Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 51, Businessmen’s Gathering-Selling Treasures

Kil briefly told what he saw and heard along the way, and it ended when Knight Crow led his men to choke to death all the bandits hiding deep in the cave.

He stopped talking, his mouth felt a little dry, and he swallowed some saliva to moisten his throat. When Mr. Simmons saw it, he quickly brought Keer a cup of warm fruit tea to moisten his mouth.

In the thin but tough high-end wooden water cup, there is a kind of fruit tea brewed by smashing fermented fruits. The exquisite pottery pot next to the long wooden chair is filled with a full pot. Through the exquisite silver mesh, the residue of the smashed fermented fruits is blocked, leaving only the fully soaked amber fruit tea.

Kil brought it to his mouth and smelled it. A good smell came out. He took a sip. The fruit tea in his mouth was a little astringent at first, but soon the warm fruity aroma was left.

After drinking it in one gulp, Kil was very satisfied with it.

The other businessmen were discussing in low voices what Kil said. They were amazed at Knight Crow's excellent command ability and his cold violence. So many bandits were blocked in the cave and all choked to death. .

Although they said so, everyone looked very happy and cheerful. After all, the result of Knight Crow's actions is that they can safely conduct a large amount of safe trade on a large section of the road south of Bingshuguan in the future.

The potential trading desire that had been suppressed due to the rampant banditry on the trade routes will definitely be greatly released in the near future.

It should be said that there are already some of these situations in Bingshuguan.

Since all the bandits have been wiped out, merchants have carried out a large number of transactions. As a result, local employment demand has been greatly increased, and many coins have been promised in advance to the newly hired caravans.

After a large number of local people have money in their hands, they have also quickly increased their consumption in a positive manner recently. The resulting reincarnation is that local consumer goods have been promoted again, and merchants have begun to sell them more eagerly.

The money went around in a circle and returned to the hands of the merchants. The merchants made profits, Bingshuiguan received taxes, and the locals got various commodities. They only paid what they would not have paid in the winter. Just the labor force used.

Everyone is happy.

While talking, the last businessman friend of Mr. Simmons Jr. also arrived. After this person entered the door, he saw everyone's lively discussion.

"Bonta, you missed something exciting!" Someone jokingly said to the visitor.

The last person was strong and tall: "Really? I believe my friend will tell me, right?"

Seeing that everyone was here, little Mr. Simmons still had many things to do, so he got down to business.

He first briefly introduced Kiel to the last person who came, and then asked Kiel to take out two items for sale. Kiel untied the bag on his waist and placed the small wooden box containing the ruby ​​on the low wooden table facing the long wooden chair. Then Kiel took out the wooden sculpture wrapped in fine cloth and placed it wrapped in cloth. On the wooden table.

After the things were taken out, Keel stopped talking and left everything next to Mr. Simmons.

This is something we agreed upon before coming here.

Getting up from the chair, Mr. Simmons knocked on the wooden table, attracting everyone's attention: "Everyone, today is mainly for everyone to get together to discuss the various chambers of commerce in the future, but before that, my little friend Two valuable items were thrown away. As you all know, my friend just returned from a front-line battle against the bandits, and these things he had were legitimate trophies seized from the bandits."

"There weren't many things, so everyone just bought them if they liked what he said. Of course, the things are all good. I asked him to find the store to dispose of the ordinary things by himself. It's useless to talk more. Time is precious, so everyone just asked Let’s take a look at this thing first!”

After saying that, Mr. Simmons opened the small wooden box containing the gems and took out the large ruby ​​from the cloth in the wooden box.

He held both ends of the gem with two fingers, letting the bright red ruby ​​appear in front of everyone.

"Look, everyone, this is a natural gemstone, a red corundum with extremely high hardness. In my opinion, its biggest advantage is its bright color. Just like its journey, blood has soaked every part of it. .That's the color of life, folks."

The bright red ruby ​​attracted the attention of everyone in the room. As Mr. Simmons moved his arms, everyone's eyes subconsciously followed the brightest color in their sight.

Human beings are born to pay attention to the brightest colors. This is an instinct carved deep in life.

Mr. Simons was very satisfied with everyone’s reaction and continued: “Secondly, its size is also very substantial. It is very suitable whether it is used as a whole jewelry, or it is cut and modified by a lapidary to become the main body of other jewelry. Even if it is divided into several parts and used in a set of jewelry, it can be clearly seen that they all came from the same gemstone.”

After finishing speaking, Mr. Simmons placed the gem on the table and motioned to other friends to watch and play with it up close: "Come over and take a closer look."

The interested businessman leaned over, picked it up and looked at it carefully. Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison. Compared with the gemstone that Keir brought, the gemstone jewelry that merchants wear around their necks and fingers is far behind.

Not only are they dwarfed in size, but even with a slight comparison, anyone who is not blind can see that the color of Kiel's gems is very different from theirs.

"It's as bright as blood, it's really good." A businessman compared the small piece of ruby ​​on the surface of his ring and found that the difference was too far.

"What about the price? Simmons?" someone asked.

Mr. Simmons smiled and nodded to Keir, and then continued: "The things are good things. I have already mentioned the advantages, so the base price is thirty-two gold coins. If you want it, please discuss it."

"So expensive?" Someone was dissatisfied with the price.

However, someone immediately retorted: "It's the size here. I even think it can be cut into five small parts. Two earrings, a ring, a brooch, and a necklace. Look, a complete set can be done." Eye-catching jewelry. Hey, my wife who has lost her appearance is afraid to wear this set of jewelry even if she goes to any big dance."

"How can it be separated? The better something is, the more integrity it needs to be maintained. In my opinion, there is no need to cut it. Just make a gold ring on the outside, make it into a necklace, and put it on the jewelry of the provincial capital. In the store, its price may double several times within a year." An old businessman used other ideas. Rather than using this gem himself, he felt that it would be used as a rare commodity to operate. After that, it’s no problem to double the profits several times.

Others were enlightened and were about to express their opinions. However, the last tall businessman who came here directly sneered at the opinions of others. He gave his own possibility: "If you find it too expensive, make it yourself as jewelry." , operates and sells at high prices. Everyone, I’m not talking about you, hey, look at what I think.”

The others heard him ridicule everyone else, so they all looked at him to see what wonderful ideas this man had.

The tall businessman pointed directly in one direction of the hotel and said: "Everyone, think about your Excellency, have you thought about it?"

"What?" Someone didn't understand.

Some people reacted: "Gem crown!"

He snapped his fingers: "That's right! Compared to making it into jewelry, wouldn't it be more valuable to make this dazzling, suitable-sized ruby ​​into a magic gemstone crown?"

Mr. Simmons stopped the others: "Everyone, this may not be easy. Although its color and size are suitable, its internal purity is not very good. It seems that it cannot be made into a magic gem. At least that's what I think. thought."

After being reminded like this, other people took a closer look at the internal transparency of the gemstone. As Mr. Simmons said, it was not very easy to see the scene on the other side of the gemstone from one side of the gemstone. There were some curves inside. and blurry, which shows that the permeability of gemstones is indeed not very good.

But the tall businessman didn't think so: "Simmons, you are not a magician, so don't say these uncertain words here. Whether magic gems can be made is decided by magicians, not We businessmen who can't even read ten books in our lives can decide. Besides, even if it really doesn't work, we can imitate the crown of Lord Longsus and find a remote place to put it. Selling to others who don’t know the goods at a hundred times the price is also a method.”

"Bonta, you're not going to do this, are you?" someone asked.

The tall businessman named Bangta waved his hand: "My Chamber of Commerce has been very busy recently. How can I have extra energy to do these things?"

Someone choked: "It's because we don't have enough financial resources." But Bonta shrugged and didn't say anything else.

Someone directly said to Simmons: "Simmons, I want this, thirty-two gold coins, right? Follow me to my Chamber of Commerce to get it later."

Someone immediately retorted: "Why did I promise it to you? I'll give you thirty-three gold coins. My wife has been worrying about how to dress up when attending a noble ball. With this gem, she can solve a big problem for her." .”

"You guys, if you work on this gem, whether you get it to be sold in a big city, or follow Bangta's advice, risk it and go to a remote place where you don't know the goods, and sell it to some idiot, you may get ten times or a hundred times the profit. Li, why are you thinking about your wife's trivial matters? As a businessman, you must strive for more wealth."

"I'm not someone who likes to do mischief. I have to be upright when making money."

"What you said about your wife's sorrow is not an excuse for you, is it? Do you just want to stand on the moral high ground and win this gem? Let me tell you, we are all businessmen, and we often get together. Friends, crow is mocking Charcoal Black, stop saying things you don’t even believe.”

"What did you say?!"

Seeing that the two people were about to quarrel, an old businessman tapped the table with his fingers, and the two noisy people quieted down: "Quiet! What a shame. We are all decent people in the level, don't do those things like that. Farmers and women behave like noisy and quarrels. According to me, the search for exquisite jewelry for my wife should be kept in private. This is not a reason that can be brought to the table. In addition, this gem is processed and sold at a high price. Making a scam is very risky and time-consuming. Who among you has the free time and extra financial resources now?

Especially in today's very favorable situation. So, I won this ruby, thirty-three gold coins. Don't make money with me. I'm old. Compared with the money I can never make, these rare treasures are what I want at this age. "

Although I don’t know if they were persuaded by the old businessman’s reasons, everyone else said that they would no longer fight for it, and the items were officially traded and fell into the hands of the old businessman.

Of course, since the gold coins had not yet been handed over to Kiel, the things were still placed with Mr. Simmons. After their party, Kiel and Mr. Simmons had to follow the old man to his Chamber of Commerce to make the delivery.

After the transaction came to an end, the merchants present cheered up and focused on another treasure.

Things are always better at the back, and they are also curious about what another thing is like at this moment.

Mr. Simmons put the gem into the small wooden box and handed it to Keir. Keir put it into the bag on his waist.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Simmons looked at the expressions of the others, moved the wooden sculpture wrapped in fine cloth to the middle of the wooden table, then stroked the outline of the wooden sculpture with his hand, and said slowly: "Seriously, this treasure If it weren't for the fact that the Chamber of Commerce didn't have the money at my disposal, I would have bought it myself and kept it."

"Simmons, what are you trying to do?" Someone wanted to lift up the fine cloth outside the wood carving and see what was underneath.

But Simmons smiled and quickly slapped his palm away: "Wait a minute, why are you so anxious? Things won't run away. Your behavior makes all the feelings I was brewing just now gone."

Simmons' words made everyone laugh: "The feeling is still brewing. Come on, what is this treasure?"

Little Mr. Simmons turned his head and glanced at Kiel, who nodded and shrugged, indicating that Mr. Simmons could do whatever he wanted.

Simmons looked at his businessman friend, and then said: "Before I look at the thing, let me declare that the value of this thing is not low. My friend Keir can only accept the price of at least one hundred and twenty-five gold coins. .This is the lowest price.”

"How many?"

"Are you crazy? More than a hundred gold coins? I can open another shop on the main street!"

"Haha, I want to see what good things you can come up with. How dare you directly ask for so many coins."

Looking at the businessmen and friends, Simmons smiled mysteriously, put the wood carving in place, and then took off the fine cloth wrapping it to reveal the true form of the alien doe wood carving in his hand.

The entire wood carving is 23-4 centimeters high, four fingers wide, and overall slender and slender. The white exotic wood is elegant and noble, paired with master-level animal wood carvings, making everyone who sees it, whether they are men, women, old or young, or businessmen and attendants, not only like it very much, but at least like it after seeing it for the first time. There is no other reason to dislike this animal wood sculpture.

The onlookers looked at the wood carving in Simmons' hands with different expressions.

"It's just an ordinary animal wood carving. Although it looks good, it's not worth so many coins." Someone dismissed it.

"This line. Ah, the deer's eyes are so carefully and vividly carved. Moreover, it is clearly a white wood carving, but the complex fur of the deer is revealed through invisible lines. The technology is really exquisite. Hey, if it is in the king It's indeed worth the price. It's a pity." Some people felt that this thing was good just by looking at it. Its artistic value was not comparable to vulgar things like gems just now.

"Sniff. Well, it's hard to say. It's hard to say. Simmons?" The old businessman took a deep breath, then frowned and looked at Mr. Simmons, and asked in confusion.

Simmons smiled mysteriously and pushed the wooden sculpture forward on the table a certain distance, bringing it closer to the merchants.

The tall businessman Bonta looked at the coded expressions of the old businessman and Simmons, raised an eyebrow, squatted down, and put his nose close to the agile and beautiful wooden sculpture of a doe.


As if he had been hit by a stick on the head, Bonta narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth slightly.

Soon, he came back to his senses, and then looked at this pure white wood sculpture, which was no more than one hand high, with surprised eyes. He then asked: "What is the official name of this thing? Simmons?"

Little Mr. Simmons coughed lightly: "The origin of the trophy is complicated. And it doesn't have the sculptor's signature on it. But I call it myself - the soul wood carving of an alien dwarf forest elf doe."

Keir rolled his eyes cryptically, expressing contempt for Mr. Simmons' ability to put on airs.

"Dwarf forest elf?" Businessman Bangta didn't know much about this alien race other than humans, so he looked at the oldest old businessman among them.

"Dwarf wood elves are a different race from humans. A small number of them live in alien kingdoms deep in the mountains that are forbidden to humans. Although there are few people, they are born with magical abilities, so they have their own country. It does not fall within the scope of human management.”

After a pause, the old businessman continued: "They are different from elves. Although they have their own country, their population is sparse, so they rarely show up, but their unique works of art are very popular. Just like this one."

After saying that, the old businessman motioned to Simmons: "Bring it here and let me smell it?"

Mr. Simmons handed the wood carving over: "The soul is wooden, please smell it carefully."

The old businessman took the wood carving and looked at the delicate wood carving carefully, moving his hands very carefully.

"This thing is very tough, you can hold it with confidence." Kil said.

The old businessman glanced at Kil and nodded: "I know, I know. The cherished soul wood is a mask that covers the faces of nobles after they die. I heard that it can allow the soul of the deceased to stay safely before entering the Kingdom of God. Next to the corpse, he calmly waited for the messenger of God to pick him up."

He put his nose close to the wooden sculpture, took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and there was no movement for a while.

The businessman next to him couldn't help but cough slightly, which made the old businessman put down the wood carving in dissatisfaction.

Although the old man didn't say much, other businessmen knew how extraordinary this thing was, and immediately leaned over to take a deep breath and close their eyes.

The room fell silent.

After a while, every businessman who inhaled the aroma of wood carvings cheered up, and the corners of their mouths turned up, obviously in a good mood.

Little Mr. Simons waved to the other businessmen and attendants in the room: "You all come and smell it. It's not a big deal just to smell it anyway. Feel the unique charm of this precious treasure."

The merchants' attendants took a look at each other. When they saw that the presidents and vice-presidents of each clan did not object, but only smiled, they couldn't help but boldly moved to the other side of the wooden table, and each of them smelled this. This was not something they could do in this life. Affordable and precious treasures.

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