Chapter 65 Magneto, the terrifying Chen Tian!!

Chen Tian’s strange appearance made Professor X’s eyes move slightly.

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded in the bottom of Chen Tian’s heart: “West, did you guess that I would die this time.” ”

“Don’t talk, just think about it.”

“……… Professor. ”

Chen Tian paused.

“Sure enough, you guessed it.”

Professor X opposite Chen Tian smiled slightly, and his voice sounded in Chen Tian’s heart, and his eyes that looked at him showed appreciation.

Although he couldn’t invade Chen Tian’s consciousness and watch his memories, it was not a problem for the professor to communicate with Chen Tian with the power of his heart, because it was the spiritual fluctuations of both sides who were talking.

Just like he could usually sense some of his emotional changes through some of the mental fluctuations that Chen Tian emitted.

Professor X’s voice sounded in Chen Tian’s heart, and he sighed: “West, you are very good, powerful, smart, and responsible. ”

“It would have been nice if you had shown up twenty years earlier.”

Chen Tian shook his head slightly, and his spirit fluctuated: “Professor, you treat me too much. ”

Professor X smiled slightly: “No, I never make a mistake in looking at people.” ”

“Although you usually behave more alone, do not want to cause trouble, and do not want to take care of things, but you are very kind and responsible in your heart.”

“Otherwise, when you guessed that something would happen to Scott earlier, you wouldn’t have come to me so eagerly.”

“At that time, you guessed that something would happen to Scott, and you knew that Jean would run away, and if you forcibly stopped her, you would be in danger yourself.”

“But you went anyway.”

“And Chris Institute, I said Katie that you hate those who mutilate mutants, and although it is the first time you participate in the fight, you strike mercilessly.”

“Especially on the fifth underground floor, after seeing the tragic situation of those mutant children who were imprisoned, and the appearance of Edith, it was even more murderous.”

“In your hands, whether it is those armed men or those researchers, whether male or female, you will kill no one left.”

“For this reason, Logan also specially told me, saying that you are too murderous, so I have time to enlighten you more.”

“……… This. ”

Looking at Professor X on the other side, Chen Tian blinked, not knowing what to say for a while.

Is he really that good?

At this time, Professor X on the other side continued: “But I don’t think it’s necessary. ”

“If a person is not angry and does not empathize with himself after seeing his own kind being killed, this person can no longer be called a person.”

Well, the professor said so, what else can Chen Tian say.

Since the professor had said this, Chen Tian did not pretend, and his spirit fluctuated: “Professor, did you really decide to do that?” Are you sure you can complete the consciousness shift? ”

Professor X had a smile on his face, and his voice sounded in Chen Tian’s heart: “Sure enough, West, you guessed. ”


Suddenly, Chen Tian’s eyes widened.

He was actually deceived by Professor X, it turned out that he was not sure whether he had guessed his purpose this time, just now he was just deceiving him.

Sure enough, old and not dead is for thieves, too thieves. Chen Tian thought with some indignation. At the same time, this time also gave Chen Tian a wake-up call, and he should pay more attention to teaching this trick in the future. Otherwise, he would not know if he was deceived one day.

At this time, Professor X was slightly silent, and then his voice sounded in Chen Tian’s heart: “I guessed it from the consciousness transfer topic I once said.” ”

“……… Right. ”

Chen Tian nodded slightly.

But this time he said nothing but one pair.

Too many words will be lost, since the professor likes to guess, let him guess, it is best to make up everything himself.

Professor X said slowly: “Actually, I am not 100% sure about the transfer of consciousness, maybe this time I die, it is really dead.” ”

“Then you…”

Chen Tian frowned, but he didn’t expect that Professor X was actually unsure.

He thought he had already completed the idea before making this decision. Professor X shook his head slightly, signaled Chen Tian not to be nervous, and said with a smile on his face: “Because there are some things that someone is destined to do.” ”

“And for the transfer of consciousness, although I am not 100% sure, it is still okay to be 70% sure.”

“With seventy percent certainty, to gamble on Qinqin’s original consciousness to defeat instinct, and become a true omega-level mutant, I think it’s worth it.”

Looking at the determined Professor X, Chen Tian wanted to say that you lost the bet, and although your consciousness was successfully transferred, Qin did not overcome instinct this time.

And will storm Alcatraz in the back.

Then Wolverine approaches against destruction and healing, awakens a certain consciousness, and kills her in the sound of her yelling to kill her.

Thinking of this, Chen Tian didn’t know what to say for a while. Is it wrong to say that the professor is wrong?

That’s right, he died once for it. Is it wrong to say Wolverine?

He was also right, because at that time, there was nothing he could do to stop her from destroying everything except to kill Jean.

So is Jean wrong?

She is also right, she awakened the ability of the Mind Power mutant, and she never thought that there was still the existence of the power of the phoenix in her body.

If she is wrong, then she can only say that she is not strong enough.

If Qin’s mental power is strong enough, strong enough to suppress the power of the phoenix, there will not be as many things as later.

In silence, the car passed through the city and then onto a somewhat deserted highway.

After driving for dozens of kilometers along that highway, I finally came to a town full of British style and all houses were single-family villas.

At this time, Professor X said gently: “Orolo, wait until you get to the intersection in front, turn left until the end of that street, which is the home of Jean.” ”

Is it coming. Chen Tian took a deep breath.

According to the professor’s instructions, after a while, the storm girl slowly stopped the car on the side of the road.

Chen Tian first opened the door and got out of the car, then grabbed the professor’s wheelchair armrest and lifted him out of the car.

Looking at the surrounding buildings that have not changed much from many years ago, Professor X sighed with some emotion: “More than twenty years ago, Eric and I came here and took Jean with us. ”

“I didn’t expect that more than twenty years later, because of Jean, I came here again.”

At this moment, an old voice in the distance answered: “So the world is unpredictable, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.” ”

Saying that, Magneto, wearing a cloak and helmet, appeared not far away, and walked over with a few mutants behind him.

The moment he saw Magneto appear, Storm Girl and Wolverine showed a vigilant look, like a great enemy.

However, for Magneto’s appearance, the professor did not seem very surprised, and looked at him calmly: “What are you doing here?” ”

Magneto smiled slightly, and said indifferently: “Like you, visit an old friend.” ”

Professor X looked at him deeply: “I don’t have the intention to make a plot today. ”

Magneto smiled and said, “Of course, I don’t want to cause trouble. ”

Saying, like an old friend, he greeted the professor, “Let’s go, let’s go in.” ”

Looking at Magneto, who had obviously been waiting for him for a long time, Professor X said gently to Wolverine: “You guys stay outside, I’ll go in alone.” ”


The Storm Girl was startled.

Chen Tian also raised his eyebrows, and just wanted to say something, the professor’s voice sounded again in his heart: “West, don’t stop me, I know what I’m doing.” ”

“And it has to be done, because there is not much time left for us.”

“Let’s take care of Aurolo and them outside, the strength of the few subordinates brought by Eric this time is not weak, I am afraid that they will suffer losses.”

Sighing in his heart, Chen Tian, who didn’t know what to say, had to nod.

After instructing Chen Tian, Professor X’s wheelchair turned, walked towards the small building where the qin was located, and said calmly to Magneto: “I came this time to take the qin home, don’t hinder me.” ”

Facing a professor who ignored his appearance, Magneto chuckled: “Charles, don’t you think your words are a little funny, this tone, you think you are her parents?” ”

With that, the two walked into the courtyard.

At this time, Magneto turned around and looked at the three Wolverine who followed him, and a few of his subordinates ordered: “Look at the outside, don’t let people come in and disturb me.” ”

Among the four people who immediately followed Magneto, the burly red tank wearing a sexy belt and holding a large iron helmet looked at Chen Tian and the three of them, revealing a sneer.

At the same time, the other three also had a malicious expression on their faces.

This expression made Wolverine a little unhappy, and the storm girl also frowned slightly, and her eyes were cold.

And Chen Tian said even more unceremoniously: “That perverted bald guy, put away the disgusting smile on your face, otherwise I don’t mind teaching you a lesson.” ”

Chen Tian’s words surprised Storm Girl and Wolverine.

Chen Tian, who looked like this, was a little different from the calm and low-key teenager in their impression.

And the red tank did not expect that the other party actually dared to take the initiative to provoke him.

Looking at Chen Tian, who was dressed in white casual clothes and had a tall and handsome figure, the red tank’s face showed a hideous look: “Dare to say that I am perverted, boy, I will smash you later.” ”

As soon as the red tank finished speaking, the short young man behind stepped forward and said disdainfully: “Why, do you want to do it.” ”

Saying that, as soon as he straightened his chest, countless black thorns more than ten and twenty centimeters long appeared on his body, like a human-type hedgehog with spikes.

Behind, the night walker with a tattoo on her face also walked over, and her gaze fell on Chen Tian’s face with bad intentions: “Handsome guy, you seem to be a little arrogant.” ”

“Let me see, what is your arrogant confidence…”

Saying that, the night walking girl used her ability to sense the ability and level of Chen Tian’s three.

But in an instant, the night walking girl’s eyes showed a stunned look, and she looked at the black-haired boy in front of her in amazement.

In her perception, the white-haired woman was a very strong mutant, with a high level, the ability to control the weather, and her strength was not weak, but she was still within the range.

A middle-aged man with a beard face, the ability is self-healing and claws, the rank is average, there is nothing to worry about.

But this black-haired teenager, obviously the level is not high in her perception, and the ability is energy control.

But I don’t know why, when facing him, the night stalking girl inexplicably had a kind of fear. Just like deep in his body, there is also some terrifying power, once angered, it will blow up everything.

That palpitating sense of oppression had even surpassed their leader, approaching the coercive feeling given to her by the terrifying mutant in the room.

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