Half a day later, the old mage and his party continued to head towards the harbor on the Fara Peninsula. Their magic sailboat approached the coastline, speeding through the waves along the northern coast of the Fara Peninsula's curved peninsula.

The coastline of the Farah Peninsula is connected by sandy beaches and deserts, which is rarely seen in other places. The rocky coastline here is relatively rare, so the Farah Peninsula can actually be docked everywhere, which is very easy when only driving a small boat. It is convenient, but the ocean-going galleons cannot dock because the coastal draft is too shallow.

Therefore, it is very important to have a good deep-water port on the Farah Peninsula where large sailing ships can be docked. It has been the main area for people living on the Farah Peninsula to compete for a long time.

"How long will it take to reach the harbor here?" The old mage walked out of the cabin, and mage Kony followed his archmage closely.

A sorcerer who claimed to be an experienced navigator pulled out a large rolled-up animal skin chart from his sleeve, performed floating surgery, pinned the chart in the air, and unfolded the huge chart.

Wow, the huge sea chart is three meters long when unfolded. The mages in the vicinity gathered together and looked at the detailed sea chart.

The map displayed on the sea chart is not flat, but changed from a plane to a three-dimensional structure after unfolding, and many small models flew out of the huge axis of the sea chart, and found a position on the sea chart to move slowly stand up.

These small models can be seen at a glance. They are models of sea ships. They are shaking slowly on the chart, showing that they are struggling to move forward. The mage with rich sailing experience pointed to a place on the northern coast of the Fara Peninsula on the chart and said, "Master, I haven't registered our ship, but the approximate location should be here."

A mage on the side said: "Haha, the ship of the president has not been registered by you before, maybe in the future. Anyway, you are already on board now."

"It doesn't matter, this magic sailboat is a trial work of the society anyway. After this voyage, it may be imitated on a large scale in the future. If you like Satoro, you can use it to influence the society Bring it here." The old mage comforted the mage who was controlling the chart.

"Let me see, well, it's very close to the Taturons seaport on the Fara Peninsula. When will this speed be reached?" the old mage asked.

Master Satoro took out a tool for measuring the speed of the ship from his sleeve, came to the side of the ship, and threw the long rope with metal pellets into the sea.

At the other end of the rope is a pocket watch-like thing, the pointer on it rotates all the way, and finally fluctuates around the scale of thirteen knots.

"President, the speed of the ship is thirteen knots, and the time is 2:32 in the afternoon." Master Satoro took out a crystal from his arms and looked at it, and he continued: "Let's arrive at the nearest big port I estimate it to be around eight o'clock in the evening."

"Very well. Coney."

"Yes, teacher." Connie answered with a raised hand.

"Activate each magic power reserve, and then turn on all the magic power transmission switches of this ship. In this way, we should be able to arrive before dark." The old mage instructed, and after finishing speaking, the old mage controlled a sea ship on the chart axis The model flew out, let it move to their current position, and then activated the magic imprint that Master Satoro had left quietly before, allowing this magic sailing ship to be registered on this magical sea chart.

The old mage patted the mages around him: "Let everyone know that the sailboat is about to speed up."

"Yes, master." "Okay, teacher." "Understood, president."

Master Satoro put away the tool for measuring the speed of the ship, and shouted: "Attention everyone, the ship is going to speed up."

As soon as the words fell, Master Kony, who had left here since just now, had already gone to the bottom of the boat to do as the old master had instructed. The magic sailboat vibrated, and the speed immediately increased, and the bow in front of the ship immediately violently split the blocking waves,

And the foam behind the ship increased.

The whole ship shook again, and the speed of the ship increased again. The old mage grasped the nearby deck fence with his hands, and quietly strengthened the strength of the entire magic sailing ship from the whole.

"Big guys, let's have a little wind." Master Satoro yelled loudly.

The idle mages on the deck cast their spells with great interest, which caused a gust of wind, which blew from the stern to the bow of the sailboat, blowing the sails on the magic sailboat.

"Sailors, put all the sails down. Of course, the side sails are not used. Can you understand them?" Sartolo said.

His complaint caused the surrounding mages to burst into laughter. A mage who specialized in this matter explained to him that those magic servants actually shared a magic spirit, and the magic spirit equipped on this magic sailing ship actually surpassed the general knowledge scholars in terms of intelligence. It must be able to understand the meaning of Master Satoro.

Sure enough, after the lazy sailors found that the magic sailboat started to speed up, and there was a continuous wave of tailwinds summoned by magic, they immediately became energetic and busily began to put away the thin sails and put on the sails. A heavier sailcloth was used. They also hoisted many furled sails, spread those sails, and fed the wind.

The surge of power, coupled with the continuous magical tailwind, makes the whole magic sailboat travel fast on the sea surface, as if it is gliding on the sea surface, and its weight is actually much lighter than ordinary sailboats. After all, it There is no need to load a lot of supplies and weapons, so this magic sailboat seems to be riding the waves, and quickly approaches the nearest harbor.

Master Satoro was holding the rudder at the stern, and he was so excited that he yelled and celebrated from time to time, saying that he had broken the maximum speed of his boat on the sea, and saying that it would definitely be difficult to go back and sail with others. Kill the Quartet and the like.

It wasn't until several mages who were reading quietly on the deck complained to him that they stopped making noise.

The magic sailboat sailed at high speed. Gradually, tall and sparse coconut groves slowly appeared on the coast, and some houses made of sandstone appeared on the coast. On the nearby sea, fishing boats also began to appear.

And all the people who saw this magical sailing ship stopped everything they were doing, and looked at this sailing ship speeding across the sea at an unprecedented speed in amazement and shock.

The place where the magic sailboat passed by at high speed stirred up a lot of foam, and it also stirred up a considerable amount of stern waves.


In the end, the speed of the magic sailboat exceeded all the mages' expectations, and they arrived at Taturones, a large port on the Farah Peninsula, before dusk.

Tarturones is a rare and excellent seaport on the Farah Peninsula. Not only is the seaport suitable for mooring sailing ships, it also has several rare large freshwater springs. Therefore, Taturons has a large population. People here are keen on trading, and all things that can be used for trading are good commodities in the eyes of Taturons.

Of course, this was decades ago. After the Ring of the Sun replaced all the rulers before the Farah Peninsula to rule the Farah Peninsula, the behavior that everything can be traded has been banned by the Ring of the Sun.

Now, although there is no such luxuriant scene as before, Taturons is still very lively. Although the Ring of the Sun has many rules, they also bring security and stability.

The precarious life was replaced by a stable daily life, and conspiracies and bloody oppression were appeased by a unified religious belief.

The old mage and his party started to slow down the sailboat after seeing the Taturons harbor. After stopping the blowing wind and reducing the output of magic power at the bottom of the ship, their sailboat finally became a little more normal.

"Hurry up, put up the sails, just leave the mainsail and the jibsail. Wait a minute, put up the mainsail too. The wind is blowing, so the speed of the boat should not be too fast." Master Satoro commanded The magic sailors and magic attendants, and other mages appeared on the deck in twos and threes. They were bored with the sea voyage for many days, and now they can enter the foreign human seaport town, which makes them very excited.

Other mages were invited to search for novel animals and plants in lands the Society had never explored before.

Some people also invite other mages to go to the harbor to have a good rest and enjoy, and then go to find wise people in this land to discuss and exchange knowledge and wisdom.

There are also people who pay close attention to the situation of the church that rules the entire Fara Peninsula, and silently plan to secretly investigate the situation of this organization that is secretly supported by the Church of the Sun God.

"Teacher? What do you plan to do in the future? Everyone seems to have made their own vacation plans." Master Kony asked his teacher.

"Let's go for a casual stroll first, after all, it's a rare vacation." In fact, what the old mage really missed was the letter he sent, and he was still waiting for the reply from his old friend. Hurry up, it usually doesn't take a few days for him to wait for a reply.

The magic sailboat gradually slowed down and approached the harbor. A small boat sailed out of the harbor and approached. The people on the boat announced their identities loudly. They are the management of the harbor, and he is the guide, and now he is guiding this strange sailboat that has never been to the harbor of Taturones into the harbor.

Master Satoro carefully drove the magic sailboat and guided the boat into the port, so he had to be careful. This magical sailboat is full of power, and the main source of power is not the sails, but the magic propulsion system under the hull. The overall driving experience is completely different from other sailing boats.

Driving with the lowest power, Master Satoro finally docked the magic sailboat in the port perfectly.

As soon as the ship stopped, the mages quickly used their spells to place the wooden steps on the deck and dock, and then got off the ship in one go.

The mages who stepped on the land shook for a while, but soon after each cast their own spells, nothing happened. The port administrator who wanted to come to register the ship in the distance saw this large group of noble-dressed mages appearing, and immediately ran towards the port management office in fright, shouting loudly as he ran: "Mages! There are a lot of mages! !Alarm! Alarm, go and ring the alarm bell!"

It seems that this person has seen the mage before. The mages who landed on Shanghai Port were no strangers to it. As long as they appeared in a large scale, they would always look like this. They were either welcomed by the people of the city, or surrounded by large groups of troops.

After all the mages got off the magic sailboat, the old mage took out a scroll from his sleeve that was many times larger than the chart of the mage Sartolo. This scroll was fifteen meters high and two meters in diameter. It looks like a towering stone pillar, but it is controlled to float in the air by the old mage who is less than two meters high and swings his fingers.

The other mages had seen this scene once before the start of the trip, so the curious mage was still watching at this time, and the other mages gathered together and talked to each other with the water glasses they didn't know where they took out.

The old mage controlled the floating scroll close to the water surface of the harbor, approached the magic sailboat, and then the scroll stretched open. It just unfolded just enough for the entire sailboat to recede into the surface of its reel and stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the metal leaves on the surface of the unfolded scroll radiated light, and the original metal leaves disappeared, replaced by a deep darkness. The seawater in contact with the surface of the scroll poured in a large amount, and as the water flowed, the magic sailboat also slowly moved towards the scroll.

The old mage disliked that this was too slow, and with a wave of his hand, the magic sailboat receded towards the dark surface of the scroll. On the deck and sails of the magic sailboat, the magic servants and magic sailors saluted the old mage, and then let it go into the darkness.

Several polite mages also returned a mage salute to the magic puppets on the magic sailboat, thanking them for their care these days.

After the magic sailboat disappeared, the darkness on the scroll disappeared directly, and the metal surface returned. The old mage closed the scroll, and then flew the entire huge scroll into his sleeve under control.

Turning around, all the mages were waiting for him to speak.

"Okay, let's go, everyone. After all, although this is my vacation, it is also everyone's vacation. Wisdom is boundless, and you will find it all the way. I wish you a smooth trip, but please remember not to provoke the local Imperial Knights and The church that is secretly supported by the Church of the Sun God is in trouble." Speaking of this, the old mage cast a spell on everyone, so that they could sense his position from a long distance away.

"You can come to me if you have something to do. They are all excellent mages, don't cause big trouble, but you also have to know that once trouble comes to you, don't just carry it alone because you are embarrassed, come to me, and I will solve it You are all the backbone of the society, please don't just die anywhere. If you encounter a battle, try to use your wisdom to solve it instead of brute force. We are a symbol of wisdom, not a puppet of magic." After finishing speaking, the old mage waved his hand, letting these helpless mages act freely.

After the old mage waved his hand, several mages floated up and flew directly into the sky. It seemed that they were going to the inland area of ​​the Fara Peninsula.

Several mages immediately disappeared, and it is not known where they went next.

Several mages took out a few wooden masks and put them on their faces, and they transformed into various small animals. Those who could fly flew directly to the city, and those who could run a few vertical leaps, I just jumped onto the other boat next to me, and after a few more jumps, I didn't know where I went.

Mage Donila is a special mage of spiritual magic. He cast a spell on himself, and even if other human beings clearly saw him, they couldn't notice him at all. He gave a salute to the archmage, and the old mage and mage Kony also returned a salute at the same time. After that, the spell of mage Donila was also transferred to the two of them.

The three of them just strolled and chatted leisurely all the way towards the city.

And right beside them, a large group of heavily armed soldiers cautiously squeezed into this pier where the boat was parked against the background of the frantic ringing of the alarm bell in the distance.

"Where are there a large group of mages? Ah? XXX, where are there mages? This group of port administrators! You must have drunk too much alcohol. X." A knight leading the soldiers cursed and looked at the empty pier. mage. The soldiers who were nervous for a while were also full of anger, and they all felt that they were deceived by the officials of those ports.

The knight also has a violent temper, and he directly led the angry soldiers to the port management office where the alarm bell was ringing.

It seems that there must be a big fuss in a while.

"Donilafa, what are you going to do next?" The old mage asked after passing the soldiers who ran away from him while walking on the stone pavement of the pier.

"Well, I plan to go and see the generals I trained when I came here to see if they are still alive. They are all knights, as long as they are not killed or died of disease, they should be still alive, right?" Master Nilafa considered for a while and said.

"Very well, you are a very experienced mage, so I won't remind you anything. Just be careful, you controlled them mentally back then, if they have been mentally trained over the years, they will definitely find that you are right What they did. No one likes being treated as a marionette, so be careful when you touch them again." The old mage told Master Donila.

Master Donila nodded, bowed to the old master, and then walked another way on a fork in the pier.

"Teacher, what are we going to do next?" Master Kony asked, while asking, he also tried to see if the spell effects on the two of them were still there after Master Donilla left. He looked around and looked at the chaos in the distant port management. He shook his palm a few times, and found that the person didn't seem to see his palm at all, and he was still gossiping looking at the chaos in the distance.

"Hey. Open the eye of magic power. As long as Donila's spell is still wrapped around the body, the effect of the spell can be seen. Also, we are wearing magic robes. As long as other people see you and me, we must will be surprised."

Master Kony withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and whispered, "Sorry, teacher, I didn't expect that."

"This is the experience I often say. Simply learning magic knowledge cannot master them well. Magic power is a tool, and you must master and use them wisely. Hey, I know that you, like other young mages, don't like Listen to this. Let's go find a place to change and then go to a hotel."

"Aren't you going out of town?"

"Let's find a place to work first, let's find a hotel to deal with the recent official documents of the society, so that we can have time to travel. Hey, why did I invent the magic system for cross-space remote information exchange? Bind his feet." The old mage sighed.

Master Kony secretly smiled behind the old master's back.

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