Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 173, Return and militia training

After a day of rest in Gloomy Forest Village, Keel decided to return to the city.

When he left the village, he planned to come out this time, but in just a few days, he made a lot of money, which was very efficient. It's just that when facing Warcraft before, it was still too dangerous.

If there is a next time, I don't know if he will have the courage to face the monster before.

The broken right calf is healing rapidly, and it no longer affects normal walking, but if you want to travel far and return to the city, you still have to put a splint on the leg to help support the weight of the body.

He found a villager in the village who was a good carpenter and asked him to make him a wooden frame that could put his whole leg in. The trouble was that it was a little troublesome, but as long as his knees were not bent, it would be fine. Rely on this thing to stay in the city.

In fact, Keir felt that he might not be able to use this thing anymore. With the rapid consumption of the divine power in the Saturn badge, he could feel the broken leg heal in a day or two.

I have to say that supernatural things are powerful. At first, he thought he would have to hire a donkey cart to take him back to the city. Unexpectedly, after more than a day of repairing in the village, his legs and feet were half healed.


On the way back, due to inconvenient legs and feet, Keir could only slowly walk east along the road against the cold weather.

Walking was boring, so he focused on the forests on the north and south sides of the road.

He paid special attention to those particularly tall tree tops in the forest. After careful observation from a distance, he found that basically every tree top had abnormalities that were different from other big trees.

It must be the trace left by the monster.

Looking at the traces of monsters on almost every tall tree, Keel felt that the monsters had really been operating here for a long time. If he hadn't found out the truth about the disappearance before, it would take a long time before someone would find out that those things were true. This monster did it.

But by then, I don't know how many people will die.

But Yin Yulin Village would lose a lot of property due to the inconvenient travel. At that time, the poor villagers will still not be able to stay in the local area, so they can only move their families to other places in the county to seek a living.

On the way, he also met a group of people. At the head was a female knight riding a tall horse and armored the horse, and behind them were ten forest hunters with hunting bows.

The female knight was wearing metal steel armor, and Kiel, who was passing by, was quite eye-catching. That armor must be worth a lot of money, and there are no craftsmen for manufacturing and repairing in Kendall City.

Seeing that it was a female knight, Keir immediately guessed that the other party should be a Kendall knight named Lanisa. I heard that the territory is located in Wumi Lake Village in the north of the county, where there has been a lot of wolves. The team of murderous forest hunters behind the opponent should be the hunter team organized by the opponent.

Sure enough, as expected by Irupaki, Baron Kendall still sent knights to fight against the monsters.

Originally, Keir wanted to go up to say hello, and to tell them his information about Warcraft. But these people were in a hurry, the female knight was in high spirits, and the hunters wanted to avenge the three dead hunters.

So even if they met a single pedestrian on the road, they were not in the mood to strike up a conversation.

The thought of opening slipped back into his throat, and Keel turned his raised hand to his head, scratched his head, smiled awkwardly, and continued walking down the road. They have knights leading the team, and they will definitely go to Yinyulin Village to inquire about the situation, but they don't need his information.

Afterwards, Keel met another group of bold businessmen delivering goods to Gloomy Forest Village on the road. Everyone chatted a little bit about the team that Keel met before.

The businessman knew about this, and he just wanted to see if he could make a deal with the Cavaliers and their team by the way, while trading with the village.

I bid farewell to this businessman who wanted to seize the trading opportunity,

After walking slowly for a day, Keir finally felt that the broken calf was completely healed after the badge treatment. But the badge has lost its former luster.

Kiel still wears it around his neck, knowing how to restore power to the badge.

According to the method taught by the Saturnalia Church at that time, as long as the emblem was buried in a farmland and buried under the soil, after a period of time it would be filled with power again.

There are also two key points. One is that it must be farmland. It is not acceptable to lay it on ordinary land. The divine power of the god of agriculture will only be effective in the fields he manages. In addition, the second point is that if it is the land directly under the church, or the land of the followers of the God of Saturn, the president's recovery speed will be faster.

After the leg was healed, Keir threw away the newly made wooden frame. Although this thing helped him travel far when the leg was broken and the leg was not healed, who would use it when the leg and foot are usually good? When it comes to this thing, I don't even want to see it.


Soon Zhao Ji walked eastward, and the forests on both sides of the road receded further, until farmland and Kendall City, which was still a small black dot on the horizon, appeared in sight.

All the way through the vacant farmland in the north of Kendall City, there are tall farms that are not too far away, and then Zhao Ji detours along the arc road to Kendall City, which is getting closer and closer.

When passing by the southeast of Kendall City, Zhao Ji saw a large area of ​​temporary camps, and young people from all over Kendall County were warming themselves by the fire in the scattered camps.

Zhao Ji had already heard about the winter training of the militia, but he didn't expect it to look like this.

It was a coincidence that Zhao Ji came back, and today happened to be the day when winter training started.

A lot of spectators surrounded the gate of Kendall City, so Keir was not in a hurry to enter the city, and stopped the trolley, stood on the trolley, and looked over the crowd to the city gate.

With the sound of heavy horseshoes, and the sound of a large number of scattered footsteps accompanied by the clinking of armor and weapons, five horsemen walked out slowly from the door opening in the city wall.

The first one is wearing a gorgeous burqa of various colors, and the horse below him is also wearing a horse ceremonial suit sewn with colorful cloth, covering the entire horse from head to leg.

He can be distinguished from others only by his appearance.

This person does not wear a helmet on his head, but a very gorgeous crown with a metal frame, crystal pillars, and gemstones as a gorgeous crown on the top.

Under the burqa on his body is a noble winter dress, exquisite fabrics and accessories, plus the use of carnivorous animal fur as a decoration to show the winter style, making people know that this is a nobleman just by looking at the clothes.

On the belt around his waist, he wears a jewel dagger on his left waist, and a gorgeous jewel scepter on his right.

When the people on the side of the road saw this person, those who were close to him knelt on the ground one after another. The person wearing the weapon is half squatting. Of course, those who are a little further away are free to do so.

Seeing the people saluting him, the nobleman waved his hand casually while talking to the others in a low voice.

There are two riders behind the leading Baron Kendall, and one rides the same group of steeds. He also wears gorgeous burqas and horse costumes, but compared with Baron Kendall, his is half the difference. The burqa only covered the torso of the body, and it didn't drag on all the time like the baron's.

Likewise, his equine burqa only covers the torso of the horse.

This person also wore a metal headband on his head, but it was much worse than that of Baron Kendall, except that there was a blue square gemstone in the center of the headband to show his majesty.

He doesn't have a short staff at his waist, but only a slender machete with a different style.

Keel had seen this style of weapon in dreams about the elves, and he knew that the slender machete was an imitation of the ancient weapon style of the elves.

The other is Klau Knight, whom Keir is very familiar with.

Unlike usual, Knight Crowe is wearing a knight's heavy armor today, with a sword and shield and a battle flag with a gun head. The coat of arms of the Kendall family is embroidered on the flag.

Looking at the heavy armor on Knight Crowe, Kiel's scalp felt numb for a while, because the thickness of the heavy armor was too thick. Kiel estimated that a knight's heavy armor would weigh at least more than 100 kilograms. With the same thick shield, one-handed knight sword, and the same thick helmet hanging on the waist, how can this body weigh two hundred kilograms faster.

Look at the horse under Knight Crowe's crotch. The horse has six thick legs and is also covered with thick metal armor.

No matter how you look at it, the horse and the Crowe knight on it are monsters.

The onlookers were very happy to see it, and when Knight Crowe passed by, everyone cheered.

Knight Crowe didn't express the cheers of the crowd, but when he glanced behind the crowd, when Kiel was standing on the trolley, he nodded towards Kiel who was looking over.

The next two rides were much more normal, and the remaining two were senior clerks of the Kendall City Government Affairs Office, basically responsible for various matters in Kendall City.

After the five riders, a group of dozens of Kendall guards trotted behind. They all wore the full set of armor of the guards. Although the weapons of the guards were not the same, the onlookers knew that this represented They are all elite guards with sophisticated martial arts training.

After that, some militiamen in the city followed donkey carts loaded with a large amount of supplies. These carriages clanked and filled with all kinds of weapons and equipment, and the clerk who accompanied the cart stood on the donkey cart and shouted. Let the vehicles behind you catch up and don't fall behind.

The transport vehicles were finished afterwards, and a large number of people who had nothing to do in winter brought their own wooden chairs and windproof shelter clothes, followed slowly and messily, apparently to continue watching the fun.

Keir also wanted to watch the fun, so he hurried into the city, said hello to the guards who were not following the gate, and then hurried back to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce.

Push the trolley to the side of the guard, and carry some important things back to his house. Keir doesn’t care about the rest of the car. Anyway, they are all consumable supplies such as rope torches and food, nothing important .

After saying hello that he was going out of town to watch the militia training, Kiel trotted out of the chamber of commerce.

He went to the Table Corner Tavern first, trying to give him the entrustment money given to Todd, but Todd's uncle was watching the shop.

The uncle who usually looks after the store at night said that Todd ran out in the morning to find a good seat at the militia training place.

Keel had to run out of the city again.

After he hurried to the militia camp that he had seen before, he still found Todd in a wolf fur cloak among the crowd watching.

"Ha! Keel! You're back. How's it going this time? I heard that Gloomy Forest Village brought over a piece of Warcraft tissue a few days ago. Did you do it?" Todd patted Keel on the shoulder and said.

At this time, the militiamen were still gathering and receiving the weapons stored in the city one by one. The Kendall City guards acted as guards to maintain order in the venue.

"You guessed it right, I was the one who gave that evil monster a break. The situation was quite tense at the time, and it was almost over." The two chatted briefly, and then Keir asked Todd, a native of Kendall, to People, tell him about the process of the county-wide militia winter training.

"Winter training, there was no such thing in the first place. Since the arrival of Knight Crowe, the baron and he have promoted this matter. Select the young people who are idle in winter in various gathering places, and let them train in winter every year. They all gather here outside Kendall." Todd stretched out his finger and pointed to a large field facing south.

"The land within this area is the baron's own. Usually, he simply planted the land. In winter, it can be used as an open training ground."

Kiel asked, "Then how will the militiamen deal with food and lodging?"

"It's all in the city. You see, those clerks who are distributing weapons are in charge of those things. Some time ago, they transported all the things to set up the big camp outside the city. Wherever people come, let them They set up their own tents. Food is provided by the city, but they are not responsible for food on the way back and forth.”

Keir saw that the militiamen were receiving weapons and equipment, and he asked about the weapons and equipment of the militiamen: "What weapons and equipment do they use? Do you know?"

Todd raised his eyebrows and said excitedly: "Of course I know. I participated in the first batch of militia training. It happened a few years ago." The thick wooden armor and the helmet are made of leather. In addition, everyone has a crossbow arrow that can shoot two rounds, and a bag of crossbow bolts. However, the training of the crossbow is at the end, and the beginning is about physical fitness and Simple team coordination and command training."

"In addition to these, depending on the combat position, you will be equipped with a spear and a long wooden shield, or an axe, machete, and iron sword with a round shield for melee combat. These are the weapons."

Kiel saw the militiamen in the distance picking out the weapons they needed. The large wooden boxes were placed on the ground, and inside were all shiny sealed weapons. sword.

The other group of militiamen each received a long spear that was at least five meters long. After the militiamen put the spears on the ground, a dangerous forest full of spears immediately appeared on the ground.

Roughly, almost half of the militiamen took spears, and the other half of the militiamen took melee weapons.

Keel asked Todd how to tell who would fight the spear and who would fight the melee.

Todd scratched the hair on his forehead: "Well, I'm not very clear about this question. I heard people say that it seems to see whether the militiamen have received simple martial arts training before. If they have received simple training at home, they will be given priority. The part selected for close combat. There will definitely not be 300 people who have been trained, so if there are not enough people in the future, we must choose relatively strong bodies from other people to join in."

Keir was curious about what Todd was practicing at the beginning, and Todd laughed: "I have participated in two militia trainings, and I have used both spears and iron swords. At that time, my crossbow was quite accurate."

Keir smiled and expressed his disbelief, while Todd threw his hands together: "I know you don't believe it, but the crossbow arrows in the county are controlled, and only the militia have the right to use them. I'm not a militia now, so you can't see it."

Now Keel can't do it if he wants to poke Todd.

Seeing that the militiamen have been distributing selected weapons, and it won't be over for a while, he handed a small purse to Todd: "This is the entrustment money given by the manager of the gloomy forest village, and it's your share. There are some more, That’s what people give more.”

"Because of Warcraft?" Todd took the small purse, opened it and asked with a glance.

Kiel shrugged: "On the way there, I found the traces and information of the monster. When I arrived at Gloomy Forest Village, I didn't believe it, so I had to go and see it with my own eyes. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the monster, so I had no choice but to kill him Save it."

Hearing what Kiel said was easy, Todd laughed a little, took out the share that he was entitled to according to the entrustment in the purse, and returned the rest to Kiel: "Warcraft, it's as easy as you said. Desperate, You must have really tried your best, right? The Lanessa knights in the city have taken people to hunt down monsters, and you are not a knight, so why are you so strong?" After speaking, Todd slapped Kiel's chest fist.

Kiel didn't even move after receiving a punch. Instead, Todd rubbed his wrist and hissed, "You're really strong. It seems that I underestimated you."

Kiel rubbed his face, smiled and said, "It will be even stronger in the future, just watch."

At this time, the militia had finished distributing weapons and was gathering the team under the guidance of the Kendall City guards. The so-called teams are actually divided according to where the militiamen come from. The training has not officially started yet, so that's it for now.

Afterwards, they will be broken up and carefully grouped and trained according to the team and weapons.

The militiamen who have participated in militia training before will naturally be the leaders of the new small team. As for the situation of their respective groups after breaking up, that is not in the hands of Crow Knight.

After the team gathered, the baron's five cavalry circled the militiamen for a week, so that all the militiamen could see them clearly and recognize their faces.

Then come to the front of all the militiamen. A taller podium made of wood and mud has been piled up here.

The five of them got off their horses and walked to the platform one by one to stand still.

Baron Kendall stood in the middle, and to his left was Knight Crowe and the eldest son of Baron Kendall. On the right are the two responsible senior clerks of the two Kendall City Government Affairs Offices.

These two senior clerks are basically responsible for all kinds of things, big and small, up and down the city of Kendall. They and their subordinates are basically responsible for the weapons, equipment and organization of the militia training.

The two of them are actually members of the Kendall family, both elders of the current Baron Kendall, and their interests are consistent with the baron.

The other eldest sons of the baron are naturally also the heirs of the baron, plus Knight Crow, who has a good personal relationship with the baron.

These five people are the actual leaders who control the largest armed forces in these counties.

Of course, the actual command and management of the battle are all in the charge of the professional Knight Crowe, but in this formal occasion, the five of them are on stage, and Baron Kendall is in the middle to give a speech. Naturally, these people from the county Young people in different places know who is really in charge of them.

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