Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 116, cut off fingers and destroy wolves

"Pay attention, those things are coming!" Rider Lanisha on horseback had sharp ears and eyes, and immediately spotted the approaching werewolf.

She didn't need to guess too much, she knew what insidious plan the other party was planning. But she didn't care about this, because the forest she was in now was not a civilized world. It was a land of wild beasts and a paradise for monsters.

"Shoot it out of the tree with an arrow!!"

The female knight shouted loudly.

The hunters immediately raised their bows and aimed at the figure leaping on the tall trees. The bowstring is fully drawn, and there is no need to command. Every hunter has varying degrees of archery skills. The most powerful old hunters are the first to shoot the bows and arrows in their hands.



Tost took the first shot, and then the other two old hunters shot their bows and arrows.

The werewolf approaching quickly in the tree sensed the killing intent not far away in advance, and did not dare to charge up and jump when the arrow flew, because it saw only half of the hunter shooting the arrow. This is an insidious hunting technique, because It cannot correct its movements when leaping in the air. Once it is frightened and jumps, it will be directly hit by the remaining hunters in mid-air.

Therefore, at this moment, it did not jump up, but lowered its body, stretched its legs back, and deliberately stepped on the air. As a result, its entire body fell down from the branches.

The expected arrows came as expected. The three young hunters drew their hunting bows to full capacity and released their arrows with great momentum.

Whoosh whoosh, three arrows were released at the same time, shooting directly at the falling werewolf's body.

But the werewolf was guarding against this hand. It was true that its legs and body fell downwards, but its long and strong hairy arms stretched upwards as it fell.

He grabbed his arms onto the thick branch he had just stepped on, giving him a point of strength. Then it exerted force with both arms, and the waist, abdomen, and trunk also bent and exerted force. The entire werewolf's body became horizontal, and it dodged the young hunter's bow and arrows in the same direction as the branches.

But before it could get too proud, the female knights and old hunters facing it all smiled for different reasons.

‘This werewolf really understands words and is not a native monster in the forest. ’ Thinking of this, the smile that originally appeared on the corner of his mouth disappeared again. She vaguely felt that there was something else behind this werewolf, but this was not the time. Defeating the Wolf King was her main goal.

If this werewolf is sensible, stay away and don't interfere with the ensuing battle between her and her men. Even if the other party had indirectly helped her when she was in the bear's den before.

But the old hunter's side is much simpler. Because they were considering it to be a werewolf, they did not use the hunting tactics used to deal with ordinary beasts, but used tricky tactics designed to deal with those cunning beasts to trap it.

Now I have indeed fallen into the trap.

Just when the werewolf turned his body horizontally to dodge the young hunter's shot, three arrows shot quickly by the old hunter moved across a straight arc and hit the werewolf's palm that was holding the thick branch accurately. .

Among them, the old hunter Tost's skills were astonishing. At that moment, he placed his target on the werewolf's fingers, which were much thicker than ordinary people. Even though he was still nearly thirty meters away from the werewolf on the opposite tree, he still saw from a distance that the werewolf had five fingers with long claws on its hands just like humans.

At that moment, he recalled a young memory from his time in the Empire. At that time, when he was young, because his family had a large family but the land was not enough to support them, he left his hometown early and went to a nearby big city to make a living.

It's a pity that he was born into a farmer's family. Apart from farming and tending plants, he didn't have any special skills. After hesitating for a while, he finally joined a gang of thieves roaming the streets. At a young age, he once witnessed a young accomplice who was caught stealing something and was lynched by the owner. The small stone hammer used to grind flour directly smashed the little finger of his companion.

He knew that in some towns with strict criminal laws, those who used weapons to commit violence would have their thumbs smashed. If a craftsman's tools are rotten and lead to death, his index finger will be smashed. The thief will smash his little finger.

Although you can still live a normal life after losing your little finger, your palms have greatly lost their strength, and you cannot do some physical work that can basically sustain you.

Sure enough, his young companion could only make a living by hiding in the darkest corners and picking up some unwanted garbage.

This incident frightened him, so he later escaped from the band of thieves who had no future, followed a recruiting migrant militia group, left his hometown all the way, and crossed an extremely long distance to this newly established new kingdom. .

During the long migration journey, he learned archery from the mercenaries who escorted the team, and he practiced hard and became more and more skilled until he became a formal hunter who could hunt wild beasts in the primitive forest.

Time turned back to the present, and the prompts from distant memories allowed him to accurately aim at the edge of the werewolf's finger.

The arrow flew past, and as he expected, it hit the front of the little finger of the werewolf's right hand.

The werewolf's body is made of solid muscles and thick hair and skin. Originally, it was only worried about the arrows fired by the hunters, but unexpectedly, these skilled old hunters actually placed the target on its palms.

Its palms are naturally strong and have sharp claws that can tear out the heart and lungs. But the palm itself is no match for the metal arrowhead of the arrow.

Ordinary homemade leather armor can be penetrated by bows and arrows, not to mention its thin palms compared to the body's torso.

"Ouch!" The werewolf cried out in pain. The back of its left hand was shot directly by two arrows. The arrows shot from the back of the hand, penetrated the bones and tendons in its palm, and then nailed the palm shallowly to the branch. above.

The other hand was even more miserable. Tost's arrow hit the base of the little finger of its right hand, cutting off the entire finger.

The broken finger fell directly from the tree. After rolling, the tip of the sharp claw plunged downward into the snow, and disappeared into the snow.

"Damn it! Die! You guys deserve to die!" The werewolf leaned his body sideways along the cover of the thick branches, yelled and hid in the back of the big tree, and while cursing the hunters, he climbed higher up the trunk.

After it climbed to a high place and confirmed that the hunter below could no longer hit it, it changed its hands to hold the bark of the big tree and checked its two palms alternately.

The left hand was shot through, which looked serious, but after it broke the arrow shaft, the wound was not that big, leaving only a penetrating wound. Although the power of the palm is slightly affected, it does not affect the claws of the left hand for scratching.

The right hand was much more serious. When it climbed up just now, it already felt very inconvenient with only four fingers left. At this moment, when I clasped my palm, I found that the entire hand had lost almost half of its grip strength.

"Tost, you dare to shoot off my fingers. I will take out your heart and crush it to pieces!" The werewolf whispered harsh words in his mouth, but he did not dare to speak louder for fear of Lanessa underneath. The knight noticed his true identity.


On the ground below, Knight Lanissa immediately praised the hunters after seeing the werewolf being shot by a few arrows and running away: "Great job! Just drive the werewolf away and don't dare to come over to provoke them. We mainly deal with the wolves. king!"

With a single finger of the heavy sword, the Wolf King's huge body appeared in their sight.

Although the wolf king on the opposite side was running on the ground, his head was raised high, and he kept staring at the werewolf high in the tree, roaring some incomprehensible roars from his mouth.

Naturally, it also discovered the group of humans directly opposite, but with all its sight blocked by hatred, it could no longer see anything else.

Several northern wolves had been holding the metal spears that the wolf king had snatched from humans in their mouths. When they saw the wolf king turning his head to look at them, these northern wolves immediately lay down and raised their heads for the wolf king to take. Take this human weapon and use it.

Biting the metal gun shaft with a click, the Wolf King's abdomen rapidly inflated and breathed for a while. He barely contracted his magic power to suppress the pain on his body, and then ran quickly, biting the metal spear, and rushed straight to the trunk of the big tree.

When the Wolf King started running, Knight Lanisa naturally did not wait in place. In order to maintain the overall impact, she directly drove her war horse and circled around Kiel's queue.

This not only gradually increases the speed of the war horse in the circle, but also protects the hunter team at a distance where she can take care of it at any time.

However, the female knight immediately saw that the Wolf King did not rush straight towards them. Instead, he twisted his head at the bottom of the big tree where the werewolf was, and used the metal spear in his mouth to slash horizontally to the bottom of the trunk of the big tree.


With one shot, a large piece of hard bark exploded and flew away, leaving a huge gap in the trunk protected under the old bark.

The whole big tree trembled. Although there were no leaves flying, the snow that had fallen on the branches of the whole big tree was falling.

The werewolf high up in the big tree naturally gritted his teeth and roared. The Wolf King's intention was too clear, which was to bring down the big tree, so that the werewolf at the top of the tree would be hit hard when the tree fell.

The Northland Wolf King without dexterous arms would naturally be unable to climb a tree, but using his huge size to knock down a tree in a short time would be no problem.

The werewolf's strength was limited and he had no ability to fall from such a height without being injured.


Knight Lanissa naturally saw the Wolf King's actions, and she didn't know what to do next. Although she knew that her main target was the Wolf King, she should focus on dealing with the Wolf King. But seeing that the Wolf King was focused on dealing with the werewolf, she also planned to let the two monsters fight and benefit herself.

She turned her head and looked at the hunters under her. Before she could speak, the old hunters who had fought with Lanissa Knight for many years knew what the knight meant.

"Sir, deal with the wolves in the north first. As long as the Wolf King's wolves are eliminated, the Wolf King will have no power to fight against us at this moment."

After hearing the words of an old hunter, Knight Lanisa shouted: "Okay, let's bypass the Wolf King a little and kill those northern wolves first!"

Then, she led the entire team to move forward diagonally. The female knight slowed down her horse so that the team behind her could keep up. The hunters grabbed the bow in one hand and three or four arrows in the other hand for use, and started running in large strides. And Kil also followed Tost's instructions and fell at the end of the team to ensure that no one would be left behind during the rapid advancement.

As a young man, he had the support of the god of agriculture constantly coming from far away when hunting with long swords. Even if he was wearing full-covered hard cowhide armor, he easily followed the team with a shield in his left hand and a long sword in his right hand, pushing with both hands. The two old hunters, who were slightly exhausted, followed the team on their backs.

The distance between the various forces was extremely close. They only made a short detour before meeting the Northland wolves.

Although the Northland wolves wanted to get close to the Wolf King, when they saw the human team coming to block them, they were not afraid at all and swarmed them directly.

Knight Lanessa transferred the one-handed heavy sword she used to fight against the Wolf King to her left hand, pulled out the spear on the horse's weapon rack with her right hand, and directly raised the gun to pick up a northern wolf pup.

Regarding the young wolf that was picked up into the air, she swung her left hand directly, and the strong and heavy one-handed epee neatly split the northern wolf into two pieces.

Her war horse was very brave in the face of dozens of northern wolves. It raised its hooves and charged straight away. Although it hasn't eaten much in the past two days, it can still show its greatest strength in the battle at this time to help the owner who accompanies it fight bravely.

When the northern wolves saw the armored human knights charging toward them, they were frightened by the unstoppable impact of the horses. Some of them were timid and wailed away, while a few bold ones tried to bite the horse's legs that were looming under the vests.

This is what they have always used to deal with large herbivores.

But as soon as they got close to the attacking horse, they were knocked away by the loose vest of the horse. After flying two or three meters away, they lay on the ground and shook their heads. It was not easy to relieve their dizziness and get up.

Lanisha Knight ran straight through the wolves, slashing left and right. Of course, Kiel and the others behind them didn't have the ability and strength.

They were not stupid either, they knew not to rush forward recklessly with the knight at this time. As hunters, they naturally have to rely on long-range arrows to ensure output.

With their backs against a tall tree with a thick trunk, the hunters stood very densely. As the knights cut through the pack of wolves, they immediately set their shooting targets on the northern wolves closest to them.

Swish swish swish swish.

The six people all opened their bows and shot arrows, and the arrows flew continuously, immediately knocking the approaching Northland wolf to the ground.

And Kiel also stood in front of the team, with his sword and shield in good posture. Facing the North Wolf who was rushing towards him by dodging the arrows, he directly hit the North Wolf head-on with his shield, and then slashed through the North Wolf that was stopped with a long sword. skull.

Even if one sword cannot kill the Northern Wolf fighting against him, and if he is struck on the head by a heavy hunting sword, the Northern Wolf will faint briefly and fall to the ground limply, unable to fight anymore.

The hunters did not carry many arrows, but they were more than enough to deal with dozens of northern wolves. Therefore, they no longer used arrows sparingly. Instead, they drew their bows and fired arrows at high speed. With continuous shooting, they would kill those who dared to get close. All the northern wolves were forced to shoot and wounded.

After a moment of fighting, Knight Lanisa immediately turned her horse around and rushed back.

"Ha!" She trampled the wolves with her horse, and at the same time continued to use the flexibility of the spear to pick up a northern wolf pup that was not too heavy, and then swung the sword with her left hand to kill it.

If she was facing an adult northern wolf, it would be difficult for her to use a spear. At this time, she lowered her body and turned the horse so that the Northern Wolf was on her left side. At this time, the one-handed heavy sword in her hand could reach the Northern Wolf.

Her sword is very heavy and very powerful, so she doesn't need to carefully attack the back spine of the boreal wolf, she can just chop off the hard head of the boreal wolf head-on.

Solid is relative.

For the dagger and hatchet in the hands of hunters, it is basically difficult to break the skull of every boreal wolf, so they will be very dangerous when faced with the close attack of boreal wolves.

And for a warrior like Kiel who has complete defensive equipment and powerful weapons, it is not impossible to directly hit the head of the Northland Wolf that is rushing towards him. It can kill the best, and even if it is not killed, it can interrupt the opponent's attack and occupy a powerful position. situation.

But for Jenny Lanessa, a formal knight of the knight class who is far more powerful than ordinary people, the one-handed heavy sword in her hand can kill with one sword, whether it is slashing horizontally or vertically. The weapon of the Dead Wolf.

Therefore, when she rode her horse back and forth several times, she relied on the weapon in her hand and lowered her body to eliminate all the adult northern wolves in the wolf pack.

There were two leading wolves who wanted to escape to the Wolf King, but Knight Lanissa threw the spear in her hand and the rapier at her waist, and both of them were killed on the edge of the battlefield.

She had been paying attention to the Wolf King who was repeatedly destroying the big tree not far away, for fear that the other party would turn around and kill them.

Although she had the auxiliary support of her men, she was not afraid that she would be beaten back, but when the time came for her to engage in a close-range melee with the Wolf King, she would still inevitably hurt the hunters who were too close.

Fortunately, maybe the Wolf King didn't notice the fighting behind him, or maybe he did, but those wolves under his command were not as important as the enemy in front of him.

The wolf king didn't react much until the last wolf cub at the end of the pack fled deep into the forest.


Whoops, whoops, whoops.

Knight Lanissa's horse panted heavily, and large clouds of white mist spurted out from the metal-covered nose of the horse.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Collect the arrows and kill the injured northern wolf that is not dead yet." She moved slowly on horseback: "Let's trim it. After collecting the arrows, we will go and kill the Wolf King." !”

Everyone was quiet and didn't say anything in reply, but nodded quietly.

The hunters quickly retracted the arrows, and the flesh and blood on the arrows was simply wiped on the Northland wolf. Kil quickly followed Knight Lanisa's instructions and stabbed the still-dead Northern wolves to the ground to prevent them from wailing indiscriminately.

Afterwards, Kil ran out and picked up the spear and armor-piercing rapier thrown by Knight Lanissa, and handed them to the female knight.

Later, when Knight Lanissa saw that the hunters were all ready, she waved her spear. The hunter team spread out and formed a battle formation for hunting monsters, while Kil followed a distance behind Knight Lanisha and followed the knight together. Attack towards the Wolf King.

The battle is finally entering its final stage.

Kiel guessed that the Wolf King's strength at this time was less than half of its peak. Although Lanessa's knight status was not at full status due to burns, with the help of warrior hunters like them, they would definitely be able to completely defeat the Northern Wolf this winter. Wolf King.

Returning peace to the northern Kendall County villages.

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