Pandora looked in the direction of Su Bai's gaze.

On top of a huge mountain in front of them.

Although the mountain is very tall, Su Bai and Pandora still discovered the existence on it immediately.

It was an extraordinary creature.

Su Bai was a little surprised.

Although the mountain is more than ten kilometers away from them.

But Su Bai's "infinite consciousness" perception range can still cover it.

And he only discovered it after a trace of energy fluctuation appeared on the other party just now.

"This guy's aura is very hidden!"

The next second, the detection ability of "Eye of the White Dragon Emperor" was activated in Su Bai's eyes.

A virtual analysis panel appeared in his mind.

"Name": Mecha King

"Category": Dimensional creature-mechanical species

"Gender": None

"Level": st level

"Skills": Mechanical armored cannon, origin explosion, real strike, body repair, imitation, intelligent analysis, calculation,...

"Current status": Analyzing

Powerful skills appeared in front of Su Bai's eyes.

This is actually a mechanical species that has reached the ST level!

Pandora came here before, but she didn't find anything beyond the limit of SSS.

Pandora beside her also showed a serious attitude.

"Master, I have never encountered that guy before!"

"Yes, I know. It seems that it should be the king of the mechanical superhumans in this area!"

Su Bai's tone was calm, and his eyes completely locked onto the other person from a long distance.

"Then I'll get rid of it!"

Pandora asked for instructions, and then she was ready to fly away.

But Su Bai stretched out his hand to block Pandora's movement.

"No need, this guy is probably stronger than you, so let me do it."

Su Bai didn't talk nonsense.

Although Pandora and the Mecha King are both at the ST level.

But there is also a huge gap in strength between them.

The Mecha King obviously doesn't look like a transcendent who has just broken through to the ST level.

Moreover, the other party's calm posture gave Su Bai an uncomfortable premonition.

Pandora had just broken through to the st level not long ago, even though her combat power was far superior to ordinary extraordinary people of the same level.

But facing the mecha king, Su Bai felt that her chances of winning were slim.

Although Pandora was a little unwilling in her heart.

But she still stopped her body obediently.

Chapter 396 Strange Behavior

Su Bai asked Pandora to stay here, while he waved his white dragon wings and began to fly in the direction of the armored king in the distance.

At a distance of more than ten miles, Su Bai arrived in just a few seconds.


A strong wind blew, and Su Bai's body flew to a stop in mid-air in front of the armored king.

Su Bai looked calmly down at the humanoid figure.

The appearance of the Mecha King looks like a humanoid shape of about two meters. His whole body is covered with a deep black substance, and he looks like a robot.

But Su Bai knew very well that the Mecha King was not a robot.

The opponent is a real mechanical life, and its level has reached ST level!

This kind of existence, placed in any world, is the most top-notch extraordinary existence.

The armored king on the hill below was looking at Su Bai.

Its body does not directly touch the ground, but is suspended in the air more than ten centimeters above the ground.

Looking at each other, Su Bai could clearly see the blue light that was like a stream of data flashing in the eyes of the armored king.

"This guy also has a skill similar to my "Eye of the White Dragon Emperor"! "

A few seconds later, Su Bai took the lead in attacking.

No matter whether the Mecha King has any ill intentions towards them or not.

Anyway, Su Bai is bound to get the opponent's st-level extraordinary corpse.

The system points recovered from an st-level extraordinary corpse were in three digits at least.

Su Bai turned half of his body, and his right arm directly transformed into a ferocious white dragon claw.

The next moment, Su Bai suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the mecha king below.

With the help of flight and altitude, Su Bai struck directly at the armored king below with a vertical slash!


The powerful force directly produced a booming sound in the air, and the air on both sides of the dragon's claw seemed to be split in two by Su Bai's attack.

The armored king below also reacted quickly.

As soon as he realized that Su Bai was in danger for him, the Mecha King launched a defense.

It raises its two slender mechanical arms to block.

Almost the next moment the Mecha King made a move, Su Bai's claw strike had already struck.


A loud collision sound came.

If you look at it from a distance.

At this time, the mountain where the King of Machine Armor was located began to shake, and a large amount of gravel was scattered in all directions on the top of the mountain.


The top of the mountain was filled with smoke and dust.

Su Bai jumped back and flew back into the air.

He stared down, locking the position of the mecha king.

After a few seconds, the smoke and dust on the top of the mountain dispersed, revealing the situation above.

At this time, the entire mountain seemed to have experienced some violent stamping, and was directly blasted into a huge circular plane.

In the center, a black figure was floating quietly there, it was the King of Mecha Armor.

At this time, it had lowered its arms, and the obvious dents on its arms could prove that it had indeed received Su Bai's blow just now.

The mecha-armored king didn't make any sound. It just floated quietly above the ground. It still looked at Su Bai in the sky, and the blue light in its eyes continued to flash.

In the sky, Su Bai slowly raised his lips when he saw this.


Although the attack he just made was just a tentative attack, it didn't even exert half of its power.

But even so, the performance of the Mecha King still exceeded his expectations.

Su Bai is not an ordinary ST machine extraordinary, he is a real ST ultimate!

The next moment, a strong wind rose in the sky.

At the same time, Su Bai's figure turned into a white lightning, attacking the armored king again at a speed that was impossible to dodge.

The latter didn't seem to want to dodge at all, and was still suspended in place waiting for Su Bai's attack.


The mountain shook violently again, and more broken boulders fell from it, giving a faint feeling of crumbling.

Su Bai's body stopped in the low air, looking at the smoke that dispersed faintly in front of his eyes.

On the ground there, the mecha-armored king was still hanging on the original ground as before.

The opponent's two arms were completely deformed at this time, with only a trace of black material remaining on them, still connected to the body.

But the other party still didn't respond and didn't say a word.

It was as if the two useless arms were not its own.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai couldn't help but frown slightly on his calm face.

"This guy……"

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