Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 16, Table Corner Tavern - Competing with Kolico's Battle Etiquette

And Zhao Ji also feels that those who can go there to spend frequently should have their own set of ways to solve troubles. He, a fledgling 'adventurer', is not really needed.

"Tell me about the contest between the two knights first." Zhao Ji said.

Todd poured another glass of beer to a drinker next to him: "Hey, good. One of the two knights is the most powerful representative of our Kendall City. He is in his prime and has rich combat experience."

"Is Crow Knight the most capable player in Kendall City?" Zhao Ji asked, after all, he didn't know much about it before.

Todd nodded: "You're right about what you said. It should be the most able to fight, right? After all, another old knight hasn't fought outside for a long time. Everyone thinks that the old knight is old and has no time to be young." incredible."

"I remember that there should be six knights in the city, right? The old knight you mentioned, and a female knight whose territory is in the northern lake area, plus Knight Crow. There should be three more knights. Aren't they powerful?" Zhao said. Ji broke his fingers while talking and counting.

Refilling Zhao Ji's glass with beer, Todd said immediately: "Let me tell you one by one, Crow Knight is the most powerful. It's very powerful, but it doesn't seem to be as good as the current Knight Crowe. As for Knight Lanisa, she only inherited her father's knight title and territory a few years ago. I heard that she had been studying in other places before and didn't learn any knight skills. It's not you Look, she can't even deal with the wolves on her territory, and the news of recruiting manpower has not stopped this year. I don't know when those wolves will be eradicated. People don't recognize her force." He always attracted people to these things in the city. The characters on the topic know a lot.

Then, Todd began to introduce again: "As for the other three knights. Knight Eliza has been at the ferry of the Kendall River and rarely comes to Kendall City. Everyone is not familiar with him. I heard that he has a relationship with the Knights. Very good, mainly responsible for the management of the upper reaches of the Kendall River. You know, the knights of the empire must be maintained, and the borders of the kingdom must be controlled by them. The territory of the Rumi knights is located in the southwest of the county , and Kendall City are blocked by a mountain range, that knight rarely comes over, but you can often hear news of which gangsters he wiped out, and he should also be a very capable knight. As for the last Knight Fickner, he is A pig." At the end, even the drinker next to him nodded and admitted that Todd was right, Zhao Ji was stunned, can he say this to a low-ranking noble of the knight class like this?

Zhao Ji's question was directly asked Todd: "Huh? A pig? Can it be described like this?"

Todd gestured with a thumbs down: "Of course, that pig never goes to his territory, nor does he hold a position in the city. I heard from some male servants who serve knights, that guy knows how to eat all day long." Stuff, and play with women, without taking a step out of his house. Everyone actually knew it, but never felt that guy took on the responsibilities of a knight. Just collect the lord's salary all day, and then spend it all."

Zhao Ji took a sip of beer: "That's okay, won't the lord deal with this person?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Todd said: "No, I can only say that this guy really has the most basic knight strength, but no one thinks he is a powerful guy. It is estimated that Knight Crowe may be able to defeat him with one hand."

Nodding his head, Zhao Ji got a comprehensive understanding of the knights in Kendall County from Todd: "Then, what about the knight Foltz?"

Todd was a little surprised: "Oh, you also know the name of Knight Fultz. Although many people saw the contest between the two knights today, most of them don't know the name of the other knight."

Zhao Ji clicked on the position of the coin given to Todd just now: "This is related to my commission today, I will tell you later, first tell me how they compete.


Todd took out a clean rag and wiped an empty wine glass: "Okay, okay. The contest between the two knights happened after you went out for a while in the morning. First, the guards gathered under the city gate and waited to see The two competed, and then they surrounded a lot of idle people. You know, after the farm work in the field was over, many people were idle, and when they heard that there was excitement, they all ran over to watch.

The two knights competed empty-handed first, and it was said that the sound of fist bumping could be clearly heard in the square under the city gate. Then the Knight Fultz shot a guard's spear directly at Knight Crowe with his strong bow, and Knight Crowe directly received the flying spear with his chest. The spear pierced Knight Crowe and bounced off. "

Todd said here, and pointed to his chest, as if he saw it at the scene.

Zhao Ji raised his eyebrows. It seems that his combat power against knights in this world has changed again. A knight can harden a spear fired by another knight, and it is not done by armor.

Zhao Ji remembered that Knight Crowe only wore a nice and soft samurai uniform today, and Mr. Weiss took them directly to the farm outside the city after their competition. This shows that Knight Crowe didn't change his clothes. He really flew the spear fired by Knight Fultz with only his chest.

But Knight Crowe's clothes were not damaged at all. Well, it seems that Knight Crowe must have mastered a method of external defense, but I don't know if it has something to do with the exploding light ball he released in the cowshed.

Zhao Ji felt that based on the experience in the fantasy stories of his previous life, that should be the case. The knights possess a kind of energy controlled by the body, which can increase the physical ability with a high probability, and can also defend and attack outside the body.

It's a bit like the zhenqi in a martial arts story, but the specifics are definitely different, and it can only be said that the possible principle is the same.

Todd went on to say: "Then Knight Fultz saw that it had no effect, so he took the short spear in his hand, and then the two of them seemed to speed up. When they fought, the onlookers couldn't see clearly. They fought The speed is getting faster and faster, hitting one side at one time, and jumping to the other side at another time."

Although Todd was not clear about what he said, Zhao Ji heard from Mr. Weiss that the two knights could jump directly from the wall on the left of the city gate to the wall on the right by hitting each other.

"In the end, Knight Crow was the best, and he grabbed Knight Fultz's weapon with his bare hands. Afterwards, the competition between the two was over. I could hear the cheers from the onlookers in the tavern. It's a pity, Look at the store, but I can't see it." After Todd finished speaking, he shrugged regretfully.

Zhao Ji drank all the beer in the glass and motioned Todd to fill it up again.

After Todd was full, Zhao Ji told him in detail what he had entrusted today.


Two days later, in the morning, Zhao Ji was waiting in the backyard of the chamber of commerce for the city gate guards who came to teach martial arts.

In the past two days, he took a good rest the day before so that he could eat some food, and then caught another hundred slime monsters in the swamp outside the next day.

Now that he is proficient at catching slime monsters, he has advanced his progress in the swamp that night, and has already started preparations toward the southeast of the swamp in the south of the city.

In the afternoon, he prepared new trails for swamp trees and sewed the cloaks of damaged branches. At night, Zhao Ji used only a long gun to quickly hunt many slime monsters under the small full moon of the red moon.

It was not midnight when the slime monster corpses were packed into leaves and placed in a big sack, so Zhao Ji slept well in the swamp camp for half the night. In order to prevent wild beasts from attacking him, he lit the camp fire very vigorously He just fell asleep, and every two hours or so, he woke up to add some firewood to keep the campfire lit.

Up to now, his spirit is very good, and he can definitely continue with the new martial arts teaching and training.


When the Kolico guards walked into the backyard of the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce, they saw that Kiel was ready, so he immediately changed into wooden training equipment.

Both Zhao Ji and Guard Kolico held only a one-handed wooden sword. Before starting, Guard Kolico told Kiel what he was going to teach today.

"Before Nichton told us the specific things he gave you, and we knew the general process. Since you also know that I am good at one-handed swordsmanship, I will teach you one-handed swordsmanship today."

Zhao Ji nodded, and stretched out his hand to indicate that the Kolico guards could start.

The Kolico guard shook his head and said to Kiel: "One-handed swordsmanship is different from other martial arts. It has status in all basic martial arts. Many dignitaries with status will use one-handed swords. Therefore, when using one-handed swords Come on, it has rules. I will teach you the etiquette and rules first, and then we will learn swordsmanship. Don’t worry about the lack of time, I am very free today and have nothing to do, we can train until the afternoon until you have no energy.”

That being the case, Zhao Ji signaled the Kolico guards to start talking, and he did not resist learning some knowledge in this area. Anyway, he has nothing to do today. After practicing until the afternoon, he can go back to the house to rest for a while, and then go to the tavern to kill time, inquire about news, and wait for the commission to appear.

"First, hold the sword posture."

The Kolico guard put the wooden sword on the ground, the blade parallel to the body, not facing the opponent, and his hands rested on the end of the wooden sword hilt.

"In this way, if the sword is already in the scabbard, you can lean on the sword like this while waiting to strike at any time. The blade cannot face the opponent, which is disrespectful to the opponent. Although fighting with force, you must not lose etiquette. This is not only respect for the opponent, but also respect for oneself.

Hold the end of the hilt with both hands, if there is a weighted ball at the end of the hilt, you can hold that. When holding it, the right hand is inside, holding the hilt or the weight ball empty, and the left hand is outside, covering the right hand. "

Zhao Ji nodded to express his understanding, and imitated the actions of Keli Ke's guards.

"When the opponent agrees to your fight, you and I will fight each other. At this time, you can hold the sword in front of you, and the position of your hands is just right on your chest. It should not be too low or too high."

Zhao Ji asked: "For the lifting movement, can you kick the sword head with your right foot? This should be faster."

The Kolico guard shook his head: "Two aspects. First, this is disrespect for the opponent. Although it is faster, a real fighter should defeat the opponent with dignity."

Seeing that Zhao Ji frowned, as if he didn't like this kind of statement, Ke Like guard explained: "Respecting the opponent is actually respecting oneself. Fighting with a sword, life and death are decided in a moment. Either the opponent is injured and dies, or he is injured and dies. Injured reputation is damaged and strength is greatly reduced, and death cannot be recovered. Every battle may be your last battle. Don’t think that I can win by myself, because the other party thinks the same way. It’s not serious Face the battle, and you will be defeated and killed by the enemy who faces the battle seriously."

'Every battle may be the last battle', Zhao Ji was taken aback. Thinking of this, he suddenly changed his mind about fighting.

The two fighters fought each other, and death would fall between them in an instant. He had to face every battle seriously. His own attitude when facing the battle before was indeed too frivolous.

No wonder he didn't think highly of himself when he saw those knights. His attitude towards fighting was too frivolous. Does he have the strength of the knights himself? If he really had the casual fighting attitude he had before, he probably would have died somewhere unknown.

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