Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 78, Stonetop Camp - logging, observing the traces of the previous battle

The next morning, Zhao Ji woke up early after a good night's sleep.

After closing and locking the wooden windows, he put on his coat, picked up his backpack, carried the wooden box containing the armor, and left the house where he lived.

After closing the door of the house with the iron lock provided by the Iron Palm Hotel, putting the key in the inner pocket of his clothes, Zhao Ji set off.

At the door of the village house, a middle-aged man stood guard beside a cart full of supplies. When he saw the young Kiel warrior walking out of the hotel, he waved his hand and called Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji slowly walked over with the armor box in his arms, said hello to the other party, and put the armor wooden box on the trolley full of supplies. Zhao Ji pulled out a piece of rope from the trolley, and firmly fixed the armor wooden box on the trolley.

"Please take a look, I'll go into the village house to say hello to the elders and I'm about to leave." Zhao Ji begged the middle-aged villagers.

"Warrior Kiel, be careful when cleaning up the goblins. I wish you a lot of killing those little green-skinned monsters with bent ears."

"I try my best, I try my best."

Zhao Ji pushed open the wooden door of the village house, and in the hall of the village house, several elders in the village were eating breakfast. They ate quite lightly, with a few slices of green vegetables floating in the thin clear soup, and there were not many tubers in the soup.

"Why are you eating so lightly? You should eat better." Zhao Ji said, looking at the light soup in the wooden bowls of the elders.

An elder smiled and stopped eating and said: "I'm old, I can't eat those indigestible things anymore, I can't compare with old Duomu, that guy can still eat meat now, look at my mouthful There are still a few usable teeth." After speaking, he opened his mouth to show the rotten teeth in his mouth.

Zhao Ji glanced at them. They were all rotten teeth worn out from eating coarse grains for decades: "An old man like you must eat more refined grains, otherwise he will lose his teeth. Other middle-aged people in the village That's right, if the conditions are good, you can't eat such rough food anymore. Or your teeth will be broken."

Another elder said: "Isn't that right? We had to endure too much hardship when we were young to build the current village. The children can no longer endure those hardships."

Someone put forward a different opinion: "It's only been a few years. If all the fine wheat flour is used, the food in the village will not be enough. Our village makes a profit by selling a lot of food, and we grind and eat it ourselves. , then there would be no income.”

At first, the elder seemed to remember something and said: "I heard people say that someone can transplant teeth, pull out bad teeth and replace good ones. I don't know where this person is. The news is not reliable. "

Zhao Ji thinks this method is also good. Children need to replace their teeth when they grow up. They can keep the replaced teeth and replace them for the elderly who have broken teeth. He told the elders this idea, and they slapped their thighs and then remembered this, and they all said that they could entrust the caravan from the village to Kendall City to find the tooth-changer in the news.

After chatting for a few words, Zhao Ji thanked the elders, took his leave and left. Zhao Ji also patted his chest and promised that when he came back, he would definitely be full of goblin heads.

Several elders stood up and wished Kiel a successful hunt.

After walking out of the village house, Zhao Ji thanked the middle-aged villagers guarding the trolley, and pushed the fully loaded trolley towards the security station.

After a quick meal at the public security station, Zhao Ji greeted Lao Duomu and set off officially.


Or go out from the gate on the west side of the village. Zhao Ji's main action this time is to explore the ancient elf ruins, and by the way, re-fortify and expand the tree root camp and stone top camp with sufficient materials. After the exploration of the ruins yielded some results, he followed the Stonetop Camp to the south, looking for the infested goblin team, and wiped them out with his armor.

Pushing a trolley is about twice as slow as walking alone.

Although Zhao Ji is young and strong, as long as he deviates from the dirt road between Dorallin Village and Kendall City, there will be no convenient road at all.

Pushing the cart, Zhao Ji could only walk on the bottom of the wilderness and hills. He tried his best to identify the correct direction on the winding grassland. In order to use the road, after Zhao Ji left the village, he first walked west along the dirt road for a long time, reckoning that he had reached the due north of the Shiding camp, and then Zhao Ji walked straight to the south.

Because the south direction is the low mountain range in the distance, so as long as Zhao Ji does not take a detour in the direction of the mountain range, he will roughly go due south.

Sure enough, towards dusk in the afternoon, Zhao Ji found that there were more rocks on the surrounding hills, no longer grass and shrubs all over the hills, but rocks of various sizes. The big stones are seven or eight meters high, and the small ones are like pebbles in the river. The stones are scattered, not only at the bottom of the hill, but also embedded in the surface of the hill slope. It is piled up to the top of the hill.

Ah, that big boulder piled up on top of the hill must be his stone camp. Zhao Ji put the trolley under it, walked over quickly with empty hands to confirm. After going up, it was confirmed that it was his stone camp. From this point of view, instead of going straight to the village from the stone camp, it would be much faster to go north first, and then follow the dirt road to the village.

The Stone Top Camp was in a mess, and everything was scattered on the ground. It is estimated that some wild animal found it here, smelling the smell of blood, but it or they didn't find anything edible, so they had to rummage around and leave. Zhao Ji had expected this a long time ago, so he buried all the wolf skins that were difficult to take away last time in the ground of the camp.

Checking the land where the wolf skins were buried, Zhao Ji nodded in satisfaction. There was no trace of excavation on the ground. After a brief tidying up, Zhao Ji returned to the foot of the hill, detoured with difficulty and pushed the fully loaded trolley to the outside of the Shiding camp.

Because there is a circle of big rocks around the camp, and there is no normal way to get in, Zhao Ji had to untie the tightly packed trolley materials and move them in bit by bit. Finally, Zhao Ji picked up the wooden cart and moved the entire cart into the camp.

The Stone Top camp was rather crude, and the most important thing was the lack of wood for repairs. Zhao Ji was equipped with a short-handled logging ax and a long sword at his waist, and he went to the woods not far away to cut down one or two trees before dark.

Not far from the Stone Top Camp is a forest in twos and threes, and the place where the previous battle was fought is not far away. Zhao Ji wanted to go and have a look, but finally gave up.

It is still the most important thing to log and build camps.

Taking advantage of the sun that had not set at dusk, Zhao Ji hurried to the woods closest to the camp. He didn't carefully select the trees with good growth conditions, Zhao Ji picked up the felling ax and chopped down the tree closest to him with a few sharp strokes. In late autumn, the leaves on the trees were already withered and yellow, Zhao Ji could shake off a lot of fallen leaves with each axe.

When, when, when, when, when, when.

With a few blows, Zhao Ji chopped down a tree that was not too big but not too small. When the trunk fell, Zhao Ji went up and used an ax to remove the branches of the trunk, leaving only the strong trunk. Of course, the branches of the tree are also very useful. They can barely be used as a rainproof roof after they are tightly bound, and they can also be used to light a fire to maintain a campfire.

Zhao Ji carried a long tree trunk and trotted towards the camp. As he breathed and breathed evenly, he mobilized every strength in his body.

Feeling that there was still energy left, Zhao Ji sang the chant in a low voice while carrying the tree trunk back to the camp to cheer himself up.

"Hey, hey, cut down the big tree."

"Hey, hey, pick it up and run."

"Hey, hey, who is that man?"

"Hey, hey, nobody. Haha."

In the end, Zhao Guitar still laughed, who he is is just a nobody.

Leaning the tree trunk on the big rock outside the camp, Zhao Ji did not bring the tree trunk in first. He wanted to cut down another tree when it was about to get dark.

When the sun completely set below the hills on the horizon, the entire wilderness became dark at an extremely fast speed, and the night ruled over a large area of ​​uninhabited places.

But tonight the moon came early, and the two early moon gods poked their heads out after the sun went down. The brilliant silvery light of the moon illuminated the earth again, giving nocturnal animals their 'morning' brilliance.

Hearing the roar of the unknown beast in the distance, Zhao Ji gave up the idea of ​​going out to log. Two long tree trunks are actually enough. He first raised the campfire, baked and heated the bread he had prepared in advance, and then ate it with dried radishes, and then drank some water with him. Zhao Ji took a brief rest.

After the moonlight became brighter at night, Zhao Ji used the moonlight to clean up the tree trunks outside the camp and transport them into the camp.

He built two small sheds, using the huge stones in the camp as the walls, the large thick cloth he brought as the roof of the sheds, and the split tree trunks as the framework of the sheds.

There are two sheds, one for him to rest and the other for storing the supplies he brought this time. Zhao Ji put all the miscellaneous things needed for the stone top camp into the shed, while other things for the root camp and the ruins were packed and prepared, and these things would be transported away later.

After everything was packed, Zhao Ji picked up a full set of weapons and walked towards the previous battlefield under the bright moonlight.

When Zhao Ji came to the place where he fought before, he found that the mound where he had buried the goblin's corpse had been dug up by scavengers. The rotting poultry picked and ate the shredded meat on the bones.

As for the big bones, some ferocious little animals like cats and dogs are fighting for each other. They will fight each other for a whole bone that has not been crushed. The winning side will run to the side of the stone with the bone in its mouth, and hit the same hard stone with the bone hard. After the bone is broken, it will lick it and split it. The stinking marrow in the bones.

After a human being as big as Zhao Ji appeared here, many timid animals were scared away, but the same animals that wanted to kill their bones still stared at Zhao Ji closely, and even screamed fiercely at Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji smiled, ignoring these small animals that usually only catch mice and eat them. He barely used the moonlight to detect the animal footprints around the goblin's bones, and found that there were no goblin footprints, nor any particularly large animal footprints, at least there were no footprints of wild wolves.

Zhao Ji guessed that after the wolves retreated, they really never came back here. He guessed that the wild wolves regarded this wilderness as the territory of Zhao Ji, a human being. Before they had the preparation and strength to defeat Zhao Ji, Will not step into this place again.

As for the traces of the goblins, Zhao Ji guessed that those goblin combat teams who came to fight for the territory did not go back to the goblin settlements, so that the goblin settlements naturally thought that they had lost the battle, so they did not come from here. Haunt here.

Zhao Ji was thinking as he walked back. If this is the case, as long as he kills an unknown number of goblins in all directions of the village, he should be attacked by the goblin battle team, but as long as he defeats those goblin battle teams, the goblin It is estimated that no one will be sent to haunt there again.

This is the southwest direction of the village, and the Goblin settlement is estimated to be in the forest to the south. In this way, as long as two Goblin battle teams are defeated in the south direction of the village and the southeast direction of the village, the village will not be attacked by Goblins for a long time.

This is also what it should be. Anyone who has been wiped out several waves of teams in a row will not provoke the other party again. Not to mention the large number of goblin combat population lost in the battle.

Judging from the ratio of goblin fighters and goblin coolies in the previous goblin team, it was roughly a ratio of one to six. Seven spear goblins, more than forty coolie goblins, and three little goblin leaders. I just don't know how the goblins dealt with the three leaders in this team. Don't they quarrel with each other?

There must still be factions in the goblin team. Zhao Ji estimates that a goblin raid team of more than a dozen goblins is a goblin team, and the main battle team of goblins is composed of three different teams. Goblin raiders.

Zhao Ji reckoned that such a crude formation ability, on the one hand, is that the Goblin's team organization ability is very poor, which is related to the habits of monsters like Goblins. On the other hand, it also revealed that the overall scale of the Goblin settlement is not very large.

Dorallin Village has a population of thousands of people, and will soon become a full-scale town. As for the size of the Goblin settlement, Zhao Ji estimated that it should be about the same size as the population of Doral Forest Village.

Considering that at least half of the female goblins only live in the forest and not in the wilderness, then considering the ratio of goblin warriors to goblin coolies, the entire goblin settlement should have at least four hundred more goblins Coolies, more than 80 goblin warriors, and ten little goblin leaders.

Overall, there are at least ten goblin raiding teams, let alone three or four goblin combat teams that can be sent out to fight for territory, and the remaining goblin fighters should be the existence of this goblin settlement. In the hands of the big goblin leader, the settlement defense team that maintains its rule is now.

Zhao Ji thought about whether to find a way to get rid of the goblin fighting team in the wilderness, and then attack the goblin settlement. But he thought about it and guessed it wouldn't work.

No one would foolishly send the team out to be defeated one by one, and finally there are no soldiers available. Zhao Ji guessed that this time the goblin combat team lost the battle with the wild wolf pack, they will definitely tighten their defenses, and no longer send small goblin harassing teams to attack human villages. They will shrink back to their traditional sphere of influence - the vast forests at the foot of the mountains to the south.

Based on this analysis, how would Zhao Jizhi kill enough goblins in the wilderness? Goblins will definitely shrink to their settlements in the near future. In order to give a satisfactory explanation to the people in the village when he came out this time, did he have to go to the south?

What a hassle.

Zhao Ji scratched his head in distress, hoping that what happened next was just a random guess on his side. If there were more goblins than he expected, he would be able to meet the goblin team that came out to hunt animals and attack humans in the wild up.

Of course, these are secondary goals, and his main goal is to explore the ancient elf ruins. If there are as many precious metals in the ruins as the person who gave him the clue said, then he will post it this time.

Having made a lot of money, he can leave this small town and find a way to visit a bigger city. He heard people bragging and there are magicians in various stories. I don’t know that after he got a lot of money, Can you find a magician, can you also learn magic?

Such a smart person like him, who has experienced more than ten years of education and training in his previous life and has mastered advanced learning methods, will definitely excel in the process of learning magic.

However, I don't know what aptitude is required to learn magic. His body is just an ordinary body. Apart from being young and strong, there seems to be nothing special about it.

what to do? Zhao Ji went back to the Shiding camp to rest in a wild way.

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