Chapter 66 Destroying the power of mind, Chen Tian’s power!!

Characters such as Nocturnal, Red Tank, and Arc Light are all present in Marvel.

Especially the red tank, in the comic setting, is the person who obtains the power of the evil god Setorak, the sword and gun, the power is infinite, once moved, no one can do it.

Even Edman alloy weapons can’t hurt him, and the strength can refer to the Hulk.

But it’s a pity that the mutant in front of me is just called Red Tank, although it has similar abilities to Red Tank in the comics.

But from him, Chen Tian did not feel that sense of oppression from the power of the evil god.

And now Chen Tian is not in a very good mood, and he has a kind of irritability that wants to vent.

At this time, when he knew that Professor X was about to die, he could only watch from the sidelines, because this was the professor’s own choice.

For Professor X, although he had only been in contact for less than a month, Chen Tian admired him a little.

This is a true elder with great courage, great wisdom and kindness. After all, not everyone can face death head-on.

Although he had died dozens of times in the virtual battlefield, Chen Tian knew very well that it was because he knew that the death of the virtual battlefield was not real death, so he was not afraid.

The professor is different, although he is seventy percent sure of consciousness transfer, seven percent does not mean one hundred percent.

Maybe there was some small accident, and he died completely.

Even Chen Tian, who knew some future directions, did not dare to guarantee that the professor would succeed, after all, this is a real world.


At this moment, an amazing burst of mental power in the house made the entire small villa shake and startled everyone outside.

Especially Storm and Wolverine, one worried about the professor’s safety, the other wants to know about Jean’s situation.

So I rushed in without even thinking about it.

But Magneto’s men stopped them, and the nocturnal girl sneered: “The head said that no one can enter.” ”

Seeing this, the storm woman snorted coldly, and the majestic power in her body exploded, and in an instant, the wind and clouds in heaven and earth changed, and a substantial wind enveloped her.

Then, Storm Girl spun and blasted out like a spinning top. Bang bang!!

Caught off guard, the hedgehog and the nocturnal girl were directly knocked into the storm woman surrounded by the fierce wind, and could only watch him rush to the villa.

This move, Chen Tian’s eyes jumped, too………, there are long-range mages who throw themselves out like weapons.

But immediately, the nocturnal girl who landed disappeared in place, and then there was a sound of battle in the house.

In the face of the Night Walking Girl who can teleport at the same speed as a short burst, and the close range is in a narrow range, the Storm Girl is somewhat restrained.


Over there, just when Wolverine just wanted to rush in with Storm Girl, in the corner of the villa courtyard, the arc light that had been quiet clasped his hands together.


In an instant, a powerful shock wave erupted, and the air shook everywhere it passed, covering a range of more than ten meters.

Under this shock impact force, Wolverine was directly shocked by the huge impact force and crashed into the side warehouse.

At this time, the red tank put on his helmet and looked at Chen Tian fiercely: “Boy, I just said that I will smash you.” ”

Saying that, he rushed towards Chen Tian ten meters away.

Bang bang!!

With every step the red tank takes, the ground shakes.

And just as he began to run, a thick and violent momentum appeared on his body, forming an invisible force on the surface of his body, like a real huge tank.

Looking at the red tank rushing towards him, Chen Tian’s eyes were slightly cold and he did not dodge.

I saw him squatting slightly under him, clenching his fist in his right hand, and suddenly a terrifying force in his body awakened, turning from an invisible force into a golden halo and converging in his fist.

From a distance, it was as if Chen Tian’s fist was covered with a layer of gold, exuding a terrifying aura of power, and the surrounding air suddenly condensed.

At this time, the red tank was already approaching with a furious power, like a giant elephant, and seeing this, Chen Tian directly punched out.


At the moment when the unstoppable red tank’s shoulder and Chen Tian’s fist collided with each other, both of them were shocked.

Immediately, the golden power contained in Chen Tian’s fist erupted. Rumble!

In an instant, the earth cracked within ten meters, and a substantial shock wave erupted centered on the two of them, turning into a violent wind and kicking up billowing smoke.

Bang bang!!

In the fierce wind and smoke, the red tank, which was said to be unstoppable once it moved, shook all over, smashed the ground under its feet, and took several steps back.

Similarly, Chen Tian also threw several meters back under a huge force, his feet plowed two deep marks on the ground, and the hard cement was as fragile as tofu.

In this case, Chen Tian’s shoes suddenly became tattered, and his trouser legs were also scratched.

Under the tentative blow, the two sides appeared to be equal in the collision of forces.

The smoke and dust cleared, looking at Chen Tian not far away, a hint of surprise appeared in the eyes of the red tank: “You, the first person to force me to stop me head-on after I move.” ”

Saying that, the red tank’s face showed excitement: “But just now I just rushed out ten meters, the kinetic energy has not been fully accumulated, and then I have to be serious.” ”

Chen Tian said lightly: “Yes, just right, I am also ready to get serious.” ”


The violent energy in Chen Tian’s body exploded, and in an instant, the whole person was surrounded by transparent qi waves, and his hair danced wildly, exuding a strong sense of oppression like a Saiyan transformation.

Although he didn’t care, after the blow just now, Chen Tian was also surprised by the power displayed by the red tank.

Because at the moment of intersection just now, he seemed to only blast out one punch, but in fact, more than a dozen punches burst out instantly, bursting out more than ten times the power.

With such power, even a whale rushing at high speed will be blasted by him. But the red tank was unscathed, except for a few steps back.

The terrifying defense, as well as the amazing power, even Chen Tian couldn’t help but get serious and directly enter the first-level energy fury state.

The power skyrocketed fivefold in an instant.

And just as Chen Tian entered the transformation state, the red tank also entered again and began to charge.

However, he did not rush directly towards Chen Tian a few meters away, but rushed towards the main road, running in an arc around the wide road.

He’s gaining momentum.

Ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters………

As he kept running, the momentum on the red tank became heavier and faster, and the ground shattered with each step.

At the same time, as he ran, an invisible force on his body continued to increase, squeezing the air, forming a substantial wind and qi wave outside his body, and the momentum was amazing.

Looking at this scene, Chen Tian’s eyes were indifferent and did not react.

Although he could burst several times the speed of the red tank and interrupt his charge, he did not do so because it was not necessary.

What did he do after defeating the Red Tank twice? Rush in to stop Jean from killing Professor X? Or stand outside and watch the death of the professor coldly?


Stopping Jean from killing the professor is against the professor’s wishes, and standing outside and watching coldly will also be complained by the storm woman Wolverine afterwards, which cannot be explained.

So the best plan is to be pinned down outside, and then defeat the red tank and complete the mission when it is almost time.

And he also wanted to vent.

At this moment, the red tank that ran around the wide road outside was like a giant beast, rushing towards Chen Tian with a booming momentum.

Smoke billowed behind him, like an earth dragon roaring to destroy everything. Only then did Chen Tian take a deep breath.


Chen Tian instantly disappeared in place, turned into a black shadow and burst out, violently colliding with the charging red tank.


In an instant, the air exploded, the earth shook, and countless gravel smoke and dust erupted centered on the two people, sweeping tens of meters, and the trees on both sides of the blow shook wildly.


In the smoke and dust, a figure rushed out.

Like a heavy cannonball, it flew into the villa more than ten meters away, emitting a shrill roar, trees broke in the past, courtyard walls shattered, and walls collapsed.

It’s a red tank.


At this moment, the villa shook, and under a few screams, the red tank rushed out from the other side of the villa unscathed, and charged towards Chen Tian again with an angry roar.

Because just now, Chen Tian actually did not confront him head-on, but exerted ingenuity, appeared on his side at a faster speed, and blasted him away with a punch.

This made the red tank, who thought Chen would fight him head-on, very disappointed and angry.

But this time, without waiting for him to rush out, Chen Tian appeared in front of him with a string of afterimages, as if teleporting, and a fist that exuded light gold slammed into his chest.


Under the all-out punch blessed by subsonic kinetic energy, the red tank, which had just rushed out, and had not yet been charged flew out again like a cannonball, knocking through a villa in the distance.

The two young men inside were frightened and shouted wildly.

And at this moment, Chen Tian also rushed in with a fierce wind through the wall, grabbed the arm of the red tank who had just gotten up, and threw him out.


Everything was destroyed wherever the two passed.

Whether it is the walls of the houses or the vehicles on the street, it is like two violent dragons, setting off smoke and dust.

And just when Chen Tian suppressed the red tank, the two fought farther and farther.

In the villa where Jean is located, Storm Girl is being suppressed by the Nocturnal Girl with high-speed movement, and Wolverine is also fighting fiercely with the Arc Hedgehog.

But suddenly, an indescribable mental power exploded.


In an instant, everyone was lifted by that mental force, and it was difficult to move on the ceiling, and even outside, the entire villa was lifted by that mental force.

From a distance, it was as if the villa had floated.

And within a hundred meters of the villa, all objects also floated under the terrifying thought, including the groundwater that was blown up and erupted on the street.

Such an amazing scene instantly attracted the attention of Chen Tian hundreds of meters away.

After blowing the red tank away with one punch, Chen Tian floated several meters in the air, looking in the direction of the villa with a somewhat complicated expression.

“Has it come to this?”

At this time, the red tank in the distance stood up from the ruins of the flattened car, let out an angry roar, and rushed towards Chen Tian unconvinced.

Seeing this, Chen Tian’s gaze was cold, and he instantly disappeared in place. Rumble!

The red tank, which had just rushed out a few meters, flew out upside down and broke several large trees on the side of the road before stopping.

And just when Chen Tian beat the red tank.

In the room on the second floor of the villa, Qin was surrounded by red mental power, and he looked at Professor X in front of him, his eyes full of anger.

In front of Jean, Professor X was already captured by a force, lifted up from the wheelchair, and his body began to slowly dissipate under the aura of destruction.

But even if his body was decomposed by the terrifying force and there was unimaginable pain, the professor still did not change his face, and his eyes calmly looked at the angry qin.

And his calmness made the violent Qin angry, and said word by word: “From… I… The head… Get out of here…”

In Jean’s mind, the majestic spiritual power like the ocean continues to pour in, wanting to suppress her negative personality…

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