Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 47, Forging Competition Evaluation - Hunter and Veteran

Tornoldo then chose the machete work of contestant No. 12.

He carried the belt of the machete on his back, and the heavy machete was carried behind his back. The audience's attitude towards this machete work was different from the previous one. Everyone complained that the scabbard of this machete was poorly made. It was only a scabbard made of an air-tight basket surrounded by iron bars.

Tornoldo also seemed to like the machete very much. He drew the machete horizontally from behind his back, and the tense muscles of his right arm showed that it was still difficult for him to use this weapon with one hand. The weight of this machete is really heavy, Tonoldo had no choice but to let go of the idea of ​​being cool in front of everyone, and only with the machete in both arms can he wield the machete.

Whirring whirring.

After several empty swings, the machete slashed through the air and produced a whirring sound.

Seeing that the hunter struggled to wield the machete, some spectators who had used the weapon stopped laughing and paid attention to see what the machete could do.

The staff of the church replaced the frame supporting the scarecrow with a new scarecrow, and the large scarecrow fragments on the ground were also picked up, leaving only some broken pieces of straw.

"Okay, now our hunter has chosen the machete work of contestant No. 12. As you can see, the biggest feature of this machete work is that it is very heavy. Considerable destructive power. Now, let our hunters start the second round of sharpness test! I hope contestant No. 12 has sharpened the blade of the machete, otherwise, if there is no outstanding performance, everyone will only think that he is a hunter A scarecrow smashed with a heavy machete."

Contestant No. 12 realized what the host said.

Indeed, if he smashed and destroyed the scarecrow just by relying on the weight of the machete, his sharpness of the machete would definitely not be recognized by everyone, and it would be inferior in comparison.

No. 12 player who was already on the sidelines was useless no matter how he tried. The hunter Tornoldo made a vertical chop, and smashed the Scarecrow's left arm into pieces with a bang.

The scattered straws bounced everywhere after being hit on the ground. This result surprised Tornoldo quite a bit, as did many viewers who still felt that this machete work was not good.

The three judges looked as usual, obviously they had already expected this situation.

Tornoldo looked at the host and the three judges, and received a gesture from the shepherd of Bordeaux to continue.

Hunter Tonoldo followed with another standing chop. Likewise, the scarecrow's entire right arm was chopped into pieces. The audience no longer questioned the power of the machete, and cheered and praised it.

But contestant No. 12's complexion didn't improve. He looked at the three judges who were expressionless. He didn't know what the three judges thought of his work.

The hunter Tonoldo was also very excited amidst the audience's cheers. He lowered his body and spun his whole body around. Then he chopped the Scarecrow's two legs into pieces with his right arm.

The broken scarecrow flew far away with both legs, and was knocked to the side of the fence. Then, it was picked up by the happy audience, and it still went up to the sky with cheers.

"Haha, the scarecrow's two legs seem to be very popular with everyone." The host said loudly: "Next is the head and body. Hunter, hurry up and hit it hard!"

The hunter stood up, half-spun, and struck the scarecrow on the head with the machete.

To the surprise of all the audience, the scarecrow's head was smashed into pieces. The hunter continued his efforts, took a deep breath, and stretched the muscles in his arms.

The next moment, an astonishingly heavy machete struck the scarecrow's abdomen. Unlike other body parts, the scarecrow's body was not broken or blown away, because the thick body fully absorbed the force brought by the machete. This time, the machete beautifully chopped the scarecrow into two pieces.

Although the last blow is not amazing enough, the audience still likes this work very much. They cheered and shouted. Although everyone still doesn't like the ordinary appearance of this machete, at least everyone recognizes that this machete has a very powerful attack.

The three judges on the stage smiled at each other, discussed in low voices, and gave a poor evaluation to the sharpness of this machete. Of course, this evaluation is only written on the record paper on the table. If it is not necessary, the Bordeaux shepherd will not say this information. After all, besides the sharpness test, there are two other tests.

If a machete work has obvious failures in all three tests, which disappoints the audience, the judges can directly judge which work directly failed.

After testing the work of contestant No. 12, Hunter Tornoldo removed the strap and scabbard of the machete and picked up the work of contestant No. 5.

"Okay! The work of contestant No. 5 has been picked up. Hunter, please lift this machete and draw it out, so that everyone can see the wonderful patterns of this work."

Following the host's words, Tornoldo raised the fifth contestant's work above his head, and then pulled out the reflective machete blade from the delicate scabbard.

Under the afternoon sun, the machete with a wavy pattern reflected bursts of sunlight. Seriously, the blade and blade on this machete really look good compared to other machetes. The light and dark metal patterns on the blade add a lot of mystery to this simple machete, and the reflected sunlight seems to be the light in the eyes of this machete.

Hunter Tonoldo held the machete with one hand and waved it a few times. Compared with the previous machete, there was no whirring sound of piercing the air, but the bright blade left fleeting light marks in the air, and these light marks only lasted for a short moment on the path of the machete. But still quite astonishing.

Tornoldo was aroused, and he quickly swung the machete. The machete's balanced center of gravity and appropriate weight allow the hunter's arms to swing it faster and faster.

The slight sound of the machete breaking through the air could only be heard by Zhao Ji and the others who were very close, and the traces of light left by the blade turned into a messy light net.

The audience watched this scene in astonishment. They didn't expect that this machete would surprise them even more than the last machete.

When the hunter's right arm slowly stopped, various voices immediately came to mind from the sidelines of the competition. There were women who screamed until now, burly men who applauded vigorously, young people who whistled, and the wailing sounds from the families of other artisans who competed. They all thought that this magical machete would definitely win this year The winners have won, and there is no hope for their families.

Contestant No. 3 sneered softly. He knew that the machete work of Contestant No. 5 looked gorgeous, but it was actually nothing. Which blacksmith with folding and forging techniques can't? It's not because this technology is very time-consuming and conflicts with the tense time of the game. Contestant No. 5 just reluctantly used this method to create such a work. To be honest, contestant No. 3 didn't really take this to heart. The performance of the machete blade that had barely undergone three rounds of folding and forging was actually limited, and everything just now was actually just good-looking. The new technology and new materials of player No. 7 are what he can't understand.

Judging by the confident appearance of No. 7 contestant, the victory of the competition should be a competition between the two of them.

When the staff of the church replaced the scarecrow, the hunter shot directly without the host to remind him.

With one blow, the scarecrow's left arm broke off. The machete seemed to have encountered no resistance, and only made a clear chopping sound, other than that, there was no other redundant sound.

Both Knight Crowe and Mr. Grim were pleased with the sharpness of the machete. Only the Bordeaux shepherd smacked his lips and took a sip of the lemonade on the table, as if he was not very satisfied with this machete work.

After cutting off the scarecrow's left arm, because the machete is really convenient for chopping and swinging, the hunter directly attacked in one set. Cut off the scarecrow's right arm, legs and head one after another.

The light attack and the falling scarecrow limbs made everyone realize the sharpness of the machete, and the audience applauded.

The hunter breathed a sigh of relief, held the knife in both hands, and slashed obliquely, splitting the scarecrow's chest into two.

The straws in the scarecrow's body did not fly everywhere, but fell to the ground obediently along with the chest cavity.

"What a sharp machete! It seems that player No. 5 has very high skills, especially the sharpening experience of the blade. The sharpness of a blade is not only due to the material, but the degree of sharpening of the blade is the most important factor. Some people's knives are too blunt for cutting vegetables, while some people's knives can even cut dead leaves without moving. It is certain that No. 5 contestant has honed a very high skill in this aspect ah."

Hearing the host's praise, contestant No. 5 raised his chest and was quite proud.

"Okay! Our hunter friends have completed the first test of the three machetes. Please go aside and have a rest. Next, let our veteran uncle come on stage, and give everyone the work of the sixth contestant, and the seven Take the works of contestant No. 8 and test their sharpness with the works of contestant No. 8."

This veteran looks like he is about fifty years old, and he has several leaking scars on his face. It seems that he was also an experienced soldier when he was young. Although he had already retired from the kingdom's army, he still wore his washed and mended kingdom's infantry smock at today's Harvest Festival, with a chain mail jacket inside, leather pants and leather boots on his lower body.

Although the scars on his face made his face look fierce, but the firm eyes and tight lips made it clear that he was a very stubborn old guy when he saw him.

The veteran did not introduce himself or anything, and followed the host's instructions directly to the scarecrow.

"Ah, our veteran uncle first picked up the work of No. 8 contestant. The appearance of this machete is not bad. No. 8 contestant used two kinds of wood to decorate the scabbard. At the same time, the handle of No. 8 contestant's machete is made of a whole piece of hardwood, and the outside is covered with rough cowhide leather. This design can be held very well. Please raise this machete above your head to our The audience shows it, then pulls it out."

The veteran followed suit and lifted the work of contestant No. 8 above his head, first showed everyone the carving of the scabbard, and then pulled out the machete directly.

As soon as the machete was pulled out, the veteran frowned. The audience a little further away might not be able to see it, but when the veteran looked up, he found that there was something wrong with the machete in his hand.

After showing it to the audience, the veteran took the machete closer to observe carefully. He found that the blade and the edge of the machete were not on the same line. Simply put, the blade was a little bit to one side of the machete. This should be a problem when forging or sharpening the blade. If there is a problem during forging, it can also be dealt with when grinding the edge.

But since it is already in the testing stage, the reason for this must be that the No. 8 player sharpened the blade in the wrong direction.

The veteran looked at the three judges on the wooden platform, and the three judges each made gestures they knew but could not help.

The veteran waved his machete a few times, shrugging his shoulders, it's a small problem, it doesn't get in the way.

He touched the edge of the machete with his fingertips, and briefly tested the sharpness of the machete edge. Then he held the machete backwards and cut the scarecrow's left arm from bottom to top. When the machete reached the top of the scarecrow's head, he let go of his palm and held the handle of the machete. Immediately afterwards, a diagonal chop cut off the scarecrow's right arm.

The scarecrow's two straw arms hit the ground almost simultaneously. This trick made the audience stunned for a moment, and then they all cheered.

Zhao Ji stood aside and covered his face with his palms. Good guy, they are all here to show off their skills, good guy, one can pretend better than the other. You are embarrassing me, Fat Tiger, I am such a young visitor from another world, just trick me into the field, come, cheat, come, sneak attack.

It really doesn't talk about Wude. It's good that I wasn't prepared, I couldn't pretend to be X like these two people, wouldn't it seem that Zhao Ji is a trash!

No, he had to figure out a way, either pretend to be like them, or he had to find another way to complete the test.

Just when Zhao Ji was thinking hard, the veteran had already cut off the scarecrow's arms, and then kicked the scarecrow's legs, making the scarecrow rotate around the chest.

The old soldier kicked the scarecrow very hard, so the scarecrow spun very fast. But the veteran's right hand was even faster, and with a swift slash, the scarecrow's right leg was cut off.

After the scarecrow turned around again, the veteran struck again, this time cutting off the scarecrow's left leg.

The scarecrow, which lost both arms and legs, lost weight and thus turned faster. The audience held their breath, waiting for the veteran's next attack to cut off the Scarecrow's neck.

The veteran retreated half a step, held the machete backwards, and made a gesture of accumulating strength.

In the next moment, he took a step, drew out the knife, and chopped.

The scarecrow's round head made of straw fell to the ground.

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