Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 174, On the Fields Outside Kendall - A Long Story of Militia Training and Dragons

After the five barons took the stage, the crowd watching the excitement around cheered. They also waved to the cheering crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Baron Kendall walked to the front of the stage and raised a hand facing the more than 600 militiamen, Kendall guards, clerks, and city militiamen.

Kiel saw the jewel ring on the baron's right hand flash, and the entire training ground fell silent. Immediately afterwards, the baron began to speak. His voice was calm and spread far away. At least Kiel, who was among the spectators, could clearly hear what the baron said.

This must be a supernatural power, I don't know what power is supporting the baron. Is it divine power? Or magic? Anyway, it doesn't look like the knight power of Crow Knight.

What the baron said were just some commonplace things, and Zhao Ji, who had experienced it in his previous life, had already heard the content of the cocoon. It is nothing more than the necessity of some militia training, and the results of militia training in previous years.

Then there were some words of encouragement for these young people. They didn't say anything about not being afraid of hardship. After all, most of these young people are strong laborers from various gathering places.

More words of encouragement, combined with the age of the baron, it is indeed the age of the fathers of these young militiamen.

After saying these words that sounded relatively empty, everyone present looked very happy. Keir scratched his head and didn't understand the reason. It may only be because they listened less to these words.

Immediately afterwards, the baron's eldest son stepped forward.

The baron nodded him a meter or two away, and the voice of the slightly chubby baron's eldest son was the same as the baron's, spreading throughout the audience.

He said something that he would also join the militia training and train with everyone as a representative of the militia.

This time the militiamen below are happy, and it seems that they can train with the future heir of Kendall County, which is also very interesting for them.

Kiel saw many tall, well-built militiamen all displaying themselves, puffing out their chests.

He estimates that this is also to cultivate personal connections for future heirs. These young people in various population gathering places will definitely be the backbone of each place in the future. They know each other with the eldest son of Baron Kendall, and ingeniously consolidated the relationship and connection between Kendall City and various places in the county.

The future next-generation baron can easily contact various places in the county.

The baron's eldest son drew back after saying some words of sympathy. Then, the two senior clerks of the Kendall City Government Affairs Office spoke.

They don't need the baron to provide them with sound amplification blessings, they have such abilities themselves.

The two of them talked about the organization and scheduling of militia training, and some things about the board and lodging treatment of various militiamen in training in the future. It is obvious that Kendall City has a lot of income, so this time the militia training is under consideration. stronger than in previous years.

It should be said that it is growing every year.

This is what Todd complained to Keel in a low voice next to him. When the first batch of militiamen were training, everything was a grassroots team. If it weren't for the fact that there was not much to do in winter, his uncle also wanted to let his nephew learn some self-protection skills, so Todd, who had just grown up at the time, was Semi-forced to join the first batch of militia training.

The place is still here, but the equipment of various tent weapons and armor at that time was far worse than today.

Weapons and armor are used by everyone for training. It is not as good as each militia has its own set of weapons and equipment. It's even worse for accommodation. It's also winter, and they can only sleep in a tent with 50 people squeezed together. Fortunately, there is no shortage of fuel for heating. There are too many firewood for heating in Kendall City. Every day, huge tree trunks float down from the upper reaches of the Kendall River.

The chamber of commerce specialized in this matter transported it from the north wall of Kendall into the city, processed it into small pieces of dry firewood, and sold it to everyone in the city at an extremely cheap price.

As for food, Keel doesn't know what these militiamen ate at this time, but he can ask Todd what they ate.

"The food is not bad. There is freshly baked bread every day, and there is also a strip of marinated fat. You won't believe it. After training, I actually gained a few pounds." Todd was quite For pride.

Keir didn't expect that the food for the militiamen was pretty good. Then he thought, if you can't even afford food for training, don't even think about organizing people as your armed force.

After all, there is no war now, if it is not for the benefits, who would send the children of the family to participate in this kind of thing.

Thinking about it this way, Kiel felt that the families of these militiamen sent their young people here, and they didn't have the idea of ​​​​temporarily reducing a large ration consumer.

Anyway, the baron is in charge of the food here, the boys in the family hurried out to eat the baron's food, don't stay at home all day in winter, and don't have any work to do, just know how to waste the food at home all day.

Thinking of this, Keir laughed cheerfully.


After the two senior clerks explained some precautions in the training one by one, they retreated. In the end, Knight Crowe, wearing heavy armor and holding a helmet, stepped forward and shouted: "Now, the training officially begins!"

The first thing to do in the training is to break up all the people into groups, and separate the young people who were originally gathered together according to the villages and settlements. This is convenient for management, and it is also convenient for these young people who have basically never been out of the village. Meet some friends of the same age from other places.

After bidding farewell to several people on the stage, the eldest son of the baron also walked off the stage, first went to a tent, changed into a suit of inconspicuous clothes, and then received a weapon and equipment of the spear militia, and joined a A vacancy in the ranks of the militia of spears was vacated especially for him.

All the melee militiamen are divided into groups of ten, while the spear militiamen are in groups of twenty.

The melee militiamen are arranged in a formation of five in the front and five in the back, and the captain of the group commands in the middle of the rear team.

The spear militiamen are arranged according to the first ten and the last ten. The group is divided into captains and deputy captains. The deputy captain commands the ten-man team including himself in the front row, and the captain commands the entire team of twenty people including the last ten.

The work of decentralization and reorganization has been busy all morning, and it didn't get any better until noon. In order to distinguish the names of the various teams, Knight Crowe asked the clerks to prepare some small flags embroidered with animal images.

The small flags are handed over to the captains of each team, and each team member only needs to recognize the animal image of their own team. This is also convenient for command and dispatch.

As expected, the baron's eldest son was the captain of their team, and the animal embroidered on the flag was a very powerful griffin.

Generally, people don't show off dragons. After all, dragons are a group of high intelligence, and they don't like other species to use their image. There is such a story in a legendary story sung by bards.

Thousands of years before the empire was established, there used to be such a city-state.

They appreciate the dragon clan that dominates the sky very much, so the image of the city-state embodies the elements of giant dragons everywhere. Flags, badges, city-state names, and even the blood of high-level officials must have some images of dragon power.

Although this greatly enhanced the prestige and strength of their city-state, it ensured that they dominated at that time.

But after that, the news about the small human world spread, and the dragons flying above the world’s sky were also curious when they heard the news. They seldom traveled to the human world. After all, the human world was not big at that time. And more humans live on vast continents. Dragons generally live in tropical volcanic islands, and usually eat huge creatures in the ocean to survive.

After all, the creatures on land are still a little small for the Dragon Clan, and they can't even eat enough. The power of the dragon clan comes from the huge food they eat. Every time they breathe out dragon breath and release magic, they consume a lot of energy. Only the ocean can provide them with enough food.

The curious Dragon Clan heard about this, and they went to the human city-state to observe.

After the dragons came, the human beings in the city-state tried their best to entertain these huge creatures like castle towers, but even if all the sheep and cattle in the city-state were dedicated to the dragons, the dragons could hardly eat enough.

Afterwards, the dragons realized when they were hungry that these little human beings who respected them could not even satisfy their basic appetite, but they still brazenly used their images in all aspects of the city-state and were proud of it.

It's just a joke for their Dragon Clan.

For a period of time after that, the nearby human city-states could only know the final fate of this originally prosperous city-state through the few refugees who escaped.

The giant dragons spread their wings and fly in the sky, using human language to preach to the small humans on the ground that they cannot use their image beyond their means. Only powerful biological groups with the consent of the dragon clan are eligible to use them. The dominant image of the sky.

Since the city-state that took it without warning could not prove its strength, it could only prove itself in bravery.

Defeat them and prove yourself.

Otherwise, after ten days of the earth's rotation, it will be the time for this city-state to disappear.

The strong men of that city-state flew into the sky, and immediately fought against the flying dragon in the sky, and the army on the ground made huge crossbows, trying to shoot the huge arrows in the human eye to kill the flying dragon in the sky.

It's a pity that the dragons just flapped their wings and flew up to the extremely high sky. Only the mages of that city-state can fly to such a high place to fight the dragons.

But human beings are not a race in the sky. The brave mages who fought for only one day exploded into a gorgeous ring of flames in the sky.

The gods, priests and knights on the ground, as well as more soldiers, can only watch the dragon parade around the city-state in the extremely high sky.

Nine days later, the giant dragons cast magic, and their already huge bodies became even bigger, unbelievably big.

They didn't do anything else, but after adding defensive magic, they folded their wings and fell from the sky.

More than a dozen giant dragons as huge as a city descended from the sky, and the brilliant giants seemed to overturn the sky and the earth, like a comet hitting the earth, when the sky and the earth first divided.

The fire dragon fell, like a volcano hanging upside down, gushing out.

The water dragon fell, like a great lake volleying in the sky, overturning it.

The fall of the earth dragon is like a mountain turned upside down, a disaster of extinction.

The thunder dragon fell, like the thunder punishment of the gods, sweeping away the world.

The moment it touched the ground, all human traces on the ground were swept away by the huge impact force, and that city-state disappeared from the human world.

Perhaps there were strong people who survived at that time, but they may not use their names that contain dragon meanings for the rest of their lives.

After that, all countries no longer dare to use the image and name of the Dragon Clan, and no human country, not even any country, dares to declare to the giant dragons that their country is a powerful country worthy of the image of the Lord of the Sky.

Even when the empire was at its strongest, it did not dare to do so.


After the militia team was reorganized, training officially started in the afternoon.

For the first part of the training, Knight Crowe chose to disperse and gather the militiamen.

Normally, the militiamen naturally gather together, but they can't gather so densely during battles. Even ordinary enemies have bows and crossbows for long-range strikes, not to mention enemies with magical powers such as monsters and mages.

In the face of those enemies, one must not gather the team together, otherwise the whole team will lose manpower.

Claw Knight let the teams gather together first, then spread out quickly, and then gather together quickly.

Repeat this until the militiamen can know where they should run just by looking at the captain's flag.

The above is simple, and then Knight Crow mixed two or three teams together, and then ordered the soldiers to disperse and gather together again.

The first half was okay. Although the militiamen were mixed together, they all knew to keep a fighting distance from others. But when Knight Crowe yelled again, the militiamen were blinded.

Obviously his team is the flag of Falcon, but for some reason, he was dragged by other people and ran under the flag of Giant Wolf.

The chaotic situation made the people watching the excitement burst into laughter. This is what they were waiting for. The rare daily entertainment made them dare not miss this rare scene.

On the top of the dais, Lord Kendal turned his face to the sky, not wanting the eldest son below to see his father laughing at him.

Even the spear team led by the eldest son of the baron was in a mess. Even though the clerks had put the best and smartest militiamen in the spear militia in his team for the sake of the heir to the title, the final result still the same.

Of course, this is not the first time that militia training has been done. Everyone has experience with today's scene and knows where this is. After that, Knight Crowe will have more ways to toss these shameless young men people.

Thinking of this, the clerk and Kendall guard who were watching the fun laughed.

It's more interesting after that.

On the contrary, Knight Crowe seemed very satisfied as the commander. He was already satisfied with the performance of the militiamen who trained this content for the first time. When I was in the kingdom's army, the soldiers recruited by force were even worse in the initial training.

Because they came from different cities, they knew that the soldiers who were not their own were very cruel to each other. During the training, their own team mixed up the stupid geese from other teams, and they were all kicked out.

The militiamen in Kendall County are much better, because although everyone comes from different villages and farms, everyone knows that they are from Kendall County, and the owner of the land, Baron Kendall, is still watching from above. The geese just ran out of the wrong team in shame and quickly returned to their own team.

Then, Knight Crowe began to let the militia teams run one by one. The training ground was vast, so he let the militiamen rest, and then began to run around in a large circle according to the team.

This is just the beginning, and then the team will disperse and run around in a battle formation. There are also several teams running in circles after getting close to each other, and running in circles after spreading out several teams, and let them gather again after running, and then see how many people are still there Going to the wrong team.

These simple trainings have basically trained the militiamen in all possible situations. After that, it's training for combat content.


On the other side, in the gloomy forest village, Irupaki works at the housekeeper's house.

"So, the young man with the wooden splint on his leg is the one you said was Kiel who drove away the monster?" Knight Lanisa sat in the middle of the hall of Irupaki's housekeeper, holding her unhappy chest. Ask the steward.

"Yes, yes. Kiel was taken to a high place by the monster when he was attacking the monster. When he fell down, he broke his right calf. The leg was deformed! But he recovered so fast, in the village After staying for two days, he is almost on the mend. It’s amazing.” Steward Irupaki stood aside, beside him were other stewards of the village.

Because Irupaki has the greatest power in management and his family is also the largest, so Knight Lanisa's questioning took place here.

None of them expected that Kiel and Cavaliers would run into each other on the road, but they didn't communicate with each other.

Hearing the amazement of the village steward, Lanisa Knight explained to them: "That's because he has a defense badge given to him by the Saturnalia Church. The badge will automatically cure his disease, well, a broken leg is also considered a disease." One, it looks like it'll be healed by the badge, too."

An old hunter standing behind the knight said at this time: "My lord knight, in fact, without the help of that Kiel warrior, we should have been able to subdue that monster. After all, we already know the relevant information about the monster. We discussed it just now. After a while, I already have an idea to deal with this monster."

Knight Lanisa smiled slightly. She is still very satisfied with the team she has built. They have a wealth of experience in dealing with monsters.

The three hunters who were killed by the monsters before were just because they were not vigilant enough to the incident at that time. They did not expect that the reason for the disappearance of the road in the gloomy forest village was the chaos of the monsters.

With this premise, the three hunters would definitely not have died in vain like that.

After all, it also made her look bad.

These experienced hunters are her main force against the wolves. She has to fight against the leader of the wolf pack who must be a monster. Naturally, the other ordinary wolves have to be dealt with by these hunters.

Steppen wolves have very strong reproductive ability. They can change from a newborn wolf cub to a wild wolf with rich combat experience in just a few years. Compared with them, human growth is too slow.

And ever since the leaders of those Steppenwolves turned into monsters, they no longer had any natural enemies in the forest near Wumi Lake Village. Top predators such as giant bears, forest tigers, forest leopards, and giant spiders are no match for the wolves. Instead of competing with each other, they are all hunted down by wolves.

When the size of the wolves grows to a certain level, they will naturally attack the humans occupying the plains due to lack of food.

"I just want to call this young man who is said to be quite active into my team. According to rumors, he is very good at dealing with monsters. Do you remember those wolf fur cloaks worn by the gate guards?" Lanisa The knight was talking to her hunters.

The hunters standing or sitting behind the knight all nodded. They often went in and out of Kendall City, so they had seen those well-made wolf fur cloaks.

They also hunted a lot of wild wolves, but they didn't make a living by it. After all, they were paid under the command of Knight Lanisa, and their job was to go out to hunt man-eating beasts. The wolf carcasses will be handed over to the knight's steward.

A lot of equipment on their bodies is made out of this. However, no one had thought of using a whole adult wild wolf's fur to make a cloak. After all, the cotton lining and the linen outer layer of the hunter's cloak were already very good.

Whether it is concealment or convenience, it is excellent. It's just not as ostentatious and beautiful as the wolf fur cloak.

"My people inquired. Those adult wild wolves were all hunted by Kiel alone. It is indeed not easy for him to hunt so many adult wild wolves by himself. He must have his own set of methods to deal with wolves. .I need this." Knight Lanisa nodded and said.

The other hunters suddenly realized that yes, any of them can deal with a single wild wolf, and two at the same time is not impossible, but this method is indeed very important for one person to fight so many wild wolves, which is an important factor for their target wolf pack. Methods.

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