Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 21, On the Streets of the Ghetto - Tracing Analysis

The three of Zhao Ji walked slowly along the alley. As Zhao Ji walked, he paid attention to whether there was anything worth noting on the road they walked.

"Mr. Fu Lun, look here." Zhao Ji pointed to a long wooden box leaning against the wall. This wooden box was standing by the wall. Zhao Ji knocked, and there was a thumping sound, and it was empty.

Mr. Furren observed close to the place Keel was pointing at. On one corner of the wooden box, there was a mass of dark red blood stains. He leaned over and smelled it, "It's blood." After Mr. Fullen finished speaking, he dipped a little bit of blood on his fingertips and rubbed it.

"Fresh, though dried, it must have been there two days ago. Was it left by the murderer?" asked Mr. Furren.

"It should be that the victim, Mr. Cardo, was hit so many times, blood must have stained the murderer's hand along the murder weapon. At that time, it was not yet dawn, and when the murderer left here, I believe he must have accidentally I used my hand to help here. But he didn't see it himself." Zhao Ji said in a deep voice.

"Then we just need to follow the bloodstains left by the murderer all the way and be able to directly photograph the murderer?" Mr. Fullen asked happily.

Zhao Ji shook his head: "It's unlikely, the murderer may have been very excited after the murder, so he didn't notice the blood stain left unintentionally, but as long as he calms down, he will notice the sticky feeling of the blood on his hands and smell the blood on his body." The smell of blood, he'll get rid of them."

"How to deal with it? The more he deals with it, the more clues we can find?"

Zhao Ji scratched his head, he didn't know what to say, this Mr. Fu Lun really didn't know what to say: "Uh, maybe he can use the clothes on his body to wipe the blood on his hands?"

"Oh haha, yes yes yes, he can directly wipe it on his clothes." Mr. Fullen laughed twice.

A group of three continued to move forward.

After walking out of the alley, the route split into two. The front of the alley leads to another slightly wider street, forming a T-junction.

"Which way do you think we should go?" asked Mr. Furren, looking at Keel.

Zhao Ji crossed his arms and stood on the spot, looking at the roads on the left and right and thinking.

"Which side leads to the slum?" Zhao Ji asked.

Mr. Fullen pointed to the left side of the road: "This is the road leading to the inner part of the slum."

"What about the other side? Sir?" Zhao Ji then asked.

"The other side leads to the wealthy district."

Zhao Ji nodded and pointed to the right: "Then let's go to the right first. I know you are going to ask why you go to the right first, because the possibility of the right is low, so let's go there first, eliminate a wrong choice, and find a correct one." The choice is important."

Hearing Keele's remarks, Mr. Furren raised his eyebrows, opened his record book, dipped some ink with a pen, and wrote the sentence that Keele just said on the last few pages of the book, "Eliminate a wrong choice." , it is important to find a correct choice. ’ written on it.

Seeing that Keir was curious to see what he had written, Mr. Fullen smiled and said, "Haha, just some recorded reasonable words. What you said just now feels good to me, so that's it. record it."

Zhao Ji also smiled and nodded, but he himself thought that this Mr. Fulun looked like this. When he was at Wiss Farm a few days ago, Knight Crowe asked him to temporarily replace the clerk's records brought by Knight Crowe event. In the last few pages of the record book in his hand at that time, I don’t know if there is a sentence similar to this one.

He was a little curious. But now there is no way to prove it, which is a pity.

Since Keir said to check the right side of the road first, the three of them went to the right side first.


After a while, the group of three came back again, this time they walked directly to the left of the original alley.

Just now they went to the direction on the right side first, and the road came to an end within a short distance.

At the end is a small wooden door. On one side of the wooden door is the poor area, and on the other side is the rich area. Under the wooden door, there is a small post for a guard, a wooden chair, and a guard sits on it.

Mr. Fulun explained to Zhao Ji: "This is one of several passages connecting the rich area and the poor area. During the day, there are guards sitting and guarding, and at night, a militia guards."

Zhao Ji asked Mr. Fulun to go over and ask the guard if the militiamen on duty at night these days have seen Mr. Cardo who is acting suspiciously.

After a while Mr. Furren came back to say that the guard had not heard any reports from the militia of any suspicious-looking person passing by alone at night.

Zhao Ji thought about it for a while. This place is really close to Mr. Kaduo's home. It is impossible for him to go out in the early morning just to stay here for a few hours.

Unless it's a party lover or something.

But it's also unlikely, after all, Mr. Cardo sneaks here during the day, so there's absolutely no need to get up at night and go out to meet his lover in the dark.

That being the case, the three of them returned and walked to the other side of the street.

Moving forward from the street here at a slow speed, Zhao Ji and the three encountered a few forks in the street, but when they went in, they were all the same as the alley where Mr. Kaduo’s house was located. There were some residential houses inside, and there was nothing there. Suspicious place. Zhao Ji calculated the time again, and felt that it was unlikely to be inside.

When Zhao Ji and his party went deeper and deeper in the slums, they came to a small short street in a slum.

Compared with other roads, it can be more spacious here. There are also some shops selling ordinary and cheap items on both sides, and there are many farmers and small businessmen sitting on the ground and setting up stalls on the street.

The three of Zhao Ji and his party sat down at a stall on the side of the road, which sold a charcoal-grilled root food, which didn't look like potatoes or sweet potatoes.

Zhao Jiqiang pulled the two of them to sit down together, and after Mr. Fulun couldn't bear Kiel's request, the militiaman who had been following him also sat down.

Zhao Ji ordered three servings of this baked thing, and it was baked and delivered quickly. The steaming plant tubers did not lose moisture due to the charcoal fire, but became soft and slightly tough. Mr. Furren and the militiaman ate the food in a few short strokes, and kept drinking the clean water they took freely because of the heat of the food.

It seems that they all often eat this thing. Zhao Ji didn't follow them and swallowed the thing like a jujube, but took a small mouthful of air, and when it didn't burn his mouth, he took advantage of the warm feeling to inhale it into his mouth. Chew it finely, and then swallow it into your stomach.

Of course Zhao Ji didn't come here to eat when he was hungry.

He left the husks of the leftover plant tubers, tore them into strips and laid them out along the direction of the street they had come all the way.

Mr. Fullen understood what Keir meant when he tore the outer skin into strips and put them on the table, so he pointed out some small mistakes of Kiel from time to time. He is a true Kendaller, not only born here, but also grew up here, and because of his position in the government office, he traveled to every place in Kendall City for decades.

Soon, on the table made by the three people, there was a sketch map of all the streets and alleys from Mr. Cardo's house to the street where they are now.

Zhao Ji pointed to Mr. Kaduo's house and nodded: "Look, this is Kaduo's house, and this is the street where we are now. By the way, what is the name of this street?"

The militiaman on the side took the words and said, "Glass Street."

Zhao Ji was stunned for a moment, and looked left and right. You can see the bottom of this short street at a glance. There is no shop that sells glass, and there is no shop that extravagantly installs glass on the door or window.

Seeing Keir's doubts, Mr. Fulun smiled, and said to Zhao Ji: "Glass Street is a self-deprecating meaning. This is what the people here are self-deprecating. It means that you can use the coins to buy a piece of glass. I bought all the goods on this street. Of course, the fact is that it is impossible to buy all the things with that money, just laughing at the low prices of the goods here."

Zhao Ji, who understood, nodded and smiled, thinking too much.

He followed up on what he just said and drew the length from Kaduo's home to Glass Street: "Look, the distance I gestured is the maximum distance that Kaduo is most likely to go back and forth after I calculated. No matter if he gets up and runs in the middle of the night What is the purpose of being so far away, there is always some time to implement it, so this distance is the maximum distance he can walk back and forth."

Mr. Furren carefully looked at the topographic map that Keir had laid out on the table, thought about it carefully, nodded, and admitted what Keir said.

"Look here again, here, and here. Add to that the glass street we are staying at now. These four places are the last four areas after excluding other impossible roads." Zhao Ji pointed to the table The four places above, although these four places are located in different places, but their total length is about the same.

"Mr. Fullen, do you know that these four places have something different from other places at night, no, in the early morning?"

After thinking for a while, Mr. Fullen took out his notebook, searched a few times, and found the place: "The first place is near the back door of the only public bath in the slums. The second place is near the It’s a public water well, quite big. The third place is a shop that sells firewood. As for Glass Street, it has a dark gambling stall.”

Hearing Mr. Fu Lun's message, Zhao Ji began to ask: "Let's talk about the first one, is this public bath open at night?"

Mr. Fullen looked at the militiaman next to him. The militiaman nodded and said, "Open the door. Some people like to take a bath together at night. Besides, it's still the stronghold of the Scadner Gang."

"It's gangsters." Zhao Ji picked out his ears and didn't pay attention. "Secondly, will anyone be there at this public water well in the early morning?"

This question was answered by the militia. Obviously, as a clerk of the government affairs office, Mr. Fullen must not have lived in a slum. "The water well is always there, and the militia is watching it."

"Why send someone to watch a water well?"

Mr. Fullen smiled and replied: "One is to prevent children from falling into the water intake well, and the other is to prevent people from excreting there and disgusting everyone."

"Haha. It is true that someone should be sent to watch. In this way, this place cannot be Mr. Cardo's destination. This route can be invalidated." Zhao Ji peeled off the plant skin representing this route.

"The third one, is this shop that sells firewood the one I thought of?" Zhao Ji asked.

Mr. Fullen replied: "The one that needs to be specifically mentioned should be the shop you think of, and this shop is open day and night. They are all cheap and heavy wood, and they are not afraid of being stolen. A few shops Apprentices can take care of them."

Zhao Ji nodded, instead of pointing at the piece of plant skin on the table representing Glass Street, he pointed around them directly: "Is the casino booth in the dark here open all night?"

Both Mr. Fullen and the militiaman were amused by Keir: "How can there be a gambling stall that doesn't operate all night?"

"Really? I have never gambled, and I don't know." Zhao Ji whispered.

Then he said loudly to Mr. Fulun: "Since we are on Glass Street now, let's go to this casino and ask them if they have seen Mr. Cardo recently. Maybe this Mr. Cardo It's for gambling."

Mr. Fullen put his palm on Keel's shoulder, and pressed him to stand up: "You don't think this gambling stall is not occupied by gangsters. It's the place of the Vicious Dog Gang, It's not easy to go in."

Zhao Ji smiled: "There is a Scadner Gang, and a Vicious Dog Gang. The status of these names is different."

"That's right, the Skardner gang is supported by the core members of the Skardner family, and it is indeed not as strong as the Vicious Dog Gang." Mr. Fullen said.

Zhao Ji was taken aback when he heard that, the facts were different from what he thought, he thought the Vicious Dog Gang was a second-rate gang, but the Scadner Gang turned out to be a second-rate gang instead. Thinking about it the other way around, yes, a gang that anyone can join has a stronger room for improvement than a gang whose core position is the same family, and it should be able to recruit more villains.

"Then what should I do now? I used to say that I came to gamble, and people won't block me from entering, right?"

"My name is Davos." The militiaman Davos introduced himself.

Zhao Ji then smiled and said, "Davos shouldn't be embarrassed by the other party, he can go in. Mr. Fu Lun, the gangsters are not guarding against you, are they?"

See Mr. Furren nodding his head in acknowledgment. Zhao Ji said: "Why don't you rest here first, the two of us go in and look around, and ask the gatekeeper there if we have seen Mr. Cardo."

"The other party may not tell you. If you ask more, you may be detained." Mr. Fullen tapped the table with his finger.

Zhao Ji took out a handful of copper coins and a few silver coins from the money bag in his arms: "It's okay, I'll use this to ask, it's easy to use." Zhao Ji put the coins back into the money bag, took out a silver coin from it, and put The side with the head turned upwards towards the two of them: "Besides, the silvery one is protecting me."

Mr. Fu Lun breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay to bribe some janitors, but this is your money, and I can't reimburse you for these expenses in the government office. Let me tell you first, this is voluntary by yourself. .I won’t admit it even if you talk to me later.”

"Don't worry, this has nothing to do with your work. I got involved in the murder of Mr. Cardo just because I was curious about the so-called 'treasure'."

"As an elder, I have to remind you that often the so-called 'treasures' are nothing but the delusions or fantasies of some Rufu fools. If you really want some magical treasures, you have to go to various churches. Do church work or join the church, you will have the treasure you expect. The power of the gods is beyond anyone's imagination." Mr. Fullen finally said.

Zhao Ji waved to him, and walked towards the gambling stall hidden on the second floor of the only tavern here together with the militiaman Davos.

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