Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 15, Back to City - The Chamber Guys Are Back

Zhao Ji also put away his long sword. He still doesn't know what the big guys are doing.

Mr. Weiss gently pulled Millendon out of the militia: "Millendon, please tell me what happened to you just now."

"Ah, good. Before, you asked us to go to the cowshed to dispose of the cattle carcasses. When we arrived, everyone was reluctant to enter the cowshed. After all, they had vomited several times. In the end, only Keel went in to dispose of those things."

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards." Mr. Weiss snorted, thinking that if he hadn't given Kiel enough money to entrust, he didn't know when he would be able to deal with the corpse that had been decomposing for a few days.

"Hey, we were waiting at the gate of the cowshed. After waiting for a while, a scary weirdo came out of the cowshed. That weirdo scared everyone."

Mr. Weiss glanced at Keir, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "What kind of weirdo? Can you scare all the boys?"

"The weirdo is covered in blood-stained sacks. His left hand is holding a heavy sack that oozes blood, and his right hand is holding an ax upside down. It's all covered in blood. It's really terrifying to come towards us like that. , Everyone thought a monster came out and wanted to kill everyone, we were all terrified! Who is that? By the way, Amy’s boys were scared to diaper their pants.”

Mr. Weiss couldn't help laughing at this time, and he burst out laughing. The surrounding farmers were frightened by Millenton's description, after all, legends and stories are like this. But Mr. Weiss's smile made everyone not afraid, but rather puzzled. Millenton and the others are also very confused. Is this so funny? That weirdo is really scary.

When Zhao Ji heard Mr. Weiss's big laugh at this time, he thought about it for a while, and he also recalled it. His eyes widened and his eyebrows raised.

Good guy, these cowards think Zhao Ji is some kind of scary weirdo! It really doesn't make sense.

"Well, Millenton! Then what kind of scary monster is that? It's me!" Zhao Ji said loudly.

Ah, everyone turned their attention to Keir again.

Zhao Ji said to the surrounding farmers: "I went to the cowshed to dispose of the cow's carcass, bought a lot of sacks from the farm, and borrowed an ax to split the cow's carcass. Everyone saw this. , we all know."

"At that time, because the carcass of the cow was too big to move, and there was no one to assist me, I chopped the carcass into small pieces with an ax and put them in sacks. I thought of letting Millenton and the others transport them outside the farm in stages. As soon as I left the cowshed, they all stared at me in a daze, and they ignored me when I spoke to them, so I threw the sack on the ground and continued to dispose of the corpse. Well, it turned out that I was frightened at the time, no wonder I fell to the ground when I saw people."

After hearing Keir's explanation, the farmers who understood the situation booed the militia squads.

Millenton and his militia team blushed, and they seemed to understand it, but Millenton still insisted on arguing: "Then why did you wrap yourself in a sack? No If we do this, we will be able to recognize you at the time. It won't be like this." He finally said in a low voice.

Zhao Ji pointed to his clothes: "Please, my clothes are new clothes I just bought. You don't know that when I used an ax to dispose of cow carcasses, there was a lot of blood. The blood was smelly and dirty. , and there were tiny maggots crawling, in order not to stain my new clothes, I took off two sacks and wrapped them around myself."

After hearing Kiel's explanation, the members of the militia team lowered their heads, and the surrounding farmers also understood Kiel's approach. After all, no one likes to be soiled like that.

Mr. Weiss still had a smile on his face, and he finally let everyone disperse. The farmers each took a cattle and went home to take care of them.

Don't be ashamed of the people in the militia team, let them hurry to the cowshed and transport all the sacks that Keel made to the prepared wood pile for burning.

After all the people around had dispersed, Zhao Ji felt that there was nothing to do in the future. It was nothing more than lighting the fire and filling the ashes into the dug pit after the cattle carcasses were burned. If everything is done, Zhao Ji reckons, it will be late at night, and he won't be able to go back to the city. He didn't want to spend the night in a farm outside the city, he just needed to take a bath to get rid of the rotting corpse smell that might exist on his body.

Mr. Weiss kept Keir for a while. He wanted to reward Kire for a while at night. After all, Keir finally helped him a lot this time. It's hard to find someone to handle these things.

But Keir said that he had already dealt with the corpses, so he just took them away and burned them, and things after that were not difficult. Mr. Weiss could not hold back.

In this way, Zhao Ji returned to Kendall City before the sun set in the afternoon.


When entering the city, the guards at the gate originally wanted to chat with Zhao Ji about the contest between the two knights today, but after hearing the smell from Zhao Ji, everyone didn't want to get close.

Zhao Ji himself had dealt with corpses in the cowshed for a long time before, and he didn't smell much. In fact, there was a faint stench of corpses emanating from his body.

The middle-aged captain of the guard with a big sword on his back took the initiative to ask Kiel what he was doing before, and why he stinks like a corpse. Zhao Ji briefly told him what happened at Weiss Farm.

The guards suddenly realized that they had already seen the two knights who had returned to the city at the gate of the city before.

Their colleagues had returned to the town guard quarters at the city gate. What these guards like to do most is to exchange their knowledge and new things with each other in the station every day.

As soon as the guard who followed the two knights out of the city came back, he told his fellow guards what happened at the Wes Farm outside the city. Although the two of them didn't fully understand the whole story, it didn't prevent them from making it up now.

Real experience, coupled with moderately exaggerated bragging, this is a conversation piece that can be chatted with colleagues for a day.

It's a pity that in Kendall City, all the chats and chats today are destined to be the competition between the two knights at the city gate.

Knowing the reason for the smell of the corpse on Kiel's body, the middle-aged guard hurriedly asked Kiel to go back and wash it. The smell was really bad enough.

Zhao Ji raised his arm and sniffed, but he didn't smell anything. It is estimated that the nose has been attacked by the stench of the dead cattle.

After bidding farewell to the city gate guards, Zhao Ji hurried to the chamber of commerce.

As soon as he returned to the chamber of commerce, Zhao Ji went straight to his room, carefully stored today's income, then took out a set of old clothes, and ran to the backyard of the chamber of commerce.

In the backyard of the chamber of commerce, there is a semi-shallow pool for washing and bathing. Zhao Ji went straight here as soon as he came. As soon as he arrived at the backyard, Zhao Ji found that the backyard of the Chamber of Commerce was full of donkey carts returned by merchants. The drivers who hadn’t seen them for a while were washing the donkeys pulling the carts. There were many, and the beards on the faces of the drivers also grew a lot, very dense.

Zhao Ji slapped his head. It turns out that the stewards and drivers of the chamber of commerce who hadn't come back before have all come back today. Then Jamura should be back, thinking of this, Zhao Ji hurried to wash up, and by the way, simply washed the clothes he just wore to remove the smell.

Putting on clean clothes, Zhao Ji wrung out all the washed clothes and took them back to his room.

Open the wooden windows in the house and hang the clothes outside to dry on their own. Zhao Ji took a few silver coins and some scattered copper and iron coins, and went to the second floor of the chamber of commerce.

As soon as he came to the second floor of the Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Ji found that there were not many people there, and it was still empty. I asked a guy who was working, and it turned out that the staff of the chamber of commerce had indeed returned. They had been busy for so many days before, and it was very hard. In addition, the Harvest Festival is coming soon, and the festivals of each family also need To prepare, the old president of Foxtail gave the staff who went out before a holiday, and returned to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce to work after the Harvest Festival.

Patting his forehead, Zhao Ji forgot about it. Locally, the annual Harvest Festival is the most important festival, and every household must make full preparations for the festival. Most of the employees of the chamber of commerce had gone out to do business and transport, and they had been away from home for many days, and the preparations for the festival at home must have been delayed. And when they come back at this time before the Harvest Festival, they will definitely have a holiday at home to prepare for the festival.

It seems that I can't meet Jamura today. I wanted to tell him about his own adventures during this period, and by the way, pay back the money owed to him, and temporarily save the old Foxtail President. The sixth-class security badge of the Saturnalia Church was handed over to Jamura for safekeeping.

Compared with his savior, Jamura, the old president of the fox tail really made Zhao Ji feel at ease.

It's not that the old foxtail president will covet his treasures, but that he is worried about the other party's character and background. Zhao Jizhen was worried that his treasure would be ruined by the old President Huwei. After all, it was a magical creation with the power of the god of agriculture, and there was an unknown god behind the old president Foxtail.

Since we can't meet him today, Zhao Ji will go directly to the Table Corner Tavern now.

Along the way, Zhao Ji saw that the pre-festival decorations were being carried out everywhere in the town. The management staff of the town directed the hired workers to take out small colored flags and hang them over the main streets, and a theater performance was being built on the open space at the gate of the city. stage, and the vacancies on the main road are also occupied by smaller performance stages.

All the shops and workshops have repainted the side of their homes facing the street, and took out the statues of gods and gods of various beliefs and placed them on the main entrance. The entrance of the bakery was crowded with people queuing to make bread. The corners of the road were also crowded with small vendors and farmers setting up stalls, and personnel from various churches also shuttled among the crowd, distributing publicity lists to the public.

Zhao Ji took one and came over to have a look. He was also puzzled, after all, the vast majority of the people are actually illiterate, how can they understand what is written on the leaflet?

It was clear at first glance that one side of the flyer used simple symbols to indicate which days and where the church held activities during the Harvest Festival.

Zhao Ji learned before that each god has its own unique symbol in the local script. As long as you see this symbol representing the god, even the illiterate people can know immediately which god the symbol represents. .

In addition, there is a simple map of Kendall City drawn on the flyer (very simple, only locals can recognize where it is), Zhao Ji believes that no matter who it is, anyone can do it. Know which church is active when and where.

And Zhao Ji found that turning the leaflet upside down, it was a simple religious painting of gods. The painting on this list is a bit simple, it is a painting of a certain god listening to the troubles of believers, but it is not bad if you look at it crudely. I believe it is good for people to hang it in their homes and add some decorations to their homes.

After all, not everyone has the money and status to buy real works of art and put them at home. Those who can do that are some wealthy businessmen or noble families. Considering that the aristocratic circle in Kendall City is relatively small, it is possible that more art buyers here are people like Mr. Weiss who runs the farm and the old Foxtail President.

Zhao Ji saw that the entire leaflet was handmade, and looked at the religious personnel who distributed the leaflets everywhere, and felt that they must have started preparing for this day very early.

Walking to the tavern while strolling, Zhao Ji came to the tavern after a while, went directly to the bar, and asked Todd for a large glass of beer.

"Don't you want something to eat? Don't you usually have something to drink when you drink?"

"Don't talk about it, I can't eat anything today, and I can only survive by drinking."

Zhao Ji then handed him the coin to be given to Todd.

Todd nodded the coins received: "It seems that Mr. Weiss is not a stingy person, or is there any new change in the entrustment? Tell me later. But you missed a lot today lively."

After receiving the beer handed over by Todd, Zhao Ji took a sip: "I know what you're talking about." Zhao Ji pointed to the drinkers around, almost all of whom were talking about going to the city gate before noon , a contest between two knights.

"Actually, my matter is also related to this matter. But tell me about the specific situation of the competition first. I know that you are very well informed. Don't look at just staying in the tavern every day. In fact, everyone belongs to you." Eyes and ears."

"It's too much praise for me. How can I be so well-informed? The most amazing thing is the bartender in "Wharton's Full Belly"."

Zhao Ji shrugged, he thought Todd was not bad either. 'Wharton's Belly' was too expensive to be a place for him to use as a daily activity.

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