Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 52, Hotel and Chamber of Commerce - Deal Done! Harvest of 156 gold coins

The fragrance of soul wood makes people feel calm, and the processing of wood carvings by aliens makes everyone who smells the smell of wood carvings feel the surprise of discovering deer in a dense forest.

"This is a good thing. It is indeed a good thing. But at this price?" Although a businessman wanted this thing, he was still hesitant about its price.

Another businessman laughed sarcastically: "Don't forget it. I have no doubts about its price. This wonderful thing is worthy of its price no matter where it is." He looked at Simmons and said: " Let me tell you, if Bingxunguan is not a small place and our financial resources are not particularly good, there would be no problem if the price could double."

The old businessman narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything more. The old man just clenched the handkerchief in his hand and wiped his eyes gently.

Bonta, the businessman next to him, looked at the middle-aged businessman who praised the wood carvings loudly and said: "No need to talk nonsense, let's compete fairly. I'll go first. Although funds are tight, according to the price Simons said, I can still squeeze in." You can take it out." After saying that, he nodded to Simmons, and then grabbed his hand towards the wood carving.

Simmons smiled but said nothing.

Before Bonta's hand touched the wood carving, a businessman patted his hand down and said, "It's not that I don't have money, I want it too. The price will be added to the quoted price by one more gold coin."

Bonta made a sound in his mouth and didn't say much after retracting his hand. His chamber of commerce has been strapped for funds these past two days, and he just tried it out just now. He wanted to buy the best, and it would be a pity if he couldn't buy it. After all, he is still young and has plenty of time to go into business and make money. If he misses such a treasure now, he may not know when he will meet him again in the future.

As soon as the previous businessman finished speaking, the middle-aged businessman who talked about his wife also spoke: "Dover, this is a work of art. Don't tarnish it, you rough guy, okay? Look at it. Look at the graceful curves of this wood carving and its agile movements. If you touch this forest elf with your thick hands, everyone will not be able to stand it. Do you think so?" After speaking, he asked the people around him.

But how could the attendant dare to express his opinion? Bonta crossed his arms and looked at him mockingly, while the old businessman remained silent, not knowing what to think in his cloudy eyes.

The businessman who was called a rough man curled his lips and spoke in a strange voice in a deliberately rough voice: "Yes, yes, yes, I am a rough man. Look at the rings on my hand. One, two, three, four." It's big, heavy and has no aesthetic value. But look at this." He took out a gold coin from his pocket and flicked it on his finger.

The gold coins swirled up and down in the air, leaving behind a shining golden stream of light.

"Their beauty is irresistible to everyone. Are you right?"

As these words came out, everyone present nodded slightly. No one disliked coins, let alone gold coins. Small and round, it also has a solid and heavy texture.

Men who take it can straighten their backs, women who take it can beautify their faces, children who take it can smile happily, and old people who take it can enjoy their old age in peace. Soldiers can fight bravely, businessmen can speak loudly, farmers can work hard, priests and priests can have firm faith, and magicians can cast spells and change the world.

Everyone in society says it is good, and every creature on earth is eager for more.

"So, although I am vulgar, the thing in my hand can definitely match this wood carving. If I take it down, I will definitely wash it with blessed water when I go back, and then use it to buy it from other places. A thin glass cover covers it to protect it from vulgar guys like me. When the time comes, everyone can come to my house and I welcome everyone to come and smell this magical fragrance. Haha,"

The choked businessman immediately fought back: "Really?" He raised his head slightly: "Then I will offer a higher price than you. I will offer 127 gold coins."

Keir watched them quarreling and pretending to be generous, but the price only increased one gold coin after another. He was impressed by these businessmen.

His things are good things, but other people's money is not brought by strong winds, so they are still very cautious in using it.

But in the end, the old businessman who had been silent coughed, and after attracting the attention of others, he pretended to be old and said, "Everyone, everyone. Please listen to me."

Everyone quieted down.

"Everyone, according to me, it has nothing to do with the appearance of this wood carving. In fact, what makes it precious is that it is carved from a whole piece of soul wood. As I said, soul wood has the ability to comfort the living after death. The role of the soul can be seen from the miraculous effects it has on us living people. As you can see, I am already old. Although I have seen countless treasures in my life, after I get old, I can still see this I met the Soul Wood by chance. This is already a blessing from the God of Wealth."

The other businessmen heard the flavor of the old businessman's words, but the old man used gods to suppress his words. It was difficult for them to refute. After all, they were all friends who were doing business in Bingxunguan. With the same belief, the other party's age is indeed the oldest among them.

So at this point, it’s hard to speak again.

"I have never died, and I am not a priest with divine power. It is not yet known whether I can enter the Kingdom of the Great Lord after death. And this soul tree with magical power may be a very important thing to me. Something. I wish I could own it so that when I die, I can hold this wooden sculpture in my hands and let its magical power protect my soul after death."

After saying this, the old man looked at the other businessmen one by one with his cloudy eyes. Everyone was too embarrassed to speak out to object, so they fell silent.

Mr. Simmons coughed lightly: "So, old Phillips, how much are you willing to pay? After all, one yard is the other, and the things are not mine. I was also entrusted by Kiel."

The previous price had been negotiated by several other merchants to a high price of one hundred and thirty-five gold coins. Although it only increased by ten gold coins from the base price, it was still a considerable price.

The bounty on the head of a bandit leader is only five gold coins, ten gold coins is a lot.

The old businessman made gestures with his left and right hands, one finger on one side and four fingers on the other. It seemed that he was offering one hundred and forty gold coins.

"Old guy, you are still rich, your family is really rich."

"Thank you, thank you. I'm just preparing myself. When you get to my age, it will be the same." At this time, the old businessman spoke faster, and his words were clear and powerful.

"You took down the two treasures today, so our trip was in vain."

"Don't say that. Today we are mainly here to discuss the recent situation and everyone's respective paths to see where there are better ways to make money." Mr. Simmons explained with a smile.

He patted Kil and asked Kil to put the wood carvings away temporarily. After they finished the party, the two of them followed the old businessman Phillips to his chamber of commerce to make formal transactions.

Kil wrapped the still eye-catching wooden sculpture, then put it into the bag on his waist and tightened it.

Afterwards, Kil saw that the merchants had ignored the treasures and were sitting on long wooden chairs chatting, talking about some of the recent troubles of various chambers of commerce. The businessmen who were choking before now gave each other advice or provided a little help, without showing any signs of competition as before.

Keir sat aside and listened boredly, drinking warm fruit tea from a wooden cup in his hand, one cup after another.

After a while, it was noon. Everyone felt hungry, so the party ended.

Keel followed Mr. Simmons Jr., who followed Mr. Phillips, the old businessman. The old businessman's attendant originally wanted to help him, but in the end, the old businessman didn't need to support him at all. He followed little Mr. Simmons and left the second floor of the Harp Hotel in a hurry as he spoke.

The old merchant's chamber of commerce is located behind the street-facing shops on the main street of Bingxunguan. After passing through a stone passage between two shops, you arrive at a closed courtyard with only one entrance.

Although this place is closed, it is the base building of several large chambers of commerce, including the chambers of commerce of old merchants.

Keir walked in with them and sat down in the chamber of commerce hall.

The land here is tight, so it cannot be compared with the Chamber of Commerce building next to the river of the Simmons Chamber of Commerce. Although the place is smaller, the exquisite decoration far exceeds that of the Simmons Chamber of Commerce and the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce.

After the group sat down, the old businessman Phillips called the various stewards of the Chamber of Commerce and asked them to go to various Chamber of Commerce shops in the level and bring back all the large gold coins stored in the shops. And give the token of money withdrawal to each steward.

Keir took out the things, including the small box containing the gems and the fine cloth wrapping the wooden carvings, and placed them on the table in the hall for the old businessman to inspect.

The old businessman first untied the fine cloth with trembling hands, took out the delicate and flexible wood carving, took a deep breath, and smiled with satisfaction.

"I made you laugh. For an old guy like me who doesn't know how long I can live, such a precious and hard-to-find treasure is really important." The old businessman said.

Mr. Simmons was not surprised. While the old businessman was going to various shops to get gold coins, he told him about the recent lively scene.

Without other businessmen around, and in his own chamber of commerce, the old businessman changed his previous judgment and felt that this situation would not last long. He believes that although there are no bandits intruding on the caravan on this side of the business road starting from Bingxunguan, this situation cannot last long.

As long as the soldiers in Bingxeng Pass are still as muddy as they are today, they will simply not be able to maintain the good situation created by Knight Crow.

It won't be long before the bandits wandering on the commercial roads in other places will automatically fill the bandit vacuum near Bingshuguan.

Little Mr. Simmons pursed his lips. On the one hand, he felt that the other party was right, but on the other hand, he felt that as long as the soldiers and their officers at Bingshuguan were allowed to taste the sweetness of prosperous trade, they might take the initiative to attack the ice. A bandit gang outside Flood Pass.

"Innocent young man. They can let those guys collect taxes and make money behind the city wall, but let them go out and fight with bandit gangs. That is simply impossible. I have lived for so many years and met so many people like those guys. I I can guess what they are going to say without even looking, just by listening to their voices." The old businessman said disdainfully.

Little Mr. Simmons touched his nose. His children were already old, but being called an innocent young man suddenly caught him off guard. He was confused and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Seeing their disagreement, Keir said, "I'm sorry for interjecting."

"Young man, tell me." Old Phillips stretched out his hand to signal for Keir to speak.

"Since you businessmen are so dismissive of the soldiers at Bingxung Pass, why don't you organize your own forces to take the initiative to clean up the bandit gangs on the trade routes?"

The old man lightly slapped his forehead and said helplessly: "Although the soldiers in the checkpoint are scared to death of the bandits, they have always taken the initiative to attack and oppress all organizations and individuals who dare to challenge their power. Behind them are With a very deep and powerful power background, this place, well, no one can afford to mess with it.”

"Is it that Earl?" Kil muttered.

Unexpectedly, the old businessman's ears were particularly sensitive and he heard Keir's muttering: "Young people know this very well. It's amazing. They are quite well-informed."

Kiel quickly waved his hand and said, "Hey, I heard what Knight Crowe told me. In fact, I don't care about this at all." After Kiel finished speaking, Mr. Simmons Jr. and Mr. Phillips both narrowed their eyes. The people looked at each other, Mr. Simmons shook his head, and the old businessman raised his eyebrows.

While they were talking, the Chamber of Commerce stewards who had gone out to collect money from various shops after receiving the tokens all came back one after another. Bingxunguan is not a big place in the first place, and it does not take much time to go there.

The number of gold coins each steward took back from the shop varied, but they were all quite large, ranging from a dozen to fifty. This shows that the chamber of commerce owned by the old businessman actually has sufficient financial resources.

After the Chamber of Commerce stewards came back, they did not leave. They gathered curiously in the Chamber of Commerce hall to see what deals their president was doing. The old businessman directly asked his men to come over one by one to experience the unique abilities of the soul wood carvings he had newly purchased.

The one hundred and forty gold coins carved from wood were counted by Kiel and put into a strong cut-proof money bag. Then, the thirty-three gold coins made of rubies were also counted by Kiel and put into another cut-proof money bag as a gift. .

Keel put the two money bags deep into his backpack, and then waited for Mr. Simmons to finish speaking to the old businessman.

However, their conversation was quickly interrupted by surprises and loud exclamations. Seeing the idiotic looks of all his men, the old businessman had to apologize to Simmons and send the two people away after the transaction.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, he could hear the angry roar and scolding of the old businessman.

Keir shrugged and said to Mr. Simmons: "So, his previous aging appearance was all an act?"

Mr. Simmons laughed dryly: "There is some truth in what he said, but it does look like he is pretending."

"Then do you think other people saw it?"

"What if you see it? What if you don't see it? When doing business, you just have a thick face and a dark heart, and quick reactions. You asked a few other people to pretend at that time, but they didn't have the age requirements, right?" After laughing a few times, Mr. Simmons called the Chamber of Commerce clerk who was waiting at the entrance of the Chamber of Commerce, and the three of them walked quickly back to the Simmons Chamber of Commerce with Keir.


After returning to his own sphere of influence, little Mr. Simmons relaxed. He took the seventeen gold coins and three silver coins that Keel counted out and handed him, and handed the money to the busy old Mr. Simmons.

"Thank you very much for your help today. If you hadn't been the matchmaker, I really wouldn't have been able to sell these two things for such a high price." Keer sincerely thanked Mr. Simmons.

Mr. Simmons laughed loudly: "I can make so much money in half a day. It is easier than all the businesses I have done before. I want to thank you. Next time I have such a business, it will be more difficult." Come to me again. No one will think that there are few opportunities like this."

I left Keel to have a lunch at the Simons Chamber of Commerce. It was all very filling and salty food. Keel was very full because according to Mr. Simmons Jr., it was unreasonable for Keel to carry so much money alone. It is very dangerous. Although all the bandit gangs outside Bingxun Pass have been cleared by the militia, Bingxun Pass is not a clean place to begin with. Since its establishment decades ago, it has been a mixed place of right and wrong.

No one could stop Kiel from selling treasures and earning more than 100 gold coins in the morning. The news would soon spread throughout Bingshuguan.

Some dangerous guys who take risks for the sake of wealth will definitely come to rob Keir and the wealth he carries with murderous intent. Especially since Kiel is not a local yet and does not have enough power to rely on.

Little Mr. Simmons saw that Kiel only carried a dagger and no other weapons and equipment, so he gave Kiel a long knife that the Chamber of Commerce accidentally collected and gave him a leather shield. A sturdy small square shield covered in leather and wood. They were all given to Keir for self-defense.

Kiel didn't want it at first, but couldn't bear Mr. Simmons' constant demands, so he had to take the two things with him, mount the horse that the Chamber of Commerce clerk had brought back to the Harp Hotel with the certificate, and left the Simmons Chamber of Commerce on horseback. .


Keir hurried directly to the hotel he rented and packed everything in his house into his backpack. He said hello to the hotel clerk, threw the house key to him, said goodbye, got on the horse waiting in the backyard and left.

Kil sat on the horse and wrapped his cloak tightly around him. He glanced around the entrance of the hotel and found that there were indeed more sneaky people on the street in front of the hotel than before he came in.

Kil smiled. After fighting the bandits and the monsters, he was no longer afraid of these people.

He waved to the people who were watching him secretly, then he knelt on his horse's belly and accelerated towards the north gate of the checkpoint.

Although he has just learned to ride a horse, his horse has a well-behaved personality and is very stable to ride. If Kil just walks on a straight road, he can actually run on horseback.

One day, this guy Kiel went out on horseback. Some people rushed into the front desk of the hotel and asked about Kiel's situation, but were told that Kiel had already vacated the house.

"Hurry up! He's leaving!" Someone ran out of the hotel again and reported loudly to the people waiting at the door of the hotel.

Other guys who were not in the same group as these people were a little suspicious, so they still went to the hotel and took out their money to rent a room.

Some people started running, trying to catch up with Kiel on horseback.

Others were stomping their feet in annoyance, complaining about why they had to block the existence of other guys with the same purpose as him. They had thrown Keir off his horse earlier, grabbed the backpack containing his things and ran away. How could he lose such a big guy? Good opportunity for making money.

Kil looked back at the running guys trying to catch up with him and laughed. Soon he arrived at the north gate of Bingxun Pass, and he keenly discovered a few people hiding in a dark corner nearby, staring at him. Others chuckled to themselves.

Kiel could tell what they were thinking with his heels. He must have used the soldiers at the north gate of Bingxun Pass to stop him. Most of them used some excuses to falsely accuse him of being a bandit or a robber, or other excuses to delay time.

Or, someone is willing to spend more money to bribe the soldiers or tax collectors here, imprison him directly, and then steal the contents of Kiel's backpack.

It's more ruthless and more relevant. It's possible that someone might directly tell some unjust and clean soldier captains or tax collectors about the news that Kiel was carrying a lot of money, and then take Kiel by force and put him in jail. , when Kiel wants to come out, he will have to spend a lot of money. Whether his money can belong to him is still a matter of debate.

Thinking of this, Kil leaned directly on the horse, hugged the horse's neck, and knocked the horse's belly hard. Ignoring the shouts of the soldiers at the checkpoint, he walked directly through the ice flood before they could react. Close the north gate and take the road out.

Some soldiers guarding the city gate wanted to poke him with a spear, but Kil held a shield in one hand and a long knife in the other. He shouted, stopped the soldiers for a step, and ran out of their attack range.

As soon as he left the city gate, Kil calmed the horse and slowed down, not to let the broken road outside the checkpoint knock him off his horse.

Seeing someone persistently chasing him out of the north gate of the level, Kil found it funny and deliberately slowed down. He moved his arms and felt that he had not seen blood for some days and his body was a little stiff.

It's time to get some exercise.

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