and level 3 lifeforms died along with them!

For aberrations, because their quality is far superior to that of humans of the same level, and most of them have some quite strange and strange abilities, most advanced aberrations do not need to melt rare objects.

And on the other hand, it is extremely difficult for aberrations to successfully smelt strange objects because of their own chaotic radiation!

But there are no absolutes. Among the aberrations, there are also some gifted and more qualified beings who can successfully fuse strange objects and use the abilities of strange objects just like humans, thus exerting power that far exceeds that of aberrations of the same level!

The vampire-like aberration in front of me is exactly this type!

Upon seeing this, Li Wei directly transferred and condensed all the flames outside his body to the bone axe. The flames turned red-orange, and the temperature approached three thousand degrees. The black flames on the bone axe were also continuously squeezed and compressed, and the distorted body His body has begun to turn red, like a piece of red-hot coal!

"Even if the bone ax is destroyed, you can't destroy me!" The aberration howled. Although the voice was full of pain, Levi could indeed detect that the aberration did not tell lies!

"I didn't want to destroy this ax!" This bone ax is a strange object that can be controlled at will, is extremely sharp, and can cause continuous damage to the target. How could Levi be willing to destroy it!

"Crack!" Levi took out the huge revolver from his waist, poured out the cartridge case inside, rolled the magazine onto the belt on his waist, and loaded several strange and exquisite silver bullets on the belt. Go in.

These bullets are the energy-charged bullets that Levi generated by himself after pouring silver, pig iron and water into the muzzle of the revolver. They can cause huge damage to supernatural creatures!

Speaking of which, the silver used to make these bullets came from the silver experimental equipment in the church basement. Levi had forgotten to exchange it directly from the warehouse!

It's just an energy-charged bullet the size of an index finger, but it requires nearly 300 grams of iron, 200 grams of pure silver, and 100 grams of water. Therefore, the entire silverware in the laboratory can only produce 6 bullets!

"Buzz!" As Levi pulled the trigger, the originally pitch-black gun body suddenly lit up with bright silver lines from the handle and hammer, and these lines continued to spread toward the barrel!

In an instant, the entire gun was covered with gorgeous and mysterious silver lines, and a powerful breath of radiation began to emerge!

"Huh?" After feeling this aura, the aberration's eyes suddenly changed, showing a faint look of fear.

"Boom!" Following an explosion like muffled thunder, a silver stream of light suddenly appeared from the muzzle, as if mixed with the power of thunder and lightning, instantly smashing the head of the aberration under his feet and scorching it black!

"Hi!" After the aberration's head was smashed, it did not recover as quickly as before. There was a trace of arc-shaped silver energy in the broken neck wound, slowly but surely eroding the wound. into coke.

It has been verified that this bullet does have huge damage to supernatural creatures!

"Crack! Click!" Moreover, the aberrant body seemed to feel more severe pain. Its headless body struggled desperately on the ground, and its two claws scratched countless criss-crossing marks on the cement floor!

"The head is indeed not the fatal wound!" Levi turned the muzzle of the gun and fired a second charged bullet in his chest, which immediately made a big hole in his chest, revealing the shriveled organs in his chest that were like dead wood!

Although this made the aberrant body struggle more fiercely, it was not killed in one blow!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Levi fired three bullets directly, and the aberrant body was immediately beaten to pieces. Except for a pool of burnt black powder, only the opponent's left arm was left on the spot!

"Is he really immortal?" Levi couldn't help but feel a hint of envy in his heart as he looked at the broken arm on the ground, which was leaning on five sharp claws and crawling rapidly towards the west.

"Boom!" Levi fired the last bullet at his arm, blasting it into charcoal and completely erasing the body of the aberrant body!

"Whoops!" But at this moment, an almost undetectable black ball of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, turned into a stream of light, flew towards the southwest, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Huh?" Levi frowned. He had completely destroyed the body of the aberrant body, but there was no message in the book about the arrival of special energy.

Levi was certain that the aberrant body was not really dead, and that black ball of light was most likely the opponent's real Achilles' heel!

Levi turned his head and looked at the wound on his back shoulder, his face serious.

The faintly visible black flame on the wound did not disappear. Instead, it was still hindering the wound's self-healing. Even the skin and flesh at the wound began to show a light black color!

Levi probed out the mental force field, but he couldn't get rid of the black flames. He could only try to control its spread!

But Levi didn't worry too much. These black flames alone could not cause much damage to him in a short period of time, nor would they affect the performance of his strength. When he evolved to a level 3 life form, he could try to mobilize it. Radiant energy, get rid of it!

There was also the aberration. Levi looked at the direction in which the ball of light was escaping, and already had a rough guess in his mind. It would definitely not be able to escape!

"Click! Clap!" At this moment, there was a sound of cautious footsteps in the police station, and then two teams of heavily armed police officers came over in a defensive formation.

After the police officers who went out to carry out the arrest mission came back, Milk had the courage to come over to check the situation.

"Mr. Levi! You're okay, that's great!" Milk looked at the concrete floor that looked like it had been blasted by a missile and the half-destroyed police station building. He was extremely shocked!

Is this kind of destructive power only possible with the human body?

Robots, genetically modified people, government super soldiers, the science fiction movies he had watched suddenly appeared in Milk's mind, but he never expected that they actually existed in reality!

"Mr. Milk, today's matter is a state secret. You should know how to do it!" Levi turned to Milk and whispered.

"Of course!" Milk quickly stood up straight, "Please don't worry!"

Milk and others did not see the appearance of the aberrant body, nor did they see the battle between Levi and the aberrant body. In addition, people from the church would come to clean up the matter later, so Levi was not worried about the other party. What information is revealed.

"And in the direction where the light ball escaped, the church seems to be right there!"

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