Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 118, His story with the beast soul

The Wolf King walked towards the depths of the icy mist with his only three remaining legs. Blood was dripping from the fracture of his right front leg that had been severed by a gunshot. As soon as this blood comes into contact with the outside air, it slowly emits an intense heat, but it seems that compared to the blood before, the heat and burning scale of the blood now are much weaker than before.

The wolf king was breathing heavily, with two arrows stuck in his nose, and he was struggling to smell the smell left by the werewolf and the opponent's unique smell of blood. The previously clear perception of magic power was now confusing and indistinguishable for some reason, and even if the Wolf King opened his eyes wide, the huge beast pupils still could not relieve themselves from the white light released by the divine power.

The half-broken ear heard the heavy sound of horse hooves coming from behind, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble. Getting closer, getting closer.

The Wolf King had no good way to fight back, so he had to lie on the ground and cover his head and neck with one paw to protect his vitals.

"Ha!" With a loud shout, his back was severely slashed.

A huge, hideous wound was torn open on his body, and his skin and flesh rolled up and he cried out in pain.

Hearing the sound of the galloping horses disappearing quickly, the Wolf King got up and ran towards the source of the werewolf's scent at an even faster speed. It had to be fast, because the human knight quickly turned its horse's head and came over to kill him.

The Wolf King followed the fallen tree to the place where the crown of the tree had collapsed. The smell of blood left by the werewolf was the strongest here, and there was also a depression on the ground made by the werewolf when he fell from a height.

But the problem is that the werewolf who was originally here a moment ago is not here now.

No! But where did it go?

The Wolf King raised his ears and swung his head as he looked for subtle sounds around him.

Because the Wolf King was too close to the trunk of the big tree, it was difficult for the human knight to attack, so he called his men to also approach along the trunk. Other than that, the only sound was the sound of footsteps quietly leaving the place.

But the distance of this voice is already a bit far away. It seems that when it was fighting humans just now, that hateful guy had slipped away quietly.

If it were normal, it would only take one breath to run over and knock down the werewolf at this distance. Unfortunately, the injuries sustained during many days of fighting have greatly damaged its ability to move. Now one of its front legs has even been cut off, which has even affected its ability to move.


Following Knight Lanisa's greeting, Kil and the hunters quickly approached the place where the big tree collapsed.

The snow on the ground stirred up by the collapse of the big tree has slowly fallen, revealing the broken-legged wolf king hiding among them. The other party was in a very embarrassed state at the moment, with a small stream of blood flowing from the broken leg. The blood dripped to the ground, melting the large swaths of freshly fallen snow and mist into pure water.

The hunters' arrows were the first to attack. During the swishing shots, the wolf king shook his only left front paw and tried to move in one direction on his two hind legs.

Because of the fallen tree, Knight Lanisa had placed the metal spear in the weapon rack next to the saddle of the war horse. She jumped off the horse with her one-handed heavy sword, and she and Kil were ready for battle, one on each side. Catch up and get close to the Wolf King.

Both of them were wearing armor, so it was impossible to hide their footsteps. Before the two of them got close, the Wolf King made defensive movements.

Kiel walked on the left and found that the Wolf King on the opposite side mainly focused on the defense of Lanisha Knight, and his side seemed not to pay much attention to it.

This allowed him to see an opportunity.

As if he sensed Kil's thoughts, the surface of the ax he carried behind him dimly lit up.

Salsa, salsa, Kil's legs pushed aside the soft snow blocking the road, and quickly approached the opponent from behind the Wolf King. The Wolf King is quite tall. Even when he is squatting on the ground, mainly summoning the female knight's feint attack, he is twice as tall as Kiel standing up.

Knowing that he was not strong enough, Kil quickly approached the Wolf King and stabbed the wound on the Wolf King's back with his sword. He raised his body and stabbed the long sword in his hand toward the wound high in front of him.

With a pop, the tip of the sword penetrated completely, and he immediately felt the Wolf King tightening the muscles on his back, trying to jam Kiel's long sword into it.

Kil pulled the long sword downward hard, and the sharp blade cut through the muscles blocking it, and as Kil pulled, it tore the fur and muscle tissue of the uninjured part of the Wolf King.

The Wolf King was really helpless by the wound on its back. He turned around at the waist and bit directly at the little person who caused trouble behind him.

With a whoosh, as the wolf king turned around and bit, a huge fishy smell hit him. Kiel instinctively raised his shield to defend, but only after making the move did he realize that he should retreat and dodge.

Fortunately, the Wolf King originally wanted to bite Kiel, but as the opponent raised his shield and knocked it on his teeth, the Wolf King directly closed his mouth and bit the left and right sides of Kiel's shield. Then his head turned, and he picked up Kil, who was holding the shield tightly, in his mouth, and shook him back and forth.

Kil breathed nervously, his whole body swinging in the air like a little rag doll with the swing of the Wolf King.

For fear of accidentally injuring Kil, Lanissa Knight had no choice but to put away her weapon, flew up and kicked towards the Wolf King, but was blocked by the Wolf King with his claws.

In the chaotic and tense situation, the red-eyed mushroom candy pill that Kil had swallowed not long ago finally played its due role because of his high emotional tension.

The eyes under the visor gradually turned red, and everything around him gradually slowed down. Kil, who could only move his hands and feet in response to the violent swing of the Wolf King, finally came to his senses at this moment and knew that he had to fight back, otherwise he would die soon.

He got used to the Wolf King's swing, and immediately bent his body. He used his legs to hold the Wolf King's chin, and used the reaction force from his feet to slightly control the swing of his body.

Then he grasped the long sword in his right hand tightly and slashed hard towards the top of his left arm.

There is the nose of the Wolf King, and there are two arrows stuck in the nose that were shot by an unknown hunter.

For wolf-like beasts, their noses are the most nerve-rich place, and a blow will cause them great pain. At this moment, Kil counterattacked with his sword, and the entire long sword blade struck into the Wolf King's nose, almost splitting its nasal cavity in two.

The severe pain caused the Wolf King to let go of his mouth, and at the same time, he slapped Kil with his remaining left paw, sending him flying away from a distance. There was just something wrong with the feeling on the palm, but it couldn't care less.


When Keir hit the tip of the Wolf King's nose and the opponent loosened his mouth due to pain, he was ready for the Wolf King's next move. Sure enough, the opponent tried to slap him away. Kil stretched out his legs in the air and faced the palm of the opponent's paw.

With the huge force of the opponent's claws, Kil flew more than ten meters in the air, and then fell sideways to the ground.

Fortunately, the ground was covered with soft snow and rotten leaves. Apart from a piece of snow that was knocked open by hitting the ground, he himself was not seriously injured.

Just my legs are a little numb.

"Kiel! How are you?" Not far away, Lanissa Knight, who was fighting the Wolf King, still had enough energy to ask him about the situation.

Keir climbed up from the snow and shouted to indicate that he was okay.

The hunters came closer, and some young people climbed directly onto the trunk of the fallen tree, using this obstacle that could block the wolf king to shoot arrows from the superior wolf king.

They did not shoot directly and casually at the Super Wolf King. On the one hand, there were not many arrows left, and on the other hand, just hitting the intact fur on the Wolf King's body would be difficult to penetrate the opponent's tough wolf skin. So they directly aimed at the wounds on the Wolf King. At close range, they could hit a target the size of a coin, let alone the wounds on the huge Wolf King.

As a result, the Wolf King soon had several bows and arrows inserted into the wounds on his body. As he blocked the arrows from left to right and swung his body, more blood poured out of his wounds.

The hot blood ignited the wooden shaft and tail feathers of the arrow, leaving only the metal arrow stuck in the wound. With each movement, more new wounds and blood were brought out.

Knight Lanissa felt the wolf king's weakness more and more. Although the opponent's claws and bites were still powerful, the reaction was more than a beat slower, which made her believe that the wolf king opposite had become unconscious due to blood loss.


The beast soul derived from the cursed blood of the Wolf King is indeed blurred, but the human soul that has been suppressed in the body seems to be unchained and freer.

Although it felt weak with the loss of blood, its beast eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

Like a vague awakening from a late night's sleep, or like a reincarnated slumber in a legendary story, the soul of a middle-aged human knight is awakening in this huge, traumatized beast.

He knew everything he had experienced over the years, deception, pain, degradation, confusion, revenge, biting, regret, indulgence, fighting, training, commanding, attacking, and killing.

Everything flashed through his mind, some of which made him annoyed, some of which made him excited, some of which made him regret, and some of which made him sad.

All this seemed to happen out of his control, but he knew that everything he had done in the past few years was not something he would do. It seems to be the soul of a beast, but it is actually just himself.

That damned guy had told him on the day it happened that everything was their own. If they accepted their beast side, controlled and tamed it, they would be recognized by the great being and become recognized by the unspoken great being. people.

Just as there were rumors in his family, the tall alien warriors galloping on the grassland would have unparalleled power.


He still couldn't accept his beast soul. When it came to the door, he found that he hated him so much. Is that kind of beast soul that longs to fight, fight, and dominate really himself?

Rejecting the beast soul that originated from him had serious consequences.

The blood, which he didn't know whether to be cursed or blessed, brought great power. Coupled with his tempered warrior body and life force, it burst out far beyond the expectations of himself and those who bewitched him.

The soul of the beast smoothly controlled his entire body, and took control of the body during the body's transformation, driving the body to mix its power and transform towards the beast.

Human reason and dignity are wrapped up and swallowed by beastiality and imprisoned in the depths of the soul. Unless the soul of the beast that has gained huge power and dominance over the body is surrendered, no one can hear the cry for help from the depths of the mind of the huge beast.

Later, imprisoned in the depths of his mind, he saw 'himself' making more and more mistakes, which made him lose all the courage to fight back. He couldn't imagine how he would face the rest of his life after he surrendered the beast's soul.

The villagers, traders, hunters, and children who were bitten to death. The northern wolf that was 'reproduced' by it himself.

He closed the eyes of his soul tightly, even though its gaze was like a torch.

He covers the soul's ears, even if it is sensitive to hearing.

He tied his hands and feet, but was unable to match its huge stature, and its strength was lower than that of five oxen.

He remained silent, but was defeated by his command, and the wolves surrendered.

He was in pain, but it was confident.

It's a pity, it's a pity that even if this beast is the beast side of his soul and has inherited too many things from him, it is still no match for the daughter he bred and cultivated with his own hands.

The Wolf King weakly resisted Knight Lanissa's more and more aggressive attacks, with only love and satisfaction in his eyes.

The little guy who did training activities with him when he was a child has grown up so big in the blink of an eye. Since his daughter became a girl, she has become less and less interested in learning his training to become a knight-level warrior, and has become more like him. My wife likes to sit quietly in a clean place in the house and read books describing the world.

He was a little proud when he thought about this. Some of the books in it were purchased at the request of his wife, who had not yet entered into a marriage contract, when he was adventuring in various places. My younger self had to spend some of my tight funds to buy expensive books.

However, these various books from all over the world are an important helper for him to win the favor of his wife and her family.

His daughter, who grew up as a young girl, liked books as much as his wife. He hesitated and sent her to a scholar in the provincial capital for further study. After all, Kendall City is a young city that was founded less than a hundred years ago. Although the Kendall family as local rulers is famous for their knowledge, similar knowledge has never spread to the other party.

If you want to really learn something, you still have to go beyond Kendall County.

He thought that his daughter would take another life path that had nothing to do with him. But unexpectedly, after going round and round, it was originally planned that his youngest son would inherit his knighthood and knightly skills, but unexpectedly, because he was bewitched by others, everything turned back.


"Ah! Die!" Knight Lanissa shouted angrily, holding the one-handed heavy sword with both hands. A clever sword move avoided the swiping claws, and instead slashed at the base of the claws, on the soles of the wolf's feet. Knock the claw away far away.

The claws flying and spinning in mid-air finally embedded themselves in the fallen tree trunk nearby, startling the young hunter who was squatting on it, and moved back slightly.

Did he just feel a slight sting from his palm? No, the Wolf King of the North came from the forefoot. He didn't even care if a claw was chopped off. How can these small physical pains compare to the pain it has caused to others over the years?

As the high-temperature blood continued to flow from the wounds all over his body, he knew clearly that his life might not be long anymore, even if the beast soul curled up in the depths of his soul licking his wounds kept screaming at him, urging him as a human He had to think of a way, otherwise they would all die.

Haha, such an ending is most suitable for a 'beast'.

He has no interest in finding a way out, and is extremely afraid of the consequences of surrendering the beast's soul. Life has become like this, and he simply cannot accept the consequences that will follow.

If possible, he would rather die as a 'beast' than as a human being. Because he has a successor, and he doesn't want his foolish actions many years ago to bring a stain on his hero's surname. Ancestor of the family, I have done something wrong. I should not covet the blood power hidden in my hometown. Isn’t the true strength gained through hard work enough? I was possessed by some evil spirit and would agree to the words of such a guy who can hide his face.

Please forgive me, ancestors.

Please forgive me, my wife.

Please forgive me, my two children.

I have brought shame on you.

The Wolf King's eyes that could already see some things were closed again.

This made Knight Lanissa, who had been fighting cautiously, pause for a moment, and then cautiously retreat a distance.

"Be careful, this Wolf King is a bit strange!" She warned her subordinates, and also reminded herself this way. The hunters all responded and dispersed further, wary of any comebacks from the Northland Wolf King.

They were no better than the Knight Lanissa in armor, or even better than Kil, unable to withstand any attack from the Wolf King when he came close. Unlike Kil, after being shot away by the Wolf King, he returned to the battlefield like nothing happened.

Kil raised the 'new' weapon in his hand, and he put the shield back and hung it behind his left shoulder. This excellent, tried-and-tested shield was really ineffective when facing a behemoth of the size of the Wolf King. Great. So instead of occupying an arm, it's better to put it away.

The so-called 'new' weapon in his hand now is actually because he considered that when fighting a behemoth like the Wolf King, it is really dangerous to fight in close quarters.

Different from the previous fight against the spider-shaped monster in the western mountains of Bingxun Pass, that monster was very huge, as big as a small house, making it difficult for the opponent to notice his close attack.

But opponents of Wolf King's size were different. They were all capable of crushing him, but Wolf King was agile and could easily turn his body to catch him. This is too dangerous.

So after Kil was knocked to the ground just now, he thought of using the remaining ax surface of the two-handed ax that was fixed on the back of the water-crossing head, plus the rope that fixed it, to make an alternative throwing ax. , as a special means for him to participate in the next battle.

He took apart the rope, twisted it into a strand, and passed it through the groove in the axe surface that fixed the ax handle. This place that ran through the entire back of the axe surface made it easy for the rope to pass through. After passing through it, simply tie it with a knot, and the remaining part of the ax can be thrown.

As a simple attack method, it can come in handy at this time.

Seeing Kil rejoining the battle, Lanissa Knight nodded and asked about Kil's situation.

The guy in Kildian's hand replied confidently: "No problem. This ax of mine seems to want to join the war too!"

Knight Lanisha chuckled. She had heard from Keir about how he obtained the ax, but she didn't care much about this spiritual alternative weapon. For a knight noble who is entrusted by his lord with the responsibility of defeating the monsters in the territory, compared to the spiritual weapons that sometimes work and fail to work, the solid, loyal and reliable weapons in his hands are what the warriors love and trust. Fighting partners.

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