Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 20, Victim Cardo - Discussion of case and 2 options

Mr. Fullen glanced at his partner who had been handling murder cases in the city with him. The shepherd in black robe nodded slightly. Mr. Fullen turned the notes in his hand two pages forward and told Keel about their discovery. Condition.

Zhao Ji glanced at Mr. Fu Lun, is it appropriate to discuss this directly in front of the victim's family? However, seeing that everyone in the room listened to Mr. Fu Lun and no one said anything, Zhao Ji could only think that this is how things are done here.

He can't take what he thinks for granted in this different world.

Mr. Furren did not read through the two of their discoveries carefully, but told Keel some important points that were useful. Zhao Ji listened carefully to the other party's words, while thinking in his heart, while analyzing the situation of Mr. Fu Lun's investigation.

The investigation information of the case mainly includes several points. First, the victim, Mr. Cardo, was murdered in the early morning. It was not as rumored in the market. The victim, Mr. Cardo, was killed after he left the house at night. of. It should be that Mr. Cardo was killed when he was about to return home after going out to finish his business.

This point can be confirmed by Nita Shepherd, a member of the Church of the God of the Dead. After arriving at the scene of Mr. Cardo's body, he used church magic to confirm the time of death.

Zhao Ji didn't ask why he didn't want to find a way to perform more magical magic, and directly asked the murdered Mr. Kaduo himself. Obviously, they didn't do this, either because the price wasn't enough, they didn't have the qualifications, or they couldn't do it.

He also doesn't quite know what happens after death in this world. In the previous life, it was said that people would return to their souls after death, or their souls would linger near the corpses, and some would turn into ghosts to take revenge. And in this world, what happens after death? Since there are gods alive, how do they deal with these most basic things?

Zhao Ji thought in his heart that he didn't know much about and paid attention to these before, it seems that he will have to inquire about these related information in the future.

Mr. Fullen and the others also found out that the victim, Mr. Cardo, often went out to do errands in the early morning and dark in the period before his death.

Cardo does not need to do this in his own job. Although selling wigs needs to be kept secret from customers, he may often secretly go to the customer's door to sell and repair wigs, but he does not need to go out to do business in the early morning, usually during the day, only Occasionally avoids people at night.

After all, in the early hours of the morning, it is the darkest time of the night. Although there is no curfew in Kendall City, most places in Kendall City are still dark at night, and the moonlight in the sky will be blocked by the narrow alleys. The houses block the light and cannot shine into the alleys. Coupled with the accumulation of debris and twists and turns in the alleys, the slums of Kendall City at night are not suitable for residents to travel.

Moreover, after meeting the patrolling town guards, you may have to accept some questioning or ask for bribes.

In this regard, the victim's family members do not know much about the situation. Before Mr. Cardo was killed, he only explained to his family that the customer did not want to be found buying wigs to cover up the hair loss.

But judging from his current murder, the murdered Mr. Cardo may not have ordered wigs for customers as he said. It must be because of other reasons that the victim was killed.

Along with some other obvious circumstances and information, Mr. Furren read the general information of the incident recorded by him to Keel.

"The situation around the incident is roughly the same. Now the investigation of the incident has reached a deadlock. This is different from the usual murders. No one witnessed the situation when the victim was killed, and no one saw the murderer. And the victim He also went out in the early morning secretly, and we don't even know where he went out in the middle of the night, who he met, and what he was doing." Mr. Fullen closed his notebook, shrugged, and looked at Keir: "So What's the best thing you can do,

Otherwise, he would have to spend a few days in prison. "

"Heh." Zhao Ji smiled a little. What was all this investigation? He just got general information about the victim. How can this solve the case? Sure enough, a small remote place like Kendall City is not good for criminals or investigators.

Zhao Ji believes that most of the cases that can be solved are murders of passion that are obvious at first sight. And more unsolved cases are headless cases with no witnesses or physical evidence.

Moreover, with unprofessionals such as Mr. Fulun and Nita, the pastor of the God of the Dead Church, it is fine if they don't create unjust, false or wrong cases. Mr. Fullen is obviously just an ordinary member of the government affairs office, and not an important position, which can be seen from the fact that he doesn't have many valuable ornaments on his body.

The clothing customs here are like this, the better you dress, the more expensive the jewelry is, the more it can reflect a person's position, social status and property.

The pastor of Nita is well dressed, but a pastor of the church came to intervene in the detection of the murder case. Zhao Ji expressed doubts about how much effect he could have. After all, judging from the information Mr. Fullen just said, the pastors of the church have not been of much use.

The Church neither has any convenient magical spells that allow people to tell the truth, nor does it have the ability to call back the victim's soul for questioning.

Zhao Ji turned around and thought for a while, and he decided not to tell the situation about the discovery of the corpse at the scene, after all, that is not the key. The real key is to find out why the victim, Mr. Cardo, was killed.

If you want to understand why he was killed, you must first understand where he went and what he did in the middle of the night and early morning. Once you understand these things, other things will be revealed in turn.

Zhao Ji glanced at everyone in the house: "I have a direction. The first thing I need to figure out is what the victim, Mr. Kaduo, has been doing recently. After figuring this out, the rest of the situation must be solved easily. Because this is the key to the whole thing place."

Mr. Fu Lun nodded: "Yes, I also have this idea. As long as you understand this, the rest should be trivial." He then said to Zhao Ji: "But how to find this?" He pointed The family of the victim in the house: "Cado didn't tell his family what happened before, and even his wife, Ms. Milian, didn't know where Cardo went."

Ms. Milian nodded and admitted Mr. Fullen's statement: "Yes, my husband never said where he went to do business. He said that he was afraid that my mouth would be loud, so when chatting with other women, he told about his client's situation. If that happens, it will embarrass the customers who make wigs, and no one will come to us for wigs.”

Mr. Furren nodded, acknowledging that there was truth in the statement. Obviously, this industry needs some secrecy. Although he doesn't use a wig himself, the pastor Nita, who is a little older than him, may need it. With bare hands, that is too serious, and maybe the gods are not happy.

After all, he had never seen a statue of a god bald. Since gods are not bald, how can church members who are brothers and sisters of gods be bald.

An old man sitting by the wall and hugging a sleeping child said: "Milian is right, our business is like this. When I sold wigs, I have always done this way, so I can't let it out. Customer news, otherwise no one will come to buy wigs, even if they go to other cities to buy, they will not come to you again."

"Who is this?" Zhao Ji asked.

Ms. Milian said: "This is my father-in-law, and my husband took over his work from him."

Zhao Ji nodded and understood: "Now I have two options."

"Two? Let's talk about it separately." Mr. Fullen said urgently.

Zhao Ji stretched out a finger: "The first way is to start with Mr. Cardo's recent work. Let me ask Ma'am, is your husband literate?"

"He can read, how can he be illiterate when selling goods?" Ms. Milian replied.

"Well, it seems that your family's business has been in business for many years. I believe it must have served many people. However, so many years of work, so many customers and their different requirements, these are not relying on I can remember it in my head. There must be a notebook that records his transaction records."

Seeing that the old man who made the wig had something to say, Zhao Ji went on to say: "Of course, we don't need to look through many business records, we just need to roughly look at the time period from when Mr. Cardo went out in the early morning. Just record it."

Mr. Fullen nodded: "That's right, just find out who he has been in contact with frequently during that time, and if there are any big and strange changes in money. This is a good way. And then? There is a second way. "

Zhao Ji looked at Mr. Fu Lun and Nita Mushou and said, "The second method is a bit of luck, Mr. Fu Lun, do you know when Mr. Cardo left the house?"

Mr. Fullen flipped through his notebook, and the answer to this question should be written on it: "I have interrogated Ms. Milian before, and the time should be shortly after the third wave of patrolling guards passed by the street at night. I heard the voices of the guards talking while waiting for the dressing."

Zhao Ji made a calculation in his mind. At night, the guards will send out guards for night patrol at four time periods of ten o'clock, twelve o'clock, two o'clock, and four o'clock in the night. The guards started from two directions, one was from the station at the city gate, patrolled the rich area, then the poor area, and then returned to the city gate station on the road. The other is to start from the city gate station in the upper city, patrol the upper city, then the artisan district, and then return to the city gate station in the upper city from the main road.

The patrol team that will pass through the poor area should arrive here at about three o'clock at night. This street in Cardo is close to a street intersection in the rich area. The patrol team walked to the vicinity after patrolling the rich area. It was about three o'clock at night.

"Then it should be around three o'clock at night."

Mr. Fullen nodded, thinking Keir was right, then?

"Then Nita Shepherd, may I ask you, when is the approximate time of Mr. Cardo's death?"

Nita shepherd turned his head with his hand, and then answered Kiel's question: "It was around six o'clock in the morning. But judging from his injuries, he didn't die directly from a fatal wound, but died of a large amount of blood loss." Judging from the bleeding of each wound, it should have been injured between 5:30 and 5:45."

Hearing Nita Shepherd's words, several family members of the victims in the house began to cry softly again.

Zhao Ji was silent for a while, and then said: "My method is, since we know the time when Mr. Kaduo went out and the time when he returned here, let's take him to a certain place and add the time of his return into consideration, Considering that it is impossible for him to enter the rich area at night and cross the main road in the city. So we only need to make a rough simulation, and he may reach the area of ​​the poor area within the time period. "

Seeing that Mr. Fu Lun and Nita Mushou didn't quite understand, Zhao Ji explained briefly: "We can imitate Mr. Cardo's movement route last night and consider where we can go in his time. The poor Although the district is large, there should not be many places where there are still people active in the middle of the night. And if Mr. Cardo is in a resident's house, we can also ask the nearby residents. After all, he has been coming and going in the middle of the night many times recently. It will be accidentally noticed by nearby residents."

"Good way! Since there is such a way, let's act now." Mr. Fullen said loudly and excitedly. "Nita Shepherd, please check Cardo's recent transaction records. Compared to me, you will definitely gain the trust of Cardo's family."

Cardo's father said: "We trust Nita Shepherd, hey, no matter what happens in everyone's life, they will eventually have to go through the judgment of the God of the Dead."

"The gods are going to examine us in the end." Nita Mushou whispered to the three old people who were sitting. After he finished speaking, he followed Cardo's father who stood up and walked to the back of the living room to make a room for storing wigs. One in the back. Ms. Milian took the sleeping child and carried the child upstairs.

Zhao Ji looked at Mr. Fu Lun and made a gesture of invitation. Mr. Fullen nodded, and the two walked out of Cardo one after the other.

The two militiamen at the door saw Mr. Fulun coming out, and immediately straightened their backs, waiting for his order.

"Shepherd Nita is still investigating inside, you two stay here alone, and follow me alone." Mr. Fulun instructed the two militiamen.

There were fewer people watching the fun at the entrance of Kado, but there were still some. Zhao Ji, Mr. Fu Lun and a militiaman pushed aside the onlookers and walked towards Kado's body.

Walking up to the corpse, Mr. Fullen didn't look at Kado's corpse, but nodded to the two militiamen guarding the place, then turned around to look at Keir and said, "So Keir, what should we do now? "

Zhao Ji pointed to the way out of the alley and said: "Let's walk along this road for a while, but we must slow down. After all, Kado walks at night without light, so the speed must be very slow. We also You have to walk slowly to match his speed."

Mr. Fulun nodded, and the three of them walked slowly towards the exit of the alley.

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