Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 115, the situation after the rendezvous and the legendary werewolf

When Kil heard Knight Lanissa's shout, he immediately swung the shield on his left hand and swatted away a northern wolf that got too close. Then, he put the sword in his right hand and held it in his left hand behind the shield. He stretched out his right arm behind his back and pulled it twice to remove the wooden spear stuck in the buckle on the back of the armor.

Turning around and throwing the spear towards the knight's position, Kil then threw the sword slightly with his left hand to his right hand and continued fighting.

He was not worried that Lady Lanessa, as a knight, would not be able to catch his weapon, so he never looked back.

Kil's guess was correct. Knight Lanisa was riding a horse. When she approached quickly, she saw the trajectory of the spear rolling in the air. She leaned out and grabbed the center of the rotation of the spear as they passed by.

The steel gloves clenched quickly and firmly grasped the wooden shaft of the spear. The tip of the spear and the tail swung back and forth, but it couldn't be moved at all, and was instantly surrendered by the knight.

Before the war horse finally approached the place where the hunter and a few northern wolves were fighting, Knight Lanissa shook the light weapon in her hand up and down, feeling the weight and flexibility of this light spear that was only a little taller than a person.

"It's not bad, you have to be careful not to use too much force." She muttered to herself.

Then, he held the gun in both hands and used the speed of the horse to swing it downwards. The wooden gun shaft changed its posture softly, and the metal gun head slashed across the upper part of the hind leg of the northern wolf next to him.

There was a sizzling sound, as if a kitchen knife had been cut through a coarse cloth, and the base of one of the northern wolf's hind legs was severely injured. The human knight fell to the ground as he was running away from him, whining from his mouth.

Knight Lanisa twisted her body again and changed the lance from the left side of the horse to the right side. The horse cleverly knew the master's fighting method and ran directly past the fleeing Northland wolf, handing the annoying little guy beside him to it. The owner will handle it.

The spear was pierced from top to bottom. In less than a second, she accurately pierced the spine of the northern wolf's back with the tip of the spear.

Once she's gone, she takes on the other Northern Wolves again. The northern wolf that she had attacked ran normally with its front legs, but its hind legs behind it lost control and fell to the ground stiffly and uncontrollably.


Knight Lanisa just rode her war horse in a circle around Kiel and his team, and she easily and easily injured more than six northern wolves.

Whether it is a strong adult wolf or a thin northern wolf pup, under the hands of the knight, they will be gone and defeated in one blow. Either they died on the spot, or they lost control of their legs, feet, or half of their bodies and were shot and killed by the experienced hunters.

A few northern wolves heard the sound of horse hooves early and fled alive, while all the others were killed one by one.

Holding a spear in one hand and pulling the reins with the other to signal the horse to stop, Knight Lanisha asked Xiang Kil and the others: "What's going on? Why did you run over here?"

The hunters quickly collected the arrows that had been shot at the Northern Wolf, while the old hunter Tost answered the Lord Knight's question.

He briefly told how everyone was waiting near the waterhole, and repeatedly felt that the knight was not safe without auxiliary forces, so they followed the trail and pursued him.

Sure enough, the wolves of the North merged with their wolf king.

Knight Lanisa was speechless. She did not expect that the wolves did not stay near the rocky mountain. Instead, they sent a group of wolves and followed the traces to find the weak wolf king.

The situation that was originally good for her slipped into the same process as in previous years.

Originally, she herself had her heart hanging in the air at that time, ready to retreat at any time. But unexpectedly, an unknown monster attracted all the Wolf King's energy.

Even after fighting against the Wolf King for many years, she seemed unable to compare with the importance of the unknown monster to the Wolf King.

Although she felt strange, fortunately, the situation that was unfavorable to her at that time was changed.

"Okay, anyway, the situation is complicated now, so you might as well come over. Let's gather together and catch all these beasts and monsters." She shouted excitedly.

"But it sounds like there's something going on. The Wolf King seems to be fighting some unknown monster. Let them decide the winner first, and then we'll deal with the 'winner' in the end." After saying that, Knight Lanisa asked everyone to get ready. , and then followed her as an extra force to assist her in fighting.


But Knight Lanissa's beautiful idea failed. Just when their side had just quieted down, the battle between beasts and monsters also changed in the forest not far away.

Although the Wolf King was seriously injured, the target of his hatred was right in front of him, so he naturally became red-eyed.

The strategy of trading injuries for lives instantly suppressed the unknown monster that wanted to save itself. In addition, the wolves around him were encouraged and ordered by it to follow it and attack without mercy. In a few seconds, the unknown monster bit the palm of the standing man's hand.

Although this monster is very powerful, it is far from a match for the Wolf King in terms of size and combat awareness. Coupled with the desperate attacks and bites of the northern wolf on the side, this monster quickly panicked.

It didn't care about the bitten palm, but the Wolf King's willful attack made it panic. It quickly understood that it was no match for this old friend, even if the other party was embarrassed and deeply hurt at the moment.

The unknown monster, knowing that its abilities were incompetent, roared, and all its magic power spread out with the roar. It immediately pushed the northern wolf around him away, and the wolf king in front of it was also blown away by its magic roar like a strong wind. Like a sudden attack, the wolf hairs on his body receded backwards, and his eyes full of twisted magic became a slit.

But in the face of the roar of magic that came like a torrential rain, the Wolf King held the ground tightly with four claws and moved forward slowly against the waves of magic.

The roar stopped, and the unknown monster looked at the wolf king in front of it in horror, and then was caught hard in the middle of the chest by the wolf king's claws wrapped with blood-red twisted magic power.

Even though it tried its best to dodge back at the last moment, the wolf king's long claws still tore through its chest.

The extra tough skin had no effect at all, and the muscles underneath that were stronger than old tree bark couldn't stop it. Even the sternum on the chest was torn apart by sharp claws. Those twisted blood-red magic powers seemed to be filled with the hatred of the Wolf King. As soon as they came into contact with the monster's body, they couldn't wait to release all their power in the form of flames.

"Ah!!! Ha, ha." The unknown monster fell back in horror and used its remaining hand to tear at its chest.

On its chest, the blood-red magic twisted and burned its body, and even the soul contained in its body.

How could a wild soul resist the accumulated hatred? The damage to the soul was even more horrifying than the physical damage, and its mentality changed drastically.

Continuing to fight with the Wolf King is not a good choice. It will definitely die, because the old friend opposite is using death as a condition to exchange with it.

How can it be! Although the monster's appearance is a bit troublesome now, it also gives it unparalleled power and ability.

It hasn’t been enjoyed enough yet! !

When it thought of this, it immediately used its legs and jumped onto the big branch behind it. Then he used the strong branches of the surrounding trees as a platform to escape in the direction he had been optimistic about before.

The wolf king jumped up angrily, tearing alternately with his front paws, directly destroying half of the big tree, and slowly collapsed towards the other side.

After landing, it immediately followed up angrily, completely ignoring that the previously injured area was torn open due to the movement. The Northland wolves next to them also hesitated for a moment. They had no time to take care of their companions who were knocked to the ground by the monster, and immediately followed their king under the leadership of the alpha wolf.


"Something's coming."

Hearing Knight Lanissa's shout, everyone had their swords and bows ready. Although it would be best for the beasts and monsters to fight to the death, if they failed to do so, they were ready for any battle.

Lanisha Knight's magic perception was not blocked by the trees of all sizes in the forest. She was far away and was observing the fight between the two. Although the result of the magic collision can only be felt from a distance, it is enough.

The unknown monster first released a powerful burst of magic power with a roar that resounded through the silent forest. But judging from the slowly approaching magic power of the Wolf King, it basically had no effect.

Immediately afterwards, the Wolf King's meager magic power became even weirder and more dangerous. Even at a distance, she felt uncomfortable.

As she expected, the Wolf King reversed the situation with a frontal blow in the short time after the opponent's magic power exploded. Compared to the Wolf King's height and physique, that monster is still much smaller. Even if the monster has a height and body that far exceeds that of a human being.

Knight Lanisa felt at that time that although the timing and identity of this unknown monster appeared very suspicious, it was actually not that powerful, and its timing and awareness of the battle were far behind. Moreover, the opponent has no effective means to stop the Wolf King's attack head-on.

She didn't have it in the past few years, so she always retreated when she started to fight against the Wolf King. However, with the specially made one-handed heavy sword made of all magic materials from the exchanged magic materials, the situation of the battle turned around in her own confrontation with the Wolf King.

Attacks that used to require extreme dodging can now be repelled by just waving the sword in your hand.

The body of the Wolf King that was difficult to damage before can now break its flesh with every attack.

She came to her senses, put Little Kil's spear back into the weapon rack of the war horse, and took out a one-handed heavy sword specially designed to fight against the wolf king and monsters.

Stand ready.

But the unknown monster cunningly bypassed their team.

The northern wolves that were chasing closely behind it also changed the angle of pursuit and chased closely behind the monster.

Knight Lanisa quickly lowered her hand, signaling to the hunters behind her not to shoot arrows at the Northern Wolf for the time being, and to let the beasts and monsters fight first.

The hunters all followed the knight's gesture to return the slightly raised bow string to its original position, and then slightly lowered the bow body to relieve the pressure on the left hand. Despite this, the hunters still stared at the direction of the movement and never relaxed.

Humans have good ideas, but things often don't go according to your ideas.

The unknown monster jumped between the branches and rolled when it landed to cushion the impact of its heavy body landing without slowing down. But no matter how it moved, the Wolf King and the Northern Wolf were chasing after it.

"Damn it!" it cursed, and then glanced at the human team that could barely be seen in the forest not far away: "Look at my move, you guys don't even want to watch the show!!"

It jumped, climbed up a big tree, and then used the strong branches between the big trees to rush straight towards the human team from the air.

The Wolf King and the Northern Wolf behind him immediately turned around and followed closely.


Humans have always kept a certain distance from this unknown monster before, so they have made some guesses, but they have never known directly what kind of monster it is.

But when the monster somehow approached them from between the branches, everyone on Kiel's side could see the monster's appearance clearly.

He is about three meters tall, has a strong build, has the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf, and is covered with dense black and gray hair. Each palm and sole has long and strong black claws, and the mouth of the wolf's head has a long dog-shaped head. Along with the wheezing leap, its mouth opened wide, revealing a mouthful of fangs and a scarlet tongue.

While the monster was moving somewhat uncoordinated in the air due to an injury to one of its palms, it also dragged a hairy tail that was at least one and a half meters long behind it, swinging at any time with the movements of its body to maintain balance.

"It's a wolf, a werewolf!" A young hunter screamed loudly.

"Quiet! We all saw it." Knight Lanissa scolded, and then used her left hand to pull out the armor-piercing thin sword from her waist. She felt that the opponent's size and the lady's knight's armor-piercing rapier should also be of some use. Because the opponent is a monster with agile movements at first glance. The one-handed heavy sword is powerful and heavy, which gives him an advantage against huge monsters. It is probably a bit slow to deal with this thing.

But her armor-piercing rapier is different. This weapon that has always been with her is agile but not too light. The narrow blade can effectively expand its attack range, and the straight and sturdy tip sword The body is where its greatest power lies.

With good use of force, the entire sword can be thrust directly into the entire log, leaving only the hilt.

"Do you want to shoot arrows, sir?" Old hunter Tost and the hunters all raised their bows and arrows, keeping their eyes on the werewolf approaching from the tree.

Lanissa Knight was a little hesitant because she couldn't tell from the werewolf's panic movements that he wanted to attack from the air. That's not to die.

Moreover, when the two were very close, the other party took the initiative to make a small arc in the air and avoid being directly above the human team.

Before hesitating, the other party had already bypassed them and ran behind them.

While the humans were scratching their heads, the red-eyed wolf king led dozens of northern wolves towards the front of the ground.

"Insidious guy! Inhuman and despicable monster!" Lanissa Knight immediately realized that the other party was not without malicious intent. The other party's malicious intention was to let the wolf king and the wolf pack fight with the humans to the death, and the other party would finally clean up the mess.

This was exactly what Lanissa Knight had planned a moment ago. Unexpectedly, a moment later, she would become a stupid guy in the eyes of the monster.

She immediately knocked the horse's belly hard, turned around and shouted to her men: "Follow me, we must quickly avoid the path of the wolves!"

Kiel and the others were not fools, at least not Kiel. He had realized what the other party was planning from the moment he approached the werewolf in the legend.

But he didn't know whether Knight Lanisa who led them saw it. As a result, the other party realized it at this time, but Kil couldn't say anything more.

He could only hide the necessary supplies when evacuating from the rocky mountain. He took out the only red-eyed mushroom candy pill he carried. He followed Knight Lanisa's horse in stride and delivered the candy pill while moving. Go into your mouth.

A sweet and dry feeling came from his mouth, and Kil felt that he had gradually adapted to the weird taste of this homemade sugar pill. Eat and eat and he got used to it.

While running and evacuating with the knight, he even had time to think about how many of these sugar pills he still had left.

Back then, he made dozens of these mushroom pills with only a few side effects in the Foxtail Merchant Guild. He swallowed them all the way through the battle, and there seemed to be a lot left.

After all, he doesn't need this thing in ordinary battles. Except for the dangerous and hard battle on the rocky mountain before, there aren't many unusually difficult battles.


While Knight Lanissa kept her horse moving at the running speed of the hunters, she immediately directed everyone not to fall behind and to maintain their formation as much as possible.

Soon, after just a few dozen steps forward, the Northland wolves, led by the Wolf King, passed through the place where they had been. When some northern wolves passed by the place where their scent was left, they also saw the bodies of some killed northern wolves lying on the ground.

This made them howl angrily as they ran, but the wolf king did not stop. He didn't even look at the dead body of the Northland wolf. He only stared at the vague magic power of the werewolf and the feeling that he had forgotten. The werewolf stench that won't go away.

Not like a human, not like a boreal wolf.

That kind of dark magic mixed with God's blessing or curse, a half-human, half-wolf monster!



The werewolf turned around in the tree and saw that the small team led by the knight dodged to the side and got out of the way of the wolf king's team that was heading straight towards it.

This caused it to open its mouth, and then closed it angrily, making a crisp sound of the sharp teeth closing and colliding.

It clenched a branch in its hand and crushed it to pieces. And on its other hand, on the bitten palm, dark magic is growing on the flesh.

The rolled muscles were pulled back to their original positions by magic, and dim blood gushes out from the broken blood vessels attached to the muscles, replacing the role of skin and wrapping the exposed muscles on the palms.

Soon, the blood mixed with magic transformed into fresh real skin in a twist, and wolf hair grew from these new skins visible to the naked eye.

The werewolf jumped from a branch of a big tree to another branch ten meters away. It also moved, pulling the Wolf King and the Northern Wolf behind it, and once again approached the small team of human knights.

As it moved, it kept throwing its injured palm, which was now rapidly healing, against the branches and trunks of the big tree.

Because it was so itchy, it couldn't stand the itching that it couldn't ignore even after so many years.

Damn the lifeless Northern wolves, these cursed wolf species, it must take some time to kill them all.

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