Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 7, Bandit Camp - The Knight in the Body of the Warcraft and the Burned Corpse

Keel and the hunters were blocked by layers of thick white fog, except for the astonishing scream of the monster before, there was no sound around them.

No one was seen, no sound was heard.

So they all stayed where they were, keeping an eye on everything around them, waiting for the abnormal thick fog to dissipate. Listening to the sound before, the monster had already fled far away. I don't know if Knight Lanisa has caught up.


Knight Lanisa crashed into the soft pouch of the huge body of the monster. Surrounded by sticky and warm Warcraft body tissues, there are also many ball-packed glands that are constantly secreting a translucent mucus, trying to block the injured area just now.

There are many long intestine-like things around Knight Lanisa, which are bulging and do not know what is stuffed inside. She found that the surroundings were not dark, and there were many monster body tissues that did not know what they were used for, and they were emitting strong magic light with the activities of the monsters.

She wanted to get close to the past and deal a heavy blow to the monster, but it caused a stronger reaction from the monster. Two sharp legs forced their way in from the wound, and they wasted the efforts of the mucus just now, and a large amount of translucent mucus gushed out from the wound.

And those two legs accurately found Knight Lanisa's position, forcibly clamped her left and right, and forcibly pulled her out.

The female knight slammed her hard legs and feet with an iron fist with her left hand, and with the other hand, she kept swinging her sword and scratching the surrounding monster's body tissue.

But the monster was really afraid of her as a human being, so he didn't care about it at all, and with his legs and feet, he threw her out of the soft pouch on the tail.

Then ran away in panic.

Knight Lanisa wiped the slime on the visor of the helmet, and then quickly opened the visor.

As soon as the visor was opened, a large amount of translucent mucus that had been poured in just now poured out from the opening of the visor, and the female knight just half kneeled on the ground and vomited in disgust.

She didn't suffer any injuries, but the strange experience just now still made her vivid in her memory, and she didn't want to try it again. If she had known how disgusting the monster's body was, she would never have done that.

"Bah! Uh oh oh oh. Damn bards, they don't have a single word of truth out of their mouths. Uh oh oh oh oh." After spitting out a big mouthful of mucus that penetrated into his mouth, Knight Lanisa then What she had eaten earlier was then spat out.

When she was fighting just now, she remembered a legendary story sung by a bard she heard when she was a girl. In the stories, the hero eliminates the evil, helps the weak, and eliminates the beasts and monsters. In one of the stories, he jumped into the monster's wound wearing armor, followed the monster's body, and destroyed the huge monster's magic heart in one fell swoop.

Just now, she felt blessed and wanted to imitate the heroes in the story, but she didn't know that she had been deceived by those bards until she entered. Not only is there a lot of muscle tissue in the body of the monster, but it is obviously not suitable for human survival. After she crashed into it, a large number of monsters around her squeezed her armor so that it was very difficult to move.

And there are constantly things like monster blood pouring in from the visor. Fortunately, this thing is non-toxic, and it is full of rich magic power visible in the magic power perception, as if it is harmless.

If it was a monster whose blood was highly poisonous, then she would have died in the body of the monster by now.

Thinking of this, Knight Lanisa punched the ground awkwardly, blowing away the snow on the surrounding ground with a bang.

After she stood up, she felt puzzled, and it happened that the surrounding area was surrounded by the mist released by the monster, and no one else could see or hear what she was doing. Raising the sword in his hand, he slashed towards the big tree next to him.

There was a burst of cracking and popping sounds, how could this big tree withstand the knight's rapid hacking.

Before he fell down slowly, he was smashed into pieces one after another by hacking one after another.

"Hoo hoo, hoo hoo." After venting, Lanisa Knight, whose whole body was made uncomfortable by the translucent blood of the monster, panted and walked towards her subordinates.

She felt very sick, not because of injury or poisoning, but because she was completely soaked in this disgusting thing. 'Got to fix it somewhere,' she thought, and she did.


Before the white mist dissipated, Knight Lanisa found her hunter and the new Kiel. Although they hadn't fought for a long time, they still needed to recuperate.

After finding all the people, the surrounding fog will dissipate.

Lanessa Knights to refresh everyone. Because she needed to find a tent where the bandits were fairly clean to clean up the slowly drying monster blood on her body.

The hunters need to find the bows and arrows they shot before, and check the bandit camp that was all dead. After all, there are bandit items everywhere. There are a lot of coins in it, and some good things look good.

As for Kiel, he kept picking up the weapons dropped by the bandits. Since Knight Lanisa used one of his long spears to stab the monster at once, he was allowed to collect all the weapons here. It belongs to him, but if there is a hunter in the team who needs some weapons, Kiel needs to give up the ownership of that weapon.

After all, we are now chasing monsters, and everyone's combat power improvement is more important.

Although the main force has always been Lanisa Knight herself.

Just now Kiel bravely rushed up to give the Warcraft a leg, and was also seen by Lanisa Knight. She praised the new boy a little bit, so that Kiel should maintain this bravery in the next battle .

The scale of this bandit camp was neither big nor small, about the same size as the last bandit camp he saw. The bandits here were obviously defeated by the monsters after some resistance. Interestingly, the people in this bandit camp basically gathered together to die, and no one tried to escape during the battle.

Although they are some **** bandits like rubbish, their daring to fight to the death is quite powerful.

Kiel thought for a while, and thought that maybe these bandits either didn't know how powerful the monster was, or they thought that there were so many of them at that time that they could defeat the monster who couldn't see clearly and was hiding in the mist.

Seeing that most of these bandits were crushed to death repeatedly on the ground, Keir could think of how these bandits were defeated by the monsters.

Probably seeing this strange cloud of fog approaching, these bandits gathered together vigilantly. Judging from the several dead bodies that fell in the direction of the Warcraft's advance, it should be that after losing a few people, these bandits gathered together, trying to use the formation to fight against unknown demons.

As a result, this magical beast sensed a good opportunity, and moved directly to the top of the bandits, and then fell down, crushing a large number of bandits who didn't know what happened.

Because the ground was covered with snow, there must have been bandits who had not been smashed to death, and this monster must have discovered it, and then it lifted and dropped its huge and heavy body one after another.

All the bandits who dared to fight were smashed to death.

The World of Warcraft is convenient, but it is hard for Kiel who picks up the bandits' weapons and the hunters who pick up the valuables on the bandits.

They had to find wooden sticks in the camp and raise the crushed corpse of the bandit out of the ground before they could start picking up the items on the corpse.

Several old hunters quickly retrieved most of the large number of arrows they shot just now. If they didn't find it, they don't know if they really hit the monster's body, or fell into the snow, and then were shot again by the previous arrows. When the monster screamed in pain, the fallen branches were buried in snow.

Fortunately, there are always one or two bandits who use bows and arrows in the bandit camp with dozens of people. There are two bags full of rough arrows beside their bodies. Although it is not as good as the arrows made by the hunters for their own use, but If you don't hunt and only use it for combat, it can still meet the requirements.

Kiel even found a small light cart in the bandit camp. This small cart should be pulled by a mule or donkey, and manpower should be barely enough. The original animals that pulled the carts disappeared, leaving only a large amount of stench and blood on the spot. Obviously, they were eaten by monsters first.

Keir pushed the cart he found so that the newly-acquainted hunters could put all their harvest on the cart. He wrapped all the metal weapons and items he found with the large piece of sackcloth he found and put them on it.

When the hunters saw this, they also put the things they found on it. After all, those heavy coins and valuables on their backs were still in the way.

The hunters marked all the trophies they found, but Kiel didn't need to, because the weapons on the cart were all his and didn't need to be marked separately.

In the process of rummaging through the robbers' belongings, the most rewarding thing was the cabin of the bandit leader. The hunters were inexperienced, and Keel taught them a lesson. He tapped the wooden boards on the ground of the wooden house with a wooden stick, carefully distinguishing the sound after each tap, and soon found the treasure chest hidden by the bandit leaders amidst the amazed praise of the hunters.

It is said to be a treasure chest, but in fact, most of it is filled with coins, which are quite a lot and quite heavy.

Everyone loaded the found treasure box into the small cart, and while Knight Lanisa was wiping the foul-smelling monster blood on her body in the tent, they repeatedly searched the entire bandit camp twice, and the entire small cart was filled with Full of it.

Every hunter is very happy. After all, the harvest here is not small. Everyone gets a lot of money, which is even enough for them to build one or two more houses for the family.

Of course, it can only be houses in the village. Houses in Kendall City are not cheap, even houses in slums are not cheap, and it is not enough to gain this time.

After that, it was time to deal with the corpses of the bandits. Under the command of several old hunters, the young people like Keel became the main force of the work. Everyone first emptied the ground of the bandit leader's wooden house, threw out the simple wooden beds, wooden chairs, and wooden cabinets, and then stuffed in the found bandit corpses and female corpses that might not be bandits, and then everyone found in the entire camp. Wood and other combustible materials were collected and piled up outside the wooden house full of corpses.

"How's it going, are you all done?" Knight Lanisa finally cleaned up the disgusting monster blood on her body, and she put on the wiped armor again, which even looked cleaner than before.

"My lord, it's all done. The materials and harvests found in the bandit camp have been piled up on the found cars. And the dead bodies in the entire camp have been piled up in this wooden house. I have to explain to you, the corpses There are a few captives who are obviously not bandits, but unfortunately, they all died in the attack of the monster." An old hunter explained the situation to the female knight in a low voice.

"That's right, they seem to be unlucky. Let's do it, light the fire! May the souls of the bandits be irreversible, just dissipate in the heaven and the earth. And those who died innocently will be reincarnated." Knight Lanisa waved her hand. Started and said.

The hunters also said in unison: "The souls of the bandits dissipated, and the innocents were reincarnated."

Keir followed along vaguely, he didn't believe that the big guy's prayers were of any use, after all, if a few simple words were useful, then the people kidnapped by the bandits would have cursed them to death long ago .

Therefore, such words without the intervention of supernatural powers are nothing more than a congratulations.

A hunter took the lighted torch close to the wooden house with a lot of burning materials, and after going around in a circle, he lit a few rotten tents specially placed around the wooden house that were easy to burn.

As the flammable material ignited, they then ignited other things such as wood and clothing.

A large amount of thick smoke against the snowflakes falling from the sky, in this gloomy day, pierced the sky.

Soon, the scorching smell of burning human body wafted over. Knight Lanisa blew his whistle, called the beloved horse who was playing on the side, and led a group of people to follow the traces left by the monster.

Unlike before, they also brought a small four-wheeled cart, so the overall speed was slower. However, the monster was also seriously injured. Just looking at the long line of frozen blood left on the snow it crawled on, one knew that it must be suffering at this time.


The bandits in the middle of the forest merged with the two groups of bandits around them, with a number of about 150 or 60, they headed towards the place where the monster screamed before.

Different from other bandits, these bandits are quite elite, and many of them have horses taken from merchant brigades. Although mules and donkeys can also be ridden, but everyone sucks blood with knives, no one is ashamed to ride that kind Dongxi went out to rob, otherwise he would laugh the other bandit gangs he met before he met the fat sheep.

Many caravans from other places are different from the caravans in Kendall County. Most of them are mixed teams of horses and donkeys. The horses that are happily ridden are kept for themselves.

Bandit gangs with a certain level of strength basically have a small number of elite bandits who are arranged to ride horses as people to deliver messages. A large number of other ordinary bandits naturally still walked. If the bandit leader had no need, he would usually walk out to plunder with his team.

At this time, there were at least fifteen horses among the hundreds of bandits. Because they were not plundering the caravan, but dealing with unknown monsters, the bandits with some status and strength in all the gangs occupied the horses and walked slowly in the center of the team.

Other ordinary bandits carried supplies and weapons in their hands, and surrounded these people.

The three bandit gangs were clearly separated, and the one in the middle was the most powerful elite bandit. They had been occupying this forest all year round, and even established a permanent camp in the middle of the forest. They were also bandit gangs who robbed outside all the year round, but after defeating and expelling the monsters entrenched in this forest many years ago, they stopped going out to plunder very much. Instead, they took this forest as their own territory and rented it out to outsiders for the winter. other gangs of bandits.

In the beginning, only some small gangs of bandits came to spend the winter safely. After all, in the mountains and forests in winter, it was difficult for bandits to go out to rob. They all agreed that robbing other bandits was a way to get money faster.

So at that time, many small gangs came here, under the safety protection of this bandit gang. At first, some people thought it was a bit humiliating, but after this gang of bandits wiped out several large gangs of bandits who came to make trouble, everyone began to accept the arrangement of these people.

After all, in the world of bandits, they only care about your strength.

The shift happened in previous years. Crow Knight, who had served in many professional armies, was accepted as a knight by the contemporary Baron Kendall and appointed him as the trainer and commander of the newly formed militia team in Kendall City.

Those militias whose number is ten times that of the bandit gangs are not only large in number, but also well-trained, with unified weapons, and their flexibility in battle is far superior to these bandit gangs who are fighting independently.

Many bandit gangs that had been formed for many years were wiped out, and the executed bandits hung all the way from Bingxun Pass south to outside the county, where they hung for three full months under the guard of the priests of the Church of the God of the Dead.

Then it was burned by the priests and turned into ashes and scattered back to the river.

Every winter after that, in order to avoid the surrender of the militiamen, the bandit gangs that survived by chance hid here safely throughout the winter.

There is inevitably some friction among the various gangs living here, and it has always been 'pacified' by this astonishingly powerful bandit.

But after a long time, the other gangs of bandits who are charged expensive fees by this bandit every year have other thoughts.

You can become the manager and mediator of this forest with your elite members, why can't we, a large gang with many bandits, become the boss here.

Now, although the three groups of people seem to be walking together, they are actually going their own way, secretly disobeying each other.

The previous disputes were all under the control of various bandit leaders. Now, an unknown monster has come to this forest, which can be regarded as a test question for each family to become the future lord of this winter forest.

This is their own understanding after the exchange.

The old leader of the bandit gang in the middle was riding on a horse, chewing the sliced ​​jerky in his mouth, and looked at the leaders of the other two bandit gangs with small eyes. He and his son are full of confidence. For this monster haunt, they regard it as an excellent place to show their strength.

But the other two bandit leaders had more thoughts in their minds.

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