Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 119, Heart Piercer and Whirling Ax

"Since there is no problem, let's fight!" After Knight Lanisa said, she set an example and walked forward around the Wolf King.

Kil shook the ax in his hand and walked around in the other direction.

Knight Lanissa rushed towards the Wolf King, slashing down with the one-handed heavy sword in her hand. Such a powerful attack made the Wolf King retreat back to avoid it.

But the Wolf King took a step back and hit the branches behind him. Although these things were slender, they hindered the Wolf King's next movements. After Knight Lanissa slashed with her sword, she then moved sideways to dodge, and swung her sword upward.

But the Wolf King seemed to have changed. He did not use the usual method of fighting wild beasts. Instead, he boldly stuck his claws on the knight and lifted the sword to the highest point. Taking advantage of the loss of strength, he grabbed him directly.

Knight Lanissa was taken aback and immediately retreated to regain control of the weapon.

But although the claws of a giant beast of the size of the Wolf King are rough, it is difficult to grasp things with the clawed palms. But that's not what the Wolf King had planned at this time.

He just slightly hindered Lanissa Knight's attack, and then took advantage of the opponent's supposed opportunity to fight for weapons to give himself a chance to fight back.

The Wolf King propped himself up on one leg, and then kicked out a furry hind leg directly in front of him.

This blow was far beyond the expectations of everyone present. It hit the knight directly, his armor made a creaking sound, and he flew backwards.

The one-handed heavy sword held in the Wolf King's claws escaped from the Wolf King's grasp due to the force, and directly pulled out a laceration of more than ten centimeters in the palm of the beast.

It's a pity that the Wolf King has lost too much blood. Even if such a wound is left at this time, no more blood can emerge from these wounds.


Boom! Hiss hiss.

Knight Lanisa flew out and landed on the ground, her armor sliding for a while due to the friction of the snow on the ground before stopping.

"Ugh. Ugh." Lanisha Knight lay on the ground and groaned in pain.

But when she thought of the enemy Wolf King, she immediately got up with the help of her heavy sword. Looking up, I found that the Wolf King seemed to want to escape from here, and Kil was currently blocking the Wolf King.

If it were normal, Kil would naturally not be the Wolf King's opponent. There would be no chance of a fight, and he would be killed by the Wolf King.

But after these days of fighting, although she herself received some injuries, the wolf king opposite also suffered more serious injuries because of their human wisdom and bravery.

When Knight Lanissa was carelessly knocked away, Kil realized that he was going to suffer. But since the battle had come to this point, it was naturally impossible for him to just give up all the results and let him and the hunters watch the Wolf King escape. war.

He had heard from old hunters that no matter how seriously injured they had inflicted on the Northland Wolf King in past winter expeditions, after the other party returned and came back the next year, the Wolf King would act as if he had never been injured before. gesture appears.

In the first few years, they thought they had different opponents, but when the Wolf King took out an empty wolf skin that could be controlled freely, they realized that this guy, like many scaly animals, sheds its skin every year. Then the injuries will all heal.

Therefore, to deal with this wolf king, one must either eliminate it directly, or else the battle that consumes materials and lives will be useless.


Kil rushed forward, grabbed the end of the rope tied to the ax head with one hand, swung it and threw it towards the escaping Wolf King.

The axe's surface emitted a faint light, sending out a whirling straight line and hitting Kil's back leg directly.

There was a pop, not much blood flowed out, but most of the ax blade was smashed into the flesh of the Wolf King's leg. The huge wolf king staggered and fell to the ground.

Although he was unable to do so, the Wolf King, who only had three legs left, could only lift the injured leg and foot, touch the ground slightly, and forcefully move in one direction at a speed half slower than before.

"Hoo ho ho."

There was a low, muffled mocking sound in the woods, coming from the direction in which the Wolf King was moving. This aroused the Wolf King to roar angrily, and even caused injuries to his legs.

Kil didn't think too much and rushed forward boldly.

When the Wolf King saw that this troublesome little man dared to come over, he immediately roared at Kil Barya. Although Kil was startled, he suddenly felt that the Wolf King at this time was less wild and reckless like the previous Wolf King, and more like he was scaring him.

Taking advantage of the effect of the homemade sugar pills, Kil moved towards the Wolf King's newly injured hind leg.

At the same time, a little further away, fellow hunters shot arrows at the Wolf King's head and face to support Kiel's actions. They must at least not let the Wolf King escape before Knight Lanissa comes to fight.

Faced with the many arrows shot at him, the Wolf King dodged strangely. It was not until some arrows hit him without causing him any harm that the Wolf King realized what he was doing, and then he swung his claws to hit the ground. The snow picked up and spread, forming a snow mist that obscured the sight of the hunters.

The hunters were in a bit of a dilemma. If they got closer, they could see clearly through the snow and fog and shoot, but their weakness in close combat and the lack of armor on their bodies meant that facing the Wolf King was like nothing.

But if they don't get close, the snow mist will greatly affect the accuracy of their shooting. They might be in trouble if they miss the Wolf King but hit Kil.

Fortunately, with a whistle, Knight Lanisa ran over quickly on her horse.

She still couldn't recover from the previous impact for a short period of time. Not only was her mind buzzing, but when her body was completely hit, it was the brief moment when she failed to use her life force to protect herself and focus on slashing.

In the past battles, no matter how she was injured, she used the life force all over her body to form a frame-like support and buffer structure inside her body. As a result, she was unexpectedly found by the Wolf King just now. The strength of the battle converted her weakness and gave her a hard blow.

But it doesn't matter. She is young and strong. With the recovery of life energy that fills her body, the body organs that were shaken and displaced after being kicked will soon be fine.

She climbed onto the horse and let the horse carry her in pursuit. If it is inconvenient to move, just drive the war horse to move at high speed.

Lululu, the rumble of war horse hooves is approaching quickly.

Kil, who was wandering and fighting beside the Wolf King, took advantage of the moment when the Wolf King turned to look at the approaching knight, sprinted to the Wolf King's legs, and grabbed the rope that he had already set his sights on.

When he held the rope in his hand, the ax on the other end of the rope burst out with a ball of blue light, flew out of the Wolf King's leg wound, and fell to the ground.

There was only a small amount of blood burning on the blue ax surface, and Kil, who was frightened by the spontaneous movement of the ax, also noticed this.

He knew that no matter how weird and strange the Wolf King was, as long as it was still a living thing, it would definitely be close to death if the blood in its body was so low.

Although the opponent may have other abilities, as long as they humans stabilize the situation, the opponent will definitely die.

While he was thinking about it, he certainly wasn't idle either. He smoothly dodged the claws of the Wolf King's legs, rolled forward and avoided the sweep of half of the Wolf King's tail.

Finally, Kil squatted and swung the rope, causing the ax on the other end of the rope to fly up and hit the wolf king's tail as it swept back.

Kil had never used a similar weapon before, so he just swung the rope vigorously. Although he could barely control the direction with the quick reaction brought by the sugar pill, he himself had no hope for the outcome of this attack. of.

But the 'Overwater Head' ax doesn't think so.

In the blue light that filled the ax face again, the ax adjusted the angle of its brief flight, and then collided with the severed tail wound of the Wolf King.



The bones of the Wolf King are naturally very tough. But the ax made of an unknown material did not give in. With the clear sound of bones cracking, most of the blade of the ax cut into the Wolf King's tail.

Feeling blessed, Kil grabbed the rope and twirled it a few times, then pulled it. The tight rope seemed to be transmitted to the axe. The blue light on the axe shrank and expanded, directly breaking the original rope. Half of the wolf's tail exploded again and a smaller half was lost.

"It's amazing!" Kil himself was a little surprised.

He just acted as his mind changed, but he didn't expect such a result.


At the same time, Knight Lanessa lay on the back of her horse, holding a metal spear in both hands, and rushed straight into the snow mist stirred up by the Wolf King's claws.

She didn't need to use her eyes to see, she only knew what was happening inside hidden by the snow and fog through the magic perception of her eyes.

The Wolf King turned his head, noticing her coming.

Kil, who was twisting the spider-shaped monster's limbs all over his body, controlled the invisible magic spider legs for some unknown reason, intentionally or unintentionally, and moved his blue axe.

As soon as the ax is moved, an illusory spider figure will appear in the blue magic light, and with the release of power, half of the Wolf King's tail will be blown to pieces.

I don’t know if it’s good luck or sadness for this young man.

At the same time, she also noticed a figure covered in twisted magic power in the distance, but the figure was not far or near from here. It seemed to be the werewolf.

She knew what the werewolf was paying attention to, after all, she had thought so before. However, the situation is changing rapidly, and when it's time to show off your strength, you have to do something.

Waiting for nothing will lead to nothing.

Therefore, Lanissa Knight, who broke through the snow and fog and returned to the battlefield, decided to bring an end to this battle that had been spreading for many years.

What appeared before the Wolf King's eyes before the armored head of the war horse was the tip of a double-edged metal spear.

The blade that has been corroded and torn by magic sparks has some tiny twisting patterns. These weird patterns actually strengthen the sharpness and toughness of the entire gun blade.

The straight forward gun movement represents her determination and will.

Facing this blow that he felt was invulnerable, he felt a little regretful and proud at the same time.

It's a pity that his daughter's shot was not the result of his careful teaching. But on the other hand, through the regrettable experiences of these years, did he indirectly serve as his opponent and hone his daughter's skills?

He could no longer perform such a high-level horseback thrust after his body was hit with a huge force. Originally, he planned to give his daughter a gut-shaking kick when he saw her using his own fighting moves, telling her to stay where she was and not get involved in what happened next.

He would use this twisted and blasphemous body to kill the guy who made him become like this, and then die of exhaustion while holding on to the giant wolf's body.

He knew that a body like the North Wolf King would definitely be dismantled and used in various places after death, but this method of death for a beast was quite suitable for him who had now turned into a beast.

At least this way the family's honor can be preserved.

But his daughter exceeded his expectations, endured the pain and rode a horse to fight, and displayed a skill that she could not do.

Maybe it's time for me to quit.

After all, he had been defeated and killed by the 'beast soul' in his heart many years ago.

What I am thinking about now may just be the evil spirits brewed by the hatred and regret from back then.


In this way, the Wolf King did not react and allowed the charging horse to stab the gun through the entire middle of the wolf's chest.

This shot penetrated between the ribs on the Wolf King's side, directly cutting off the hard ribs blocking the way. The force was the same, mixed with the full impact of the knight's horse, and the heart pumping the twisted and cursed blood in the Wolf King's chest was Destroy with one hit.

Lanissa Knight was willing to risk her blow, but she did not expect that the Wolf King did not dodge at the last moment and directly withstood her full blow with his chest.

how come?

But the situation did not allow her to think too much, because the Wolf King did not dodge, so the entire war horse hit the Wolf King's body straight.

There was a loud rumble, and the impact caused the surrounding snow that was about to fall again to fly into the sky again. Kil was also knocked to the ground by the force of the collision.

He was not injured, so he got up immediately.

When I stood up and took a look, I found that Knight Lanisa's horse fell to the ground far away, leaving a long mark on the ground. It itself was very energetic, and kept shaking its head and neck, trying to turn itself over.

This couldn't be easier for it when it's not wearing armor. Unfortunately, it was now wearing a set of heavy, thick, and excellent defensive vests, which protected it, but also prevented it from getting up.

At the same time, Knight Lanissa also fell into the traces left by the horse's fall to the ground. One of her arms was twisted strangely, and there was blood from the joint gap in the armor.

Lanissa Knight didn't seem to faint due to the impact, but it was definitely not uncomfortable. She was barely using one arm to push herself up from the prone position, but it was not easy.

Because there was blood dripping from her helmet and visor.

"Lord Knight! How are you doing?" Kil asked loudly.

There was a bloody sound from under the female knight's visor, followed by a clear response: "I'm fine. How is the wolf king? Is he dead? If not, ahem, little Kil, the honor of killing him I’ll give you a share. Haha, cough cough.”

As she spoke, she coughed up some blood, which flowed out from the gaps in her faceplate, looking quite embarrassed. But her voice was still very powerful, indicating that her lungs were not seriously injured.

Kil was reminded by the female knight, and then he came back to his senses. Yes, the Wolf King is the key now.

He turned around and saw that the huge wolf king was lying on the ground, with a spear inserted directly into the side of his body. The spear was still his.

Anyone with this injury would be dead, but Kil opened his eyes wide as he lifted his visor.

Because even after suffering such serious injuries, the Wolf King was still not dead.

Its pair of beast eyes changed color repeatedly. For a while, they were normal beast eyes, and for a while, they became bright and glowed blood-red. Similar to Kil's eyes at this time, but they look much more evil and full of madness.

The giant wolf was twisting its head and neck, looking at Knight Lanisa, and slowly waving its claws, scraping the ground little by little, and moving in the direction of Knight Lanisa.

The Wolf King's huge legs showed no signs of moving, and he just moved slowly towards Knight Lanissa with a single claw that shimmered.

Kil drew out his sword and hunted. He was about to rush forward, but he lowered his head and caught the rope tied to the ax in his hand.

He held a long sword and an ax tied with a rope, and ran towards the Wolf King.

Knight Lanisa also opened her faceplate, which was filled with blood, and turned around to see the Wolf King who was gradually approaching.

Seeing the Wolf King's appearance at this time, she was inexplicably shocked, but her whole body ached, so she had no choice but to use her unbroken arms to support her body and move towards the war horse.

Fortunately, Kil arrived in time and stabbed the Wolf King in the eye with his sword.

He was worried that the wolf king's hard skull would block the attack, so he started directly from the eyes and penetrated the brain with a sword to kill the northern wolf king.


But he failed to do so. Although the Wolf King was on the verge of death, since he could still move, he was not an opponent that Kil could kill head-on.

It just raised its only giant claw and blocked Kil's attack.

The long sword pierced the shimmering leg claws. No blood flowed out. Instead, a violent magic spark surged out from the wound.

These magical powers that are visible to the naked eye are quite violent. Once they are out of the control of the Wolf King's body, they will inflict casual injuries on both the enemy and the friend. The tip of Kil's long sword shot out a lot of metal sparks, and the huge force pushed Kil directly to the ground.

But these magic sparks burned even the Wolf King himself at this moment, and the twisted power burned the fur and muscles of the giant claws to pieces. However, there was no trace of pain in the Wolf King's crazy eyes at this moment.

Knight Lanisa spat out some blood angrily: "Idiot! Use your ax!"

Kil quickly got up and took a look at the magic sparks on the tip of the sword. He felt that these things that could destroy everything could not be put into the scabbard, so he inserted the hunting sword upside down into the ground, allowing those magic sparks to follow the earth. Let's compete.

Then he looked at the Wolf King three or four meters away and caught the rope that fell to the ground when he fell.

"Swing it!"

Lanissa Knight shouted.

Kil stared closely at the wolf king who was about to continue moving, holding the rope with one hand and throwing the more than ten kilograms of ax head with the other hand. Then the rope was turned, and the sharp edge of the ax began to cut the air, mixing with the rope and making a whirring sound.

"Just throw it out, your ax will kill it by itself!!"

Lanisha Knight said words that Kil couldn't understand.

But Kil decided to do it. After all, the other party didn't seem to care about his weapon before, and he knew it quite well.

So, Kilta used all his strength. As he quickly turned the rope again and again, the ax emitted a bright blue light. During the rapid rotation, one after another faint monster heads appeared on the surface of the axe.

They smell fresh prey.

Perhaps, the little ax will lick a new resident later?


"Ha!" Kil roared and released his palms, letting the double ropes fly out of his hard leather gloves.

But something seems wrong in the direction?

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