Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 2, The Wild Grape Market - A Noisy Market

As he walked, the parts on the armor rubbed and collided and made a rattling sound, which made Zhao Ji feel a little uncomfortable. He couldn't stand the loud noise wherever he went.

The craftsman Ganna saw that Zhao Ji was not happy, so he hurriedly told Zhao Ji that there were no major problems and they could be solved. They can then mark the places where the crash sounds are made, and then cover the places where the crash sounds are made with soft leather, so that the crash noise of the armor parts can be dampened.

Zhao Ji walked back and forth in the middle of the armor shop following the test instructions of Ganna craftsman. The Ganna craftsman held a small wooden bowl with red paint in his left hand, and a small brush in his right hand. He followed Zhao Ji and painted red paint on the places where Zhao Ji's armor made the sound of collision. .

After painting the red paint on the parts that made collision sounds when walking, Ganna asked Zhao Ji to move vigorously again. Zhao Ji did several fighting actions, such as holding up the shield, swinging the sword, dodging, etc. Ganna craftsman also marked the places where the sounds were made with red paint when Zhao Ji paused, waiting for his subsequent revisions.

After completing these noise reduction processes, Ganna craftsman told Zhao Ji to let him continue to do some actions in life, and then he felt that the armor was a little tight or loose, and these were revised together later. After speaking, Ganna craftsman went out to return the red paint and brushes he had borrowed.

Zhao Ji was doing some random movements in the workshop. He tried to sit on a chair wearing armor, or sitting cross-legged on the ground. Or Zhao Ji turned around, started warm-up exercises, jumped, waved his fists, and kicked his feet. After the movements were done, Zhao Ji felt that the armor performed well during these movements, without any big bumps or awkwardness, and there was nothing too tight or too loose.

After Ganna returned, Zhao Ji told him the test results of the armor, and he was very satisfied with it. Except that most parts of the entire armor are protected by hard leather, which does not satisfy him in terms of defense, everything else feels okay.

The Ganna craftsman teased Zhao Ji that he could make another set of iron armor or steel armor to ensure Zhao Ji's satisfaction.

In this regard, Zhao Ji said that if he has enough money, he will do that, and he will come to Ganna craftsman at that time. After the test was over and the armor was removed, Zhao Ji invited Ganna craftsmen to go to the tavern for a big drink at night to celebrate Ganna's becoming a local official craftsman in Kendall City.

Hearing Keir's treat, Ganner did not refuse, and happily agreed. The two made an appointment to meet at the Table Corner Tavern at dusk, have a good drink then, and exchange ideas about the future transformation plan of this set of leather armor.

After bidding farewell to Ganna craftsman and leaving the armor workshop, Zhao Ji came to the shop where he ordered backpacks before.

The shop that sells a whole piece of cloth is called 'Thin Needle', and the wooden sign on the door is a big sharp iron needle and a whole piece of cloth.

Zhao Ji discovered it when I was ordering backpacks here two days ago. There is cotton cloth in this world, only because Kendal County does not produce cotton locally, only some raw materials for linen grow. Therefore, the cotton cloth sold in the store is transported long distances from other regions by the big chamber of commerce, so the price is not affordable for ordinary local people, and the main consumers are landlords and wealthy businessmen.

Moreover, when Zhao Ji was visiting the fabric shop, he also found that in addition to a lot of hemp clothes and a small amount of cotton clothes in the local area, there were more fur clothes made of various animal skins. The wilderness of Kendall County is rich in animals and there are a large number of them, so ordinary people generally wear hemp clothes to prevent heatstroke when the weather is hot, and when the weather is cold, they will wear all kinds of fur clothing to keep out the cold.

Among these common fur clothing, dog skin and rabbit skin are the most common, and mouse skin is also available, but Zhao Ji can't tell the difference between rabbit skin and mouse skin. Deerskin and cowhide are rare, mainly because most deer live in woods and forests, and there are mostly ferocious beasts and monsters there.

The lack of cowhide is because farming cattle are important labor and produce dairy products. Unless the cow itself is sick or dies accidentally, few people slaughter the cow. As for the rare and precious furs of foxes and beavers, they are all worn by some local high-level people. When the temperature dropped after the rain, Zhao Ji put on a fox scarf to keep warm when he saw the old fox tail.

The workmanship of this 'fine-needle' cloth shop is good. Zhao Ji felt quite satisfied after receiving his custom-made backpack, which was basically made according to his wishes. With the backpack on his back, Zhao Ji felt the same as the backpack he often carried in his previous life. Especially this backpack Zhao Ji also made some changes according to the needs and the environment.

Zhao Ji added a fixing belt under the backpack, which can be tied directly to the waist, and the front end is connected with a buckle. This fixing belt can reduce the load on the shoulders. After all, he may have to fight with people while wearing a backpack. . In addition, Zhao Ji also added a fixing belt in the middle of the backpack. This fixing belt can be tied to Zhao Ji's chest. Its function is to ensure that Zhao Ji can fix the backpack and body when carrying the backpack. The consistency makes Zhao Ji more stable when he is active.

Of course, considering that Zhao Jiji himself may wear armor to carry the backpack, Zhao Ji deliberately reserved more space for the shoulder straps and each fixing strap of the backpack, so that the length of each belt can be enlarged or reduced. It is used to adapt to Zhao Ji's different attire.

Zhao Ji, who was very satisfied with the backpack, paid the rest of the money to the shop, and asked the shop owner where he could sell rainproof cloaks.

Kendall County often receives rainfall from late autumn to early winter every year, which is determined by the climate in Kendall County. So Zhao Ji still needs a rainproof cloak now, otherwise it will be difficult for him to go hunting during this time.

It was just an ordinary rainproof cloak, Zhao Ji felt that there was no need to find another shop to order another one, and just go to a clothing store that sells cloaks and buy one.

The store owner heard Zhao Ji's needs and told Zhao Ji carefully that such things must be sold in the wild grape market. Farmers who often work in the rain in the fields most often need these rainproof gear.

Guided by the shop owner, Zhao Ji walked to the wild grape market in the slums with his newly bought backpack on his back. When he came back here, he stumbled across several clothing stores on the edge of the market, one of which was a store that sold all kinds of cheap consumable clothing.

At this time, the wild grape market was full of people. Although it was afternoon, there were still many people coming here to buy things. The farmers in the city are idle after harvesting the crops in the fields. It's not that there is no work after the crops are harvested, but that compared to planting crops, drying and grinding crops does not require so much labor, and anyone can complete these tasks that do not require much physical strength.

Therefore, some idle farmers took their own crops and sellable commodities to the market for sale and trading.

Zhao Ji looked around casually, and there were quite a lot of products in the market.

Many people are selling the newly harvested wheat this year. They call this batch of wheat the gift of wheat, implying that this batch of crops was saved by the god of agriculture. Of course, compared with new wheat, there is also new flour that has been milled, and these flours are much more sought-after. Superstitious peasant women believe that bread made with flour ground from gifted wheat will definitely get more from the God of Saturn. favor.

Zhao Ji was puzzled by this. Wouldn't it be better to eat bread made of so-called gifted wheat than directly praying to the statue of the God of Saturn?

Of course, no matter what people think, it's not Zhao Ji's business. Maybe it's because it's useless for the farmers to pray all the year round, and maybe it's also possible to think of another way now.

There are also fresh potatoes harvested from the fields in the stalls in the market. These potatoes were transported to the market in the city by the farmers with carts while still carrying the soil.

Zhao Ji also saw a shop that not many decent people patronized, and what was sold in it was last year's old wheat. These old wheats are the main transactions in the market before the new wheat is harvested, but once the new wheats are harvested, not many people come to patronize these old wheats, and only some people who are not well-off or large chambers of commerce will buy them. Zhao Ji estimated that the purchase by the Chamber of Commerce should be used to prepare rations for livestock.

Zhao Ji took a look at the old wheat. The quality was not very good. There were rat feces, moldy grains, and moth larvae everywhere, probably because the rough storage environment was not good. It seems that the food-selling chamber of commerce in Kendall City is not very good at their food storage technology.

A bustling stall sells a variety of beans, dried and easy to preserve. There are soybeans, peas, green beans, red beans, kidney beans, mung beans, which Zhao Jin can name, and pearl beans, purple beans, ice beans, bird's-eye beans, fish-eye beans, which Zhao Ji has never seen before.

There are small apples just picked from the fruit trees on the fruit stalls. Since there are no good products and the local area is not particularly suitable for apple cultivation, the apples on the stalls look small. Zhao Ji spent an iron coin to buy one to taste, wiped it with the sleeve of his clothes, and took a bite. The apple taste was okay, but the size was too small, and it disappeared after a few bites.

The stall next to it sells raw hemp just harvested from the field, and an apprentice in a workshop is negotiating with the stall merchant on the subtle price of this batch of raw hemp. Zhao Ji reckoned that this is where the hemp ropes he bought from grocery stores came from.

There are also some large white mushrooms picked from the forest that day, but few people dare to buy them, of course, because they are afraid that these mushrooms will cause problems. The farmer who set up the stall couldn't tell whether the mushrooms he picked were poisonous or not.

A store is selling big fish caught from the Kendall River, and many farmers gather there to buy a big fat fish, salt it at home, and eat it in winter.

A hunter at a stall was selling plump big voles caught in the field. These big fluffy voles were kept in sturdy wooden cages, and each one was as big as a hare, and they didn't look inedible. A well-dressed steward and a male waiter were discussing the price of a cage with the hunter. It seemed that the master of the steward would have a meal of big fat voles tonight.

One stall sells the long winter wool that has just been shaved from the farmers’ domesticated sheep. The wool is packed in a large woven basket, and it is dusty. It seems that it has not been washed before it is sold. I don't know if the sheep of this family will live together with the farmer's family without the wool to keep warm this winter.

The stall next to it also sells sheep, but not sheep, but the strong, spiral horns of goats. At the same time, there is a wild pheasant with feathers of many colors hanging on the stall.

A kid's stall sells big jumping frogs caught in the field. These jumping frogs are all fat and strong, and they look very clean. His stall also has eggs from his own chickens.

One shop also sells goat milk and cow's milk. These milks are packed in clay pots, and some children gather at the door of the shop to smell the milky fragrance wafting from the shop. This store also sells some other dairy products. Zhao Ji looked at them and found that most of them were salty cheeses.

The shop next to it sells poultry feathers scalded. There are not many types, most of them are those birds that eat seeds. Zhao Ji didn't see the feathers of carnivorous raptors, so he probably didn't come.

In short, there are so many things for sale in the market. Farmers trade their own commodities, some with coins, and some simply with barter. There are also merchants selling all kinds of goods that are not easy to see.

As the Harvest Festival approaches, people are preparing food and gifts for the festival, as well as various offerings.

Food is to reward the family for a year of hard work, gifts are to give friends and relatives friendship and family affection, and sacrifices are to offer sacrifices to the gods they believe in, praying for protection in the coming year and comforting the sadness of this year.

Zhao Ji couldn't take his eyes off the market. When he came back last time, he didn't see the liveliness of the market because the Saturnalia Church cleared the market for blessings.

Of course, he didn't forget why he came here.

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