Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 45, Forging Competition Evaluation - No. 2, No. 9, and No. 11 failed!

The sound of sharpening the blades at the competition site was very loud. After each completed machete work was completed, the contestants handed it over to the wooden platform where the judges were. After each work was handed in, the host announced loudly which contestant had completed what kind of work.

While the host announced loudly, he would also walk around the competition site with his works for a week. Let every audience have a close observation opportunity.

Competitors who finished their works had light salt water and freshly cooked meat to supplement their body consumption. The church also arranged for these blacksmiths to rest with chairs in the corner of the competition field for them to rest.

The blacksmiths who had completed the works of the competition were quietly discussing the situation in the competition with their familiar colleagues on the chairs under the stage. What they talked about most was the serious mistake of the No. 1 player. The No. 1 contestant who desperately made machete works.

On the wooden platform, the three judges are evaluating the works of each contestant.

Among the three, Bordeaux Shepherd has the most experience, but he will not express any opinions on these works. He is afraid that the other two jury members will affect their own ideas because of his opinions. He attaches great importance to the independent evaluation of each judge.

Crow Knight will conduct actual tests for each work in a while, so when he has not tried each work, his evaluation of each work is based on the appearance.

Mr. Grimm is showing his prowess at this time, and he has given proper evaluation to each work with his extensive knowledge and collection experience. He can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each work in front of him.

When the No. 1 contestant in the competition field submitted his rough work before the end of the competition time, the forging part of this year's weapon forging competition was over.

Twelve machetes with sheaths were placed obliquely on the wooden platform, and the church had prepared twelve small arms display wooden shelves before. At this time, twelve machetes stood majesticly on it for all the audience to watch, and all the forging tables and stoves on the field also took advantage of this time to quickly remove them one by one. A lot of the wooden fences blocking the playing field were also removed, leaving only half of the space for the next test activities.

After the forging tools were removed one by one, the crowd gathered closer, and the three judges had a first round of brief discussions on all the works.

Then, the host walked to the open space in the middle of the arena and announced that the test session of the weapon forging competition had begun!

"During the weapon testing session, the three judges first screened the twelve machete works this year. They will select the works that are obviously unqualified. The blade has defects such as large cracks, and the works have nothing to do with the theme , the difference between the actual work and the design work is too great, and they will all be judged to fail here. Although they have been forged by the contestants, only the best work can win the competition! Now, three judges are invited to choose the first Failed works selected in the round of screening."

After the host finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to direct the audience's attention to the three judges.

The shepherd of Bordeaux stood up, reached out his hand and motioned to the other two judges and said: "The three of us have discussed just now, and in this first round of screening, the three of us just selected three works and judged them as failures. It happened to be judged by the three of us. Let's announce one item per person!"

The contestants in the audience were very nervous, and some contestants who were not confident in their works had already closed their eyes and looked like they were on standby.

Knight Crowe stood up first, walked around to the front of the wooden platform, and selected a machete from the twelve works placed on the display wooden stand. Holding a machete, he showed it to all the audience: "This is the work of contestant No. 9."

Player No. 9 in the audience heard his player number being called. Although his face was ugly, he seemed to have expected that he would be screened out in the first round of screening. His mood is still calm, this point,

The shepherd of Bordeaux nodded affirmatively.

Every blacksmith should know his work like the back of his hand. They should be very clear about what their own works look like, so whoever should be eliminated in the first round should be clear in their hearts.

As for the contestant's bench, contestant No. 11's worried and nervous look really lost the spirit of craftsman.

But don't worry, it's him next.

"The reason why contestant No. 9's work was judged to fail is very simple. There are many cracks on the body of the work, and the tip of the knife has traces of re-forging. There are reasons for the raw materials, and some are produced during the forging process. Bordeaux Shepherd It is said that the poor raw materials are specially arranged by the competition. Among all the iron materials provided by the church competition, there are excellent high-quality iron materials with uniform texture and inferior iron materials remelted from scrap iron. It depends on the players The fight for success also depends on the experience and skills of the players in material identification. More importantly, the players need to use their own forging technology to reverse the unfavorable disadvantages of raw materials."

"The materials selected by each contestant are recorded by the church in the competition. Whoever can successfully reverse the disadvantages to normal will be praised by our judges and get more attention."

"In view of the many cracks on the body of this machete work, the tip of the knife has also been heated and forged after quenching. This machete has been judged to have failed here. Please pass the work to the audience for viewing by the host." Crowe Knight Hand this failed machete to the moderator. The host came to the audience, pulled out the machete, and handed it to the audience who stretched out their hands to watch.

The host is not afraid of what will happen if the machete is in the hands of the audience. After all, it is located on the edge of the kingdom, and the martial arts are quite strong. Who doesn't have a dagger? Right, everyone is used to carrying these weapons with them. There is nothing wrong with a machete, let alone a failed work with a cracked blade.

After Knight Crowe returned to his seat, Mr. Grim stood up excitedly. He came to the front of the eleven machete works and selected the second failed work.

Mr. Grim held a machete: "This is the work of contestant No. 11."

After seeing the wailing of No. 11 contestant, Mr. Grimm said with a smile: "Although the work of No. 11 contestant does not seem to have any cracks, after weighing, it is found that the weight of the blade is It is too light. Its blade is very thin. Although it is sharp, it still has problems. We checked the records of the competition and found that contestant No. 11 chose two pieces of standard-sized and heavy iron, two pieces of high-quality wood, and one piece of high-quality Cooked soft cowhide."

"All the materials used are less than half of the materials received by contestant No. 11. Therefore, we all agree that contestant No. 11 has violated the rules of no waste of materials in the competition. Therefore, it is judged that the work of contestant No. 11 has failed in the competition. "

After finishing speaking, Mr. Grimm also handed the failed work to the host, and asked the host to hand over the machete to the audience for viewing.

After Mr. Grim returned to his seat, the shepherd of Bordeaux stood up. He came to the front, took out one of the ten machete works, and then faced everyone and said: "In the first round of screening, the last failed work is the work of the second contestant!"

Below the stage, contestant No. 2 made an ugly smile, and whispered to contestant No. 1 next to him: "I really have you, I'm convinced of you, this situation can beat me. After the competition , you find some time, let's imitate the competition in private. I want to see what the work you planned to create is like."

Contestant No. 1 grinned, and replied rather unwillingly: "Okay! I promise you, I will find a time to do it once in the future. I also want to see how far I can do if I don't make mistakes today."

The Bordeaux shepherd on the stage took out the machete work created by the second contestant, and showed the machete to everyone: "Although this machete looks like this, there is nothing wrong with it. It is thick and long, strong and powerful, with a sharp blade and a comfortable handle. , the scabbard is also well done. But do you know why I judge this work at an excellent level as a failure?"

The No. 2 contestant below the stage rolled his eyes, and whispered to the No. 1 contestant next to him: "I don't want to, old man. Do you think the Bordeaux old man is embarrassing me?"

"Why is he embarrassing you? You're outrageous this time, aren't you slapping me in the face?" Contestant No. 1 also whispered to Contestant No. 2.

"It's just embarrassing him! It's slapping him in the face! You know, I like poetry and playing musical instruments, but he insists on asking me to forge iron and become a blacksmith because of his own reasons. It's not that it's not good now, It’s just that I don’t like who I am now.” Contestant No. 2 said with his head down.

Contestant No. 1 sighed. He knew how painful his friend was, especially when he heard the news a few days ago that the shepherd of Bordeaux found all the instruments that No. 1 secretly hid and burned them.

"How about, after you're done making trouble this time, find a chance to travel and run out? Go to the provincial capital to study, where no one is in charge of you, you can play the instrument how you want until dark, and give it to whomever you want You can read poetry."

Contestant No. 2 nodded hesitantly, but still whispered: "The old man must be able to see what I'm thinking."

"But after this trouble is over, he might change his mind." Contestant No. 1 pointed to the Bordeaux shepherd who was holding a design drawing and a work on the stage and talking about something.

On the stage, Bordeaux shepherd pointed to the design drawing and said: "Look here, everyone. The picture shows a wave-shaped handle with two sections, but the actual work is a cylindrical handle. There are no waves! It is not divided into two sections! "

"And here, when the back of the machete is designed, it has a curved back with a beautiful curve. But the actual work is a straight back, and a few redundant dense grooves are added to reduce the strength of the back. Contestant No. 2, you Can you explain to everyone what this inexplicable frontal dense groove is?"

The No. 2 contestant who was called by the Bordeaux shepherd did not stand up to explain, but sat and replied loudly: "I don't know either! But I just want to do it! Maybe? It's because the straight back of the knife looks too monotonous?"

Hearing the answer, the shepherd of Bordeaux took a deep breath and was about to curse.

Knight Crowe explained the identity of the No. 2 contestant to Mr. Grim in a low voice with a smile on his lips: "This No. 2 contestant is the youngest son of the Bordeaux shepherd. It is said that the relationship between the two is very tense. It seems that the news is very true. .”

Mr. Grimm also almost laughed out loud, thinking to himself: 'If I have such a naughty son, I will definitely not give the naughty son a chance to let me down. '

Bordeaux Shepherd slowed down for a moment, then ignored his young son, and then explained to the audience the complete inconsistency between the work and the design.

To be honest, even if two blacksmiths who have never met each other make a machete, there will be a certain similarity between their works, but the second contestant really made the design drawings and works match each other. Damn, they have nothing in common.

"To sum up, due to the inconsistency between the work of the second contestant and the design, I judge this work to be a failure."

Hearing the Bordeaux shepherd on the stage announce the failure of the work, the No. 2 contestant applauded softly in the audience, and the No. 1 contestant next to him hurriedly grabbed him.

The host stood up, took the work and the design drawing, and gave them to the onlookers to watch: "Okay. Next is the second round of evaluation. Here, Crow Knight will find Three spectators with experience in using weapons personally replaced all the spectators in the middle of the open space to test the remaining nine machetes."

"Exactly! Three people, nine machetes. Each person can test three! We will test the sharpness, penetrating power, and strength of the machetes respectively."

"Sharpness requires the use of a machete to cut off the tight scarecrow tied with straw. Don't underestimate this scarecrow. Many contestants failed to get good results."

"The test of penetration requires stabbing three live chickens with the front end of the machete, and the machete that can penetrate live chickens is the best."

"The strength test is one of the most rigorous tests. The three selected spectators will use a machete to chop the beef leg bone. The biggest advantage of the machete lies in this. The machete that can cut the beef bone in ten chops will directly advance to the next stage. Round three."

"Now, please wait a moment, let our people prepare for the next test."

As soon as the host waved his hand, the staff of the church organization quickly moved the scarecrows and live chicken and beef bones to the open space in the middle.

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