Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 17, Backyard of the Chamber of Commerce - Kolico's one-handed sword combat teaching

The Kolico guard continued: "Second, kick the sword on the ground with the side of your foot. If the sword is in the scabbard, what should you do with the scabbard after you kick it? The goal of quick combat will still not be achieved. If The sword is not in the sheath, your side kick will hit the blade, don't you need your feet?"

Zhao Ji scratched his head and smiled: "What if I wear iron boots?"

"Haha, the feet are fine, so the front edge of the sword is blunt. A skilled swordsman will pay attention to every aspect of the battle. And doing so is also a kind of disrespect for his own weapon. According to legend, for If the weapon is disrespected, the weapon will abandon the person who uses it. If you insult your weapon, the weapon will return to the person who uses it.”

After a while, the Kolico guard continued: "Before the battle begins, holding the sword in front of the chest is also a kind of preparatory fighting posture. It is also a kind of fighting etiquette. In different regions, the fighting etiquette is similar. But you make The actions of etiquette represent that you respect the opponent's strength or identity. At the same time, it also conceals a respect for your own strength and identity. The more identity and strength a fighter has, the more they agree with this."

"Our Kendall County is a small place, and people don't pay much attention to it. But in some big cities, famous swordsmen or fighters, they will acquiesce in this."

He then held the sword on his chest and raised it above his head: "This is a forward chop. You see, you can switch from holding the sword on your chest to this action at any time. This forward chop from the head to the front Action is a standard attack action, when attacking, it is usually matched with attacking steps, which can effectively increase the suddenness and attack distance."

Zhao Ji followed the movements of Keli Ke's guards, raised the sword above his head, and then slashed down.

"No! You have to move with your steps."

Zhao Ji nodded and did it again. This time, he took two steps forward and slashed down with the wooden sword above his head.

"The level is average, but the movements are not standard. Keel, you didn't have basic training in combat when you were young, right?" Keli Ke guard looked at Zhao Ji's movements and shook his head and asked.

"Ah? Ah! Yes, I have never used a weapon before. These are all learned recently, and some are imitated from when you were training on the city wall." Zhao Ji smiled wryly.

The Kolico guard nodded: "It doesn't matter if you haven't learned it before. It's not too late to start now. Look at my movements and compare them with your own."

With that, the Kolico guard raised his sword above his head, and then, for a split second, he took a step forward. At the same time, the wooden sword swung downward like thunder. After the chopping action, he then pulled the sword back, retracted his right hand, and the sword maintained a fighting posture again.

"How? What do you see? This is my test for you. Nickon said that you are very talented, so tell me about it." Keli Ke guards put their swords on the ground again and asked Zhao Ji.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhao Ji liked this kind of teaching with a test.

"Koliko, first of all, your actions are very firm."


"Secondly, if I'm not mistaken, the chop you made just now happened to be from the front of your body."

"Yes, many people will have a slight deviation in every movement because the right hand is exerting force. It is nothing in normal times, but after a long battle, these weak influencing factors are often the primary factor in winning or losing a battle. "Speaking of this, the Kolico guards applauded.

"There is one more, you only took one step. Is there anything to say in this?"

"Haha, it's okay, is it gone?"

"And that's all."

"I only took one step, because generally speaking, two people fight at close quarters. The distance between the two parties is about one and a half people. This distance is very subtle. Look, isn't the distance between you and me right now? ?"

Zhao Ji saw it,

really. The distance between him and the Kolico guards was exactly one and a half people, about three meters.

"This distance is exactly one step closer to the two sides plus the length of the arm. At this distance, the two sides take a step each and swing their weapons. At this time, the weapons will definitely collide with each other."

"Then what's the point of this forward chopping combat action? If you can hit the opponent, the opponent can also hit you, or resist your attack with a weapon?" Zhao Ji asked.

"Ha, I aimed at the other party's head, what should the other party do? I can't deal with it well. I only suffered a slight injury, but the other party's head will be split off by me."

Figured it out, Zhao Ji nodded, this is similar to the fighting method taught by Nickton. This should be a basic principle of fighting, the first move has the upper hand, and the injury is exchanged for life.

If the enemy's will to fight is weak, they may panic when faced with such a simple trick that can cause instant kills, and if they fail to resist or dodge effectively in an instant, they may die or be seriously injured directly.

Seeing that Zhao Ji understood these things, Ke Like guard continued: "Actually, there is one more thing you haven't seen."

Zhao Ji asked suspiciously: "Anything else? So which one is it?"

"It's the action of returning the sword to my retreating right hand after the frontal chop. The key to the matter is no longer the subsequent fighting posture action, but the action of each move. It cannot be a single action. Kiel, you have to know that combat is coherent, it is not a single action, but the sum of all combat actions of the two parties in a period of time."

"The sum of combat movements? This? This doesn't seem to be easy to understand."

The Kolico guard smiled: "There are very few battles that end in an instant, because if the strength gap is too large, the battle itself is not established, so it can't be called a battle.

Generally speaking, the battles that everyone faces are between two parties with similar strengths, or two parties that think that their strengths are similar. In these common situations, the two sides in the battle must attack and defend each other for a while, and fight for several rounds. Then decide the outcome of life and death. You can understand this, right? "

Zhao Ji nodded, and he briefly reviewed his few fighting experiences, and it was indeed as Keli Ke's guard said. Those who dare to fight with you think they have a chance. After all, if their strength is too low, why should the opponent fight? It’s fine if they can’t run. If the strength is too high, then the opponent should be chasing Zhao Ji to fight.

"Since this is the case, we can think that in this short battle, all the individual combat actions are a whole. Moves and moves, this moment and the next moment, they are all part of a unified combat process."

Here, Zhao Ji can still understand, but he also has doubts: "But, my actions in battle, shouldn't it take the enemy's part into consideration?"

The Kolico guard shook his finger: "No, the enemy's combat actions are also included in this unified combat process. But you are a beginner, so don't consider the opponent's reaction. Take a look first. On our side, the combat actions are A whole."

Zhao Ji nodded.

"I saw your movement just now, it is just a single combat movement, it has nothing to do with other movements. This is wrong, all combat movements should be a whole, it is not separate, but should be continuous. After one action, the next action should be followed, not to stop, wait, consider, judge, and then act."

"I've seen this with a lot of people, and that's why they didn't improve much after that. They were simply swinging their swords, not fighting as a whole."

"To put it simply, the battle must be consistent."

In fact, Zhao Ji didn't understand a lot of things, and Keli Ke guards didn't seem to tell people much about this, and his "theoretical teaching" was also very confusing.

But at least, Zhao Ji understood the last words, the battle must be coherent.

It seems that the Kolico guards think that his combat movements are too independent, without fluency and cohesion. He believed that Zhao Ji didn't have a comprehensive consideration of a battle, it was just a random battle with one move and one style.

The Kolico guard took a look at Zhao Ji, and felt that Kiel still didn't understand, it didn't matter, he could teach the other party how to fight. This is good for fighting. No matter how much you say, you can do two tricks with your hands, and the opponent can understand it after experiencing it personally.

"Since you can see three of the four points, then I should give you a little reward. Let's compete for ourselves." The Kolico guard said.

Zhao Ji smiled and immediately made preparations for battle.

"Battle etiquette." The Kolico guard reminded.

Touching his nose in embarrassment, Zhao Ji immediately held the sword to his chest, as did the Kolico guards on the opposite side.

The two were silent with each other for a few seconds. Zhao Ji launched the attack first.

He advanced towards the Keli Ke guards and swung a sword at the same time. This sword swung from Zhao Ji's lower left direction, and then swung diagonally to the upper right.

While Zhao Ji was attacking, the Kolico guards took a step back, dodged Zhao Ji's attack, and then quickly and straightly approached with a sword.

After being dodged by the Keli Ke guards, Zhao Ji defended immediately. He threw his sword at the Keli Ke guards' swords, hoping to deflect the opponent's blow.

The two swords collided, and the sword of the Kolico guard drew a small circle with the force of the collision, and then slapped Zhao Ji's right hand holding the sword. Zhao Ji felt pain in his right hand, and the wooden sword fell to the ground.

The whole process took less than three seconds, and Zhao Ji's wooden sword fell to the ground.

He picked up the wooden sword and looked at the Kolico guards. The Kolico guard nodded and said, "Did you feel it?"

Zhao Ji nodded.

"Then tell me what you feel, let's analyze it. After the analysis is thorough, you will understand where the gap is just now."

Zhao Ji nodded and expressed his feelings.

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