After all, he missed it. Li Xuewu didn't even get to see his father when he left the training ground.

Sha Qizhi knew that Li Xuewu was concerned about his family, so he used the radio in the car to communicate with the radio station of the people accompanying him at the mountain observation station, and got the news about Li Shun.

Li Shun also learned that his son came to the mountain for inspection today, but he still had work obligations at the observation station, so how could he delay his work because of meeting his son.

In the end, Sha Qizhi had no choice but to send a message to Li Xuewu, asking Li Shun to take care of himself.

Li Shun replied impatiently: "Work hard."

Li Xuewu sat in the car and smiled helplessly while listening to Sha Qizhi's account.

The father and son were usually far apart, but this time they were so close and couldn't see each other, which was a pity.

Of course, he also had to fully understand his father's words.

The short four words were to tell him to work hard, don’t worry about the mountains, take care of his family, take care of himself, and eat well...

If you don't understand it this way, how else can you understand it? Do you really understand it as your father's encouragement to you?

Like what the richest man Wang told Brother Shi Cong before he went abroad to "revitalize China"?

Dad, he always has a weird temper when getting along with his son, especially his father Li Shun, who is not very good at expressing his care and love for his son.

Every time Li Xuewu took the initiative to care about him, he would be rejected or avoided by Li Shun. Maybe he was not used to the close relationship between father and son.

The older generation has this tradition. They should not be too doting on their sons and should maintain the image of a strict father.

Talking to your son should be concise and direct, and every word should have a teaching meaning, as if a little more care in your words means he is doting on the child.

Being spoiled is like killing a child, this is the reverse love of a traditional father.

Of course the son doesn't understand. Who doesn't want to be close to his father, and who doesn't want to be lifted up by his father.

As a son grows up, he will encounter scolding, punishment, and even beatings from his father.

By the time he is thirteen, fourteen, sixteen or seventeen years old, when the son has become capable and can escape from his father's control, he will think that the world outside is vast and vast.

But when the son had a son, he discovered that he could no longer be a father.

Looking at his son and thinking about his absurdity over the years, he imitated his father's treatment of his son.

This is the meaning and meaning of traditional tutoring. Although it looks very bad or very impersonal, it is the most direct and popular education method that can be found in the thousands of years of father-son education.

The education of later generations also says that parents are their children's best teachers, and there is always a teacher who is strict.

Either a strict father and a loving mother, or a strict mother and a loving father. Sometimes it may be a mixed doubles match.

This is also the reason why children from single-parent families have deficient personalities when they grow up.

Li Xuewu was very grateful for his father's strict education back then. Now that he has become Li Shu's father, when faced with his daughter's naughty behavior, he is also thinking about how he should be a good father.

Father Li Shun was still young when his eldest brother studied literature, so he learned from his grandfather and became the strict father he is now.

Li Xuewu also has to learn from his father, but he has received higher education and has more channels to understand parenting knowledge and methods.

Therefore, when facing Li Shu and future children, Li Xuewu is very confident that he can be a good father.

At least better than his father!

Now that Sha Qi is in his thirties, he has a more profound and practical view of the father-son relationship.

Every time I go home, there are big and small bags, as if these things can express my love for my parents.

In fact, he can only use these things to express his love for his parents.

If you can't be happy, you can't be filial, and if you feel guilty, you will find something to make up for in other places to comfort your heart. It is really helpless.

Now looking at the director's admiration for his elders, I feel envious in my heart.

This is also the reason why he took the initiative to use the radio to contact the mountain. He who is a son should be filial and righteous.

The way back was still the same as when we came, but the road conditions were reversed.

When going down the mountain, there is a good part and a bad part, and the bumps are uncomfortable for people.

This mountain road is like this. The road in winter is actually easier to walk than in summer.

Sha Qizhi held the backrest, turned around and looked at Li Xuewu and asked: "Director, what do you think of the effect of today's inspection meeting?"


Li Xuewu thought for a while and said: "To run training and training ground, you must always have an inclusive and open attitude, listen to opinions, and have the courage to show yourself. I think today's inspection is an attitude." .

Sha Qizhi nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, it can be seen from the attitude of the inspection team that they are satisfied with our training work."

“It also needs to be considered dialectically.”

Li Xuewu didn't look happy like Sha Qizhi. Instead, he squinted his eyes and thought, and explained: "It's not that I'm here. After seeing it, everyone who agreed will choose the training ground."

"The current situation is very severe and complex. When they make decisions and choices, they are more difficult and cautious than before."

"The promotion and learning of dual-preparation plans will be a long-term and sustainable development task, and the training of dual-preparation plans is also an arduous task that requires continuous innovation."

Li Xuewu and Sha Qizhi explained: "In related training and promotion, we are pioneers and people crossing the river by feeling the stones, so we must allow others to stand on the shore and watch us take a few more steps."

"Including current emergency rescue training and security skills training, etc., it is an emerging education model."

"We have just taken a few more steps than others. Don't be proud or complacent. Stay enterprising, insist on innovation and development, and create our own standards and brands."

Sha Qiyi listened and recorded it in his notes. These words can be used as a reference to write manuscripts or to write speeches for Li Xuewu.

What is the core idea of ​​leadership, what is the guidance of leadership, these are the words that are usually spoken and the work required.

After Li Xuewu finished speaking, Shaqi Zhizai reported on the situation of the security teams participating in the training at the training ground.

The training courses organized by the security department, front-line units, and security personnel from other branches, branches, and other security departments are in good condition. The training progress is progressing steadily. The trainees are very enthusiastic and motivated to learn.

No wonder they are very energetic. Judging from the training results of previous training courses, many outstanding students have stood out after systematic training. After the training, they have fully demonstrated their personal talents in their respective positions.

Those who are capable will make progress, those who are skilled will shine, and will be promoted and reused.

Many such outstanding personnel have emerged in the security team of the Security Section of the Steel Rolling Mill Security Department, and some have been promoted to cadre positions.

The training ground is also developing and advancing from a training base to a training and education institution.

After these personnel who have been trained at the training ground have shined in their posts, more cadres have also seen the importance of the training ground and are more aware of the training effects brought by the training ground.

These people who are participating in the training are all outstanding officers and advanced representatives selected from the grassroots level. They are all enterprising and self-motivated. How could they not take part in the training seriously?

Among the training teams reported by Sha Qi, not only the training teams within the security department, but also the training personnel of the double plan, the security brigade and the club security department were included.

This was the task Li Xuewu gave him before going up the mountain, to help him understand the situation of these key training teams.

After all, his face is already familiar to people in the training ground, and there are some tasks that are inconvenient for him to investigate, so it is easier to do it in a vacuum.

Judging from Sha Qizhi's survey report, the overall level of these training teams has been significantly improved, especially the special service backbone training classes that participated in more rigorous training, and were trained and studied according to the highest standards.

The three combat training experts invited by the Training Directorate Department focused on this batch of special service backbone training courses, and they wanted to use this training course as a model to build.

Similarly, based on high standards of training, training methods for security personnel are also being innovated and explored.

Large-scale security management and skills training are reflected in the new members of the security brigade. Different from the shield fighting and powerful strikes they previously learned, the new members of the security brigade must learn various security management skills from the beginning. Perform differentiated learning.

All members of the public security brigade are required to master public security management methods, master the methods of handling public security cases, and master various skills that were previously trained separately to quickly form combat effectiveness.

They are still a blank slate and need to be trained and trained systematically. To make them a disciplined team, they must also learn governance and professional skills.

Training personnel for the security brigade is not the first time that the training ground has received business, but this time the business is quite special, with a large number of people, low skills and young age, so it needs to be treated with caution.

Sha Qizhi reported to Li Xuewu about the training methods of the security brigade. The training department also considered and studied them again and again. Finally, they settled on a strategy of summarizing experience while training and making adjustments at any time.

Li Xuewu heard Wei Tong and Wang Xiaoqin, who was training here, report these to him, but they were not as detailed as the information reported by Sha Qi.

At the same time, he also expressed satisfaction with the training department's cautious attitude in formulating the training outline.

Training and training work is definitely not just a matter of training. It is really about serving the trainees well and training them well.

Li Xuewu also heard Sha Qizhi reporting to him the training situation of the club's security department. It could be said to be very good, or it could be said to be flawed.

It is said to be very good because these trainees have very good physical fitness and can quickly adapt to the intensity of training in defensive combat skills, and even have a surplus.

After the training instructors increased the amount of training based on their training conditions, these young men from the mountains of Jicheng were not afraid at all and coped with it easily.

This excellent physical fitness and mountain cross-country combat ability have been recognized and appreciated by many training instructors.

It's just that when it's the turn of Zhengzhi class and cultural class, these young men become stupid heads.

The security theory class was better. These people were very attentive to security work, especially a trainee named Zhang Dayong, who was specially praised by these teachers.

When Li Xuewu heard this name, he couldn't help but think of the image of a Japanese soldier wearing yellow leather and carrying a gunpowder gun and shouting "Father Zhang Wanhe".

But in Sha Qizhi's mouth, this name has become the most diligent and outstanding individual in the club's security department training class.

Whether it is security skills training or theoretical knowledge training, this young man has shown unusual enthusiasm.

There is one thing. Although the enthusiasm for participating in the training is very high, the results in the theoretical courses are not very good. The situation is basically the same as that of other team members. The foundation of the cultural courses is too poor.

The level of education directly affects their ability to understand when receiving formal education and training, and also affects their process of receiving higher cultural education.

When training this class, whether it is the cultural teacher or the political teacher, they need to reduce the difficulty of the course so that they can understand and learn it as much as possible.

At this time, most of the illiteracy in the cities was eliminated, but in the countryside, in the countryside, and in the more remote mountains, illiteracy was still a common phenomenon.

It’s not that they don’t want to go to school, but that they don’t go to school. The educational conditions are tight and cannot meet the educational needs of so many children so far away.

Zhang Dayong was arranged to go to school because Zhang Wanhe was successful in the city and had money.

It seems that things like Dachun are all the big characters and numbers that I learned when I followed Zhang Wanhe into the world.

However, these people are very smart, especially those working at the bottom. Even if they don’t know a few of them by looking at the big names, they will never do anything wrong, and they will never miscalculate money.

This is very strange. If you give him a dime and ask him to read the words on the money to you one by one, he will definitely read it wrong.

But if you give him a dime and say it's a dollar, he'll spit on your face.

"When it comes to training hard and being proactive, we have people everywhere who are equal to women."

Sha Qizhi turned around and looked at Li Xuewu with a smile, a gloating smile on his face.


Li Xuewu knew who Sha Qi was talking about, and now he felt happy thinking about it.

"I had lunch with her, and she told me that she feels like she can eat a cow in one meal, or kill a cow with one punch~boxboxbox~~"

"Isn't that just right~"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "First kill a cow with one punch, and then eat it as a meal. There is nothing wrong with this."


Sha Qizhi now feels happy when he thinks about the girl's appearance during the meal. Her image has completely changed, and her whole temperament has changed.

This training ground is really a magical place!


It was already past four o'clock when we arrived at the steel rolling mill in the afternoon. After bidding farewell to the members of the inspection team who came to visit today, Li Xuewu returned to the security building with the sandbox.

There were no dinner parties or banquets. Li Xuewu didn't have the magnanimity of Deputy Factory Director Li, and everyone who came would be treated to a treat.

The key is that he is reluctant to part with his own company's funds, and he doesn't have the ability to go to the guest house to pay for the guests.

So the work meal at noon was considered polite and entertaining. For the afternoon meal, everyone went back to their respective homes and looked for their respective mothers.

As soon as he entered the office, Yu Decai followed him in from behind. After Li Xuewu sat down behind his desk, he reported: "Director, there are two things that need to be handled by you."

"One is the study notice issued by the working group in the morning. The work transferred from the factory office said that we need to cooperate with the working group's publicity and provide some positive and typical publicity reports. I can't make up my mind here. Please Take a look"

Li Xuewu took the document handed to him by Yu Decai, looked at it, and asked: "What did the factory office say? Have you asked the committee for their opinion? We are not the Propaganda Department, how can we cooperate?"

After saying that, he threw the document on the table and said to Yu Decai: "Reply to the factory office and ask Secretary Yang for instructions on this matter. Also transfer it to Deputy Secretary Gu for his opinion. Let’s not make any decisions.”

After speaking, he waved his hand and said: "In the future, the documents transferred by the working group must be carefully considered. We should not overstep our authority if it is not what we should do, let alone swallow it and do everything."

Of course Yu Decai understood what Li Xuewu meant, but he still hesitated and asked softly: "The document was transferred from Deputy Director Feng of the working group. If it is transferred to the committee..."

"Must turn!"

Li Xuewu nodded seriously on the table in front of him, looked at Yu Decai and said, "This is a matter of procedure."


Seeing Li Xuewu's insistence, Yu Decai immediately agreed.

He originally wanted to remind Li Xuewu that since this document was transferred from Deputy Director Feng, it represented the attitude of the working group.

The working group wants to assign this task directly to the Security Department through Deputy Director Feng, which is also a supplement to the initiative initiated in the morning.

It would be fine if others just casually instruct the people below to submit a few manuscripts or submit a few copies, but Li Xuewu would not do that.

Issues of principles and procedures are the most important. Li Xuewu pays great attention to rules at work. Such rules cannot be broken by Deputy Director Feng.

The supplementary opinions forwarded by the working group to the Security Department are not a good thing either, including the proposal in the morning.

Today's inspection group activities were a success, but even if there were no inspection group activities, Li Xuewu would not sit in the office and accept this plan.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what the working group wants to do, so how can he still be a pawn?

It doesn’t work even if you pull it hard! ~

However, the working group was really determined to covet the Security Office. Li Xuewu rejected several attempts, and this time there was another conspiracy.

How many times? It is not an exaggeration to say that they are using both soft and hard tactics. All they want is the unity and advancement of the security department.

If the last red line of the steel rolling mill can be held in hand, it will undoubtedly be a shock to the decision-makers of the steel rolling mill.

In fact, according to the way the agency handles things, the most appropriate approach should be to avoid offending both parties.

On the surface, you should do the work assigned by the above in accordance with the rules, but behind the scenes, you can express your own attitude and feelings.

Li Xuewu's attitude towards the working group was completely opposite. He always adhered to his principles and insisted on asking the committee for instructions on matters concerning the committee and the factory office on matters handled by the factory. He would never directly implement the orders of the working group.

Even if there is something special that cannot be avoided, let the young commandos go.

Temporary workers are the best.

This arrangement of the working group is well-founded and justified, but Li Xuewu just wants this order to be transferred to the committee.

Of course, the committee will not reject the working group's opinions, but they will understand what is going on.

When this request was returned to the Security Office, it became agreed by the committee, and Li Xuewu could implement it.

How to implement it is also a problem. Li Xuewu nodded and Yu Decai explained: "Let the youth commandos give full play to it, choose a few themes, and hold an essay competition within the security office. Can you recommend outstanding works~".

When he said this, Li Xuewu also glanced at Yu Decai, and then added: "We also need to find out the ideological dynamics of the staff under the current situation~"

Yu Decai nodded clearly and moved the corners of his mouth slightly. He had something to say but didn't dare to say it.

The director's arrangement is a bit fishing. The people below don't know, but the heads of each department still understand the director's ideas about large-scale study and discussion activities.

Conservative and proactive, conservative actions and positive attitude, shouting slogans loudly, and walking extremely cautiously.

Which unit in the factory can have such an active security department, but the security department has made slower progress than all other units in the factory.

However, the Security Office was praised during the big study and discussion activities for its solid work and excellent style.

Yu Decai reminded Li Xuewu that it was not him who had any ideas, but he was afraid that his superiors would have some ideas.

When gods fight, little devils suffer, and whether they carry out the task or not is all in the face of the other party.

Although the initiative in the morning can be regarded as compensation for the pitfalls that the working group inspected last time, it is also a gesture, as if it is to praise the security department.

Li Xuewu is not afraid of anything, he just has to do what he wants to do.

"I think this matter has to be implemented by the youth commandos."

Li Xuewu took the tea handed over by Sha Qizhi and explained: "You should pay more attention to the commando team, provide certain support in terms of funding and office work, and do not restrict them."


Yu Decai finally understood what Li Xuewu meant, which was to bring out the full potential of the commando team. All activities related to major studies and discussions were pushed to the commando team.

He had also thought about what would happen if one day, all the pressure of activities was placed on the commando team?

And what will happen if the rights and abilities that come with these pressures are placed on the commandos.

Finally, if one day comes, the big study and big discussion activities are over, and this meaning is no longer needed, what will happen to the commando team?

The problem is both advanced and realistic. The commando team is a temporary study group organized by the Security Department. No one in the group is a cadre.

This is very special. Study groups without cadre leaders frequently take on important responsibilities in the Security Department's major study and discussion activities.

But now it seems that the director's intention is to make this study group more solid and perfect, and to ask them to shoulder more important responsibilities.

A temporary organization without formal cadre leadership, it is a study group composed of progressive young people. It undertakes all the tasks that the Security Office receives and Li Xuewu requires them to do.

Yu Decai has never thought about whether this kind of situation has happened before, but I'm afraid it won't be many.

Even if there is, it is used like Li Xuewu's, with a very clear purpose.

At this time, Yu Decai remembered Wang Jingzhang, the director of the Service Department. There was a young commando team in the Security Department, so he also set up a commando team in the Service Department.

The Student Security Office also conducts youth studies and various publicity activities.

What can be learned is all superficial, and what this team does is also inconsistent.

Handan is learning to walk, and Dong Shi is imitating others, and they have not used this team in the right place at all.

Li Xuewu used the commando team to do things in the front, but he led the commando team to do things. It can be said that they are completely different.

From this perspective, at Monday's meeting, Deputy Director Feng was really wronged when he said that he copied homework.

After all, the two have different purposes. It may be that their ideas have collided, and they have hit each other hard.

"One more thing"

When Yu Decai saw Li Xuewu picking up his tea cup and drinking water, he understood that he had no other explanation, so he reported: "Director Dong and his party should arrive at the factory on Saturday, accompanied by a group of cadres from the steelmaking plant. ".


Li Xuewu nodded, put down the tea cup in his hand, and said, "I'll pick you up at the station with me on Saturday. Remember to remind me."


Yu Decai responded, glanced at the notebook in his hand, and said: "Last time you arranged for our people to participate in the joint inspection in the factory, and the inspection results came out. Do you think it is...?"

"Don't look at it, just follow the established rules."

Li Xuewu waved his hand. In this inspection, the factory office, the personnel department, and the organization department played the leading roles, and the security department only cooperated.

He didn't want to see the result because he was afraid that someone would come to ask for help, which was meaningless.

While he was talking, the phone on the table rang. Sha Qizhi went out. Li Xuewu didn't use his virtue and talent and answered the phone himself.

"Hello, I'm Li Xuewu"

When Yu Decai saw that Li Xuewu wanted to talk on the phone, he motioned to the door. When he saw Li Xuewu nodded, he turned around and went out.

Everything that needs to be reported has been reported. It is better not to listen to the leader's call.

Besides, he heard it just now, and it wasn't the call from the steel rolling mill.

"Yeah, I know, you called me twice."

Li Xuewu took the phone and said with a slight frown: "Ask me to arrange for him to join the security brigade, and later I have to mobilize the security brigade to cooperate with them."

"Well, that's true. I don't like working beyond the level and authority. It's the same if I didn't report the inspection to you."

Li Xuewu said formally into the phone: "But I still have to say that his behavior, or the way he does things, is quite disgusting."

"Haha, I'm not talking about eating inside and outside. You know, I'm still very well-educated."

"Normal~This is normal work~"

Li Xuewu's eyes narrowed, but he said generously: "It's really not necessary. If there is a problem detected by the superior, it should be checked."

"Well, yes, yes."

"Well, okay, don't worry"

Li Xuewu also put down his phone after hearing the person on the other end hang up the phone.

The call was from Bureau Zheng Fuhua of the branch. He asked about the inspection by his superiors on Monday and also talked about the inspection report.

Just this morning, the Municipal Bureau notified the units that were not serious and implemented poorly during this week's study and discussion activities, including the Public Security Brigade.

In addition to requiring these units to make immediate rectifications, the person in charge of the unit with the worst inspection results is also required to go to the branch to make a review report.

Shen Fang has already reported Lai Shanchuan's actions in the security brigade to Zheng Fuhua, and now Zheng Fuhua also knows what the specific situation is.

On the phone, Zheng Fuhua also asked Li Xuewu's opinion whether he should go to the Municipal Bureau to review Li Xuewu's behalf.

This is not out of the ordinary, after all, Zheng Fuhua is the leader of the security brigade.

But if it was Zheng Fuhua who went for the examination, the confrontation would be obvious.

It's obviously just a matter of reporting for review, but it will cause a big problem.

The superiors will say that Deputy Director Wang is making a fuss out of a molehill, while the people below will also think that he is deliberately making things difficult for the branch.

There will be even more discussions on this matter, and the finger will definitely be pointed at Lai Shanchuan and Deputy Director Wang.

If no one else told him, Gao Zhen would definitely react, at least to give Lai Shanchuan a warning.

But does Li Xuewu really want things to get bigger?

Of course not. If he really wants to run the branch, there are other ways to deal with this matter.

But Li Xuewu, Wang Xiaoqin, and Shen Fang all have the same goals and ideas, and they don't want to make this matter a big deal.

Even Li Xuewu suspected that Lai Shanchuan did it on purpose and saw some intentions of the security brigade, so he continued to test and harass him.

Li Xuewu can't be fooled by this, let alone do whatever he wants with himself and the lives of Wang Xiaoqin, Shen Fang and others.

When it comes to work, there's no way you won't suffer. It's all you who take advantage of me, and the whole world can't tolerate you.

Li Xuewu's reply to Zheng Fuhua was also very clear: he would obey the inspections and requirements of his superiors and actively make corrections. He would also personally go to the municipal bureau's political department for inspection.

This inspection needs to be done, and what needs to be rectified must also be rectified. We must make a gesture to cooperate with the requirements of our superiors.

Li Xuewu was counting the time in his mind. He didn't have to endure the hardships of Han Xin for so many years, just for a while.

Moreover, in Li Xuewu's view, what Lai Shanchuan did against the security brigade was not a threat to the security brigade, but a weakening of his own authority.

Li Xuewu didn't understand why Lai Shanchuan jumped out to intervene in the security brigade at this time.

He also guessed from several entanglements with Lai Shanchuan that it might be related to the expansion of the security brigade.

The current security brigade has undergone great changes from the previous security brigade.

Not only the number of people, but also the staffing and growth rate, as well as the overall quality of the personnel recruited this time.

With so many high school students and junior high school students, after several years of training by the security brigade, when their age is not suitable for daily duty in the security brigade, or when there is a lack of room for promotion, they will definitely be infiltrated into other positions in the bureau.

No need to think about it, with such excellent physical fitness, such excellent discipline, coupled with Li Xuewu and Wang Xiaoqin who are so good at leading the team, and there are so many professional teachers, other units in the branch must be scrambling for them.

Li Xuewu is only half a level lower than him, but he is more than twenty years younger than him. In a few years, all the people in this branch may be his disciples.

By that time, Li Xuewu's status will be improved even if he has no grades. It is impossible for teachers to rise slower than students.

With more than a thousand people, how many cadres can be brought out?

And with so many cadres, how many can be retained within the security brigade and how many can be diverted away.

How many positions are there in the entire branch? This is pushing Li Xuewu to the top.

Zheng Fuhua and Gao Zhen are not much older than him. If they really want to take over, they must have good opportunities and good results.

In the past, he could still wait for opportunities and work hard to create results, but now it seems that Li Xuewu will not give him this time.

I didn't think so before, but now I see that Li Xuewu has the potential of Bald Jiang. The security brigade has become Huangpu.

Li Xuewu, who now has insufficient qualifications and does not interfere with the affairs of the bureau, usually only works in the security brigade and is mainly engaged in training and training, is so similar to the captain of the transportation brigade back then.

Hiss~~~If you think about it this way, Li Xuewu's threat is really too great, and he has such great intentions!

He couldn't help but think so, and the fact was that the situation forced him to think so. Li Xuewu had become his competitor.

Speaking of which, it is very absurd for a forty-year-old man to regard a twenty-year-old young man as his opponent, but it is also a kind of sadness.

Doesn’t Lai Shanchuan want to make progress?

He thought, he couldn't become Li Xuewu's subordinate in a few years, right?

Lai Shanchuan is not as generous as Shen Fang.

And he felt that his opportunity was about to come, and a vent appeared, one that could make pigs fly.

He was too timid to touch it before, but now it seems that the entire system has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, Gao Zhen was a stickler for words in the bureau, but now he has to be much more cautious, and many orders are given carefully and repeatedly.

Especially regarding big study and discussion activities, Gao Zhen must respect the opinions of various inspection groups and working groups coming down from above.

And Zheng Fuhua, although he was his supervisor, he almost lost his life in the last incident, and his personal authority was greatly weakened.

Within the bureau, some of Zheng Fuhua's rights are also being reduced. Gao Zhen still trusts him, but his support has been greatly weakened.

It's not just because Gao Zhen's own rights have been reduced, but looking at the overall situation, it's unlikely that the branch will see more radical management models and behaviors.

Judging from the fact that the security brigade was withdrawn and would not be dispatched easily, all the leaders of the branch were waiting to see the situation and would not react until there was an obvious result.

So now it's time to see who can react first.

Lai Shanchuan has been managing public security work for so many years, and he believes that he is not inferior to Zheng Fuhua in terms of ideology, governance, and work ability, and he can even preside over the work of a branch.

Then he has to consider, since he has these basic qualities, why not respond earlier than these people, respond to the call of his superiors, and take advantage of this shareholder's wind to make a big career?

At his current age, it is time to seek progress and adjust his work.

If you don't adjust, if you work in the Public Security Department for another three years, you may retire.

Even if you get the benefits of deputy branch office before retirement, what's the use? How many three years can you have in your life?

He couldn't just wait three years and then wait another three years, three years and three years, and three years and three years. He didn't want to wait anymore.

The result of not wanting to wait is that Lai Shanchuan needs to seek support from above, but also from below.

The above support should start from the big learning and big discussion activities. This is the fastest shortcut and the simplest shortcut.

It is somewhat similar to Wang Jingzhang's choice. There is no shortage of such people in any unit.

Lai Shanchuan is more professional than Wang Jingzhang. He only chooses one person to cooperate and invest, so as to ensure that his ideas and goals can be accurately implemented.

Another point that is more professional than Wang Jingzhang is that Lai Shanchuan attaches great importance to the support from below and the control of the grassroots.

He is not the person in charge of service work. The department he is responsible for and manages is an important and serious department of the branch. He has the right to speak and the ability to take action.

This is also the reason why Li Xuewu did not let Zheng Fuhua face Lai Shanchuan directly. One disadvantage was to weaken and attack Zheng Fuhua again.

Zheng Fuhua's threat to Lai Shanchuan is decreasing, so Zheng Fuhua's remaining power should be used for the final blow against Lai Shanchuan. If he misses the opportunity, it will only make him jump.

Lai Shanchuan has strong restraint and control over the police department he manages, and it is normal for him to covet the gradually rising security brigade.

Li Xuewu is also the deputy director of the Public Security Department, but he rarely manages the work of the Public Security Department. When the work was initially divided, he was not assigned specific duties.

He is just the deputy director responsible for operational command and coordinating the work of the security department. The security brigade was all created by him.

Who would have thought that what Li Xuewu created would become a big success in the branch. Just after it was unveiled, it left a deep impression on the leaders.

Although it was later taken back, the sub-bureaus in each district have seen the role and influence of the security brigade in the direction of public security management.

Several districts are now studying the information and situation of the Dongcheng Public Security Brigade, and are waiting for a more mature opinion before studying the establishment of their own security brigade.

This should be a trend. Tasks such as daily training, special security, and joint duty duties are unified and handed over to professional teams to release the capabilities of front-line case handlers and exert greater mobility.

The heads of other districts can see this effect, and no matter how slow Lai Shanchuan is, he will not let go of this piece of fat on his lips.

He didn't dare to think about it before, but now Zheng Fuhua has a problem and there is Dongfeng above, so he wants to use the wind to arrange for his people to come to the security brigade.

As long as a hole is opened, it will only be a matter of time before he takes control of the security brigade.

This is a very smart behavior, and it is also a very risky behavior. It is to test Zheng Fuhua's attitude and the strength of his superiors' support for him.

Asking Deputy Director Wang for help this time is also a tentative implementation of the plan.

Li Xuewu knew that Lai Shanchuan might not take him seriously. After all, he was a part-time worker and not all his energy was devoted to the security brigade.

Also, Li Xuewu didn't have any connections or connections in the industrial safety system. Even if the people below were holding him up, he would still hit the ceiling.

Rather than wasting this kind of resource, it would be better to give it to him. Seeing that the security brigade is in such a good situation, it is really God's failure to take away the blame.

Li Xuewu said that he was thinking about shit.

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