Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 77, Doral Forest Village - The materials obtained by cheating are ready

The Bodell blacksmith first cleaned and sharpened Zhao Ji's long sword, and then disposed of Zhao Ji's dagger in disgust. While cleaning and polishing Zhao Ji's dagger, he told Kiel that his dagger was a little worn. Seriously, if you continue to use it, there will be no more blades to sharpen.

For this point, Zhao Ji has no good way. His pocket dagger was given to him by his friend Todd, and he relied on it to make the initial achievements. Zhao Ji was a little reluctant to use it up, but he didn't have any other melee weapons to use. If he wanted to spend money to buy a new dagger, Zhao Ji was reluctant to spend the money. The role is no longer important after the 'hunting' is obtained.

It was only useful when fighting the alpha wolf at close quarters before. In all other situations, it can basically be covered by a long sword with excellent performance.

The condition of the long spear was better. Bodell blacksmith carefully cleaned the stubborn blood stains on the long spear with hot water. After washing, the entire blacksmith shop smelled of blood, which made Blacksmith Bodell a little unhappy.

As for the sling, the blacksmith Bodell fiddled with it a few times to pass through an old leather wristband that came with the clothes on Kiel's right arm. After a while of jingling beatings, an iron nail was used to fix one end of the sling. On this leather wristband.

After Zhao Ji took it and tried it, he thought it was okay and convenient. You don’t need to tie this end to your wrist when using it. When Zhao Ji tried this sling in the field, one end of the sling was tied to your wrist. After a while, your wrist hurts.

Now it’s all right, the end fixed on the body is permanently tied to the leather wristband, Zhao Ji’s wrist will no longer be strangled, and its force is transferred to the entire leather wristband, and the stress area increases. When it gets bigger, it won't hurt anymore. When the sling is not used, Zhao Ji can also wrap the sling around the wrist guard without hindering physical activities.

During the previous battle, he tried to tie the sling to his body, but the fierce battle made him completely forget the existence of this weapon. This time, with the sling tied to a leather wristband, you can see it just by raising your hand.

For the other slings, Blacksmith Bodell returned them to Zhao Ji. Zhao Ji's subordinates paid the blacksmith for the fee, and then said hello and left.

In the next few days, Zhao Ji went to Nia Mushou to report once a day to let her see how well Zhao Ji's body was recovering. Even Nia Shepherd was surprised that Keir, a young man, had much better physical recovery ability than ordinary people. Zhao Ji didn't know the reason, but it probably had something to do with the previous ceremony of the God of Saturn. He told Nia Shepherd about this, and Nia Shepherd was no longer surprised, and released Zhao Ji's permission to go out and attack goblins again. .

Finally getting rid of the nagging of the serious old lady, Zhao Ji made an agreement with Lao Duomu and the others in the village house. The agreement was as discussed before, Zhao Ji cleared and attacked the goblin team outside the village, killing them as much as he could, and the village, with the help of their elders, provided Kiel with the right to use various materials And various free services are provided.

In this way, Zhao Ji won the support of the people in the village.

First of all, Old Domo brought a 90% brand-new single-person trolley and lent it to Kiel for free. I originally wanted to borrow a donkey for Kiel, but donkeys and donkey carts are generally owned by caravans and chambers of commerce. There is no place for donkeys and donkey carts in the village, so there is no donkey breeding. They planned to buy a donkey for the next wave when the next wave of caravans came to the village.

Zhao Ji hurriedly asked when the caravan would come to the village. An elder comforted Kiel, saying that within half a month a caravan came to the village to trade various commodities, and the donkey Kiel needed would be available soon.

Only then did Zhao Ji feel relieved, the trolley should be a trolley, it's not that it can't be used.


Zhao Ji took out a piece of paper, which listed many materials he needed to build the camp and explore the ruins. Zhao Ji licked his face and handed the paper to the elders. Zhao Ji told them that these were the materials needed to set up a series of simple camps from the village to the south.

Several elders in the village took the paper and looked at it. They agreed that some of the things written on it were indeed needed to establish a camp, but there were some strange things that did not seem to be needed to establish a camp.

"What's the matter with this wooden birdcage? There's no need for this thing in the camp, right?" Old Domo looked at Kiel with strange eyes, thinking that this young man is weird, do birds still need to be kept in the camp?

Zhao Ji quickly explained: "It's like this. I found a blue bird in a grove in the wilderness. Look, this is the feather of that bird. Isn't it very special?" Zhao Ji knew this A strange thing would arouse the doubts of these old people, so he took out the bluebird feather he hunted and talked nonsense. "This kind of bird is very bold. Once it sees animals appearing or disappearing in front of them, it will scream on the branches. I plan to keep this kind of bird in the camp. It can serve as a sentinel for me when I sleep at night. "

Hearing Keir's explanation, several elders felt that it was reasonable, so they looked at the things behind.

In fact, Zhao Ji prepared this birdcage for exploring the ruins. The ruins are located underground, and it is not known whether there is any accumulation of poisonous gas or other dangerous gases in the depths, or there is not enough air to breathe. Later, when Zhao Ji went down to explore, he could tentatively send the bird cage in, and then take it out after a while to see if the birds inside were dead, so that he could judge the situation inside the ruins.


"I used it to cut wood nearby to build a camp. These are necessary supplies. I can't transport the wood from the village, right?"

"Ah, yes. And this, at least two hundred meters of strong rope?"

"This is used in various places. It can be used to bind the head of a goblin, tighten the outer wall of the camp, and weave a soft ladder."

"Hmm. What about this? A big bucket of lamp oil, or torch grease."

"Lighting at night! It is needed when chasing goblins at night. Although we humans have better night vision than goblins, it is more convenient to fight with lighting. And you can also use lighting to lure goblins to find Come to the door and throw yourself into the trap."

"How do you throw yourself into a trap? Tell me about it." Old Duo Mu seemed very interested in this.

"Hey, think about it, in the deserted wilderness, suddenly on the hills at night, there is a bright spot. If you were a goblin, would you go and see it or ignore it?"

"Oh hehe, indeed, indeed. If they were goblins, they would indeed go over and have a look. Those goblins may look timid, but they are actually very curious and courageous."

In fact, many of the things used above are things that Zhao Ji can use in the exploration of the ruins. He babbled and deceived the elders. As long as Zhao Ji can take out enough goblin heads later, they will He would not doubt Zhao Ji.

In this way, Zhao Ji can save a large amount of material expenses, and he doesn't have to let his wallet be vomited blood, especially when he came back to Doral Forest Village, he didn't bring too much money with him. Probably enough coins. Originally, I thought it would be easy to explore a ruin, but Zhao Ji was blocked outside the ancient elf ruin. A lot of ropes were used to overcome the hollows inside those deep tree stumps.

There are also some other supplies, which are relatively common. Zhao Ji didn't ask for many, so the village elders stopped asking. They assured Kiel that things would be ready in the afternoon, so when did Kiel leave?

Zhao Ji thought about it, and he couldn't go far when he set off in the afternoon, so he had to camp. So he told the elders that he would set off early tomorrow morning and pack up his things first in the afternoon, and he would gather enough energy tonight to push the car and set off early tomorrow morning.

After agreeing to leave tomorrow morning, Zhao Ji left. And several elders in the village started to prepare supplies with the list. To be honest, they also felt a little bored with those goblins. Caravan between the village and Kendal City. Every time the caravan comes to the village to trade, they always complain to them, saying that the goblins are lying in ambush in the woods beside the road, and they always jump out of the woods and try to ambush them when the caravan comes. . The caravan had no choice but to rush past the Goblin's obstruction. So far, no caravan was successfully ambushed by the Goblin, but the stones and sticks thrown by the Goblin also injured some merchants. team buddy.

So many caravans have complained to the village elders, and the village elders are also very troubled, but it is not easy for them to go to the village lord knight to ask for a solution. They all know that their lord knight brother has been in the past few years. Train his offspring to inherit his knightly skills. Although less successful. But as long as it succeeds, the big problem of ownership of the village's territory can be resolved, and by then, those goblins will not be able to hop around for a few days.

Of course, since the Kil warriors from the Saturnalia Church in Kendall City are now rushing over to deal with those annoying goblins, it would be great. Anyway, it’s just some support and a small amount of supplies, and they can still afford it.

A cooperation that both parties are very satisfied with has been reached in this way, but what the elders in the village don’t know is that the main purpose of Zhao Ji’s coming to Doral Forest Village is not to harass the village’s goblin settlements, but basically no one knows about it. Ancient Elven Ruins.

That night, Zhao Ji went to the tavern to buy some seasonings for cooking food in the wild, all of which are dried fragrant leaves or fragrant sun-dried fruits. These things grow widely in the wilderness of Kendall County. Brin was rampant, but no one went to the wild to pick these things, but in other parts of the county, there were special people to pick these things in the safe wild. Of course, it is easier for the farmers to plant some of these fragrant plants in their own fields. Only a small piece of land can satisfy the family's consumption of simple spices.

When the chef of the tavern recommended dried and fragrant mushrooms to Jier, Zhao Ji thought of the mushrooms growing on the garbage everywhere in the village, and he quickly waved his hands and rejected the chef's recommendation. Those mushrooms can thrive in this somewhat cold weather by using the heat generated by the microbial reproduction activities in the garbage. Zhao Ji was a little shocked when he saw it.

Hey guys, don't you people really feel disgusted by those mushrooms?

Maybe the farmers who drink and consume in the tavern don't care where the mushrooms they eat come from?

Zhao Ji didn't want to eat those mushrooms anyway. If he really wants to eat it, he can pick it in the wild by himself, although there are not a lot of mushrooms growing in the wild at this time of year.

In the evening, Zhao Ji tried to put on the armor. Wearing armor alone is actually a little troublesome, but as the designer of the armor, Zhao Ji naturally knows where it will be faster for a person to wear the armor.

With the whole armor upper body, Zhao Ji felt that he was invincible around here, and those goblins or wild beasts would not cause him any harm. For this reason, when he went to the smithy to repair weapons, he didn't take his shield with him, because Zhao Ji felt that with the armor, the shield was not necessary.

Without a shield as a defense for his left hand, Zhao Ji had to change his fighting style.

Picking up the long spear and long sword, Zhao Ji gestured a few times, thinking that he could be more aggressive and bolder in the next battle. When the goblin attacked, he didn't need to dodge, he could directly use attack to attack. The opponent couldn't do much damage to him, but his accurate fatal blow could completely kill the opponent.

The same is true for wild wolves. Zhao Ji was heavier than ordinary wild wolves. After wearing armor and weapons, his whole body weighed even more. It was impossible for a single wild wolf to knock him down. As long as Zhao Ji ensures that he will not be thrown down by multiple wild wolves together, he can continue to fight and hurt the wild wolves that approach him because of the pounce.

After trying the armor, Zhao Ji put the armor back in the box, and then he started to prepare the tools in the backpack. He took out all the big things from his backpack and put them on the trolley later. As for other important things, it was naturally more reliable to carry them on his back.

During the battle, the trolley can stay in place without leaving it alone, but the backpack can always be carried on the body to accompany him in the battle. Being behind his back will not affect his ability to use weapons. Some key things were placed in the backpack, such as a waterproof cloak, a fire starter, a small bottle of healing ointment, a small pot of water, a small piece of bread that was pressed tightly by Zhao Ji, and a short length of rope.

In order to prevent injury, Zhao Ji also went to the grocery store in the village to buy a long strip of clean undyed linen. After buying this item, Zhao Ji asked the hotel owner to boil a small pot of hot water. Wash it in hot water, dry it, roll it up carefully and put it in a clean box.

These things are all in Zhao Ji's backpack. Even if he encounters an invincible enemy, Zhao Ji can give up the cart and rely on the key materials in the backpack to return directly to the village from the field.

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