Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 175, Kendall City - New armor pieces and red eye pills

From Gloomy Forest Village, after asking another steward named Irupaki who was there at the time about the situation when they encountered the monster, Knight Lanisa returned to their campsite outside the village with their hands.

It's not that it's not good to find villagers' houses in the village, but Knight Lanisa doesn't want to linger in the village too much. She came here to hunt down monsters, and she is not interested in other things.

Therefore, the camp of their group was established in the vacant fields outside the village.

None of the villagers dared to trouble them.

After asking about the situation, Knight Lanisa called several old hunters into the tent to discuss countermeasures. The hunters have figured out several traps and traps according to the news of the monsters, which should be able to effectively lure the monsters into the traps.

"Very well, let's try one by one according to the countermeasures discussed by everyone. Be sure to kill this monster as soon as possible. When the monster enters the trap, you will bring people to provide support, and I will kill the monster!" After arranging the strategy, Lanisa knights and hunters pulled out their respective weapons, raised each other and collided in the air.

In this way, wish the hunt a fruitful operation.

This simple ceremony is a short ceremony that hunters will do every time they set off. It is derived from the simplification of the ceremony of the Church of the Hunting God. It is said that it can slightly increase the chance of winning the hunt.

Knight Lanisa didn't know if it was true or not, and the hunters didn't even know if it was useful, but the church said so. It's a pity that Knight Lanisa didn't have any shepherds from the Church of the Hunting God in her team, so she couldn't safely bless their group.

But there is no Church of the Hunting God in Kendall County, so they have nothing to do.


Keel and Todd watched the militia drill until the afternoon, and Keel was hungry, and he had to go back to town and try to find something to eat. And Todd had to go back to rest, and he had to work in the tavern at night.

Along the way, the two discussed Knight Crowe's training methods for the militiamen. Kiel has the knowledge of the previous life, while Todd has personally participated in the training of the militia.

The two had different opinions on those training methods, and Todd felt that Crow Knight was playing with them, turning them young people around for the onlookers to watch.

But Kiel felt that compared to small-scale battles, if a militia team of hundreds of people wanted to fight, they had to practice the command, gathering and moving of this team.

After all, very few battles took place on the plains. For the mountainous and hilly terrain of Kendall County, it is very necessary for the respective teams to fight separately.

"Okay, I can't tell you, let's go, will you come to see tomorrow? They seem to be practicing what they practiced today." Todd asked before parting with Keel.

Keir scratched his head: "Will these be the same tomorrow? Then I won't watch it, won't it still be these things the day after tomorrow?"

"I inquired about it. A friend who participated in the last militia training said that Knight Crowe might be conducting combat training on the third day. Do you want to watch it?"

"Of course, I'll watch it the day after tomorrow. If I had known earlier, I would have brought something to eat, and my stomach was growling with hunger." Keel rubbed his stomach that was screaming repeatedly, and he couldn't wait to eat something.

They just watched the militiamen eat at noon, and they were still hungry. Todd had already eaten before he came in the morning. After he returned to the tavern, he would have to go to bed early if he had something to eat, and he had to work at night.

After parting, Keir knew that the restaurant of the chamber of commerce was out of food at this time, but it didn't matter, there was still prepared food on his trolley. It has only been a few days since I came to Yinyulin Village this time, and I haven't finished eating the food yet. Because of the cold weather, I'm not afraid of them being broken.

Using the fire in the kitchen, Keir made a pot of soup in the backyard of the chamber of commerce, then shaved the dry and hard bread into crumbs with a dagger, made a pot of sticky soup and ate it.

There are frozen meat, root vegetables from the kitchen, and some condiments. If you don’t consider the lack of green leafy vegetables, it’s pretty good, especially with a thick layer of fat floating on the soup. In this cloudy weather with no sun, it is quite refreshing.

However, Chef Whitier only tasted a little of the soup made by Keel, then shook his head and said no, it was too greasy, and those of them who don't go out often can't drink this kind of greasy and fat-filled thick soup.

Kiel patted his body, saying that a young man like him who is growing up needs this kind of soup that is not cold after drinking to fill his stomach.

The chef compares Kiel's height and is amazed to see that Kiel has grown taller these days.

After eating, Kiel ran to the craftsman Ganna with a big bag of fangs and sharp teeth picked out of the mouth of the monster.

Ganna took in an apprentice, obviously he was only about twenty years old, but the Church of the God of Craftsman couldn't wait to start arranging apprentices for him.

With the rapid development of Kendall City in the past few years, not counting the various armors outside the specifications of the knights, even the armor maintenance of the guards requires at least three or five professional armor craftsmen to maintain, let alone create more armors. of armor.

The militiamen can only use heavy wooden armor now, which is something they have to do. After all, there is no suitable leather armor, but the militiamen can't just wear ordinary clothes to train and fight, right?

So they organized carpenters earlier to make hundreds of sets of wooden protective simple armor for soldiers to train, barely supplying the militia for training.

Now that we have our own professional armor craftsmen, we must pay close attention to cultivating them.

Ganner and his apprentice are very busy. The apprentice is the second hand, and he is dealing with a large number of broken armor sent by the guards. During the usual daily patrols and training, the armor on the guards will inevitably wear out. The guards might not have cared about it at the time, but this time the militia training required the guards to show themselves neatly, and naturally a lot of work on damaged guard armor was piled up on Ganner.

Fortunately, the armor of the guards has backups, so after these damaged guard armor parts are completed, they can be delivered to the guard's warehouse, and it will not hinder the guard's current work.

"Keir! You came just in time. The things you entrusted to me are ready, Dongzi, go and take out the things I prepared yesterday." When Ganna saw Kiel coming in, he beckoned him to sit down , and then directed the apprentice to get him something.

"Good master." The fifteen-year-old boy named Dongzi is a young man who looks like a craftsman. He is not tall, but he has a strong body. He usually does a lot of work at home. This body of tendon meat has been trained.

"Your apprentice looks really strong. You look a little thin." Kiel joked.

"Why, I don't look strong, but I'm actually very strong. Otherwise, how could I build your equipment? Besides, I have gained a lot of weight during this period." Ganner patted his stomach and arms, looking It is indeed a lot of meat.

Apprentice Dongzi took out a strong wooden box and opened it. It was a little empty inside, but the main reason was that except for a helmet and upper body armor, other armor components had not yet been crafted.

Kiel took out the newly made metal helmet and upper body armor. The two armor parts are very heavy. Compared with the two parts of the previous hard cowhide armor, they are obviously several times heavier.

Kiel touched the metal horns on the helmet, and the corners of his mouth turned up, obviously very satisfied with these three horns.

Not only does it look majestic, but if it is hit by this thing in battle, it is a fatal blow.

The metal interior of the helmet is also divided into two layers, and the middle layer is made of cushioned cork. These corks are stuck in the inner frame of the helmet and are quite strong.

Then there is the soft leather layer that touches the head. Ganner did not use very soft leather, but a slightly harder leather as the raw material for this layer.

It is more appropriate to think of another inner armor that will be worn on the body later.

Thinking of the inner armor, Keir asked Ganner to wait a moment, and ran out to the wild grape market in one breath, and took the inner armor that had been made to fix the outer parts from the tailor shop that had ordered the inner armor before.

After paying, Keel returned to Ganner with the new inner armor in his arms.

Put on the inner armor, then put on the helmet, and put on the upper torso of the iron armor. Kiel closed the connection between the iron armor and the inner armor with a metal buckle.

Walking, trotting, jumping, climbing, rolling, no major issues.

The main reason is that there are only two parts of the armor, so the rest of his body is only exposed to the inner armor, which looks very strange.

It made both Ganna and Dongzi laugh. After all, Kiel looks really funny like this.

I tapped my fist on my chest a few times, but apart from the sound of collision, I didn't feel anything else.

Keir also laughed, this armor is really not bad.

"Ganna, I am very satisfied with the two parts of the armor you are making now, let's continue. I will provide the raw materials and design, and you will build it." Kiel lifted the visor of the helmet, brushed it, and the visor lifted upwards, Kiel's face was revealed.

Ganna smiled wryly and shook his head and said: "It's not possible now, you see, I have to work with Dongzi to repair so many broken parts of the guard's armor first. In addition, for some reason, the church has tightened With the shipment of iron materials, I can’t afford to make a redundant dagger, let alone make armor.”

Keir tapped his head and made a bang bang sound. He remembered that Knight Crowe had mentioned to him before that he would go out to fight with him next spring, and that the training to become a knight warrior would start at that time.

Keir didn't care about it at the time, but thinking about it now, because there will be a war next year, Kendall City has already begun to tighten the supply of metals since then.

"No way, since this is the case, let's build these first. By the way, if I bring my own metal materials, that is, like these two new armor parts, I bring iron materials for you, it should be fine. Anyway. After the armor of these guards is repaired, there will be no work on your side?" Kiel said, pointing to the armor on his body.

Ganna nodded: "I can't get iron materials here. If you bring it yourself, there is no problem. In addition, who said that I will not have a job in the future, and teaching apprentices is also an important job."

"Okay, okay, you can say yes. This is the production cost of these two armor parts. The agreed price is yours." Kiel took out a gold coin and handed it to Ganna.

Because Ganner is only responsible for the manufacturing process of the armor, the design and raw materials of the armor are provided by Kiel himself, and the price is not expensive.

Ganna held the gold coin in his hand, and showed it to the apprentice: "See, don't listen to the nonsense of other apprentices, our armor craftsman's income is not small. When we get off work, let's hand over the gold coin income to management."

Apprentice Dongzi immediately stared at the gold coin carefully with a smile on his face. This was the first time he had come into such close contact with a precious coin with such a large denomination.

I didn't expect that the armor apprentice, whom everyone disliked, would get so much money. The other friends who became apprentices in the same group must have been reprimanded by the master craftsmen all day long. He has already started working with the master.

You can also receive gold coins.

Kiel then opened the bag he brought earlier, revealing the hard and sharp teeth of all kinds of monsters inside.

Ganner had obviously never seen these things: "Is this the tooth of a beast? There are so many, how many beasts have you killed?"

Dongzi was taken aback by these dangerous looking things.

Shaking his head, Kiel took out the teeth of two monsters, one large and one small, and said, "Did you know about the monsters in the gloomy forest village to the west?"

Unexpectedly, Ganna didn't know, and even Dongzi shook his head and didn't know.

It seems that these craftsmen are not very sensitive to new news, so Keir had to briefly talk about the previous things.

"So, this thing is the tooth of a monster, and it is the tooth of a monster?" Ganna thought about the appearance of a monster, and thought of what a monster with so many teeth might look like, which made him feel frightened.

Dongzi next to him was also terrified. The big monster tooth in Kiel's hand was more than ten centimeters long, and the small one was several centimeters long, but there were as many of these teeth as a bag full.

What a terrifying monster it must be to have so many teeth.

After receiving the monster teeth from Keel, Ganna looked at these things in a dilemma: "So, what do you want to do? What can these things do?"

Keel scratched his head, and he didn't think clearly about what these things were going to do. These teeth are harder than steel, and it is impossible to use the tools in the workshop to modify these things, so we can only add iron hoops to the roots of these teeth to fix them, but in this way, we have returned to the situation where there is insufficient iron. dilemma.

After thinking about it, Keir felt that since he hadn't figured it out yet, let's forget it first and talk about it later.

Bringing a big bag full of monster teeth and new armor and inner armor in a box, Zhao Ji returned to the chamber of commerce.

At night, he lit the oil lamp, took out the paper he bought from the grocery store, and compared the two sizes of monster teeth in front of him, having difficulty dealing with these things.

After thinking about it for a long time, looking at the bag full of teeth, he remembered the scene in the mouth of the monster he saw when he was fighting before.

The horrifying appearance of sharp teeth gave Zhao Ji a fleeting inspiration.

He walked around the room, and took out all the tiny monster teeth, all of which were placed on the floor of the room and on the bed.

Looking at these tiny magic beast teeth that spread over a large area, Zhao Ji got inspiration.

Can he stack these slender dagger-like teeth layer by layer to make a cloak made of monster teeth.

The hardness and toughness of this kind of thing are very high, at least surpassing steel, and at the same time, it is much lighter than steel. It is used as a cloak, and it is difficult for the enemy's weapons to hurt him through the protection of these tooth cloaks.

In addition, he was wearing a full set of iron armor, so that the combination of his armor and cloak not only took into account defense, but also had a very bluffing appearance.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji hurriedly drew his thoughts on the paper bit by bit.

Soon, a rather hideous cloak made of monster teeth appeared on the paper.

Although his drawing skills are not good, he can feel the strong sense of oppression brought by this cloak just by drawing it so concisely.

What should it be called? Such a mighty piece of equipment, without an equally mighty name, looks a bit unattractive.

Playing with a small monster tooth, Zhao Ji thought for a long time, and finally came up with a name.

'Man-eating Spidertooth Cloak'

Although the special image of Warcraft attacking from the sky is missing, it basically shows the material source of this cloak.

This satisfied Zhao Ji, and he wrote the name in capital letters on the drawing of the cloak.


The next day, Zhao Ji found the honey he needed in a grocery store in the wealthy district according to the address given by Jamura. Honey is very expensive, and he didn't use it for food, so he only bought a small jar.

Then I bought a pair of small tools made of stone for grinding plants in the stonemason's workshop.

Zhao Ji, who returned to the Chamber of Commerce, took out all his dried red-eyed mushrooms and pounded them into powder with a small stone mortar.

In order to avoid inhaling the fine powder of these dried red-eyed mushrooms during production, Zhao Ji tried not to stir up a little dust.

He smashed the dried red-eyed mushrooms little by little, and put them into a covered wooden bowl.

Then he took out the finest wheat flour he could buy, and kneaded it into small semi-solidified cakes together with the heated and stirred honey.

He then added the dried red-eyed mushroom powder into the middle of these small cakes with a small spoon.

Then close it all around to wrap the powder in the middle.

Then knead it into a small ball with the palm of your hand.

Place it next to a window with a small opening, and let the cold air outside freeze the little pill.

Zhao Ji made one by one, finished one by one, and finally used up all the dried red-eyed mushroom powder. He counted and made fifty or sixty of these small pills in total.

Although he didn't know how long this medicine would last, as long as there was a fight, he could try it again.

Taking out a small wooden bottle, Zhao Ji rubbed a layer of fine wheat flour on the outside of these small pills to ensure the dryness of the pills, and then filled these small pills.

Taking out a charcoal pencil and a piece of red paint, Zhao Ji first drew a big eye on the outside of the small wooden bottle, and then used red paint to paint the white part of the eye red.

OK, done.

Putting this thing into his combat backpack, Zhao Ji specially sewed a fixed small bag for this thing in the backpack, and stuffed this thing firmly, Zhao Ji felt that his various combat preparations Part done.

He ate honey mixed with fine wheat flour in small bites, lying on the bed, thinking about where he could have enough sources of iron.

Ice flood pass? It seems to be under the management of Kendall, but it doesn't seem to be. There should be some iron materials in use, and after all, it is the starting point and end point of the foreign trade road in Kendall County. There must be a large chamber of commerce here. Bulk transport of metal raw materials.

In addition, when talking about Bingxunguan, Zhao Ji remembered that there must be enough iron materials in another place, and it seems that Zhao Jiji would not spend money if he went to pick it up himself.

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