Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 1, return to the city, leather armor completed.

Zhao Ji packed piles of leaves in bags and dragged them away without waking up the two small children in the camp. The Shepherd of Wiltz looked at Keel who was deep into the night, wondering what he was thinking.

By the time Zhao Ji wrapped all the slime monsters hunted in the swamp tonight in leaves, and put them into bags one by one, it was already late. Go back to camp again and take the bag full of slime monsters back to camp on the cart.

Wiltz saw Keel bring back the bag full of things with a trolley, and he also stepped forward to help Zhao Ji unload the heavy bag full of slime monsters on the ground.

Zhao Ji looked at Wiltz, smiled and opened a leaf in the bag and handed it to him. Inside the leaf cluster was a dead slime monster, soft and trampled, with the center of its body pierced through, obviously killed by a single blow.

Shepherd Wiltz touched the slime monster corpse in the leaves. It was cold. He touched the wound with his fingers, and felt a slight burning sensation from his fingertips. With a heavy nod, Wiltz returned the slime monster to Kiel, and said to him formally: "It's hard to express my current thoughts in words, all I can say is, well done, Warrior Kiel. You If you do the right thing, the church will reward you well, as long as you can wipe out the slime monsters in the swamp south of the city. I can assure you here that this promise is definitely valid.”

Zhao Ji thought about it, smiled, nodded and agreed first.

Putting the slime monster in his hand back into the bag, Zhao Ji fastened the opening of the bag. Zhao Ji patted Wiltz on the shoulder of herdsman, and the two walked back to the camp. After taking out some food, Zhao Ji invited Wiltz Shepherd to have a supper together. He had been busy all night, and his stomach was rumbling at this time.

Without intending to wake up the two sleeping children, Zhao Ji and Wiltz ate food and drank beer quietly. Wiltz was a little curious about how Keir hunted just now, so Zhao Ji proudly told Wiltz herdsman about his hunting and fighting process.


After dawn, the two cubs came up together and saw the Kiel warrior come back.

At this time, Zhao Ji was trying to extinguish the fire. In the middle of the night last night, after he chatted with Wiltz about his hunting process for a while, he took turns to rest and watch the night. Wiltz guards the first half of the second half of the night, while Zhao Ji guards the second half of the second half of the night.

Looking at the two curious little guys, Zhao Ji took out two slime monsters and handed them to the two of them, asking them to take a look at the slime monsters secretly, avoiding the sun, so as to open their eyes.

Tutugo played with the slime monster in the leaf cluster quite pleasantly, while Irina carefully held the leaf cluster with a face full of resistance. She just glanced at it and then closed the leaf cluster in fear.

Sighing, Zhao Ji took the slime monster from Irina's hand and asked her to wake up Wiltz's shepherd. The group of them should return to the city.

Nothing happened on the way back to the city, but the morning mist made the ground quite slippery. Zhao Jide carefully pushed the heavy trolley forward.

Seeing that it was not easy for the Kiel warriors, Wiltz handed over the long stick to Tutugo, and he also helped the Kiel warriors push the cart.

It was okay along the way, but when the group approached Kendall City, they encountered a little difficulty. Kendall City is built on a big hill. It is an uphill road from outside the city to the city. Normally, Zhao Ji would push it up slowly, or spend a few iron coins. Please don’t rush out of the city to serve the farmland. The farmer helps push the cart.

But at this time today, most of the crops in the fields have been harvested, and many farmers are no longer so eager to go out of the city to work. Only some farmers who grow vegetables and beans will leave the city.

Seeing that it was inconvenient on the way back to the city, Wiltz stopped a few passing farmers. After talking for a while, he touched the tops of the farmers' heads. The farmers thanked the shepherds gratefully, and then stepped forward to help Zhao Ji push the cart.

I don't know what Wiltz said to the farmers, Zhao Ji shrugged, he saved himself anyway.

While pushing the cart, the farmers looked curiously at the big bag on the cart. Zhao Ji guessed that the shepherd Weltz might have told the farmers that the bag contained slime monsters that often hurt people. That's why the farmers are so willing to come over and actively help push the carts.

In order to give back to the farmers for their curiosity and help, Zhao Ji stopped the farmers who were about to leave when the trolley arrived at the city gate, and showed them the slime monster to satisfy their curiosity.

The farmers formed a semi-circle, blocking the morning sun. Zhao Ji carefully opened a leaf cluster to let the farmers take a closer look at the slime monster he hunted last night.

Although the monsters in the swamp are often heard about, few people have actually seen these monsters with their own eyes. The farmers feasted their eyes, and carefully touched the slippery skin of the slime monster with their hands.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Ji told them about the defense and escape measures after encountering the slime monster, and hoped that they could spread these basic precautions when chatting with other farmers.

When the farmers left, they thanked Wiltz and Zhao Ji. Wiltz also praised the actions of the warriors of Kiel just now. The more farmers know about the methods of preventing monsters, the more people will be injured by slime monsters every year, and it will also give farmers the courage they need.

After passing through the city gate, Wiltz asked Zhao Ji where he was going to send the slime monster next. Zhao Ji confirmed that he would send it to the leather shop in the artisan area for Punika artisans and his apprentices to deal with. .

Hearing this, the shepherd Weltz asked if he could bring some other people to the leather shop to visit the slime monsters that were hunted last night.

Zhao Ji thought for a while, then shrugged and said yes, this could be regarded as a favor to Wiltz's shepherd. I hope to give him some fame in the local upper class, and let those people know that there is such a person as Zhao Ji.

In this way, the group parted ways. Shepherd Weltz took Tutugo and Irina back to the Saturnalia Church in the upper area, and Zhao Ji pushed the cart to the leather shop in the artisan area.

Craftsman Punika had already brought his apprentices to wait for Zhao Ji's slime monster.

As soon as Zhao Ji arrived, he took over the trolley and started sorting the slime monsters. Zhao Ji didn't have enough sleep, so he lay on a fur chair in the shop. The warm animal fur made Zhao Ji drowsy, and when Zhao Ji felt that he was about to fall asleep, the Punika craftsman finished the counting work and handed over the counting results to Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji took a rough look, and after matching the quantity, he chatted with the Punika craftsman.

Zhao Ji pointed to the energetic apprentices in the shop and said, "Why are they working so vigorously today?"

"Hey, I sent them the latest salary yesterday. I made a little money from you recently and sent it to them." The Punica craftsman said, combing his hair with a small brush. Big beard.

Zhao Ji raised his eyebrows, despising the nonsense of the Punika craftsman. As the only craftsman in the shop, can he make money and distribute all the money to apprentices? "Let's not talk about this, the slime monster captured before, can it work? Nothing wrong with it?"

Putting the small brush into his pocket, the Punica craftsman whispered to Zhao Ji: "It's very good, no problem, I heard that acid has been produced. In fact, this acid can not only be used on stone carvings, listen to my teacher Brother Proka said. This acid can do many things, and it has been bought in the alchemy market in big cities all the year round."

"Then congratulations to you, why don't you go have a drink together to celebrate?" Zhao Ji said with a smile.

Craftsman Punica shook his hand, indicating that he still has a lot to do recently, and he has no time to drink.

Speaking of drinking, Zhao Ji slapped his head and remembered his custom-made set of armor. It was agreed at the beginning that after the armor apprentice finished the armor, he was invited to have a drink to celebrate the other party's successful promotion to the armor craftsman.

Counting the time, it seems to be today. But Zhao Ji is very sleepy now, so let's go in the afternoon. It's better to go back to the Chamber of Commerce to catch up on sleep now.

After bidding farewell to the Punica craftsman, Zhao Ji returned to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce with his equipment on his back.

The stomach was growling again, and the eyelids were gradually closing. Zhao Ji thought about it, and went to bed first.


After sleeping at noon, Zhao Ji went directly to the armor shop in the artisan area after eating in the restaurant.

Apprentice Ganna wore new clothes today that were different from what he had seen before, with a small coat of arms pinned to his chest, with a hammerhead and armor painted on it. I haven't seen him have this before, it seems to be a sign of becoming a craftsman.

Seeing Zhao Ji coming in, Gan Na took Zhao Ji to a corner of the shop. The thick linen that originally covered the armor has now been removed and put aside. The whole set of leather armor made by Zhao Ji was hung on a simple wooden dummy.

Zhao Ji listened to Ganna craftsman, who has become a craftsman, explaining the various characteristics of the armor to him, while carefully observing his first set of armor.

The helmet of the armor is different from the wooden helmet he is using now. It uses thin iron bars as the skeleton, and a hard leather as the helmet surface. The inside of the helmet is also lined with another kind of thick but soft leather. The helmet also has a visor, and the whole is fixed on the helmet with several hanging pins. On the hem of the helmet, there is the outer neck armor requested by Zhao Ji.

The body part of the armor is made of full hard leather, which is different from the leather armor of the guards. Zhao Ji's leather armor has an inner neck armor made of thick cowhide, and there are also strong rectangular shoulder guards on both shoulders, which are to be matched with the cloak later.

The armor on the arms is as wide as possible, and there are iron horns on the elbows.

On the forearms are two pieces of sturdy leather armor, and iron armor pieces are also fixed on the leather arm armor.

And the leather gloves with iron armor are connected with the armor of the forearm. When using it, you only need to put your hands in it.

The skirt armor at the crotch is made of several large pieces of hardened fur, connected with leather buckles, which can protect the crotch and thighs well as a whole.

The front of the knee part is a piece of iron armor, and the lower leg is made of C-shaped curved hard skin.

Boots are half boots that can protect the ankles, and are directly connected to the upper leg armor. The bottom of the shoe is a hardwood sole designed by Zhao Ji with blunt spikes and waves. The soles of the local shoes are all flat, which makes Zhao Ji very uncomfortable because they are not non-slip.

In the toe part of the boots, there are thin iron sheets specially added inside the leather boots.

On the whole, there are many armor structures, but Zhao Ji used many fixed structures for the convenience of putting on and taking off. For example, the inner neck armor and shoulder armor are fixed with the breastplate, while the elbow armor and arm armor are fixed together. It is also connected together, the gloves with iron armor and the forearm armor are also connected together. The skirt armor is fastened to the lower part of the breastplate with a belt. The armor on the knee part and the lower leg are connected together. Although the flexibility of the knee part is not very good, at least the defense is sufficient.

The armor has not yet been painted and dyed, and it is mostly iron gray for metal and black for hard leather and brown for ordinary leather. On the whole, Zhao Ji is very satisfied.

He kept patting Ganna craftsman on the back and asked when he could take it away.

Ganna craftsman said that Kiel still needs to put on the armor and conduct some tests in the workshop to see if there are any areas that need to be improved according to the size of the person.

Zhao Ji couldn't wait to try it on.

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