Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 46, Forging Competition Evaluation - Scarecrow Hacking Test and No. 10 Good Results

Knight Crowe nodded to the other two judges, then stood up. He observed from the wooden platform to all the spectators watching the competition. He would select three adults who had experience in using weapons, and let these three represent all the spectators to test the weapons forged by the contestants.

This method is an advanced experience that the Bordeaux shepherd learned from the Church of the Empire a few years ago, because it can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience watching the game.

The audience saw Knight Crowe on the stage observing the audience and judges looking for the next game, and they all clamored to choose themselves. They stretched out their hands excitedly and yelled their names loudly, regardless of gender, they all wanted to go up to play and show off.

Seeing the enthusiastic attitude of the audience, Bordeaux Shepherd was very happy. The bad experience brought by his youngest son just now was quickly forgotten. After all, compared to his son, the forging competition is the most important thing in his life.

Mr. Grimm asked the Bordeaux Shepherd in a low voice: "Shepherd, do you know the conditions for Knight Crowe to select the audience?"

Nodding, the shepherd of Bordeaux also replied to Grim in a low voice: "Of course, Knight Crowe likes to choose people who have experience in using weapons. At the same time, he rarely chooses women. Of course, if there are strong women, He also chooses occasionally."

Mr. Grim nodded, and the pastor of Bordeaux then explained the origin of the competition process to the judges: "This competition process that selects audiences to participate in the evaluation is also only available in recent years. A few years ago, there was a teaching from the Church of the Empire A friend invented this method, and it worked very well in motivating the audience to participate in the competition. The great God of Craftsman spread it widely in churches around the world. At the beginning, I was the one who chose the audience to participate in the evaluation, but To be honest, the effect is not very good. Many viewers have no experience in using various weapons, so I made a lot of jokes when I chose them. Until later, after Knight Crowe came to our city of Kendall, I specially invited He came to participate in the competition as a judge. Haha, he is indeed an outstanding knight, and he can always choose the right person."

Mr. Grim nodded, and asked in a low voice to the Bordeaux shepherd: "So, shepherd, what do you think of me as a judge this time? Has it produced the effect you expected?"

"It's not easy to say, but your performance today is very good, but how do you say it? It seems that there is a lack of a game for you to show."

"Right, right. You are so right! I thought the same way. I need to add a link to the competition that can specifically demonstrate my ability. Just like today's simple evaluation of each work, I actually feel that Didn’t make myself feel satisfied.”

"Well, let's wait until this year's game is over, together with Crow Knight, how about we discuss it together sometime?"

"Ah, all right. So how about my farm outside the city after the first snow falls this winter? I brought some longhorn sheep from out of town, which are good for winter. Those lambs are delicious, and the three of us At that time, people could discuss this matter slowly while eating this kind of longhorn sheep. Haha, it was only when I came to the competition site that I realized that the forging process of weapons is also so exciting and interesting.”

"Hahahaha, good!" The shepherd of Bordeaux agreed to Grimm's invitation.

Knight Crowe stood on the stage and slowly selected the audience he could fancy. He wanted to allow time for the church staff to prepare, and he also planned to select three audience members who would satisfy him.

good! Seeing a satisfied audience, Knight Crowe pointed directly at the one in the crowd on the wooden platform.

The chosen audience was surprised that they were chosen, but then became excited.

The two looked at each other, and the spectator immediately jumped up happily, and then pushed aside the spectators in front to enter the open space that was being prepared. The selected spectator is tall and strong, with thick arms and big hands full of calluses.

He was wearing a crisp hooded coat that he thought he had dyed himself in dappled green, and chunky fur boots.

"What's your name? I guess you're a hunter, right?" Knight Crowe asked.

The selected spectator scratched his long hair: "Hey, haha, Lord Knight. My name is Tornoldo, and I'm a hunter. I've always been active in the south of the county."

Nodding, Knight Crowe pointed to the remaining nine machetes: "Choose three machetes! Wait a moment and test them with the remaining two."

The hunter named Tornoldo should have chosen the works of contestant No. 10, the work of contestant No. 12, and the work of contestant No. 5 that he himself liked in the previous competition.

The host handed the three machete works to Tonoldo, the hunter in the audience, and asked him to hold them first, so that he could play with them first, but he could not use them.

Tornoldo got the three weapons and immediately looked at the work of contestant No. 10 carefully, as if a drunkard met a bottle of fine wine. This made contestant No. 10 very satisfied, and he glanced at contestant No. 12 provocatively. Contestant No. 12 complained and yelled for the hunter to take a good look at his work, his work was not bad either!

Among the audience, Knight Crowe then selected an armor-disarmed veteran who was a soldier of the Kingdom as the second test audience. The veteran directly chose the works of the six, seven, and eight contestants on the stage. It seems that this veteran is a very direct person.

After selecting these two, Crow Knight directly hit Zhao Ji on the roof across the street, making him the third tester. Knight Crowe had noticed the young man on the opposite roof a long time ago. Keel left a certain impression on him in the farm outside the city a few days ago. I also heard that this young man was selected as a church warrior by the Saturnalia Church. I think he should have a few brushes in his hand, right?

Zhao Ji, who was selected, was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately jumped off the roof carefully, pushing away the audience and came to the open space of the competition field.

He reported his name, and someone who had heard of it immediately called it out. This made Zhao Ji a little happy. He didn't expect that he was a little famous now.

Because the previous two audiences had already selected six machete works, he did not need to choose the remaining three machete works. The host directly handed him the works of the remaining contestants No. 1, No. 3, and No. 4.

Zhao Ji took over the three machetes, skipped the simple work of No. 1 contestant, and directly focused on the work of No. 3 contestant. The machete of No. 3 contestant looks very different from the works of other contestants.

The scabbard and exposed handle of this machete are the sky blue color of sea fish. This kind of sky blue is not the light color of the sky, but the color of the sea, but it is not the feeling of dark blue. From the color, Zhao Ji felt that the machete looked like a great white shark swimming in the coral reef.

The ocean overlord who swims freely in the shallow sea.

Zhao Ji immediately had this feeling when he saw the machete.

He pulled out the machete, and with a long clang sound, the bright blade of the machete appeared in front of Zhao Ji's eyes. He was about to take a good look at the machete.

On the wooden stage, the host announced loudly: "The second round of the evaluation session has begun. Three spectators have been selected by Knight Crowe. They are a hunter hunting outside the city, and a A retired veteran of the infantry, a young Church warrior. Now that preparations for the test are complete, let's begin!"

"First of all, three test audiences will test the chopping performance of the machete. We have prepared nine strong scarecrows, and each machete work corresponds to a scarecrow. The test audience needs to use the test machete to chop the scarecrow. The arms, then the legs, then the neck, and finally the belly of the scarecrow."

"Each scarecrow is suspended and fixed on the chest of the scarecrow with a wooden frame, so please don't attack there. In addition, each scarecrow is tightly tied with the straw that has just been harvested this year. Dear test audience, wait for the test At this time, please use all your strength to slash! Otherwise, you may not be able to slash continuously. I secretly tried this with my long sword before the competition, and it is really tight, please use your strength."

"Now I invite this hunter to be the first to test!" The host invited the hunter Tonoldo to stand in the center of the open space and face the fixed scarecrow.

"Please choose the machete work in your hand, just choose one at random, after all, they are all to be tested one by one. Please be free."

Hearing that the host said to choose at will, Tornoldo first chose his favorite No. 10 player's machete work.

"Let me show you this work."

The hunter immediately held up this peculiar machete with a bone scabbard and handle, and showed it to all the audience. Then he pulled the machete out of the top of his head.


The surface of the machete is smooth and flat, and its shape is somewhat sharp. Against the backdrop of the beef bone scabbard and handle, it looks quite wild. This made some spectators and Mr. Grimm on the stage very excited. To be honest, this kind of work with a strong style is indeed quite eye-catching.

Tornoldo grinned and stroked the horn guard of the machete. Under the urging of the host, he immediately slashed at the Scarecrow's left arm.

Raising the knife and falling, the scarecrow's straight left arm fell silently, only a few scattered straws splashed to the ground.

"Very good, the machete of contestant No. 10 is quite sharp."

The hunter Tonoldo then chopped off the Scarecrow's right arm again, which was very sharp.

Then he squatted down halfway, retracted the knife to accumulate strength, and then cut horizontally, cutting off the scarecrow's two straw legs horizontally.

"Very good, cut off two straw legs at once, it seems that this machete is as sharp as his wild style. Hunter, next is the scarecrow's head, you can chop vertically, or horizontally from the neck It’s okay to cut all of them.”

"Okay, ha!" Hunter Tonoldo cut off the Scarecrow's neck with his right hand.

With a thud, the scarecrow with an angry face fell to the ground.

The audience burst into applause, which made Tornoldo very excited. He continued his efforts. He held both hands on the handle of the knife and exerted all his strength to slash the Scarecrow's body horizontally from the middle into two sections.

Scattered wheat stalks were flying all over the sky, and the severed scarecrow's belly rolled for several meters before stopping.

Contestant No. 10 excitedly waved his fists and jumped up. The outstanding performance of his work made him very excited and proud.

"Everyone has seen the performance of contestant No. 10's machete, and it is still very good. Do you have anything to say, judges?"

Crow Knight said: "The sharpness is not bad."

The shepherd of Bordeaux said: "If everyone's machete works are so good, our church will tie the scarecrows more tightly next year, hahaha."

Mr. Grimm said: "I like the style of contestant No. 10 very much. If possible, after the competition, I hope to ask him to order a bone-style weapon collection."

"It seems that everyone likes the work of contestant No. 10. Alright, now let our hunter friend quickly test the second work! Which one will he test next?"

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