However, Su Bai and Pandora didn't care.

Even a mere extraordinary SSS is qualified to stop them?

"Master, let me come!"

Pandora next to her stepped forward, and it was her duty to clean up Su Bai's minions.


Su Bai did not refuse. Although the SSS extreme mechanical Chiron looked very powerful.

But for Pandora, the battle can be resolved in a minute at most.


Pandora's body was wrapped in the dark purple psionic crystal armor.

The next second, Pandora's body slowly levitated, and then a pair of gorgeous mechanical wings appeared in the position of energy behind her.


Pandora's body quickly flew towards Mechanical Chiron.

A burst of crackling sounds continued to erupt in the air.

Not far away, Mechanical Chiron also discovered the incoming Pandora.

"Ho ho!!"

Mechanical Chiron roared for a while, and the next moment it opened its huge mouth, and a burst of energy light flashed and gathered.

Not far away, Su Bai was standing on a boulder, watching the battle between the two from a distance.

Seeing the light of energy in Mechanical Chiron's mouth, Su Bai's mind was spinning.

In the real analysis of "Eye of the White Dragon Emperor", the opponent only has one energy attack.

Normally, extraordinary creatures at the SSS limit would have at least multiple or even ten skills.

There is no doubt that "Kaiser's Energy Ray" is definitely a powerful skill.

In the sky, Pandora's figure was approaching the mechanical armored dragon at high speed.

At the same time, she also revealed four giant mechanical cannons in front of her.

The cool cannon body adjusts the muzzle direction to aim at the mechanical Chiron in front.


The next moment, the "Chaisa energy rays" gathered in Mechanical Chiron's mouth suddenly bombarded, heading towards Pandora's position!

The terrifying energy light penetrated directly through the sky, and the sound was terrifying!

Chapter 395 The King of Mechanical Armor, ST Machine Mechanical Clock

Facing the incoming "Kaisa Energy Ray", Pandora just raised the corner of her mouth in contempt.

The four giant mechanical cannons around her began to rotate.

Waves of lavender halo began to flow and gather on it.

The muzzles of the four giant mechanical cannons were aimed at the energy ray in front of them.


The next moment, four brilliant energy beams burst out from the mouth of the mechanical cannon, bombarding towards the "Kaisa Energy Ray".

Four purple energy beams intertwined and entangled in mid-air, forming an even larger energy beam!


Pandora's fusion-enhanced nether energy cannon immediately blasted through the mechanical armored dragon's attack.

Immediately afterwards, the energy beam of the nether energy cannon continued unabated and continued to blast towards the mechanical Chiron in front.

It directly bombarded the opponent's body.

A brilliant purple energy explosion rose, and a miserable wail came from Mechanical Chiron's mouth.

The powerful energy impact directly pushed Mechanical Chiron's entire body behind him, causing it to hit a huge mountain.

At the same time, the smashed mountain began to fall down, and a large amount of rubble submerged the mechanical Chiron below.


It took a few seconds for Mechanical Chiron to adapt to the attack.

At this time, most of its body was buried under the ruins of huge rocks, and its exposed eyes looked at the tiny figure in the sky not far away with a look of horror.

It didn't expect Pandora to be so powerful.

The opponent's attack can easily penetrate its strongest attack, and the remaining power is also so terrifying.

"Ho ho ho."

Mechanical Chiron is very intelligent. After analyzing in his mind that he is no match for Pandora, he quickly crawls out of the ruins and prepares to escape.


A large number of boulders were thrown off its body.

Pandora looked at this scene in the sky and didn't care.

Mechanical Chiron has a huge body of over a hundred meters, and even the surrounding mountains cannot completely block its figure.

Even if it wanted to escape, where could it go?

What's more, compared to Mechanical Chiron, Pandora has absolute crushing combat power.

Ten seconds later, Mechanical Chiron stood up from the ground, quickly adjusted and ran away directly in the direction behind him.


Pandora's nose snorted softly in the sky.

She didn't give chase.

Pandora looked at the huge mechanical Chiron in front of her, gradually moving away from her.

The next second she stretched out a slender arm wrapped in a nether energy crystal armor.

Following the movements of Pandora's arms, the four mechanical cannons around her began to move again.

They quickly changed their position and came to the left and right sides of Pandora's body.

The dark muzzles of the four giant mechanical cannons were aimed at the escaping mechanical Chiron in the distance.

Purple energy light began to gather and compress in the muzzle.

One second later.

Four purple energy beams flashed across a distance of more than ten miles like lightning, directly bombarding Mechanical Chiron's back as he was escaping.


Even if they are far apart.

The shocking explosion was still clearly heard.

Mechanical Chiron's fleeing body was also overwhelmed, and finally collapsed to the ground.

At this time, Pandora's body began to fall from the air and slowly came to Su Bai's side.


She asked Su Bai for instructions.


Su Bai nodded, and then flew towards the place where Mechanical Chiron fell to the ground with Pandora.

Mechanical Chiron is not completely dead yet.

But at this moment, if not dead, Mechanical Chiron is almost dying.

After a while.

Su Bai and Pandora's figures came to the sky where Mechanical Chiron fell to the ground.

The two of them looked down at the mechanical Chiron below.

Mechanical Chiron's huge body collapsed limply to the ground.

The black vertical pupils were staring at Su Bai and Su Bai with a fierce expression, as if they wanted to tear them apart.

Pandora flew forward, preparing to give the opponent the final blow.

The mechanical cannon next to Pandora was preparing to charge up and launch an attack.

Suddenly, Su Bai in the sky seemed to notice something.

He opened his mouth and shouted towards Pandora below.

"Come back Xiaola!"

Pandora was a little surprised when she heard Su Bai's voice, but her body quickly rose up and came to Su Bai's side.

"What's wrong, Master?"

She looked at Su Bai with a puzzled look.

However, Su Bai's eyes were focused at this time, staring in one direction.

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