Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 6, 3rd Ruined Bandit Camp - Join the team and fight monsters

The eyeballs under the visor of Lanisa Knight's helmet rolled, and she said: "You are not so courageous, although these bandits hiding here are also worthy of death, but they can't be swallowed by that monster so recklessly. .Who knows if there will be any bad changes after the monsters eat too many humans."

Keel tentatively asked, "So, what should we do?"

Among the hunters approaching, an old hunter coughed lightly, and said instead of Knight Lanisa: "We can no longer let this monster devour the bandits here. While driving it away, we must first destroy the bandits here." Bandits. Don’t give that magical beast any bandits to eat.”

Keir frowned: "I have two questions."

Knight Lanisa didn't move, but a word came from under her helmet: "What's the problem."

Kiel looked at the group of people, and then said: "As far as I guess, there are at least several hundred bandits here, especially the closer to the middle of the forest, the greater the number of bandits they belong to, and the stronger their strength. Let's not say Can we people defeat those bandits first? After all, I don’t even think that monster can win in the face of a large number of bandits. Are there no problems with our strength?”

"In addition, even if the bandits are defeated, what should we do with the corpses of those bandits? As long as the monsters can eat enough, it's cold here, and the corpses of the bandits who were killed will not be a problem for the monsters for a whole winter." Bar."

Several old hunters looked at each other, and Knight Lanisa took a step forward: "Leave the robbers to me. Although I don't want to cause more killings, we have to compete with the monsters for time."

After the knight finished speaking, the old hunters said: "As for the corpse of the bandit. Well, just cut down more trees and burn them."

Keir slapped his head, yes, dead bodies can be burned. The remains of corpses that have been burned to charcoal ashes cannot be eaten by monsters.

At this point in the discussion, the two parties had a preliminary exchange and understanding.

Knight Lanisa no longer put her hands on her waist, and formally walked over, inviting Kiel to join their team and crusade against monsters.

As for dealing with the bandits, it's easy. Whether they can eliminate the bandits in the forest is not the point. Defeating the monster is the goal of their group.

Although Kiel's target is the bandit's metal weapons and their scattered belongings, but now he is better than others. As a strong knight, Knight Lanisa sent an invitation, and he must agree, otherwise the end will not be very good .

Because this is not a place such as a town, but a deserted place outside the law. People who are knights themselves represent the local ruling power, and they kill Kiel directly here, no matter in terms of strength or reason, there is no problem.

Facing the invitation from the opposite knight, Kiel quickly nodded yes, agreeing to the approaching female knight.

Still, Keel made a small request.

"What request? Don't be blinded by greed at a young age. This is a piece of advice. I hope you can remember it." An old hunter in the team said to Kiel.

Coughing twice, Keir hesitated to tell the whole story of his request: "That's right, as you can see, I have my own armor. After all, I was out alone before, and I am not good at personal protection." It is very important. The hard cowhide armor I wear recently is not enough, so I plan to create an iron armor with the new armor craftsman Ganna."

Kiel's words attracted the attention of the hunters, but Lanisa, who was wearing steel full-body knight armor, didn't care too much. After all, the armor on Kiel was really ordinary to her. It must be a so-called newly built armor. Iron armor, the level is not very good.

"I don't know if you understand, but the bulk metals in Kendall City are no longer in circulation recently, and you can't buy them even if you want to spend money. So I think, the bandits we defeated later,

The broken weapons and damaged weapons in their hands, can this kind of thing be my harvest. By the way, I don't want other things, I just want those broken weapons and trophies. "

Hearing this request, the hunters discussed it for a while, but in the end it was up to Knight Lanisa's opinion.

With a wave of her right hand, Knight Lanisa agreed to Kiel's small request: "I agree with your request, but I also have a request. You must play a role that everyone recognizes in the subsequent battles. If you don’t enter, if you can’t play a role, then you don’t even want to get a little bit of things.”

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the bandit camp that had been searched by Kiel: "And you have already searched for the things in the previous two bandit camps. Don't worry, I don't care where those things are now, You found it by yourself, and it should be yours. But you need to fight for everything after that. These bandits are no trouble, since we know they hide here every year, and then just notify the militia, and they will come to clean up That's right. Our real enemy is the monster that is constantly hunting humans."

She paused, and looked at her hunters and Keir: "That monster is the big problem in Kendall County. Before, it only dared to prey on resting travelers on the country roads, but now it has gone through this battle against bandits. After the killing, if he escapes our pursuit, he will definitely attack every village wantonly. By then, it will not be these damn bandits who will die. Those innocent people will be devoured by it.”

The hunters roared spontaneously here, expressing that they will definitely defeat this monster, and prevent it from harming the people in the village. After all, they are excellent hunters from various villages in Kendall County, so naturally they don't want their own Family members were harmed by monsters.

And Kiel also yelled twice, expressing his unconditional support for the knight's decision. Although joining the hunter team led by Lanisa Knight this time is not a move to maximize his benefits, but the matter has come to an end, and he has no choice. other options.

These people will definitely not give up his new combat power, especially in this place away from the town, a somewhat famous warrior like Kiel is just a new combat power for them to face this complicated situation. force.

He doesn't feel that he has the strength and power to refuse at this time. In the wilderness, if you don't join, you will die. He can still understand this hidden situation.


The team did not stop, and directly followed the traces left by the monster under the leadership of Knight Lanisa.

Although their group was several hours behind the monster, after all, the monster was not as good as a human in moving in the forest, and it had to fight the bandits.

Even if these bandits are not its opponents because of fear. Facing the gang of bandits who are increasingly stubbornly resisting, Warcraft will also have to spend a lot of time to eliminate them.

After killing the bandits, it has to dig out the escaped and hidden humans, and spend a lot of time eating these humans one by one.

After advancing non-stop for more than two hours, Kiel and his party finally caught up with the huge monster that was devouring the corpse in the camp of the next bandit gang.


Perhaps it was because he was full, so the power of the monster was recovering rapidly. When it first arrived here, the disappearing white mist wrapped around its body again, making it look from a distance, only to see a mass of moving white air moving close to the ground.

As soon as Lanisa Knight and her party found the traces of the monsters, the monsters also found their tracks.

Seemingly taken aback, there was a scream of surprise from the misty white mist. The monster put down the tied up human corpse, and moved its legs and feet to escape from here.

But Cavalier Lanisa stepped on her horse, and she drove the strong horse to speed up and leave the team, and rushed straight to the monster that wanted to run.

When crossing the bandit's dilapidated camp, she bent down and stretched her arms, grabbed a strong spear from the ground, and directly slammed into the back of the monster with the impact of the horse.

Different from ordinary humans such as Kiel and the hunters, after she got close to the monster, she used the sensory ability to glimpse the magic line of sight for the first time, directly penetrated the sight barrier of the fog, and perceived the movement of the monster under the fog.

When she quickly approached the monster, she pulled the reins of her beloved horse, and the strong horse understood her intention, and slightly deflected its direction, avoiding the legs and feet that the monster hastily blocked. Directly and fiercely poked the long spear picked up in the hand on the bulging and soft body at the back of the monster's body.

Although this part of the Warcraft's body looks soft, it is still tougher than imagined, and ordinary attacks basically cannot cause any damage to this part.

But this blow was a cavalier stab performed by Lanisa Knight, who is a knight-level strength, with the powerful impact of her and the horse being all armored.

With a bang, Lanisa Knight's blow pierced into the body of the monster, but at the same time, the wooden gun shaft of the long spear in her hand could not bear the recoil and exploded. .

A large number of wooden spikes hit her and her horse, and there was no unnecessary damage except for a sound.

On the Warcraft side, the iron tip of the spear and the half-meter-long barrel were all thrust in, and a large amount of translucent mucus gushed out from the torn opening.

The monster squeaked and screamed, and the legs and feet distributed around the body twitched and pedaled indiscriminately.

And Knight Lanisa bent down and walked through the fog that obstructed the sight around the monster.

After the hunters and Keir heard the scream of the monster, they hurried over quickly. Everyone ignored the bandit corpses all over the ground, each took out their weapons, and immediately launched an attack to cover the Lanisa knight who charged up alone.

The hunters took out the bow and arrow from the bow bag behind them, took out the strong bowstring from the chest of the clothes in an instant, put the bowstring up and down on the bow body and pressed it, and the bow and arrow were wound up.

Those old hunters are people who have touched bows all their lives. Although their legs and feet are not as good as the young hunters, their skills are incredible. When the young hunter was about to draw an arrow from his waist, these old hunters had already pulled out the second arrow.

They couldn't see through the thick white fog around the monster, but they had heard about the appearance of the monster on the road, Lanisa Knight and Kiel, so they roughly shot the bow and arrow at the monster's body. torso part.

Whoosh whoosh.

A series of powerful arrows shot towards the monster from the direction of these ten hunters like splashing water. And Kiel mustered all his strength, and rushed towards the monster with an ax in both hands.

Knight Lanisa rode a horse, so she was very fast. She rode around a half circle and came back behind the monster: "Keir! Throw me your spear!"

Hearing Knight Lanisa's order, Kiel froze for a moment, then pulled out the long spear stuck in the backpack behind him, and threw it towards the side of Knight Lanisa who had slowed down.

Without looking at it at all, Knight Lanisa seemed to have eyes behind her back. She threw the armor-piercing rapier held in her right hand to her left hand, and then grabbed the air beside her with her right hand, just in time to catch the flying Kid Er's spear was in his hand.

Knight Lanisa glanced at Kiel's weapon. Unlike the long spear with an iron tip used by bandits that she picked up from the ground just now, Kiel's long spear is a wide double-edged long spear made of steel. It was originally used in ground combat, not for stabbing. Hitting as the main means of attack.

But for a strong knight like Knight Lanisa, there is no big difference.

The right hand shook the long spear held, the tip of the spear stretched forward, and the right hand grasped the back of the long spear. She slammed her legs against the horse's belly, causing her beloved horse to gallop faster.

It was the same routine as the attack just now, and the monster sensed it through the vibration, but its huge body was really not flexible enough compared to the small and fast knight.

In a panic, it had no choice but to stop its crawling movements, drop its body to the ground, free up all five legs, and move towards the soft belly behind to defend with all its strength.

Knight Lanisa retracted the armor-piercing rapier in her left hand to the scabbard at her waist, then grabbed the reins of the horse with her free left hand, and precisely controlled the fine-tuning direction of the horse when it charged.

At the moment of approaching, she let go of the two sharp legs of the attacking monster, and then stabbed the third leg with the tip of the spear.

Without a reckless collision, Lanisa Knight slightly knocked the monster away. At this time, the last attack that could hit her legs, he pressed down the spear, clamped the barrel of the spear under the armpit of his right arm, and brought together her and her. The impact force of the armored weight of the two war horses pierced directly to the wound where the monster was stabbed just now.

There was a snort.

It was like piercing a water bag full of water with a sharp dagger, a large amount of mucus dozens of times larger than the amount of translucent mucus that gushed out just now poured out from the two consecutive pierced openings.

As before, Kiel's wooden gun barrel also burst, leaving one-third of the gun head and gun body in the body of the monster.

The bows and arrows shot by the hunters crackled and landed on the monster's body. Although they couldn't break through the tough outer skin of the monster, they still made the monster flustered.

Kiel ran quickly, and after approaching the white mist around the monster, he lunged forward, avoiding a leg and foot cut that the monster counterattacked in a panic.

The blow of the monster was nailed to the ground. After standing up, Kiel turned his waist with all his strength and swung his arms vigorously, hitting his sharp and heavy ax blade on the wide side of the monster's leg.

It's like a blacksmith hitting the blade on the iron felt with a hammer, but the slight difference is that there is no iron felt behind the monster's legs and feet, so when Kiel's blow is real , the place where the leg and foot of the monster was cut directly shattered and dented a large area.

Kiel was hit with one blow, and was about to do it again, but the monster, which already felt that it was in danger, couldn't care less about dealing with these difficult humans. Move your body and slide forward.

At the same time, it released a large amount of fog, and in just an instant, this relatively empty bandit camp was shrouded in thick fog.

Kiel and the hunters immediately lost the general position of the monster. Knight Lanisa was not hindered, she jumped off the horse, because the sight of the horse was also blocked by the fog, and the running speed was rapidly decreasing.

Not wanting to just let the monster run away, the female knight jumped off the horse, and directly took out the one-handed epee that was rarely used from the box behind her.


Jump in place.

She quickly jumped towards the fleeing monster in the misty air, she knew that it was basically impossible to deal with a monster of this size in one go. She doesn't have a special weapon that can fight against huge monsters. The one-handed epee that she usually prepares for practice is mainly used to deal with various enemies that are not very different in size from humans.

Like the Steppenwolves.

But now I don't care about that anymore. Just now, the two consecutive full-force impacts of the long spear produced unexpected effects. Although it is guessed that the bulging soft sac behind the monster is not the key point, it is difficult to cause a fatal blow to the monster. But she knew that the following would be a long-term pursuit. The monster that suffered from wounds that were difficult to heal would continue to lose body tissue, no matter how many bandits it ate, it would not help.

And that's exactly what she expected.

Knight Lanisa leaped more than 30 meters from the air. After landing, she kicked the ground twice in a row, and then leaped forward to the ground for more than 20 meters, directly catching up with the magic beast that had already jumped into the forest by relying on the fog in the field.

Although the monster's appearance of kicking and sliding on the snow-covered ground is ridiculous, its speed is much faster than relying on its own legs to prop up its body.

Knight Lanisa stepped on the ground for the last time to speed up. She flattened her body, held the hilt of the one-handed epee with both hands, and stretched the long sword forward. Her whole body was like a flying arrow.

With a whoosh, it approached the back of the monster's body unexpectedly.

Knight Lanisa specifically aimed at the hole that was stabbed twice in a row before the jump. This time, her whole body was like a third long spear, piercing the air, and directly smashing her whole body into the back soft pouch of the monster. middle.

"Squeak!!!!" Even in the sound-absorbing fog, Kiel and the hunters could hear the scream from the monster not far away that could shake the entire forest.

For a moment, the snow on the branches of most of the forest was shaken off by this strange scream full of anger and panic, and the snowflakes that fell more densely than the snowflakes falling at this time.

All the idle bandits in the bandit camp stopped everything they were doing, looked at each other in surprise, and then turned their heads to the direction where the weird screams came from.

In the middle of the forest, a group of well-equipped, tall but not many bandits stopped their sparring and looked at the leader among them.

The old bandit leader, who was not young, licked the jerky in his mouth, closed his eyes and recalled for a while, and murmured with an ugly face: "It's the cry of a monster. Yes, this intensity and full of anger The sound. It's a monster."

The young and strong bandit stepped forward and said, "Father, what happened to the monster. Didn't we repel the counterattack of a strange bird and monster as tall as three people a few years ago? Listening to this voice, it must not be the same as before. Let’s repel that magical beast, and let the restless trash know who is the master here!”

After finishing speaking, he slammed a long-handled round hammer on the ground, and the other young bandits who stopped sparring also paused their weapons on the ground, agreeing with their young leader's words.

The old bandit leader nodded. He didn't think there was anything wrong with what these young people said. It's just that when he was young, he heard people say that most of the monsters have different abilities, and he can't rely on one method to look at them. Unless you have a solid strength that can deal with all kinds of enemies.

He stood up, chewed and swallowed the jerky in his mouth, and issued an order loudly: "Okay! Then let's move. Call the two well-connected groups around, let these two think that they are superior Let's see how we defeated Warcraft."

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