Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 66, Taka's House and the Ballad of

Zhao Ji asked Elder Barry to wait at the door of the hotel, and he hurried back to his free room on the second floor of the hotel.

Taking out the door key from the inner pocket of his clothes, Zhao Ji unlocked the hanging lock and entered the house. The house was tidy and there was no sign of outsiders' tampering. Of course, he was not worried about young people with rough hands and feet stealing things. After all, he didn't bring much money with him when he came back to Dolarin Village.

He put all the small amount of gold coins he earned in Kendall City these days into a small wooden box, and hid them underground somewhere outside the swamp in the south of the city. Only he knew the exact location, and he didn't draw any hidden pictures Treasure maps and the like.

Zhao Ji took out his wooden shield from under the wooden bed, and locked the door again.

Downstairs, Elder Barry was chatting with the owner of the hotel. Seeing that Keir was holding his shield, Elder Barry led Keir to find the farmhouse.

On the way, Elder Barry told Zhao Ji that his shield was not as good as his other weapons. Zhao Ji nodded, admitted this, and said that he would go back to Kendall after he got the goblins done. A better shield for the city.

Elder Barry wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he still didn't speak.

The scarecrow that was forcibly dug away by the goblin harassing team belonged to a family named Taka in the village, and their home was in the outskirts of the village. Because the village is not big, Zhao Ji and the elders of Bali quickly came to the gate of the family's yard by stepping on the mud on the hardened road.

This family is the same as other families who came here earlier in the village. They used wooden piles and branches to form a small area around a yard. Two large earthen houses are at one end of the yard, and a small one It is the barn and woodshed that each family has, and the larger house is where their whole family lives. On the land surrounded by the fence, the family also planted a few small fruit trees and a spice tree, which is also the appearance of many families. There is also a small vegetable field in the yard near the gate, where commonly eaten vegetables are scattered. At this time, only some cold-resistant vegetables are still growing. On one of the outer walls of the barn, there is a small pigsty separated by wooden boards. The domestic pigs are sitting on the fence of the pigsty, looking at Zhao Ji and the others who are visiting. Outside the house where people live, there are also several chicken coops, and the roosters and hens are raised in the yard, walking around at will.

Several children of this family are playing in the yard, a taller child is being carried by another taller child, and the knight on a horse is driving away other children pretending to be goblins. Children pretending to be goblins put curved branches in their hair to represent the long curved ears of goblins. After they were driven away by the 'knights', they hid in every corner of the yard, bluffing and shouting. It's kind of like a goblin.

Elder Barry beckoned a child who had been 'beaten to death' by a 'knight' outside the yard. After the child came over obediently, Elder Barry asked the child to find the adults in their family.

Every child in the village knew the elders in the village, so they jumped into the house obediently.

Soon, all the members of the family who were resting at home came out. Seeing that it was indeed Elder Barry and the warrior who beheaded many goblins today, they hurried over and invited them into the house as guests.

The children stopped playing, they wrapped around Zhao Ji, curiously touched Zhao Ji's shield and long sword, and because Zhao Ji's clothes looked expensive, none of the children dared to touch them boldly.

Zhao Ji himself looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, so a young man from the family excitedly talked to Zhao Ji. After entering the house, Zhao Ji found that the house seemed to have only one floor, even though it looked outside. Once you enter the house and look at it again, this earthen house is actually a clever three-story structure.

The entire earthen house should be built on the basis of a large pit after digging it first.

The walls are made of solid earth bricks made of soil mixed with wheat straw and human hair, mixed with water and dried. The support of the house is made of thick peeled and dried tree trunks, and then made of thick and wide planks horizontally. floor. The basement is the first floor, the one level with the outside ground is the first floor, and the part of the earth house with the smallest roof space is also the first floor.

The bottom floor is where the adults of the family live, while the children live in the small space on the roof. The space as soon as you enter the door is the space for ordinary family life and activities.

Elder Bari sat at the head of the solid wood dining table that could be seen as soon as he entered the door, Zhao Ji took advantage of the situation and sat on the right hand side of Elder Bari, and the head of the Taka family sat next to the left hand seat of Elder Bari. After going down, the rest of the adult members of Taka's family found their seats and sat down casually. As for the children, when they saw that the adults were going to talk, they consciously went out to play again.

"Brother Barry, what are you doing here?" the old head of the Taka family asked the elder Barry carefully.

Elder Barry first formally introduced Zhao Ji's identity as a warrior to the acquainted parent, then asked about the scarecrow that was forcibly dug away by goblins in Taka's field yesterday, and then talked about this Ji Ji Far to the south of the village, the Goblins had defeated the goblins who had harassed yesterday, but the robbed scarecrow had also fallen there.

After listening to Elder Barry's words, Zhao Ji then briefly described yesterday's battle and the exact place where the scarecrow fell. Elder Barry then asked the young men of Taka's family to bring back the scarecrow in their family along with the Kiel warriors.

The parents of Taka's family showed embarrassment, but the other members of the family were very excited, saying that they would follow and take back the family's property.

"Brother Barry, in fact, that scarecrow is not a valuable and important thing. There is no need to go to the wilderness south of the village to get it back, right?" said the head of the Taka family who seemed a little unwilling.

Elder Barry and Zhao Ji glanced at each other, and he said angrily, "Scarecrows are worthless, and I understand why you don't want young people in your family to take risks. However, those goblins all day Stealing things from our village always has bad intentions. The more they want to do something, the more we can't let them succeed. Those little monsters want scarecrows? Dare to chase them, but now that the Kiel warriors have killed so many of them, we should get back the lost things."

The young people in Taka's family nodded fiercely after listening, while their parents were still a little embarrassed.

"I know that things are not worth much. There are so many men in your family, and the women in your family work hard and carefully. They don't care much about finding someone to make a scarecrow again, but you are not short of these things. What about other families? Everyone lost things and didn’t go back to get them back, so it’s just cheap for Goblin? This matter is not about your family, you have to understand it.”

Finally, the old patriarch of the Taka family asked the five adult males in the family to follow the Kiel warrior to get the scarecrow back. After making a decision, the old patriarch told Elder Barry that he was looted by a large group of goblins not far from the village when he went out of the village to Kendall City. That time they left the donkey cart on the spot to escape the goblin's pursuit. After that time, he never went out of the village again. Even the younger generation in the family, he was really gone. There is no way to let them go out of the village for activities.

Elder Bali said to Zhao Ji, let them go quickly, he will talk to Taka's house, and talk to this timid head.

Zhao Ji led five adults from Taka's family who volunteered to go out of the village together.

Of the five members of Taka's family, only one is about the same age as Zhao Ji, and the other four are much older. But they listened to Zhao Ji's words all the way, and the group of them crossed the field road in the south of the village without stopping, and then walked straight towards the tall hill.

After Zhao Ji and his party came to the bottom of this tall hill, they rested for a while. The members of Taka's family have obviously never been to such a south-facing place outside the village. From their understanding, this place is completely far away from the control of the village. Watchtowers, but compared to the developed and mature north and east villages, this place is still too desolate.

Even when the five members of Taka's family were resting, they all had nervous faces, and their eyes looking around seemed to be able to see through the surrounding bushes.

Knowing that they were a little nervous, Zhao Ji asked them to relax. There were no goblins around. After all, goblins are very noisy monsters. A few small ones can make a lot of noise. As long as they are not deaf, whoever They can be heard from afar.

Seeing that they were quite big at five yuan, but they were so timid, Zhao Ji had no choice but to pat his long sword to show that this thing of his could safely protect them.

"It really can't, let's sing a song that you often sing together! After singing, the goblins will know that there are people here, and they will not come over. Believe me, you are afraid of goblins. Goblins are actually Also afraid of humans."

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Zhao Ji went on to say: "Think about it, goblins are so small and have thin limbs. Although they look a little vicious in appearance and have an evil personality, in fact, when they really fight, everyone One punch can stun a goblin."

Hearing Zhao Ji's explanation, the Taka family reluctantly accepted it. The youngest one opened his mouth excitedly, and sang a song that their older generation often sang first:

"The flames of war are raging, and the sword is added to the body.

There is famine everywhere, and there is no food for the family.

Double the tax, double it again.

Empire Empire, not home Yo. "

As soon as the young man spoke, the others relaxed and spoke too, and everyone sang together.

"Depending on the gods, you can avoid disasters.

Attached to the nobles, riches and honors are rewarded.

Attached to bandits, arrogant.

Dependent on merchants, exhausted to death. "

Although it was singing, Zhao Ji felt that the song sounded a little dull, and it seemed to be composed by migrants who had been in the empire.

"Legendary heroes, raise the prestige of the people.

God allows Jianguo, a piece of sky.

Empire down, raise your ears.

Run around to tell each other, heart fire. "

Zhao Ji once again heard the story of the founding of the legendary bard king.

"The wife carries the baby on her back, and picks up the chickens and ducks.

I carried a thick jacket and led the sheep and donkey.

Donkeys carry household items, pull up the cart.

Leave your hometown and go far away. "

"The empire is so big that it doesn't come out in a year.

The land is so vast that there is no space for me.

Born here with blood and tears on his back.

Run to today, to the future. "

"Crossing mountains and rivers, eight hundred and seven cities.

Avoiding the flames of war, sixty-nine kalpas.

When we meet each other on the road, we are afraid to ask where we are going.

They all point to the west and go hand in hand. "

"Wild wilderness, monsters and bugs.

Leaning against each other, overcoming thorns and thorns.

The fire burns the wild, and a new land rises.

New world, new life. "

"Cut the trees and squeeze the soil, expand the land and cultivate it deeply.

Build houses, plant trees, and domesticate livestock.

Build real iron and defend your homeland.

Wherever home is, here it is.

Wherever home is, here it is. "

After everyone sang the ballad, it was obvious that they were not nervous. Zhao Ji once again led the members of Taka's family all the way from the bottom of the tall hills to the east.

Songs are powerful, and Zhao Ji once again affirmed this. He heard from Jamla and the old fox that the kingdom he is in now was established by the achievements of a legendary bard. Zhao Ji thinks that in such a world, it is good to have such a thing.

He heard the oppression of the people of the empire from the content of the lyrics. Zhao Ji felt that it might be the end of a dynasty, but the new country established by the gods here might greatly prolong the decaying vitality of the empire. . But after all, this is a temporary solution, not the root cause. The pressure of the feudal society will eventually crush the backbone of the people that support a country, and the entire empire will gradually walk into the abyss of destruction. I just don’t know if there is anyone in that place who can save such a ruined country. Is it the end?


Regardless of survival or destruction, only those gods who are high above must win in the end, and Zhao Ji understands this. He looked up at the sky. In addition to the autumn sun, he could still see the unknown creation of the gods hanging high in the sky and gliding through the sky.

He feels that the creations of the gods hanging in the sky are the eyes of the gods, and everything on the earth where all things grow cannot escape their gaze and influence.

Maybe this world is one of their playthings or a chess game?


Zhao Ji lowered his head, drew out his long sword, and of course, clenched the shield with his left arm, and there was a different movement in the grass in front of him. Maybe it was a goblin, Zhao Ji told the five members of Taka's family to squat down quietly and not make a sound, and he went to the front to see what was going on.

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